Written on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:18 AM
hello . second post for the day . yepyep . today, school was okaay . noura talked to me . i talked to her . then, she tried to sort things out . & it worked . good job . & guess what ? sooner or later, i predict, me & noura are gonna fight again . nak bet ? heheh .
so yeahh . after sch .. ashiqin got a call from aidil . pikir ape . nak ckp ngn MRS NAMITO kesayangan dher tuu, nazrah (: then, he wanted to meet . nazrah actually couldn't make it . but, me, being the nice one ( ok illa, jgn prasan ) said, " nehmyne laa . just meet . we do project there . " she was like yeay illa ! whhe ~
aidil kept on asking on where to meet . he was at tamp library . so i told him, " cross the road, take bus 28 . meet at east spring . " cheyy . dorang nak jumpe aku yg settle tempat . hahha . then when we saw aidil coming down from the bus . with his friend, muz or mus or idk . ugh . nazrah became so shy she don't wanna go there . omg . guess what ? she brought noura & yan along . noura was as usual, acting childishly . aidil told us that she sound so budak kecik . ahha . yeah . so, after sending us ( me & nazrah ) to the bus stop, noura & yan went off . aidil was being annoyong . calling me emo & stuffs .
i was really annoyed i blurted out some things i was not suppose to say . u see, aidil was an ex admirer of mine . so, me & him, we now each other longer than he & nazrah . i was like, " rather than that someone . admits he's an emo . go to school wear eyeliner " hah . terdiam kau aidil ! first time dgr aku kurang ajar kan ? hahha . he was shy . thats why he didn't admit it .
nazrah called me a minah =.= hah . then, aidil thought she bastard me . hah ! aidil aidil . kau ehh . hahah . we walked to my house to put my bag down . down i carried aliyah out & said to aidil, " nii anak nazrah " he thought i wanted to bring aliyah along . omg . tkya suda . susahkan diri je . heheh . but she's adorable . ilovealiyah .
then, we went to nazrah's hse for her to change into PE attire . cause she was shy . her skirt was big & long . her mom disallowed her to use short skirts . then, when nazrah was changing . i went out of her hse to check out on the guys . i told aidil to wait . then he called me down . i said, " nak bobal, naik . tpi, sorang " because i know smth was going on .
he said, " nazrah isap rokok ? " so, i said no . i mean, its true . she dont . then he ask me, " kau ? " no ok ! then he said, " kawan aku pat bawah nak knal knal ngn kau . " so i was like . no way . don't even dream . that guy, aidil's friend, who liked me, serious talking uh . he won't get me . sorry man, but ive got standards . heh . jual mahal pulak . haha . so aidil was like, asal ? i said i just dont want . then he said, everybody, READ, he said .. " MASIH SUKEKAN HAKEEM EH ? " omg . what makes him say that ? i smiled and said no .
we went to lepak at north park, near to mine & nazrah's . then, we talked & talked . mus or muz was so annoying . kept on asking if he & me can .. u know . i wanted to say, " eh ! please eh . stop it . jgn tk tau malu uh . " mcm je . but, its very hurtful to tell that someone on the spot, for my case . aidil talked to me . he said, " laa . blang dher uh u dont like him . " i was like, NO ! then i say, " its not easy u know . " then he said, " it is " then i say, " did i tell u i dont want u so easily ? " he said, yaa . i said, " NO . it took time for me to think whether to take u or not ! " oops ! did i just say that ? cause he, after hearing that from my mouth, face to face kept quiet . i feel so sorry . i just dont want ur friend . really .
but still, he really wanted me to BE WITH that guy as a friend . aku tknk ! im arrogant . got problem ? i don't want to have anything to do with that guy ! he said, " if u never go to him, i'll make him come here . & i will hold ur hand tightly so u won't run . " he failed many times . i mean, grabbing my hand to stop me from running away . tk dpt uhh ! still, he succeeded . he grabbed my hand . i was trying to make him let go . we did some " dancing around, some twisting & turning . im sorry nazrah . if u saw it .. dont be jealous . i was just trying make him let go . & he terpakse hugged me because i was about to escape . so yeah . im really sorry . (: sorry ok ?
di situ, heheh . there, nazrah & muz or mus was so quiet . yg kecoh .. illa & aidil . oh biase . illa memang kecoh . tpi, tk sangke aidil bergitu kecoh . hah . first time meet . first impression . i dont need to attract anyone . so, i thought, i acted it all out . the first time he hear me shout, the first pinch and back-slapping he got from me, the first shitty stuffs he saw me doing . hahha . i've never done that to anyone but my family ! cooooool . bad bad impression illa ! hahha . eleh .. tpi, aidil was not at all different . bising nak mampos ! tsk . oh yeah, aidil also asked me if i was still with hakeem . because after the break up, he said hakeem told him, me & him patched again . damn ! im confused . his face was super serious . when he said hakeem & me patched . but, i quite didn't believe . of course . because after the second break up .. we never patch up again . but, still in contact . yeay ! but, now, we so called fight . because i hanged on hakeem . oh, im sorry .
yeah, i left them . i went back home & saw kakak, her bf, zhar & friends, khairiya & friends trying to sort things out . but, i was a bit blur i didn't saw them . i mean the faces . was quite blurish . they were all looking at me . not knowing it was them, i was a bit nervous . turned back because azhar called me . but stil didn't know it was him i turned back . then, i looked behind again & saw NAMITOS following . so, i went to them & walked with them . yeah .
i got to know it was my sister when she came back . from 5 plus till now . aidil & nazrah haven't went back . nazrah's mom sort of know about things when i called her . tsk . nazrah nazrah . ape je korang buat . alaa .. nazrah wont do anymore . i trust her . tpi, mane je korang pegi . aku tau responsible . tsk . balik cpat !
HAKEEM, IM SORRY Labels: yeaa

Written on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:18 AM
hello . second post for the day . yepyep . today, school was okaay . noura talked to me . i talked to her . then, she tried to sort things out . & it worked . good job . & guess what ? sooner or later, i predict, me & noura are gonna fight again . nak bet ? heheh .
so yeahh . after sch .. ashiqin got a call from aidil . pikir ape . nak ckp ngn MRS NAMITO kesayangan dher tuu, nazrah (: then, he wanted to meet . nazrah actually couldn't make it . but, me, being the nice one ( ok illa, jgn prasan ) said, " nehmyne laa . just meet . we do project there . " she was like yeay illa ! whhe ~
aidil kept on asking on where to meet . he was at tamp library . so i told him, " cross the road, take bus 28 . meet at east spring . " cheyy . dorang nak jumpe aku yg settle tempat . hahha . then when we saw aidil coming down from the bus . with his friend, muz or mus or idk . ugh . nazrah became so shy she don't wanna go there . omg . guess what ? she brought noura & yan along . noura was as usual, acting childishly . aidil told us that she sound so budak kecik . ahha . yeah . so, after sending us ( me & nazrah ) to the bus stop, noura & yan went off . aidil was being annoyong . calling me emo & stuffs .
i was really annoyed i blurted out some things i was not suppose to say . u see, aidil was an ex admirer of mine . so, me & him, we now each other longer than he & nazrah . i was like, " rather than that someone . admits he's an emo . go to school wear eyeliner " hah . terdiam kau aidil ! first time dgr aku kurang ajar kan ? hahha . he was shy . thats why he didn't admit it .
nazrah called me a minah =.= hah . then, aidil thought she bastard me . hah ! aidil aidil . kau ehh . hahah . we walked to my house to put my bag down . down i carried aliyah out & said to aidil, " nii anak nazrah " he thought i wanted to bring aliyah along . omg . tkya suda . susahkan diri je . heheh . but she's adorable . ilovealiyah .
then, we went to nazrah's hse for her to change into PE attire . cause she was shy . her skirt was big & long . her mom disallowed her to use short skirts . then, when nazrah was changing . i went out of her hse to check out on the guys . i told aidil to wait . then he called me down . i said, " nak bobal, naik . tpi, sorang " because i know smth was going on .
he said, " nazrah isap rokok ? " so, i said no . i mean, its true . she dont . then he ask me, " kau ? " no ok ! then he said, " kawan aku pat bawah nak knal knal ngn kau . " so i was like . no way . don't even dream . that guy, aidil's friend, who liked me, serious talking uh . he won't get me . sorry man, but ive got standards . heh . jual mahal pulak . haha . so aidil was like, asal ? i said i just dont want . then he said, everybody, READ, he said .. " MASIH SUKEKAN HAKEEM EH ? " omg . what makes him say that ? i smiled and said no .
we went to lepak at north park, near to mine & nazrah's . then, we talked & talked . mus or muz was so annoying . kept on asking if he & me can .. u know . i wanted to say, " eh ! please eh . stop it . jgn tk tau malu uh . " mcm je . but, its very hurtful to tell that someone on the spot, for my case . aidil talked to me . he said, " laa . blang dher uh u dont like him . " i was like, NO ! then i say, " its not easy u know . " then he said, " it is " then i say, " did i tell u i dont want u so easily ? " he said, yaa . i said, " NO . it took time for me to think whether to take u or not ! " oops ! did i just say that ? cause he, after hearing that from my mouth, face to face kept quiet . i feel so sorry . i just dont want ur friend . really .
but still, he really wanted me to BE WITH that guy as a friend . aku tknk ! im arrogant . got problem ? i don't want to have anything to do with that guy ! he said, " if u never go to him, i'll make him come here . & i will hold ur hand tightly so u won't run . " he failed many times . i mean, grabbing my hand to stop me from running away . tk dpt uhh ! still, he succeeded . he grabbed my hand . i was trying to make him let go . we did some " dancing around, some twisting & turning . im sorry nazrah . if u saw it .. dont be jealous . i was just trying make him let go . & he terpakse hugged me because i was about to escape . so yeah . im really sorry . (: sorry ok ?
di situ, heheh . there, nazrah & muz or mus was so quiet . yg kecoh .. illa & aidil . oh biase . illa memang kecoh . tpi, tk sangke aidil bergitu kecoh . hah . first time meet . first impression . i dont need to attract anyone . so, i thought, i acted it all out . the first time he hear me shout, the first pinch and back-slapping he got from me, the first shitty stuffs he saw me doing . hahha . i've never done that to anyone but my family ! cooooool . bad bad impression illa ! hahha . eleh .. tpi, aidil was not at all different . bising nak mampos ! tsk . oh yeah, aidil also asked me if i was still with hakeem . because after the break up, he said hakeem told him, me & him patched again . damn ! im confused . his face was super serious . when he said hakeem & me patched . but, i quite didn't believe . of course . because after the second break up .. we never patch up again . but, still in contact . yeay ! but, now, we so called fight . because i hanged on hakeem . oh, im sorry .
yeah, i left them . i went back home & saw kakak, her bf, zhar & friends, khairiya & friends trying to sort things out . but, i was a bit blur i didn't saw them . i mean the faces . was quite blurish . they were all looking at me . not knowing it was them, i was a bit nervous . turned back because azhar called me . but stil didn't know it was him i turned back . then, i looked behind again & saw NAMITOS following . so, i went to them & walked with them . yeah .
i got to know it was my sister when she came back . from 5 plus till now . aidil & nazrah haven't went back . nazrah's mom sort of know about things when i called her . tsk . nazrah nazrah . ape je korang buat . alaa .. nazrah wont do anymore . i trust her . tpi, mane je korang pegi . aku tau responsible . tsk . balik cpat !
HAKEEM, IM SORRY Labels: yeaa

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
dear noura,yes, i also have told others that nth w...
tell me, how hard can life be ? with people u love...
What She (kakak) Said To Me Illa, think through wh...
yaa . i think theres nothing left to say . all my ...
well, i find it easier to reply her here . so, REA...
yep . & so, i did it . hmmm .. i feel bad & happy ...
to read : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/im...
haiss .. i swear i ain't jealous or sad or anythin...
gaaa . i feel like noura is extremely angry with m...
todaay .. haiiyaaa . i tell u, fun siaa . me, ami ...
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