Written on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @ 6:01 PM
heyyyy :DDD since tmr's the last paper, lets start getting things updated. bout the papers, next week i'll post bout it. dont wanna be too stressed out thinking of it.
hoho. currently chatting with shaffy. lemme give u an extract of what we're chatting about. haha.
{♥}ILLA says: exam bsk abes. {♥}ILLA says: no more excuses. {♥}ILLA says: online often. shaffyclownie says: hahahahah. {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: jambu kepe siaa {♥}ILLA says: sape, kau? kau memang la jambu, kate shaffy mah. shaffyclownie says: denial shaffyclownie says: lawah seh illa {♥}ILLA says: ape plak denial? shaffyclownie says: tkder paper shaffyclownie says: aghagha {♥}ILLA says: hahahahha {♥}ILLA says: pe saje. {♥}ILLA says: ehhhh! aku happy.
i said smth personal.
shaffyclownie says: inilah miracle of syawal {♥}ILLA says: padahal days bkn years. aku exaggerating jee. shaffyclownie says: buah nangka , buah cempedak , shaffy pon mcm phm jugak {♥}ILLA says: haha. tau pon. shaffyclownie says: haha. lawan pantun {♥}ILLA says: uhuh. jap aku pikir. {♥}ILLA says: aku peh smer lamelame kay. {♥}ILLA says: aku tk pndi sgt. shaffyclownie says: no sweat {♥}ILLA says: buah rambutan, buah kiwi, sedar jugak diri sendiri. {♥}ILLA says: haha.. kay lame. shaffyclownie says: ok pek shaffyclownie says: bagus tu shaffy sedar diri, at least tk bangga diri sendiri {♥}ILLA says: kene balas eh? shaffyclownie says: ye {♥}ILLA says: orang bobal sume beralas. aku tak tau cmne nk balas! {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: waa not bad shaffyclownie says: HMM {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: balas cpat! shaffyclownie says: sabar2 {♥}ILLA says: aite, berpantun plak kite. shaffyclownie says: kalau tk tau balas , pergi lah isi borang maklum balas shaffyclownie says: balas cepat! shaffyclownie says: haha {♥}ILLA says: sabar aku pikir. {♥}ILLA says: ade keropok, ade kerepek. bobal jgn nak merepek! {♥}ILLA says: haha. cpat balas! shaffyclownie says: u play game , no shame shame , i tink ur pantun very lame shaffyclownie says: ur turn {♥}ILLA says: my pantun lame, or u now shameshame? because u know i win the game! {♥}ILLA says: haha. balik pade kau. shaffyclownie says: if u win the game , y does it take u soo long , to type the lame lame lame , plus plus stupid song {♥}ILLA says: i need brains to think. not just throwing stuffs in. & its not a song, you got it wrong. {♥}ILLA says: go go! reply. shaffyclownie says: dont u know , tt sajak or pantun is a song , so u try say soooo , to a long long song {♥}ILLA says: we were writing poems, instead of songs. ohmy ohmy! your so wrong! shaffyclownie says: dnt u know , tt songs n poems r the same , nt in snow , bt in this game shaffyclownie says: go go {♥}ILLA says: sabar! shaffyclownie says: kk shaffyclownie says: no sweat girl shaffyclownie says: steady {♥}ILLA says: eh eh. bkn song sey. no hard feelings eh. jgn nk paisey. {♥}ILLA says: rhyme tak? shaffyclownie says: yea bby shaffyclownie says: my turn {♥}ILLA says: ok go. shaffyclownie says: fine uh , just admit u're afraid of losing , from shaffy uh , then people will goo boring! shaffyclownie says: goo {♥}ILLA says: tk rhyme langsong babe. shaffyclownie says: u tink {♥}ILLA says: u wanna do again or i do now? shaffyclownie says: u do now {♥}ILLA says: excusez-moi. à qui effrayé de perdre. u ou moi ? pensez cela le bébé. {♥}ILLA says: phm tak? bahase french. shaffyclownie says: just first line {♥}ILLA says: hha. aku translate kay. {♥}ILLA says: excuse me. whose afraid of losing? u or me? think about it baby. {♥}ILLA says: ok done shaffyclownie says: if u wanna speak french , better dnt eh , cz u will trench , n lose eh shaffyclownie says: tgk aku cpat shaffyclownie says: ur turn again {♥}ILLA says: da tk phm. {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: so what if i speak french? asal salah eh? u dont understand french? too bad eh.
moreover uh, ur twisting things around laa asal uh? dont change subject laa. {♥}ILLA says: go! shaffyclownie says: waa 8 lines pek {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: lawan lincah. {♥}ILLA says: dari malay ke english ke french sak aku. shaffyclownie says: OKAY lets get things clear , wth r we dOIng now u now kindda fear fear fear , fear of thw WOW shaffyclownie says: goo shaffyclownie says: cute gmbr {♥}ILLA says: we were talking bout poems and songs. then suddenly about french, thats wrong. whose afraid of what, dong? oooooh, the fact you've given is so so wrong! shaffyclownie says: i tell u whose afraid ya ure afraid tts rite , u r nw im gonna say boo-ya when im drivin in my new car {♥}ILLA says: oooh, dgrdgr kau ade car? so what if you say boo-ya? im still not afraid laaa. don't have license, can drive uh? shaffyclownie says: ya i gt a car , y not happy is it not afraid not afraid uh like i car bit by bit
no license , i dont care still gonna drive it cz i dare n nt afraid of ziztz {♥}ILLA says: oh oh, so brave isit? oh what a lie. please laa stop it. tmr i dare you, you drive? {♥}ILLA says: go. shaffyclownie says: ya i know im brave ah dong u wanna me to drive , i drag u along so cn give me FIVE {♥}ILLA says: ni btol tk btol? bring me to my JB hse, will you? you pay the toll. kau kene tangkap aku lari dulu. {♥}ILLA says: bluek! shaffyclownie says: yep thts is a fact y cnt accept it ? i'll bring u to a pack , pack of wat ? pack of cheesy-bitz {♥}ILLA says: haha. {♥}ILLA says: kk. {♥}ILLA says: aku tk kalah, aku tk menang. aku malas nk pikir. tu pasal aku kasi kau menang.
ade lori ade bas, lain hari boleh balas. {♥}ILLA says: amcm? shaffyclownie says: maner ada lain kali , kalau nk serah diri , kalau tkt sakit hati , kiter continue lain hari {♥}ILLA says: aku tak sakit hati. kau phm ke tak ni? aku cume malas sekali. nak pikir byk kali.
aku anything kau nak win? kau better think. cause aku cnfm win {♥}ILLA says: eh lagi satu. shaffyclownie says: kalau kau nk aku win , maknenye ko kalah , so u leave me in , so ko bleh blah {♥}ILLA says: aku ni anything. yang previous thing. jgn byk thinking. aku only kidding kidding.
ade keropok, ade kerepek. kan aku da start aku peh merepek. shaffyclownie says: kalu dh tau , bgs lah tu , tapi ko der start , sbab ko mepek selalu , so now i wanna go n fart {♥}ILLA says: aku blah. kau tepuk tgn sebelah. tkde org nk tepuk ngn kau. aku kan da blah. shaffyclownie says: bla bla black sheep , have u any wool ? now i wanna go n sleep , n leave this stupid fool {♥}ILLA says: aku merepek. kau ape kurang nyee. jgn merepek. ew, busuk nyeeeeee! {♥}ILLA says: eh eh suka hati nmpk? aku kidding2. tapi ade limit ye kak. tk semestinye aku anything. shaffyclownie says: aku ke kau yg merepek ? kalau aku merepek pandai so skg aku nk pegi belikan kau kerepek , naik aku peh keldai {♥}ILLA says: s'pore ade keldai? eh lupe, kau pat zoo. ape bende kau pandai? aku da start sakit, hachooo! shaffyclownie says: kau luper sbab ko nyanyok , abeh nk hachoo hachoo , masih sempat fikir psl blog , aku mkn hi-chew {♥}ILLA says: saje saje pggl aku nyanyok? buat klaka pe girl? nenek-nenek pon rock. kau mkn hi-chew, pikir aku kesah pe? shaffyclownie says: u claimed tt u frget wat then now u wanna blame me huh ? i eat hi-chew for wat ? to forget bout this uhuh {♥}ILLA says: org lupe tk semestinye org nyanyok. sape blame kau? org lupe tu org STM. kau nk lupe psl ni? Oh wow. shaffyclownie says: kau nk step ckp paantun pat sini , tell u wat , forget it lah eh , ckp org tk sedar diri , nk rhyme kan pon tau eh {♥}ILLA says: ini bukan pantun syg oi. its normal sentences. serious. {♥}ILLA says: kan aku da ckp, aku mls nk pikir, kau degil nk continue asal? shaffyclownie says: aku kan semangat shaffyclownie says: dh lh rest shaffyclownie says: pnat shaffyclownie says: ckp biase {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: tu uh {♥}ILLA says: eh! gmba kau cute shaffyclownie says: oi shaffyclownie says: sengajer nk buat aku kembang {♥}ILLA says: aku serious, cute sak. {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: dh dh
sikit peh mapeyk pantun kite. haha. funny siol. do this often uh. gerek. padehal bsk maths paper sak. hahah.
Labels: cool or what?

Written on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @ 6:01 PM
heyyyy :DDD since tmr's the last paper, lets start getting things updated. bout the papers, next week i'll post bout it. dont wanna be too stressed out thinking of it.
hoho. currently chatting with shaffy. lemme give u an extract of what we're chatting about. haha.
{♥}ILLA says: exam bsk abes. {♥}ILLA says: no more excuses. {♥}ILLA says: online often. shaffyclownie says: hahahahah. {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: jambu kepe siaa {♥}ILLA says: sape, kau? kau memang la jambu, kate shaffy mah. shaffyclownie says: denial shaffyclownie says: lawah seh illa {♥}ILLA says: ape plak denial? shaffyclownie says: tkder paper shaffyclownie says: aghagha {♥}ILLA says: hahahahha {♥}ILLA says: pe saje. {♥}ILLA says: ehhhh! aku happy.
i said smth personal.
shaffyclownie says: inilah miracle of syawal {♥}ILLA says: padahal days bkn years. aku exaggerating jee. shaffyclownie says: buah nangka , buah cempedak , shaffy pon mcm phm jugak {♥}ILLA says: haha. tau pon. shaffyclownie says: haha. lawan pantun {♥}ILLA says: uhuh. jap aku pikir. {♥}ILLA says: aku peh smer lamelame kay. {♥}ILLA says: aku tk pndi sgt. shaffyclownie says: no sweat {♥}ILLA says: buah rambutan, buah kiwi, sedar jugak diri sendiri. {♥}ILLA says: haha.. kay lame. shaffyclownie says: ok pek shaffyclownie says: bagus tu shaffy sedar diri, at least tk bangga diri sendiri {♥}ILLA says: kene balas eh? shaffyclownie says: ye {♥}ILLA says: orang bobal sume beralas. aku tak tau cmne nk balas! {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: waa not bad shaffyclownie says: HMM {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: balas cpat! shaffyclownie says: sabar2 {♥}ILLA says: aite, berpantun plak kite. shaffyclownie says: kalau tk tau balas , pergi lah isi borang maklum balas shaffyclownie says: balas cepat! shaffyclownie says: haha {♥}ILLA says: sabar aku pikir. {♥}ILLA says: ade keropok, ade kerepek. bobal jgn nak merepek! {♥}ILLA says: haha. cpat balas! shaffyclownie says: u play game , no shame shame , i tink ur pantun very lame shaffyclownie says: ur turn {♥}ILLA says: my pantun lame, or u now shameshame? because u know i win the game! {♥}ILLA says: haha. balik pade kau. shaffyclownie says: if u win the game , y does it take u soo long , to type the lame lame lame , plus plus stupid song {♥}ILLA says: i need brains to think. not just throwing stuffs in. & its not a song, you got it wrong. {♥}ILLA says: go go! reply. shaffyclownie says: dont u know , tt sajak or pantun is a song , so u try say soooo , to a long long song {♥}ILLA says: we were writing poems, instead of songs. ohmy ohmy! your so wrong! shaffyclownie says: dnt u know , tt songs n poems r the same , nt in snow , bt in this game shaffyclownie says: go go {♥}ILLA says: sabar! shaffyclownie says: kk shaffyclownie says: no sweat girl shaffyclownie says: steady {♥}ILLA says: eh eh. bkn song sey. no hard feelings eh. jgn nk paisey. {♥}ILLA says: rhyme tak? shaffyclownie says: yea bby shaffyclownie says: my turn {♥}ILLA says: ok go. shaffyclownie says: fine uh , just admit u're afraid of losing , from shaffy uh , then people will goo boring! shaffyclownie says: goo {♥}ILLA says: tk rhyme langsong babe. shaffyclownie says: u tink {♥}ILLA says: u wanna do again or i do now? shaffyclownie says: u do now {♥}ILLA says: excusez-moi. à qui effrayé de perdre. u ou moi ? pensez cela le bébé. {♥}ILLA says: phm tak? bahase french. shaffyclownie says: just first line {♥}ILLA says: hha. aku translate kay. {♥}ILLA says: excuse me. whose afraid of losing? u or me? think about it baby. {♥}ILLA says: ok done shaffyclownie says: if u wanna speak french , better dnt eh , cz u will trench , n lose eh shaffyclownie says: tgk aku cpat shaffyclownie says: ur turn again {♥}ILLA says: da tk phm. {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: so what if i speak french? asal salah eh? u dont understand french? too bad eh.
moreover uh, ur twisting things around laa asal uh? dont change subject laa. {♥}ILLA says: go! shaffyclownie says: waa 8 lines pek {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: lawan lincah. {♥}ILLA says: dari malay ke english ke french sak aku. shaffyclownie says: OKAY lets get things clear , wth r we dOIng now u now kindda fear fear fear , fear of thw WOW shaffyclownie says: goo shaffyclownie says: cute gmbr {♥}ILLA says: we were talking bout poems and songs. then suddenly about french, thats wrong. whose afraid of what, dong? oooooh, the fact you've given is so so wrong! shaffyclownie says: i tell u whose afraid ya ure afraid tts rite , u r nw im gonna say boo-ya when im drivin in my new car {♥}ILLA says: oooh, dgrdgr kau ade car? so what if you say boo-ya? im still not afraid laaa. don't have license, can drive uh? shaffyclownie says: ya i gt a car , y not happy is it not afraid not afraid uh like i car bit by bit
no license , i dont care still gonna drive it cz i dare n nt afraid of ziztz {♥}ILLA says: oh oh, so brave isit? oh what a lie. please laa stop it. tmr i dare you, you drive? {♥}ILLA says: go. shaffyclownie says: ya i know im brave ah dong u wanna me to drive , i drag u along so cn give me FIVE {♥}ILLA says: ni btol tk btol? bring me to my JB hse, will you? you pay the toll. kau kene tangkap aku lari dulu. {♥}ILLA says: bluek! shaffyclownie says: yep thts is a fact y cnt accept it ? i'll bring u to a pack , pack of wat ? pack of cheesy-bitz {♥}ILLA says: haha. {♥}ILLA says: kk. {♥}ILLA says: aku tk kalah, aku tk menang. aku malas nk pikir. tu pasal aku kasi kau menang.
ade lori ade bas, lain hari boleh balas. {♥}ILLA says: amcm? shaffyclownie says: maner ada lain kali , kalau nk serah diri , kalau tkt sakit hati , kiter continue lain hari {♥}ILLA says: aku tak sakit hati. kau phm ke tak ni? aku cume malas sekali. nak pikir byk kali.
aku anything kau nak win? kau better think. cause aku cnfm win {♥}ILLA says: eh lagi satu. shaffyclownie says: kalau kau nk aku win , maknenye ko kalah , so u leave me in , so ko bleh blah {♥}ILLA says: aku ni anything. yang previous thing. jgn byk thinking. aku only kidding kidding.
ade keropok, ade kerepek. kan aku da start aku peh merepek. shaffyclownie says: kalu dh tau , bgs lah tu , tapi ko der start , sbab ko mepek selalu , so now i wanna go n fart {♥}ILLA says: aku blah. kau tepuk tgn sebelah. tkde org nk tepuk ngn kau. aku kan da blah. shaffyclownie says: bla bla black sheep , have u any wool ? now i wanna go n sleep , n leave this stupid fool {♥}ILLA says: aku merepek. kau ape kurang nyee. jgn merepek. ew, busuk nyeeeeee! {♥}ILLA says: eh eh suka hati nmpk? aku kidding2. tapi ade limit ye kak. tk semestinye aku anything. shaffyclownie says: aku ke kau yg merepek ? kalau aku merepek pandai so skg aku nk pegi belikan kau kerepek , naik aku peh keldai {♥}ILLA says: s'pore ade keldai? eh lupe, kau pat zoo. ape bende kau pandai? aku da start sakit, hachooo! shaffyclownie says: kau luper sbab ko nyanyok , abeh nk hachoo hachoo , masih sempat fikir psl blog , aku mkn hi-chew {♥}ILLA says: saje saje pggl aku nyanyok? buat klaka pe girl? nenek-nenek pon rock. kau mkn hi-chew, pikir aku kesah pe? shaffyclownie says: u claimed tt u frget wat then now u wanna blame me huh ? i eat hi-chew for wat ? to forget bout this uhuh {♥}ILLA says: org lupe tk semestinye org nyanyok. sape blame kau? org lupe tu org STM. kau nk lupe psl ni? Oh wow. shaffyclownie says: kau nk step ckp paantun pat sini , tell u wat , forget it lah eh , ckp org tk sedar diri , nk rhyme kan pon tau eh {♥}ILLA says: ini bukan pantun syg oi. its normal sentences. serious. {♥}ILLA says: kan aku da ckp, aku mls nk pikir, kau degil nk continue asal? shaffyclownie says: aku kan semangat shaffyclownie says: dh lh rest shaffyclownie says: pnat shaffyclownie says: ckp biase {♥}ILLA says: haha {♥}ILLA says: tu uh {♥}ILLA says: eh! gmba kau cute shaffyclownie says: oi shaffyclownie says: sengajer nk buat aku kembang {♥}ILLA says: aku serious, cute sak. {♥}ILLA says: haha shaffyclownie says: dh dh
sikit peh mapeyk pantun kite. haha. funny siol. do this often uh. gerek. padehal bsk maths paper sak. hahah.
Labels: cool or what?

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
A guy who have been there for me for nearly 2 YEAR...
HELLO! yay yay.I didn't post for the past few days...
I am so gonna fail Science. Screw Science. Pfffft....
Wow. I really love designing. I guess, I really wa...
Ehh, ASSley. Listen eh, I didn't add u up to befri...
Finally, a new skin. all by me. Ok, actually, i ju...
I was thinking of fasting the whole month w/o chea...
SHIT LAAA.I'm thirsty. *Blushes*But that doesn't m...
back from school. got back home straightaway. oh, ...
Hey People. Guess what? My sister left me & now, h...
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