Written on Saturday, March 8, 2008 @ 4:45 PM
yep . & so, i did it . hmmm .. i feel bad & happy . but mostly, bad ): if theres no me, the break up wont ever happen . if theres no him, nth would have happened . gaaaa ... why me ?
last friday, i actually stayed in school until 2.30 PM . it was funn . shafiqa, noura, yanti & i became high . who knows ? maybe that will be the last ? oh sungguh tk perlu illa . extra . pfft . then after that, i went home, change into casual & went to nazrah's . waited for her to change . while waiting, i msged kak sidah & asked whatever that had happen for the past few days . well, that guy's really a chicken, i guess . allow me to share with u ..
around 4 (me) kak sidah ? what happen between u & ur guy ? what did he say ? (her) oh i wanted to break up with him but he didn't accept it . he said he flirted with u to grab my attention . (me) i was thinking, asshole, i said .. really ? well, he's meeting me today . wanna come ?
she called me & asked me for infos . well, both of us had to be home before 5 .
(me) today meeting ? (him) he called me . he said .. u wanna meet ? (me) up to u . i thought u said u were free after 4 . so i asked if we meeting or not . (him) who are u with ? (me) friend . why ? (him) oh if theres ur friend, then, dont need to meet .
i was like, wth ? grr .
4.15 PM nazrah by then da siap . she was like, wtf ? leceh uh tu jantan . hahaha . then we were like finding someone's name, anybody's name to lepak with . as i was searching through her phone book .. i saw his name .
(me) sial . u know hilmi ayam ? (her) yaa . eh, how u know him ? (me) i should be asking u, deng . he's the himi that we're gonna meet ! (her) huh ? serious ? f*** i meeting him bsk ! he said .. smth smth smth syg . blaablaa . (me) kiwakk . ni jantan ..
thats when i called kak sidah & told her that he also flirted with nazrah . that can't possibly be grabbing someone's attention, was it ?. btw, if we're in a relationship, u want attention or lack of attention, tell ur mate on the face !! me, nazrah & kak sidah became so angry we decided to meet up & plan on smth . it was as if we're going to catch Mas Selamat . hahah .
i lied to hilmi saying that im meeting him & im alone . after hearing 'alone' .. he decided to meet up .
4.40PM talking to amee & nazrah in tampines mart mac . then, saw qayyum & salihin in ite simei uni coming in . qayyum smiled . but i didn't know that they were there to spy too . received call from kak sidah .
(me) hello ? (her) illa, where u ? (me) in mac . (her) oh, just to let u know, im opposite mac . i can see everything from here . so, if he reach there, sit outside so i can see, ok ? (me) ok, best .
i didn't remember that actually he wanted to sit somewhere where there's no one . i called kak sidah ..
(me) where u ? (her) opposite blk .
i crossed the road & saw her . hanged up the phone & dashed across the road .
4.50PM (me) kak sidah, me & my friend were planning .. if he come already, u team up with nazrah & follow me frm the back . then, 1, 2, 3 .. u go to him . (her) huh ? why ? where is he now ? (me) called him . probably still at home . gaaa . (her) huh ? i have to be back by 5 ! (me) me too ! if only azhar was here . he could help . (her) azhar, azhar ! (me) dont play a fool laa . (her) noo . really he's here .
went to azhar & he did what he was suppose to do . msged ibu (: then .. my time was extended till 6 . yep . while talking .. qayyum called azhar .
(him) illa's not in the mac . she went outside . (azhar) relax, i know . like police siaa .
hahah . fun tauu ! hhes . sad at that moment ):
5.10 ? received call from hilmi . he said he was going to reach there around 5-10 minutes time . he wanted to meet at the block beside mac . i told them . so .. yeah . we met . scary !.. heheh . he's like soooooo tall ! oh my gosh . when he sits down, he's like .. already my height ? dammit . i feel super short . heh .
then the plan goes . when .. amee, NOURA & nazrah came . he was like, " eh there ur friend " i acted as if i was angry with them . hehe . pretending (: clever at that . and am proud of it . heehs . ok then .. he said, " if they were to come, i will be going back " sial laa . chicken laa sia . hehe . actually, amee wanted her phone back . thanks yaw . for lending me ur phone . my bat da mampos . heh . yeah . then, came back & again pretend to be pissed off . so, i brought him further from that place . yep . nazrah & kak sidah were still following . heehs . they walk so slow (: ape laaa .
then, when he turned back, i think he saw kak sidah . then he's face changed . & he quickly walked away . omgayy . can i slap him ? ugh . maybe he was thinking that i would run after him . please, dont dream . not even coming true .
went to kak sidah . she cried . if only i could kill him . i mean, he's got ONE right ? why must he be scared ? berani buat berani tanggung uhh siaa . part cool is that he's "scandal" > nazrah, girlfriend > kak sidah .. now knows each other . & i'm like just a friend, i guess . heehs . ok what ? not that badd . heh . & we know each other ! wahh . confirm best punye . hahha .
then the story ends . the end . oh yaa, qayyum forgot to give nazrah her $2 back, i guess =.=
Labels: can i can i ? kill him .

Written on Saturday, March 8, 2008 @ 4:45 PM
yep . & so, i did it . hmmm .. i feel bad & happy . but mostly, bad ): if theres no me, the break up wont ever happen . if theres no him, nth would have happened . gaaaa ... why me ?
last friday, i actually stayed in school until 2.30 PM . it was funn . shafiqa, noura, yanti & i became high . who knows ? maybe that will be the last ? oh sungguh tk perlu illa . extra . pfft . then after that, i went home, change into casual & went to nazrah's . waited for her to change . while waiting, i msged kak sidah & asked whatever that had happen for the past few days . well, that guy's really a chicken, i guess . allow me to share with u ..
around 4 (me) kak sidah ? what happen between u & ur guy ? what did he say ? (her) oh i wanted to break up with him but he didn't accept it . he said he flirted with u to grab my attention . (me) i was thinking, asshole, i said .. really ? well, he's meeting me today . wanna come ?
she called me & asked me for infos . well, both of us had to be home before 5 .
(me) today meeting ? (him) he called me . he said .. u wanna meet ? (me) up to u . i thought u said u were free after 4 . so i asked if we meeting or not . (him) who are u with ? (me) friend . why ? (him) oh if theres ur friend, then, dont need to meet .
i was like, wth ? grr .
4.15 PM nazrah by then da siap . she was like, wtf ? leceh uh tu jantan . hahaha . then we were like finding someone's name, anybody's name to lepak with . as i was searching through her phone book .. i saw his name .
(me) sial . u know hilmi ayam ? (her) yaa . eh, how u know him ? (me) i should be asking u, deng . he's the himi that we're gonna meet ! (her) huh ? serious ? f*** i meeting him bsk ! he said .. smth smth smth syg . blaablaa . (me) kiwakk . ni jantan ..
thats when i called kak sidah & told her that he also flirted with nazrah . that can't possibly be grabbing someone's attention, was it ?. btw, if we're in a relationship, u want attention or lack of attention, tell ur mate on the face !! me, nazrah & kak sidah became so angry we decided to meet up & plan on smth . it was as if we're going to catch Mas Selamat . hahah .
i lied to hilmi saying that im meeting him & im alone . after hearing 'alone' .. he decided to meet up .
4.40PM talking to amee & nazrah in tampines mart mac . then, saw qayyum & salihin in ite simei uni coming in . qayyum smiled . but i didn't know that they were there to spy too . received call from kak sidah .
(me) hello ? (her) illa, where u ? (me) in mac . (her) oh, just to let u know, im opposite mac . i can see everything from here . so, if he reach there, sit outside so i can see, ok ? (me) ok, best .
i didn't remember that actually he wanted to sit somewhere where there's no one . i called kak sidah ..
(me) where u ? (her) opposite blk .
i crossed the road & saw her . hanged up the phone & dashed across the road .
4.50PM (me) kak sidah, me & my friend were planning .. if he come already, u team up with nazrah & follow me frm the back . then, 1, 2, 3 .. u go to him . (her) huh ? why ? where is he now ? (me) called him . probably still at home . gaaa . (her) huh ? i have to be back by 5 ! (me) me too ! if only azhar was here . he could help . (her) azhar, azhar ! (me) dont play a fool laa . (her) noo . really he's here .
went to azhar & he did what he was suppose to do . msged ibu (: then .. my time was extended till 6 . yep . while talking .. qayyum called azhar .
(him) illa's not in the mac . she went outside . (azhar) relax, i know . like police siaa .
hahah . fun tauu ! hhes . sad at that moment ):
5.10 ? received call from hilmi . he said he was going to reach there around 5-10 minutes time . he wanted to meet at the block beside mac . i told them . so .. yeah . we met . scary !.. heheh . he's like soooooo tall ! oh my gosh . when he sits down, he's like .. already my height ? dammit . i feel super short . heh .
then the plan goes . when .. amee, NOURA & nazrah came . he was like, " eh there ur friend " i acted as if i was angry with them . hehe . pretending (: clever at that . and am proud of it . heehs . ok then .. he said, " if they were to come, i will be going back " sial laa . chicken laa sia . hehe . actually, amee wanted her phone back . thanks yaw . for lending me ur phone . my bat da mampos . heh . yeah . then, came back & again pretend to be pissed off . so, i brought him further from that place . yep . nazrah & kak sidah were still following . heehs . they walk so slow (: ape laaa .
then, when he turned back, i think he saw kak sidah . then he's face changed . & he quickly walked away . omgayy . can i slap him ? ugh . maybe he was thinking that i would run after him . please, dont dream . not even coming true .
went to kak sidah . she cried . if only i could kill him . i mean, he's got ONE right ? why must he be scared ? berani buat berani tanggung uhh siaa . part cool is that he's "scandal" > nazrah, girlfriend > kak sidah .. now knows each other . & i'm like just a friend, i guess . heehs . ok what ? not that badd . heh . & we know each other ! wahh . confirm best punye . hahha .
then the story ends . the end . oh yaa, qayyum forgot to give nazrah her $2 back, i guess =.=
Labels: can i can i ? kill him .

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
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