Written on Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Wah wah wah. I got hell from Mr Ex Tunang yesterday. He said fuck me. So I said, fuck him back. And he laughed and said JOM. Wthhhh.
Okay btw, weird news. Remember the guy who confessed to me? Yea, yesterday we fought. Rabak siol. Like seriously. Then he gave me an online message. He said never to talk to him again. Kimak, kpo sia. Aku ckp dulu, bodowww. Oh and I rejected him when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Nyeahaha!
K so, when I onlined, I said, "Haha. Not to worry. I won't!" The convo was friggin' complicated and weird.
Him: And dear, I like you. Me: And what am I supposed to do huh? Him: But I love another girl. Me: Well, then that's great news! Him: No. Me: Why so? Him: Because I have to choose between you & her, and I chose you. Me: I swear! I don't understand. You just said you loved another girl. Him: Huh? Me: Y'know, if you have to choose between 95% & 5%, it's better you choose 95%. Him: Wow. You know so much about love. Can be my adviser? Haha. Me: Adviser? You must be outta your mind. Him: But what you said was true. It's better I choose 95%. Me: Well, I'm glad I knocked some sense out of you. Him: Haha. But dear.. Me: You still calling me that? Him: You be my adik uh! HAHA. Me: Eh, are you crazy? Him: Because you see, we'll always fight when we're lovers. Me: Lovers? Since when? Him: Okay, no. When I love you so much. More than anything else. Me: Then isn't it awkward to be god siblings? Him: Haha! Can whaaat. ADIK. Hehe. So funny. Me: Haha. Up to you. Him: But baby, I still love you ): Me: WTF? You said you only liked me. Him: The problem is, I want to always be close to you. That's why. Me: Despo siak you. Jangan gini uh. Him: Well, to me.. anything can happen. So, I love you ADIK. Mwarks. Me: Wow. Him: I still wanna flirt with you. Can? Me: No! Him: Alaaa. Youuuuuuuuuu. Me: Ape you you? Sepak kepala you! Him: I love you. Me: I don't. Him: YOUUUU! Me: Apa laaa gila. Him: I miss you, b. Me: I don't. Him: ADIK KU SYG! Me: What? Him: I can't treat you as adik ): Me: Wth. Him: YOUUUUUUUUU! I tetap syg you. Me: Uh ye. Okay. Him: Hehe, I love you. Me: I sayang manusia lain you. Him: Tkpe, I tunggu untuk you. Me: Eh rabak sia member. Him: I da ckp pe I syg you. Me: Ugh. Suke hati laa. Him: Sorry you. You know how happy I am to see you laugh and smile? Kalau tak nan I you selalu muram. See, I sanggop buat ape saje tuk baby I satu-satunya. Me: BABY?! You da knape? Tk bbl nan you lagi eh! Him: Alaa. Ok ok. I love you. *sent the flying kiss wink* Me: Oh. Hah. Okay. Him: I happy uh you. Me: Asal? Him: Sebab I da lama tak bbl na you sweet sweet gini. Me: Hah. Him: Youuu.. Me: Bye. Him: YOOOOUU! Me: What? Him: You nak g skg? Me: Uhh. Him: Ok then ): Me: Okay bye. Him: Bye b. I miss you I love you. Mwarks.
Isn't he weird? Yes he is. But I am so in love with I.... No, I'm not telling you who~ But his name starts with an I ^.^
Ok lorrr. That's all lorr. Have fun lorr. Take care lorr. Bye lorr! I love him so much lorr (: He at work lorr! He tired lorr. Pity him lorr. He want to quit lorr. I said cannot lorr. He say he want to find another work lorr. Then I said up to you lorr. He say thanks dear lorr. I said no problem manja lorr. Then he kena go lorr. Then I sad sad lorr. Then he calling calling me lorr. Then I laugh laugh lorr. Then he kiss me lorr. Then I kiss him back lorr. At the cheeks, forehead and lips lorr. He also lorr. So fun saying lorr lorr. No actually annoying lorr. But nehmyne lorr. Once in a blue moon lorr. Wth lorr. Then he syg syg me one lorr. Then I syg syg him back laaa horrr! Dah pnat aku bbl psl law. Bye (:

Written on Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Wah wah wah. I got hell from Mr Ex Tunang yesterday. He said fuck me. So I said, fuck him back. And he laughed and said JOM. Wthhhh.
Okay btw, weird news. Remember the guy who confessed to me? Yea, yesterday we fought. Rabak siol. Like seriously. Then he gave me an online message. He said never to talk to him again. Kimak, kpo sia. Aku ckp dulu, bodowww. Oh and I rejected him when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Nyeahaha!
K so, when I onlined, I said, "Haha. Not to worry. I won't!" The convo was friggin' complicated and weird.
Him: And dear, I like you. Me: And what am I supposed to do huh? Him: But I love another girl. Me: Well, then that's great news! Him: No. Me: Why so? Him: Because I have to choose between you & her, and I chose you. Me: I swear! I don't understand. You just said you loved another girl. Him: Huh? Me: Y'know, if you have to choose between 95% & 5%, it's better you choose 95%. Him: Wow. You know so much about love. Can be my adviser? Haha. Me: Adviser? You must be outta your mind. Him: But what you said was true. It's better I choose 95%. Me: Well, I'm glad I knocked some sense out of you. Him: Haha. But dear.. Me: You still calling me that? Him: You be my adik uh! HAHA. Me: Eh, are you crazy? Him: Because you see, we'll always fight when we're lovers. Me: Lovers? Since when? Him: Okay, no. When I love you so much. More than anything else. Me: Then isn't it awkward to be god siblings? Him: Haha! Can whaaat. ADIK. Hehe. So funny. Me: Haha. Up to you. Him: But baby, I still love you ): Me: WTF? You said you only liked me. Him: The problem is, I want to always be close to you. That's why. Me: Despo siak you. Jangan gini uh. Him: Well, to me.. anything can happen. So, I love you ADIK. Mwarks. Me: Wow. Him: I still wanna flirt with you. Can? Me: No! Him: Alaaa. Youuuuuuuuuu. Me: Ape you you? Sepak kepala you! Him: I love you. Me: I don't. Him: YOUUUU! Me: Apa laaa gila. Him: I miss you, b. Me: I don't. Him: ADIK KU SYG! Me: What? Him: I can't treat you as adik ): Me: Wth. Him: YOUUUUUUUUU! I tetap syg you. Me: Uh ye. Okay. Him: Hehe, I love you. Me: I sayang manusia lain you. Him: Tkpe, I tunggu untuk you. Me: Eh rabak sia member. Him: I da ckp pe I syg you. Me: Ugh. Suke hati laa. Him: Sorry you. You know how happy I am to see you laugh and smile? Kalau tak nan I you selalu muram. See, I sanggop buat ape saje tuk baby I satu-satunya. Me: BABY?! You da knape? Tk bbl nan you lagi eh! Him: Alaa. Ok ok. I love you. *sent the flying kiss wink* Me: Oh. Hah. Okay. Him: I happy uh you. Me: Asal? Him: Sebab I da lama tak bbl na you sweet sweet gini. Me: Hah. Him: Youuu.. Me: Bye. Him: YOOOOUU! Me: What? Him: You nak g skg? Me: Uhh. Him: Ok then ): Me: Okay bye. Him: Bye b. I miss you I love you. Mwarks.
Isn't he weird? Yes he is. But I am so in love with I.... No, I'm not telling you who~ But his name starts with an I ^.^
Ok lorrr. That's all lorr. Have fun lorr. Take care lorr. Bye lorr! I love him so much lorr (: He at work lorr! He tired lorr. Pity him lorr. He want to quit lorr. I said cannot lorr. He say he want to find another work lorr. Then I said up to you lorr. He say thanks dear lorr. I said no problem manja lorr. Then he kena go lorr. Then I sad sad lorr. Then he calling calling me lorr. Then I laugh laugh lorr. Then he kiss me lorr. Then I kiss him back lorr. At the cheeks, forehead and lips lorr. He also lorr. So fun saying lorr lorr. No actually annoying lorr. But nehmyne lorr. Once in a blue moon lorr. Wth lorr. Then he syg syg me one lorr. Then I syg syg him back laaa horrr! Dah pnat aku bbl psl law. Bye (:

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Cair kejap siot.
Bu, Nak Kahwin Uh. Bley? HAHA!
I feel like slitting your throat. No, mine.
selamat pagi dunia!
Rise and Shine!
Salam Sayang
Illa's becoming a cry baby because of you!
1 2 3 not only you & me
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