Written on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 2:36 AM
heyy . sorry for not posting . it's been the saddest day . since last saturday . but, err .. its too sad and personal to be told . sorry . and, hakeem told me this ..
first message : "Show me how to shower you with love, show me how to prove it to ya then" second message : "syg u love i and smile you made it least at but you to this give who person the kill to want will you message this reading after" (read it from the back) third message : "tell me please, if it concerns u then it concerns me too, we are a part not apart" (when i told him, i had a problem) forth message : "i love u even even more that words can't describe and u can't imagine . i am serious this time, i feel that i need u more the more we are apart"(this made me feel guilty) fifth message : "stop replying and go to sleep . i love u more okay and i've got 20 reasons why"(so i went to sleep, since i dont need to reply) sixth message : (these were his reasons) 1) i love u, 2) i like u, 3) i wanna be with u, 4) i want u to be mine, 5) i miss u, 6) i wish i could be with u forever, 7) i'll wait for u, 8) u are the prettiest girl, 9) i fell for u after meeting u, i seriously wan to be with u, 10) i can feel the sparks between us, 11) i am nothing without u, 12) i've never been in love as deeply as this before, 13) u are my sunshine, 14) let me shower u with love, 15) let me occupy ur empty hands, and never let go, 16) i wish there was no one in this world except us so i can have all the time in the world to spend with u and only u, 17) give me a chance to hug you for as long as you want, 18) let me kiss u on the lips so it could be a sweet memory till the day i am gone - last but not least, if i had one wish - it would be that we were never apart, 19) money is important to everyone but not to me as u lit the candle to my life, 20) i know this sounds emo and i dont like it but, its coming from my heart and you opened my heart for these words to be said . although words seem to be pointless, give me a way to show u that this is TRUE LOVE"
when i woke up i read it . and all that was so convincing and touching that i cried . whatever i did towards him was wrong . by ignoring him, and trying to forget him . i always thought he liked someone else . im so evil and cruel, dont you think ? to leave someone who loves me for who i am and not for what i am . and fuck, im evil . ughh !
tag replies - dammie : its not "YYME" laa . haii ... i use webdings . it will not turn out to be a heart sometimes . and its lagu girlfriend laa ! jingqing : heyys, u're linked ladyy ! kak afiqah : hello sweetie, i link u already (: henry : u dont even have a blog ?. dammie : eh kecik, dont be so over excited laa . khairiya : u're welcome, supergirl =P
dada ! byee & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: what do you think ?

Written on Thursday, November 15, 2007 @ 7:24 AM
hello .. just now, around .. 12 ? yeapp . 12 .. i was buying my school books . while waiting, i saw abang wan walking pass . so i go, "eh kakak, abg wan ! or maybe not . but the way he walks, the way he looks and his hairstyle . so same ! nehmyne . just wait and see . " i said that . kecoh kan ? alaa . i miss abang wan what . heehs . abe, he came towards us, and i go " eh, btol laa abg wan ! " kak inna looked so embarassed when i said that . ahaha .. yeaa ! than we said hello to each other . not kak inna, me and abg wan . yayy ! i love my abang a lot siaa ! heehs . then, da habis collect buku, g beli baju sekolah pulak . then he called me . write in script ehh ?
Abg Wan : Illa Illa : Ye ? Abg Wan : Illa jahat . Illa : Huh ?. Abg Wan : Illa jahat ! Illa : ape ? Abg Wan : tkde pape . Illa : *smile*
Okaay, frankly speaking, i don't know what the hell he was tryna' say . really . sorry ehh . heehs . then he went into the uniform place . i was like, why the hell he came here ?! oke, nehmyne . then like oh-so memalukan cause i dont know my size ! haha . dengs, siol ! then the auntie had to check my size . ukur depan abang wan seyy . malu laa ! auntie said, "boleh tak ?" i nod my head . and kak inna fucking sarcastic siaa . abe auntie started disturbing me . malu siaa . abe abang wan asek senyum senyum . haii .. once again, i became a clown . haha . anybody, opening circus and finding a new clown please contact me at, 6123 4567 . really ! or any hospital finding a good clown to take care of babies, do call ! i'd love to help out ! haha .then after all the school stuffs, me and kak inna went to mac . nearest to my school . waited for khairiyah . q-ed to order food . then saw lil miss bitchy . fuck her . she sucks . then, ate a little . then, go home, met sidah under the block and then now, they study .. next year sec 4 perhh .. baik gitu kan ? heehs .
dada ! byee & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥ Labels: just happened-s

Written on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 9:29 AM

Labels: gambar (:

12:00 AM
heyy .. ystd, went out again . but not far far away from my house . still in tampines :) da mcm phobia plak naik MRT . hahas . ystd, instead of azhar, we went out with, khairiyah, shahrezal and shafiq .
firstly, me, kak inna and khairiyah met at the small mac . after that, we went shopping ! okk, i was out of my mind that time . i suddenly became so loud and crazy . yeaa .. hahas . kak inna bought a tube at this fashion, i bought a pair of earrings and a ring at montip . khairiyah, she didn't buy anything . heehs . ok then, we went straight to the library to borrow some books (: angel laa, kan ? heehs . well, not me, cause i didn't borrow any . hahas .
as we were walking to the library, kak inna talked about an unknown who have been bugging her life . aku terase ! cause i was keeping quiet that time then suddenly she said, " si unknown to teros tk ckp " . then i go mad and said, " kerane dher penat, tauu ?! " haha . then, for a second, they thought i was the unknown . then, i laughed and said, " korang tengah cakap pasal sape seyy ? " the they said, " inna's blog " ahaas . then i was like, tersenyum and feel so paisey ! haha . it was oh-so memalukan . haha . we laughed all the way till we reached the library .
then, sebelom masuk library, kak inna gave us a warning . kene diam laa ! hahas . then, i was like, ok wait, i make a lot of noise first, then i shout . haha . like, whatever laa, kan ? stepped into the library, and my mood changed . suddenly became so tired and sleepy . so i went to the back of all chairs and slept . haahs :} they were like so busy finding books and i was like, eeew ! bookworm !.. hehe . then, i straight went to la-la land . and, when i was there, i got lost and woke up . khairiyah sat beside me and said, " illa, tido ? " i was like, look up, saw shahrezal and shouted, " eh ! shahrezal ! " haha . then, went back to sleep . still in the library, ok ? the second level one .
after that, kak inna came and woke me up saying, " oi illa, masih tido ? kita nak g laa . " so i woke up, smiling for no reason . kak inna walked towards shahrezal and shafiq and invited them to lepak with us . and i was still walking to the door . you know how stupid i am ?! i walked one round, ok ? bodoh right ? then, all of them looked at me and started laughing . haii .. kesian aku, jadi clown . khairiyah siad i looked as if i'm drunk ! haha . mabuk tauu, mabuk ! then, we went off .
me and khairiyah led the way to the place we wanted to lepak at . but we didn't know we were leading . we were waiting for them to stop, then, we stop . we walked straight . sampai north park, pun tak stop stop . sampai depan Tampines JC baru kita stop, and sit . haahs . then, they said, i became emo . ughh ! fuck off ! aku tak emo ! they said, i suddenly became quiet . i went to the playground and i was thinking of something . something, not for you to know . then, a few minutes after that, we jalan . went to NTUC cause granny ask to buy something there . then, go home . they teman me and kak inna laa ! yayy . then, they help carry the plastic some more . and now, i gain weight . 42 kg, bodoh ! berat siakk . but it was still acceptable (:
then, at home, i slept . like, the whole day ! cause im gila gila tired . hehehs . then, when i woke up, kak inna said i was being emo just now cause of the way i walk . haii .. so i asked her to describe to me . she said, i was walking aimlessly, slowly, looking down, no expression . i was like, ohh woww . i ain't emo, oke ! hehehs . next time continue, can ?
dada ! bye & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: heehs .

Written on Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 1:20 AM
hey, hello ! im new . so, not much posts . sorry . at last, a new blog ! ehehes . aku tau aku lame laa, kan ?.
ok . aku sedih . i miss renni many many . but, i fell in love with remy . oh so what the hell kan ?. ughh ! tryna' get this remy fella out of my head . out of my life, if possible . yeaa . i wanna continue my relatioship with renni, ok . i love him, so much laa seyy ! tau tak, i feel like banging my head on the wall till it breaks . yeaa . really, i do . ok, wtf . i love renni ! ok, that ain't there real names (:
oh ! the other day, i went out with my sister and her friends . they were oh-so cool laa, oke . i love hanging out with them . they make me forget my worries . yeaa . we snap pictures all over . but first, when we reached bugis, we went to banquet to eat . well, not me and my sister . cos' we've eaten at home . so bloated laa, oke . arghh . i'm dead bored . gaaah ! oh please, gimme some more work laa ! suddenly feel so hyper . hmm ..
after everyone was full, we went to aliwal street to find costumes . that place was oh-so gerek ! haha . hasri and one more guy(i forgot) missed the fun seyy . azhar wore an orange, long, haywire wig/fake hair and started walking around making a fool out of himself . funny laa kan . then, din is it ? heehs . i don't know his full name laa . sorry . okok . din, he wore mr bean's and michael jackson's mask and started acting like one ! it was soo hilarious laa, really . kita laugh like mad seyy . actually, we went there to find these abang-abangs some costumes to wear for their Graduation Party(GP) . and the costumes there were like oh-so expensive siakk ! hmmm .. kesian .
yessyess, then, we went jalan jalan for a while at peninsular .. ok, faruq's voice was oh-so nice ! very very nice ! oh yess, he's good with pictures, okaay . nice posings, dude (: haha . so, da penat, we went to soccer field to dudok dudok . there, we camwhore laa, dengs ! fun, okaay . heehs . they were, oh-so tk malu ! shame shame :} then, i felt like a superstar when hasri said, " eh, amek gmba ngan adik beradik " d= people calls me and my sister twin ! kak inna, oh-so pendek, but, cute . hehe . while i'm the oh-so not so tinggi, but, lawa ! haha . i know that is so prasan . but hey, wtf ! i ain't modest, okaay . baaaaahs ! dead bored -.- gaaah ! okok . then, the time comes . the time when me and my sister had to go home . it was oohh-soo unpleasant . fareez, qayyum, azhar, kak inna, me and one chinese guy(i don't know his name, sorry) . took MRT back home . but all of them, excluding me, kak inna and azhar, stopped at don't know where . all i know is me, kak inna and azhar stopped at tampines MRT . abe tuu, my ez-link pulak buat hal . darah up siakk . skejap boleh tap, skejap tkle . azhar sent us home . from bugis to tampines . aww .. so nice gitu kan ? hahahs . we took bus 293 at the bus interchange and stopped at granny's house . whee ~
dapat msg dari mak, nenek hari tuu masak power . ape lagiik kakak aku ... kelam kabut uhh . heehs . azhar suroh dudok bawah block lepak kejap pon sanggup ckp taknak, lapar . haishh . terok laa, babe (: da sampai atas, amek pinggan, senduk nasi, g toilet, klua, BADOKK ! ahaas . she ate a lot ! trust me (: heehs . okok . ni da terlalu panjang kan ? tapi best kan ? boleh bace banyak banyak . kankankan ? hehehs .
dada ! loves & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: oh-so gerek (:

Written on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 @ 2:36 AM
heyy . sorry for not posting . it's been the saddest day . since last saturday . but, err .. its too sad and personal to be told . sorry . and, hakeem told me this ..
first message : "Show me how to shower you with love, show me how to prove it to ya then" second message : "syg u love i and smile you made it least at but you to this give who person the kill to want will you message this reading after" (read it from the back) third message : "tell me please, if it concerns u then it concerns me too, we are a part not apart" (when i told him, i had a problem) forth message : "i love u even even more that words can't describe and u can't imagine . i am serious this time, i feel that i need u more the more we are apart"(this made me feel guilty) fifth message : "stop replying and go to sleep . i love u more okay and i've got 20 reasons why"(so i went to sleep, since i dont need to reply) sixth message : (these were his reasons) 1) i love u, 2) i like u, 3) i wanna be with u, 4) i want u to be mine, 5) i miss u, 6) i wish i could be with u forever, 7) i'll wait for u, 8) u are the prettiest girl, 9) i fell for u after meeting u, i seriously wan to be with u, 10) i can feel the sparks between us, 11) i am nothing without u, 12) i've never been in love as deeply as this before, 13) u are my sunshine, 14) let me shower u with love, 15) let me occupy ur empty hands, and never let go, 16) i wish there was no one in this world except us so i can have all the time in the world to spend with u and only u, 17) give me a chance to hug you for as long as you want, 18) let me kiss u on the lips so it could be a sweet memory till the day i am gone - last but not least, if i had one wish - it would be that we were never apart, 19) money is important to everyone but not to me as u lit the candle to my life, 20) i know this sounds emo and i dont like it but, its coming from my heart and you opened my heart for these words to be said . although words seem to be pointless, give me a way to show u that this is TRUE LOVE"
when i woke up i read it . and all that was so convincing and touching that i cried . whatever i did towards him was wrong . by ignoring him, and trying to forget him . i always thought he liked someone else . im so evil and cruel, dont you think ? to leave someone who loves me for who i am and not for what i am . and fuck, im evil . ughh !
tag replies - dammie : its not "YYME" laa . haii ... i use webdings . it will not turn out to be a heart sometimes . and its lagu girlfriend laa ! jingqing : heyys, u're linked ladyy ! kak afiqah : hello sweetie, i link u already (: henry : u dont even have a blog ?. dammie : eh kecik, dont be so over excited laa . khairiya : u're welcome, supergirl =P
dada ! byee & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: what do you think ?

Written on Thursday, November 15, 2007 @ 7:24 AM
hello .. just now, around .. 12 ? yeapp . 12 .. i was buying my school books . while waiting, i saw abang wan walking pass . so i go, "eh kakak, abg wan ! or maybe not . but the way he walks, the way he looks and his hairstyle . so same ! nehmyne . just wait and see . " i said that . kecoh kan ? alaa . i miss abang wan what . heehs . abe, he came towards us, and i go " eh, btol laa abg wan ! " kak inna looked so embarassed when i said that . ahaha .. yeaa ! than we said hello to each other . not kak inna, me and abg wan . yayy ! i love my abang a lot siaa ! heehs . then, da habis collect buku, g beli baju sekolah pulak . then he called me . write in script ehh ?
Abg Wan : Illa Illa : Ye ? Abg Wan : Illa jahat . Illa : Huh ?. Abg Wan : Illa jahat ! Illa : ape ? Abg Wan : tkde pape . Illa : *smile*
Okaay, frankly speaking, i don't know what the hell he was tryna' say . really . sorry ehh . heehs . then he went into the uniform place . i was like, why the hell he came here ?! oke, nehmyne . then like oh-so memalukan cause i dont know my size ! haha . dengs, siol ! then the auntie had to check my size . ukur depan abang wan seyy . malu laa ! auntie said, "boleh tak ?" i nod my head . and kak inna fucking sarcastic siaa . abe auntie started disturbing me . malu siaa . abe abang wan asek senyum senyum . haii .. once again, i became a clown . haha . anybody, opening circus and finding a new clown please contact me at, 6123 4567 . really ! or any hospital finding a good clown to take care of babies, do call ! i'd love to help out ! haha .then after all the school stuffs, me and kak inna went to mac . nearest to my school . waited for khairiyah . q-ed to order food . then saw lil miss bitchy . fuck her . she sucks . then, ate a little . then, go home, met sidah under the block and then now, they study .. next year sec 4 perhh .. baik gitu kan ? heehs .
dada ! byee & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥ Labels: just happened-s

Written on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 9:29 AM

Labels: gambar (:

12:00 AM
heyy .. ystd, went out again . but not far far away from my house . still in tampines :) da mcm phobia plak naik MRT . hahas . ystd, instead of azhar, we went out with, khairiyah, shahrezal and shafiq .
firstly, me, kak inna and khairiyah met at the small mac . after that, we went shopping ! okk, i was out of my mind that time . i suddenly became so loud and crazy . yeaa .. hahas . kak inna bought a tube at this fashion, i bought a pair of earrings and a ring at montip . khairiyah, she didn't buy anything . heehs . ok then, we went straight to the library to borrow some books (: angel laa, kan ? heehs . well, not me, cause i didn't borrow any . hahas .
as we were walking to the library, kak inna talked about an unknown who have been bugging her life . aku terase ! cause i was keeping quiet that time then suddenly she said, " si unknown to teros tk ckp " . then i go mad and said, " kerane dher penat, tauu ?! " haha . then, for a second, they thought i was the unknown . then, i laughed and said, " korang tengah cakap pasal sape seyy ? " the they said, " inna's blog " ahaas . then i was like, tersenyum and feel so paisey ! haha . it was oh-so memalukan . haha . we laughed all the way till we reached the library .
then, sebelom masuk library, kak inna gave us a warning . kene diam laa ! hahas . then, i was like, ok wait, i make a lot of noise first, then i shout . haha . like, whatever laa, kan ? stepped into the library, and my mood changed . suddenly became so tired and sleepy . so i went to the back of all chairs and slept . haahs :} they were like so busy finding books and i was like, eeew ! bookworm !.. hehe . then, i straight went to la-la land . and, when i was there, i got lost and woke up . khairiyah sat beside me and said, " illa, tido ? " i was like, look up, saw shahrezal and shouted, " eh ! shahrezal ! " haha . then, went back to sleep . still in the library, ok ? the second level one .
after that, kak inna came and woke me up saying, " oi illa, masih tido ? kita nak g laa . " so i woke up, smiling for no reason . kak inna walked towards shahrezal and shafiq and invited them to lepak with us . and i was still walking to the door . you know how stupid i am ?! i walked one round, ok ? bodoh right ? then, all of them looked at me and started laughing . haii .. kesian aku, jadi clown . khairiyah siad i looked as if i'm drunk ! haha . mabuk tauu, mabuk ! then, we went off .
me and khairiyah led the way to the place we wanted to lepak at . but we didn't know we were leading . we were waiting for them to stop, then, we stop . we walked straight . sampai north park, pun tak stop stop . sampai depan Tampines JC baru kita stop, and sit . haahs . then, they said, i became emo . ughh ! fuck off ! aku tak emo ! they said, i suddenly became quiet . i went to the playground and i was thinking of something . something, not for you to know . then, a few minutes after that, we jalan . went to NTUC cause granny ask to buy something there . then, go home . they teman me and kak inna laa ! yayy . then, they help carry the plastic some more . and now, i gain weight . 42 kg, bodoh ! berat siakk . but it was still acceptable (:
then, at home, i slept . like, the whole day ! cause im gila gila tired . hehehs . then, when i woke up, kak inna said i was being emo just now cause of the way i walk . haii .. so i asked her to describe to me . she said, i was walking aimlessly, slowly, looking down, no expression . i was like, ohh woww . i ain't emo, oke ! hehehs . next time continue, can ?
dada ! bye & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: heehs .

Written on Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 1:20 AM
hey, hello ! im new . so, not much posts . sorry . at last, a new blog ! ehehes . aku tau aku lame laa, kan ?.
ok . aku sedih . i miss renni many many . but, i fell in love with remy . oh so what the hell kan ?. ughh ! tryna' get this remy fella out of my head . out of my life, if possible . yeaa . i wanna continue my relatioship with renni, ok . i love him, so much laa seyy ! tau tak, i feel like banging my head on the wall till it breaks . yeaa . really, i do . ok, wtf . i love renni ! ok, that ain't there real names (:
oh ! the other day, i went out with my sister and her friends . they were oh-so cool laa, oke . i love hanging out with them . they make me forget my worries . yeaa . we snap pictures all over . but first, when we reached bugis, we went to banquet to eat . well, not me and my sister . cos' we've eaten at home . so bloated laa, oke . arghh . i'm dead bored . gaaah ! oh please, gimme some more work laa ! suddenly feel so hyper . hmm ..
after everyone was full, we went to aliwal street to find costumes . that place was oh-so gerek ! haha . hasri and one more guy(i forgot) missed the fun seyy . azhar wore an orange, long, haywire wig/fake hair and started walking around making a fool out of himself . funny laa kan . then, din is it ? heehs . i don't know his full name laa . sorry . okok . din, he wore mr bean's and michael jackson's mask and started acting like one ! it was soo hilarious laa, really . kita laugh like mad seyy . actually, we went there to find these abang-abangs some costumes to wear for their Graduation Party(GP) . and the costumes there were like oh-so expensive siakk ! hmmm .. kesian .
yessyess, then, we went jalan jalan for a while at peninsular .. ok, faruq's voice was oh-so nice ! very very nice ! oh yess, he's good with pictures, okaay . nice posings, dude (: haha . so, da penat, we went to soccer field to dudok dudok . there, we camwhore laa, dengs ! fun, okaay . heehs . they were, oh-so tk malu ! shame shame :} then, i felt like a superstar when hasri said, " eh, amek gmba ngan adik beradik " d= people calls me and my sister twin ! kak inna, oh-so pendek, but, cute . hehe . while i'm the oh-so not so tinggi, but, lawa ! haha . i know that is so prasan . but hey, wtf ! i ain't modest, okaay . baaaaahs ! dead bored -.- gaaah ! okok . then, the time comes . the time when me and my sister had to go home . it was oohh-soo unpleasant . fareez, qayyum, azhar, kak inna, me and one chinese guy(i don't know his name, sorry) . took MRT back home . but all of them, excluding me, kak inna and azhar, stopped at don't know where . all i know is me, kak inna and azhar stopped at tampines MRT . abe tuu, my ez-link pulak buat hal . darah up siakk . skejap boleh tap, skejap tkle . azhar sent us home . from bugis to tampines . aww .. so nice gitu kan ? hahahs . we took bus 293 at the bus interchange and stopped at granny's house . whee ~
dapat msg dari mak, nenek hari tuu masak power . ape lagiik kakak aku ... kelam kabut uhh . heehs . azhar suroh dudok bawah block lepak kejap pon sanggup ckp taknak, lapar . haishh . terok laa, babe (: da sampai atas, amek pinggan, senduk nasi, g toilet, klua, BADOKK ! ahaas . she ate a lot ! trust me (: heehs . okok . ni da terlalu panjang kan ? tapi best kan ? boleh bace banyak banyak . kankankan ? hehehs .
dada ! loves & tkcre, illa syakilah ♥♥♥♥Labels: oh-so gerek (:

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
April 2011