Written on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 12:00 AM
heyy .. ystd, went out again . but not far far away from my house . still in tampines :) da mcm phobia plak naik MRT . hahas . ystd, instead of azhar, we went out with, khairiyah, shahrezal and shafiq .
firstly, me, kak inna and khairiyah met at the small mac . after that, we went shopping ! okk, i was out of my mind that time . i suddenly became so loud and crazy . yeaa .. hahas . kak inna bought a tube at this fashion, i bought a pair of earrings and a ring at montip . khairiyah, she didn't buy anything . heehs . ok then, we went straight to the library to borrow some books (: angel laa, kan ? heehs . well, not me, cause i didn't borrow any . hahas .
as we were walking to the library, kak inna talked about an unknown who have been bugging her life . aku terase ! cause i was keeping quiet that time then suddenly she said, " si unknown to teros tk ckp " . then i go mad and said, " kerane dher penat, tauu ?! " haha . then, for a second, they thought i was the unknown . then, i laughed and said, " korang tengah cakap pasal sape seyy ? " the they said, " inna's blog " ahaas . then i was like, tersenyum and feel so paisey ! haha . it was oh-so memalukan . haha . we laughed all the way till we reached the library .
then, sebelom masuk library, kak inna gave us a warning . kene diam laa ! hahas . then, i was like, ok wait, i make a lot of noise first, then i shout . haha . like, whatever laa, kan ? stepped into the library, and my mood changed . suddenly became so tired and sleepy . so i went to the back of all chairs and slept . haahs :} they were like so busy finding books and i was like, eeew ! bookworm !.. hehe . then, i straight went to la-la land . and, when i was there, i got lost and woke up . khairiyah sat beside me and said, " illa, tido ? " i was like, look up, saw shahrezal and shouted, " eh ! shahrezal ! " haha . then, went back to sleep . still in the library, ok ? the second level one .
after that, kak inna came and woke me up saying, " oi illa, masih tido ? kita nak g laa . " so i woke up, smiling for no reason . kak inna walked towards shahrezal and shafiq and invited them to lepak with us . and i was still walking to the door . you know how stupid i am ?! i walked one round, ok ? bodoh right ? then, all of them looked at me and started laughing . haii .. kesian aku, jadi clown . khairiyah siad i looked as if i'm drunk ! haha . mabuk tauu, mabuk ! then, we went off .
me and khairiyah led the way to the place we wanted to lepak at . but we didn't know we were leading . we were waiting for them to stop, then, we stop . we walked straight . sampai north park, pun tak stop stop . sampai depan Tampines JC baru kita stop, and sit . haahs . then, they said, i became emo . ughh ! fuck off ! aku tak emo ! they said, i suddenly became quiet . i went to the playground and i was thinking of something . something, not for you to know . then, a few minutes after that, we jalan . went to NTUC cause granny ask to buy something there . then, go home . they teman me and kak inna laa ! yayy . then, they help carry the plastic some more . and now, i gain weight . 42 kg, bodoh ! berat siakk . but it was still acceptable (:
then, at home, i slept . like, the whole day ! cause im gila gila tired . hehehs . then, when i woke up, kak inna said i was being emo just now cause of the way i walk . haii .. so i asked her to describe to me . she said, i was walking aimlessly, slowly, looking down, no expression . i was like, ohh woww . i ain't emo, oke ! hehehs . next time continue, can ?
dada ! bye & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: heehs .

Written on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 12:00 AM
heyy .. ystd, went out again . but not far far away from my house . still in tampines :) da mcm phobia plak naik MRT . hahas . ystd, instead of azhar, we went out with, khairiyah, shahrezal and shafiq .
firstly, me, kak inna and khairiyah met at the small mac . after that, we went shopping ! okk, i was out of my mind that time . i suddenly became so loud and crazy . yeaa .. hahas . kak inna bought a tube at this fashion, i bought a pair of earrings and a ring at montip . khairiyah, she didn't buy anything . heehs . ok then, we went straight to the library to borrow some books (: angel laa, kan ? heehs . well, not me, cause i didn't borrow any . hahas .
as we were walking to the library, kak inna talked about an unknown who have been bugging her life . aku terase ! cause i was keeping quiet that time then suddenly she said, " si unknown to teros tk ckp " . then i go mad and said, " kerane dher penat, tauu ?! " haha . then, for a second, they thought i was the unknown . then, i laughed and said, " korang tengah cakap pasal sape seyy ? " the they said, " inna's blog " ahaas . then i was like, tersenyum and feel so paisey ! haha . it was oh-so memalukan . haha . we laughed all the way till we reached the library .
then, sebelom masuk library, kak inna gave us a warning . kene diam laa ! hahas . then, i was like, ok wait, i make a lot of noise first, then i shout . haha . like, whatever laa, kan ? stepped into the library, and my mood changed . suddenly became so tired and sleepy . so i went to the back of all chairs and slept . haahs :} they were like so busy finding books and i was like, eeew ! bookworm !.. hehe . then, i straight went to la-la land . and, when i was there, i got lost and woke up . khairiyah sat beside me and said, " illa, tido ? " i was like, look up, saw shahrezal and shouted, " eh ! shahrezal ! " haha . then, went back to sleep . still in the library, ok ? the second level one .
after that, kak inna came and woke me up saying, " oi illa, masih tido ? kita nak g laa . " so i woke up, smiling for no reason . kak inna walked towards shahrezal and shafiq and invited them to lepak with us . and i was still walking to the door . you know how stupid i am ?! i walked one round, ok ? bodoh right ? then, all of them looked at me and started laughing . haii .. kesian aku, jadi clown . khairiyah siad i looked as if i'm drunk ! haha . mabuk tauu, mabuk ! then, we went off .
me and khairiyah led the way to the place we wanted to lepak at . but we didn't know we were leading . we were waiting for them to stop, then, we stop . we walked straight . sampai north park, pun tak stop stop . sampai depan Tampines JC baru kita stop, and sit . haahs . then, they said, i became emo . ughh ! fuck off ! aku tak emo ! they said, i suddenly became quiet . i went to the playground and i was thinking of something . something, not for you to know . then, a few minutes after that, we jalan . went to NTUC cause granny ask to buy something there . then, go home . they teman me and kak inna laa ! yayy . then, they help carry the plastic some more . and now, i gain weight . 42 kg, bodoh ! berat siakk . but it was still acceptable (:
then, at home, i slept . like, the whole day ! cause im gila gila tired . hehehs . then, when i woke up, kak inna said i was being emo just now cause of the way i walk . haii .. so i asked her to describe to me . she said, i was walking aimlessly, slowly, looking down, no expression . i was like, ohh woww . i ain't emo, oke ! hehehs . next time continue, can ?
dada ! bye & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: heehs .

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
an outing on 9th of November
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2008
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