Written on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 5:20 PM
I miss you fetching me from home. I miss you holding my hand. I miss you giving me morning kisses every day. I miss going to school with you. I miss you pampering me. I miss you being concerned about me. I miss you trying to cheer me up no matter how sad I am. I miss you making me laugh. I miss your nonsense. I miss your eyes. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss being jealous. I miss your hugs and kisses. Most of all, I miss you Md Akhbar Bin Safah.
I'm so so so so so so so sorry ): I love you.Labels: no labels.

Written on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 3:58 PM
Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Here I am, drinking coke. Tired of life. My depressing life. No mercy given. My whole body's aching. My heart's broken. My dreams crushed. My hopes dropped. My life; confusion.
Lost a sister & a boyfriend.
I made a promise to myself; never talk to anyone who hurts me so bad. And I won't accept your apology anymore. Because when it happens again, you'd use you as a GOOD example. I don't wanna hear that no more. Ex-boyfriend's treating me like a friend. Bad enough? Hah. Brother's a total jerk. Friends; sometimes good, sometimes bad. Easy said, I'm losing everyone bit by bit.
Maybe what she said was right. Egoness. But I don't care. I may be full of ego, but I know I'm right. When I'm wrong, I say sorry. When I'm not? Forget it.
Mouth's bleeding profusely since yesterday night. Should be getting better by now. I don't know. Hmm.. Cannot eat too much because apparently someone kicked me in the stomach. Each time I eat, I'd puke. So, I think it's good enough I still get to drink. Friend's said I look sad the whole day.
Guess what? Cried in school for I'm not sure how many times. Nobody can cheer me up. Mark my words; NOBODY. I wish, I just wish I could take the easy way out. If only comitting a suicide wasn't a sin, I wouldn't hesitate to do that. I swear.
Labels: yeaa

Written on Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Noura A. says: sorry no present! T_T
Illa Syakilah says: haha. tkpeeeeee.
Noura A. says: I feel so bersalah
Illa Syakilah says: nvm laaa.
Noura A. says: ahahaha noooo! I feel bad T_T
Illa Syakilah says: why sia?
Noura A. says: entaaaaaaah ur bday what,
Illa Syakilah says: haha. i dont mind laaa.
Noura A. says: that sound sooo. like. ermm idk. like u dont mean it! i know u want a present! anw, did akhbar meet u today?
Illa Syakilah says: nope, i got back late what. haha. i mean it laa. i don't need a present. i understand ok (:
Noura A. says: hahaha. if u say so but i still feel guilty. anw, its too bad akhbar didnt get to see u today u were soooooooooooo preeeeeeettttyyyyy!
Illa Syakilah says: haha. it was normal noura. tkmo exaggerate. haha.
Noura A. says: what-ev! [V] hahahaa
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHA
Noura A. says: u were like freaking gorgeous AND U NOE IT.
Illa Syakilah says: NO! Marissa's ten times better! I sweeeaaarr.
Noura A. says: Everyone was pretty. but today was ur bday and u were like a princesssssssss n_n
Illa Syakilah says: no!.
Noura A. says: YES. dnt argue!
Illa Syakilah says: no~
Noura A. says: u cant win today, illa! YOU CANNNT!!! U_U ahahahaa.
Illa Syakilah says: actually, i can! its my birthday.
Noura A. says: jsut coz its ur bday?!
Illa Syakilah says: ;p
Noura A. says: no-se-ryy! ok! hahha, fine its ur bday so ive got every right to say that u were drop dead gorgeous and guys would have went head over heels for u then akhbar would be like "mesti ah! tengok sapernyer matair" HAHAHA
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHA. merepek eh. well, prove is.. nobody stared and asked for anyth. so, too bad!
Noura A. says: duuh, tt would be despo! hahahaha.
Illa Syakilah says: hahahahah whatewer noura!
Noura A. says: the guys who go after u should be humble and gentleman-like. yeah [V]
Illa Syakilah says: blablabla! atiqa nan marissa lagi jambu sia.
Noura A. says: whatever u say. but everyone would be, ILLA WAS SO JAMBU TADI!
Illa Syakilah says: -.-WHO!? dont have kaaay
Noura A. says: they will if i were to ask them NOW. "WHOSE THE PRETTIEST" ILLA SYAKILAH
Illa Syakilah says: DUH! its my birthday. of course they'd say that. bytheway, naz's bathing.
Noura A. says: nt everybody's that nice. we are truthful and ikhlas ppl n_n lol
Illa Syakilah says: hhaha whatewer! but marissa and atiqa were the most gorgeos/prettiest/sweetest/jambuest girls just now! silence is a consent. I WON!
Noura A. says: i feel insulted omg T_T newermind!
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHAHA
Noura A. says: to me, u were the prettiest of them all.
Illa Syakilah says: to u only. not to all.
Noura A. says: and nobody can change my judgement alaa
Illa Syakilah says: i won, shuttup.
Noura A. says: u noe my judgement its like a million ppl n_n
Illa Syakilah says: haha. whatewer noura! hahahah
Noura A. says: kkk yeah what-ew! i want the pics!
Illa Syakilah says: its not with me.
Noura A. says: o.O its in ur hp -_-
Illa Syakilah says: yg mane satu? oh. before the one atiqa and naz came? nnti uh. naz send baru aku send. set? go.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm too lazy too find the memory card reader. Haha. And, Noura's exaggerating. It was so normal okay. Haha. Won't be posting about my birthday until I get my hands on the pictures. Nazrah's back home late, waited for her to finish bathing so that we can get the picture. But when I called, she was going to bed already. Make sure tomorrow Nazrah! Do not edit, I warn you.
Labels: a very busy day

Written on Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 7:55 PM
I'm somehow freezing out here. I don't know what to do. Nobody can make me happy. Even my family and friends. Not forgetting my boyfriend.
It's 5 more hours to my 15th birthday. And my mom's a jerk. She's not letting me out with my friends. Let me add this: ON MY BIRTHDAY. And sister's not trusting. Baby too. It's okay, I' too used to this.
Don't cry big girl. You still can celebrate yourself. Happy Birthday Illa Syakilah.Labels: yeaa

Written on Monday, July 20, 2009 @ 2:58 PM
I would just like to wish a woman who have been the most annoying as well as the best mother you guys could ever imagine a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Ibu! I love you (: Labels: happy birthday (:

Written on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 5:51 PM


 I LOVE NURSHAFIQA BTE MOHD SALLEH! also known as Shaffy (:Labels: webcam~

Written on Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 7:51 AM
Dear blog readers, I'm in the school's computer lab.
By right, we were supposed to do our research on terrorism. But you know, my class - the most out of control class in school, at least that's what I heard from the teachers.
My English tecaher, suprisingly, was okay with it. He said, "If you wanna surf, be sure that if I come by, I'll see another window on terrorism." So that at least if someone comes in we can just close all windows except that. Omg, teacher's teaching us to be naughty in a safe way! Haha. But that's so normal. I do that usually.
Wahhh! I have a date with baby today. Can't wait! I hope that nothing will come up like how it happened the other day. Please. Haha. I love him, from the bottom of my heart (:
I'll update more when I'm back home okays. Maybe with more pictures updated at my multiply too. You know AA'AAAN. They can't resist the camera. Haha. Be sure to check out: www.illababyy.multiply.com.

Written on Thursday, July 9, 2009 @ 7:06 PM
Life's a dream.You just gotta learn to love it.
School's fine. Not mundane at all. Two days straight. Hyper as ever. Thanks to the bitches in class, Marissa, Nurul Atiqa, Shafiqa & Nazrah, for keeping me awake. To be exact, for keeping each of us awake. Haha! Ape korg? Aa'aan ehh? Hahah. Azhari (Hady), A'fad, Akhbar, Adam & lastly, Nazrah, the single one. Hahahahaha.
Wanna hear the so far most embarassing day of my life? Haha.
On the 8th of July, also known as Illa's & Akhbar's 2nd monthsarry, we had PE. So after PE, Ms Fardiana, also known as, Ms Far released row by row to drink up & wash our hands. So, it was my row's turn. I stood up, look at baby, he rolled his eyes. So I rolled my eyes back. Don't take it the wrong way, we were just kidding around. Then, instead of looking back to the front, I looked sideways & laughed with Marissa. Then, I didn't notice that Stephanie was sitting right infront me (towards where I was walking). No offence but she is a BIG girl.
Moving on. You see, when people trip over something or someone who is sitting down, they would usually fall halfway & go, "Oops! Sorry." But for my case, I tripped over & literally flew in the air. You know, cow jumping over the moon? Yea, that one. But mine was a bit different. I tripped, flew in the air, flipped & fell on my back. I know! It was so weird. But I swear, I am not making up stories.
The whole class witnessed. But the funny part was, after I fell on my back, I sat & went, "Omg. I can't sit." while touching my forehead like some dizzy girl. But I wasn't. Then, after I said that, I laid on the floor again & started to laugh. After a few minutes, I stood up, clean myself & ran to Marissa. She was so bitchy. She didn't help me up instead she laughed all the way. Haha. THAT happened infront of the whole class. Including baby. What the fuck, I can never forget this man. I swear.
Since that day, I was known as a breakdancer -.-
Hell with that. Haha. During Maths, I told Marissa everything. & when I say everything, I mean EVERY SINGLE THING. But the feeling's still lingering inside of me. It's okay right? Haha. Afterall, its part & parcel of life. What's everything without some risks & faith? Haha. Okay, I use that like for almost everything.
My past is haunting me. Asshole.
Easy said. I LOVE MARISSA & SISTER A LOT. Not forgetting my close bitches in class. That's it. Kiss (:Labels: aku love korang

Written on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Faithful are the wounds of a friend but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.Sometimes you think they support your every decisions. Be behind you in your every move. But secretly, they feel that they were forced to stand by your side.
Are these the bestfriend material your looking for?
I thought I already found it. Too bad I was wrong. I always thought I could trust them. Tell them almost everything. Even though I barely sit around with them like I used to. You may think you know these people, but you don't. To be exact, I'm only talking about a person. I'll just refer to that person as 'them' so as to not ruin that person's reputation.
It's up to you to assume but the answer may be wrong. And it's also up to you to think that it is you but I won't say a word.
You think that by telling it to her/him, you'd make her/his life better. What makes you think that your so not what you described me as when what your doing now is so much like it? So what if she/he lied to you? Man, we're doing perfectly fine. Obviously, you can see that coming but your too stupid to even think that her/his life would be hell.
For instance A, he/she told me what he/she felt about us. I was perfectly fine with that. After accepting the fact that the two of us were so close, she/he couldn't do anything but to say that she/he was wrong to think that way. Why not, you open your eyes wide & see. I'm not shocked to find out that your just jealous because you haven't find yourself someone to stick with. Someone close. Perhaps, a BESTFRIEND.
Babe/Dude. Kau sungguh tak berhati perut.
Take it to heart cause I mean it. Toodles ^^
Happy 2 months, babylove (:

Written on Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 2:38 PM
Its hell dark here. It's windy & raining. Very cold. Very very cold. I'm like literally freezing here while having a movie marathon. Baby's out with his aunt to catch Transformers 2.
Well. Obviously, I have nothing to say. I wanna go out. But I can't! I can only go out when it's super important. Example, SW practice. Sister said I would be a bastard if I don't go. Because it's under recommendation. So it's like, making people who recommended me look bad if I don't go.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm bored. And I'm getting better! Still down with flu though. Fever's out, I guess.
Till then (:Labels: shithole.

Written on Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Went for SW practice just now. Finished the last basic; Masri. Everyone was looking at me like as if I was abnormal. Sister was like, "Can you keep your medicines inside your bag? Everyone's looking at you." Medicines. Big deal? If I had H1N1 I would have been quarantined & warded in Changi General Hospital.
Then in the MRT on the way back, I sneezed quite a few times. And people looked at me. Doesn't mean we have flu means we have swine flu okay.
Coming back to school next Wednesday. I think my fever's fading. But my flu's getting worse. And I'm getting headache too often. Cough's down, I guess. Only random coughs. Sore throat, much much better. But the medicines ain't working! I'm still sick! Goooodddd.
I miss school. I miss boyfriend. And honestly, I wasn't suppose to get out of home just now. But I was just having flu. So, no harm right? Heh.
Marissa's fever is still quite bad in my opinion. But I hope she'll get better soon. Don't worry babe, I'm sick too. Hehhs. And, I'm running out of medicines. Mom's sending dad to the doctor tomorrow if he's still sneezing like a pig. Hehh. Nah. Just a normal flu. I swear.
I think I need my hands now. TISSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUEEE!Labels: bored

Written on Thursday, July 2, 2009 @ 7:22 PM
Yesterday, went for a check up at Changi General Hospital. Marissa & I didn't plan about going to the hospital at all. Met Aidil, Zaki, Hakeem, EQ, Farah, Rashid and such at East Point Starbucks. Then slacked a while when Marissa's flu got worse. So actually, I accompanied her for check-up & end up, I got checked-up too.
Doctor said I got fever, flu, sore throat & cough. Therefore, I had to stay in the holding room for maximum 2 days until my results for H1N1 screening is out. My family members couldn't visit me. & I got more lonely when Marissa said she was safe. She didn't have to stay in the hospital.
Both of us got 7 days MC. I got my medicines. & I tell you, it is freaking disgusting. The medicines. Fortunately, my results are negative. But I still have to continue eating medicines & use the mask. But my mom said, "I don't think you need to wear it." So, I took it off. Guys, I'm perfectly fine. Just that, I think they're afraid that I might get affected from there because they said if anything they'd call me down. Better be safe than sorry. But, I don't think I'm affected.
Just sore throat, slight fever, random coughs & flu. Yep. I think that's all I have to say.

Written on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 5:20 PM
I miss you fetching me from home. I miss you holding my hand. I miss you giving me morning kisses every day. I miss going to school with you. I miss you pampering me. I miss you being concerned about me. I miss you trying to cheer me up no matter how sad I am. I miss you making me laugh. I miss your nonsense. I miss your eyes. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh. I miss being jealous. I miss your hugs and kisses. Most of all, I miss you Md Akhbar Bin Safah.
I'm so so so so so so so sorry ): I love you.Labels: no labels.

Written on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 3:58 PM
Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Ahfuck.Here I am, drinking coke. Tired of life. My depressing life. No mercy given. My whole body's aching. My heart's broken. My dreams crushed. My hopes dropped. My life; confusion.
Lost a sister & a boyfriend.
I made a promise to myself; never talk to anyone who hurts me so bad. And I won't accept your apology anymore. Because when it happens again, you'd use you as a GOOD example. I don't wanna hear that no more. Ex-boyfriend's treating me like a friend. Bad enough? Hah. Brother's a total jerk. Friends; sometimes good, sometimes bad. Easy said, I'm losing everyone bit by bit.
Maybe what she said was right. Egoness. But I don't care. I may be full of ego, but I know I'm right. When I'm wrong, I say sorry. When I'm not? Forget it.
Mouth's bleeding profusely since yesterday night. Should be getting better by now. I don't know. Hmm.. Cannot eat too much because apparently someone kicked me in the stomach. Each time I eat, I'd puke. So, I think it's good enough I still get to drink. Friend's said I look sad the whole day.
Guess what? Cried in school for I'm not sure how many times. Nobody can cheer me up. Mark my words; NOBODY. I wish, I just wish I could take the easy way out. If only comitting a suicide wasn't a sin, I wouldn't hesitate to do that. I swear.
Labels: yeaa

Written on Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Noura A. says: sorry no present! T_T
Illa Syakilah says: haha. tkpeeeeee.
Noura A. says: I feel so bersalah
Illa Syakilah says: nvm laaa.
Noura A. says: ahahaha noooo! I feel bad T_T
Illa Syakilah says: why sia?
Noura A. says: entaaaaaaah ur bday what,
Illa Syakilah says: haha. i dont mind laaa.
Noura A. says: that sound sooo. like. ermm idk. like u dont mean it! i know u want a present! anw, did akhbar meet u today?
Illa Syakilah says: nope, i got back late what. haha. i mean it laa. i don't need a present. i understand ok (:
Noura A. says: hahaha. if u say so but i still feel guilty. anw, its too bad akhbar didnt get to see u today u were soooooooooooo preeeeeeettttyyyyy!
Illa Syakilah says: haha. it was normal noura. tkmo exaggerate. haha.
Noura A. says: what-ev! [V] hahahaa
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHA
Noura A. says: u were like freaking gorgeous AND U NOE IT.
Illa Syakilah says: NO! Marissa's ten times better! I sweeeaaarr.
Noura A. says: Everyone was pretty. but today was ur bday and u were like a princesssssssss n_n
Illa Syakilah says: no!.
Noura A. says: YES. dnt argue!
Illa Syakilah says: no~
Noura A. says: u cant win today, illa! YOU CANNNT!!! U_U ahahahaa.
Illa Syakilah says: actually, i can! its my birthday.
Noura A. says: jsut coz its ur bday?!
Illa Syakilah says: ;p
Noura A. says: no-se-ryy! ok! hahha, fine its ur bday so ive got every right to say that u were drop dead gorgeous and guys would have went head over heels for u then akhbar would be like "mesti ah! tengok sapernyer matair" HAHAHA
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHA. merepek eh. well, prove is.. nobody stared and asked for anyth. so, too bad!
Noura A. says: duuh, tt would be despo! hahahaha.
Illa Syakilah says: hahahahah whatewer noura!
Noura A. says: the guys who go after u should be humble and gentleman-like. yeah [V]
Illa Syakilah says: blablabla! atiqa nan marissa lagi jambu sia.
Noura A. says: whatever u say. but everyone would be, ILLA WAS SO JAMBU TADI!
Illa Syakilah says: -.-WHO!? dont have kaaay
Noura A. says: they will if i were to ask them NOW. "WHOSE THE PRETTIEST" ILLA SYAKILAH
Illa Syakilah says: DUH! its my birthday. of course they'd say that. bytheway, naz's bathing.
Noura A. says: nt everybody's that nice. we are truthful and ikhlas ppl n_n lol
Illa Syakilah says: hhaha whatewer! but marissa and atiqa were the most gorgeos/prettiest/sweetest/jambuest girls just now! silence is a consent. I WON!
Noura A. says: i feel insulted omg T_T newermind!
Illa Syakilah says: HAHAHAHA
Noura A. says: to me, u were the prettiest of them all.
Illa Syakilah says: to u only. not to all.
Noura A. says: and nobody can change my judgement alaa
Illa Syakilah says: i won, shuttup.
Noura A. says: u noe my judgement its like a million ppl n_n
Illa Syakilah says: haha. whatewer noura! hahahah
Noura A. says: kkk yeah what-ew! i want the pics!
Illa Syakilah says: its not with me.
Noura A. says: o.O its in ur hp -_-
Illa Syakilah says: yg mane satu? oh. before the one atiqa and naz came? nnti uh. naz send baru aku send. set? go.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm too lazy too find the memory card reader. Haha. And, Noura's exaggerating. It was so normal okay. Haha. Won't be posting about my birthday until I get my hands on the pictures. Nazrah's back home late, waited for her to finish bathing so that we can get the picture. But when I called, she was going to bed already. Make sure tomorrow Nazrah! Do not edit, I warn you.
Labels: a very busy day

Written on Friday, July 24, 2009 @ 7:55 PM
I'm somehow freezing out here. I don't know what to do. Nobody can make me happy. Even my family and friends. Not forgetting my boyfriend.
It's 5 more hours to my 15th birthday. And my mom's a jerk. She's not letting me out with my friends. Let me add this: ON MY BIRTHDAY. And sister's not trusting. Baby too. It's okay, I' too used to this.
Don't cry big girl. You still can celebrate yourself. Happy Birthday Illa Syakilah.Labels: yeaa

Written on Monday, July 20, 2009 @ 2:58 PM
I would just like to wish a woman who have been the most annoying as well as the best mother you guys could ever imagine a happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Ibu! I love you (: Labels: happy birthday (:

Written on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 5:51 PM


 I LOVE NURSHAFIQA BTE MOHD SALLEH! also known as Shaffy (:Labels: webcam~

Written on Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 7:51 AM
Dear blog readers, I'm in the school's computer lab.
By right, we were supposed to do our research on terrorism. But you know, my class - the most out of control class in school, at least that's what I heard from the teachers.
My English tecaher, suprisingly, was okay with it. He said, "If you wanna surf, be sure that if I come by, I'll see another window on terrorism." So that at least if someone comes in we can just close all windows except that. Omg, teacher's teaching us to be naughty in a safe way! Haha. But that's so normal. I do that usually.
Wahhh! I have a date with baby today. Can't wait! I hope that nothing will come up like how it happened the other day. Please. Haha. I love him, from the bottom of my heart (:
I'll update more when I'm back home okays. Maybe with more pictures updated at my multiply too. You know AA'AAAN. They can't resist the camera. Haha. Be sure to check out: www.illababyy.multiply.com.

Written on Thursday, July 9, 2009 @ 7:06 PM
Life's a dream.You just gotta learn to love it.
School's fine. Not mundane at all. Two days straight. Hyper as ever. Thanks to the bitches in class, Marissa, Nurul Atiqa, Shafiqa & Nazrah, for keeping me awake. To be exact, for keeping each of us awake. Haha! Ape korg? Aa'aan ehh? Hahah. Azhari (Hady), A'fad, Akhbar, Adam & lastly, Nazrah, the single one. Hahahahaha.
Wanna hear the so far most embarassing day of my life? Haha.
On the 8th of July, also known as Illa's & Akhbar's 2nd monthsarry, we had PE. So after PE, Ms Fardiana, also known as, Ms Far released row by row to drink up & wash our hands. So, it was my row's turn. I stood up, look at baby, he rolled his eyes. So I rolled my eyes back. Don't take it the wrong way, we were just kidding around. Then, instead of looking back to the front, I looked sideways & laughed with Marissa. Then, I didn't notice that Stephanie was sitting right infront me (towards where I was walking). No offence but she is a BIG girl.
Moving on. You see, when people trip over something or someone who is sitting down, they would usually fall halfway & go, "Oops! Sorry." But for my case, I tripped over & literally flew in the air. You know, cow jumping over the moon? Yea, that one. But mine was a bit different. I tripped, flew in the air, flipped & fell on my back. I know! It was so weird. But I swear, I am not making up stories.
The whole class witnessed. But the funny part was, after I fell on my back, I sat & went, "Omg. I can't sit." while touching my forehead like some dizzy girl. But I wasn't. Then, after I said that, I laid on the floor again & started to laugh. After a few minutes, I stood up, clean myself & ran to Marissa. She was so bitchy. She didn't help me up instead she laughed all the way. Haha. THAT happened infront of the whole class. Including baby. What the fuck, I can never forget this man. I swear.
Since that day, I was known as a breakdancer -.-
Hell with that. Haha. During Maths, I told Marissa everything. & when I say everything, I mean EVERY SINGLE THING. But the feeling's still lingering inside of me. It's okay right? Haha. Afterall, its part & parcel of life. What's everything without some risks & faith? Haha. Okay, I use that like for almost everything.
My past is haunting me. Asshole.
Easy said. I LOVE MARISSA & SISTER A LOT. Not forgetting my close bitches in class. That's it. Kiss (:Labels: aku love korang

Written on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Faithful are the wounds of a friend but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.Sometimes you think they support your every decisions. Be behind you in your every move. But secretly, they feel that they were forced to stand by your side.
Are these the bestfriend material your looking for?
I thought I already found it. Too bad I was wrong. I always thought I could trust them. Tell them almost everything. Even though I barely sit around with them like I used to. You may think you know these people, but you don't. To be exact, I'm only talking about a person. I'll just refer to that person as 'them' so as to not ruin that person's reputation.
It's up to you to assume but the answer may be wrong. And it's also up to you to think that it is you but I won't say a word.
You think that by telling it to her/him, you'd make her/his life better. What makes you think that your so not what you described me as when what your doing now is so much like it? So what if she/he lied to you? Man, we're doing perfectly fine. Obviously, you can see that coming but your too stupid to even think that her/his life would be hell.
For instance A, he/she told me what he/she felt about us. I was perfectly fine with that. After accepting the fact that the two of us were so close, she/he couldn't do anything but to say that she/he was wrong to think that way. Why not, you open your eyes wide & see. I'm not shocked to find out that your just jealous because you haven't find yourself someone to stick with. Someone close. Perhaps, a BESTFRIEND.
Babe/Dude. Kau sungguh tak berhati perut.
Take it to heart cause I mean it. Toodles ^^
Happy 2 months, babylove (:

Written on Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 2:38 PM
Its hell dark here. It's windy & raining. Very cold. Very very cold. I'm like literally freezing here while having a movie marathon. Baby's out with his aunt to catch Transformers 2.
Well. Obviously, I have nothing to say. I wanna go out. But I can't! I can only go out when it's super important. Example, SW practice. Sister said I would be a bastard if I don't go. Because it's under recommendation. So it's like, making people who recommended me look bad if I don't go.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm bored. And I'm getting better! Still down with flu though. Fever's out, I guess.
Till then (:Labels: shithole.

Written on Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Went for SW practice just now. Finished the last basic; Masri. Everyone was looking at me like as if I was abnormal. Sister was like, "Can you keep your medicines inside your bag? Everyone's looking at you." Medicines. Big deal? If I had H1N1 I would have been quarantined & warded in Changi General Hospital.
Then in the MRT on the way back, I sneezed quite a few times. And people looked at me. Doesn't mean we have flu means we have swine flu okay.
Coming back to school next Wednesday. I think my fever's fading. But my flu's getting worse. And I'm getting headache too often. Cough's down, I guess. Only random coughs. Sore throat, much much better. But the medicines ain't working! I'm still sick! Goooodddd.
I miss school. I miss boyfriend. And honestly, I wasn't suppose to get out of home just now. But I was just having flu. So, no harm right? Heh.
Marissa's fever is still quite bad in my opinion. But I hope she'll get better soon. Don't worry babe, I'm sick too. Hehhs. And, I'm running out of medicines. Mom's sending dad to the doctor tomorrow if he's still sneezing like a pig. Hehh. Nah. Just a normal flu. I swear.
I think I need my hands now. TISSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUEEE!Labels: bored

Written on Thursday, July 2, 2009 @ 7:22 PM
Yesterday, went for a check up at Changi General Hospital. Marissa & I didn't plan about going to the hospital at all. Met Aidil, Zaki, Hakeem, EQ, Farah, Rashid and such at East Point Starbucks. Then slacked a while when Marissa's flu got worse. So actually, I accompanied her for check-up & end up, I got checked-up too.
Doctor said I got fever, flu, sore throat & cough. Therefore, I had to stay in the holding room for maximum 2 days until my results for H1N1 screening is out. My family members couldn't visit me. & I got more lonely when Marissa said she was safe. She didn't have to stay in the hospital.
Both of us got 7 days MC. I got my medicines. & I tell you, it is freaking disgusting. The medicines. Fortunately, my results are negative. But I still have to continue eating medicines & use the mask. But my mom said, "I don't think you need to wear it." So, I took it off. Guys, I'm perfectly fine. Just that, I think they're afraid that I might get affected from there because they said if anything they'd call me down. Better be safe than sorry. But, I don't think I'm affected.
Just sore throat, slight fever, random coughs & flu. Yep. I think that's all I have to say.

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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