Written on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Oh ya! I totally forgot Fuad's birthday until I read Iqa Babygirl's blog. Haha. Bad friend bad friend. Haha.
Okay okay.
Happy belated birthday Fuad Hakim!(: Be happy happy happy!~

3:24 PM
Halo sweet darlings. Here I am, at home rotting with three little kids, watching playhouse disney while my two other siblings are out for school. Except for sister, she's out with her baby nashrun after school.
The date last Monday was awesome! I had to call my little brother down to buy his school stuff last minute, though. He was kind enough to treat my brother and the best part was they clique-d real fast. And it was a pleasant sight.
Yaat might come down today to accompany me. I feel bad. Eventho he knows that we got nothing going on, he still insisted on contacting me. And Yaat's like my best senior's ex boyfriend's friend. And he's still in my school next year, I think. Then, if I have to ditch him, it'll be totally wrong. I mean, I'll be the bad one here. Ohmygod, help me out. I'm like so caught in between. Ayit's gonna give me a surprise tomorrow - again - and I'm totally nervous. While Yaat's sort of hoping for me. I mean, I can just give him a cold shoulder but damn it, he already went official to his friends. Which happens to be my senior's brother who will still be in my school next year. Both guys are too nice to be ditched. That's the problem. Urgh.
Okay, I'm like so excited for next year. Hehe. Especially knowing that Kak Tini called me down to perform with my beloved Purbanira Seni. Just that I'm now confused. How can I perform without being an official malay dancer in East Spring? I mean, I quit, didn't I? Won't people like talk about me if I were to perform? Kak J, how?
Sister got to use the iPhone. Ahh! Bullshit. I want it so badly yet she gets it. So heartbreaking. But nevermind, I still love my sister. Just that I hate her for getting the iPhone. What else should I talk about?
Yes, another reason why I am so caught in between is because I am left with 7 hours and 47 minutes to getting myself a boyfriend. And it's either I choose one of them or ditch both. And one has gone official to the family while the other one has gone official to the friends. So I'll be the bastard if I do that. And who wants to be the bastard?

Written on Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Hello beautiful souls. Today, was nothing! Minus the Takashimaya part, it was seriously nothing! Mother got up late and she was too ego to accept the fact that she woke up late that she started nagging at us for being slow -.- seriously, wth. And there’s something else that happened but I shan’t elaborate further. You know, I hate hypocrites. And I am proud to announce that I am certainly not one of them. Prove is, I voice out what I feel unlike some people who pretends to be nice in front of you but be all bitch behind your back. Fuck, quit it man. Don’t call yourself fucking holy if you can’t even keep your shithole shut. And one more thing, fuck dickheads! After all those times, moments or whatever you call it, I’m lucky I didn’t fall too hard for it. You’re just another sweet talker mo-fucker. And, good luck girl. I hope you won’t get hurt badly like how I got it. Yeah, you got me once. But you can fool me no more. Kay, I should stop now. Yay! I’ve been single for like 5-6 months plus. Yes, many dates but many heart breaks. Aw, never mind. I don’t mind going through a moment’s pain for a lifetime pleasure (: Okay, next date: Monday, 28 December. Catching Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 with my date. *kening up up* Oh yes, did I mention that if by the end of the year I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m gonna mingle till my GCE N Levels are done. HOMAGAAA. I loveeeee ^.^ P.S: I can’t wait to have my moment of carrying my own newborn baby boy and crying tears of joy on my hospital bed and hearing him call me mummy as he grows up. KIWAK, cute siak. Then, I’ll have my baby girl (: Kay, cam paham eh ni minah. Matae pon blm ade. Tsk tsk. GATAL. Salah, miang. Hehe. Mampos, panjang nye PS aku. Haha. Kay tata. P.P.S: Happy Birthday Dearest Wan & Happy Birthday Aziz (:

Written on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 12:26 PM
YEZZAH! I subscribed to Nuffnang. It's kindda cool ^.^ hehe.
Okay, for the past hours, I've been listening to Kardinal Offishall songs. He's so hunky-dory man. I'm like in love with his 2 hits: Numba 1 featuring Keri Hilson and also Nina. It's like my mind was so free when I listened to it.
And I just watched Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's fucking awesome. My first time watching that story, like seriously. At first, I thought it was like gonna bore me or something. But, I watched it without missing a second of it! And the songs sang are melodious.
I am so filled with envy. Xia Xue, Singapore's most famous blogger, was proposed in the most romantic way. They met thru the net. He stumbled upon her blog while googling for something. Then, he suddenly felt so affected when he see her virtually that he sacrificed his money just to go meet her here. Aww. Eventho they were utterly poor at that moment, they went back and forth. States to Singapore, Singapore to States for three goddamn years. And now, he's living with her in Singapore. And they're like finally engaged. But seriously, you should see how he proposed. Fuck, I'm jealous. Any guy who is willing to do that for me? Heh.
Mat rep Singapore kental uh, ni smer confirm tkle capai nyee. Sweet but not romantic. Haha. Kerek nye. Their love story was better than the hollywood movies man. Fairytale, it exists!~
Okay, today, I'm planning to go to the movies with dearest siblings, later in the afternoon. And maybe at night going for buffet so I can't make it to the chalet today. Sorry dudes & dudettes. You know I still love you guys(:

Written on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 5:23 AM
DON'T THINK I'M ASLEEP. I'M NOT.But I believe I'm gonna be drooling off in half an hour's time? That has been my recent sleeping schedule. Off to sleep at 6am. Or worse, plus plus.
I feel like I've got a lot to say today. Let's just hope you guys would read it till the end. If not, I'd feel so.. stupid. All the effort put in to share my thoughts and feelings. Going down, down, down, down, down.
I actually created a Tagged account out of boredom. Great. Now whose gonna manage that? Too many accounts, too much pressure~ K, crap. I know.
Now, there's no more sister & I sleeping only at 6 am in the morning. She's busy with stuffs. And she's only not busy when it's not about him. So she'll get sleepy when it's not about him. And me, I'm the sleeping beauty. What do you expect? But these few days, I don't rest. Not even a blink of an eye. I mean, nap. Yes, not even one. I guess my boss is giving me a break from my super easy job as a sleeping beauty. -.-
Today, I hereby claim that I don't like anybody (: Okay, my English suck.
I watched Radit Love Jani for 2 times. And it was fucking awesome! Prove is, I cried each time I watched it. And I don't cry as in "aww" cry. I cry as in "no, don't leave me!" cry. 2 times! My grandpap said, "This means that if you watch it 3 times, you'll cry for 3 times. If you watch it 10 times, you'll cry for 10 times. Yeah?" And I giggled. As for my dad, he said, "cry bodoh!" Hehe. People who watch the story should know why my dad called me bodoh. Heh. My mum slept halfway because she thought it was boring. She's not fun to be with anymore. I don't like the way she is now. I want my old mummy back! Boohoo. Shuttup.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda miss school. Students in the school, I mean. No. More to the Normal Academics. I'm closer to them. So yeah. Heh. No hard feelings. Anyhoos, good luck to the GCE N Level Students!~
Holiday's getting overly boring. And I have been bumping on to mat reps and hook-ups ain't exciting anymore. If you get what I mean. Boys are boys. Girls are girls. One way or another, when they get bored of each other, they'd start ditching. And the best part, he'd go.. "Oh, she's a bitch." Or maybe she'd go, "That sweet talker mother fucker? Get a life." It's always the same darn thing. And now, I'm getting tired of it. It's boring me, people! But I gotta admit, its real hard staying single after being attached like the whole time or being single but unavailable (as in, already dating) and now, I'm like totally single. No boys. I'd tend to go, "Ugh! I need a boyfriend. Please!" Or maybe, "God, he's sweet. How I wish I could have him." How weird.
Oh wells, life's a climb. But the view's great. I'm loving the feeling of being single. You get to go wherever you like without thinking of him, without informing them where you are, who your with, what time will you be calling, what time will you be back and such. No interruptions! Hee.
Naughty G really make me wide awake. It works! I was just curious. How it tasted like and since it contains caffeine, I wanted to see if it works on me! The sleeping beauty. But I didn't drink it today. I wonder why I'm still wide awake. No coffees. Coffees and I, not in good terms. We don't work well together. So, definitely not coffees.
I wanted to continue. But really, there won't be a stop. So I guess I'll stop now. Before I change my mind. I need to sleep, I'm a girl. It's not good to stay awake in the wee mornings and snoring like a pig in the late afternoons. So, yeah ~
PS: I'm missing the boys. *winks!* Time Check: 6:04 AM. Geez. I'm already late for my appointment!
Toodles baby angels! Sleeping time (:

Written on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 4:02 PM
Yay! Today I woke up with another nightmare. So niiiicccceee -.-
It's so scary! And today, I have nothing much to say. I miss Acap Baby Boy alot. He's getting cuter now. He came over with his 2 sisters yesterday. Ahhhh, xoxo-ed. And today, they'll be coming over again! I'm waiting. Where are you, sweety pies?

Written on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 12:31 PM
Hello pretty boys and girls. Today, my sister, Inna Syakinah, is officially 17. ONLY. Haha. So, let me start of this post by giving my sister a birthday wish.
Dear Kakak,
It has been nice knowing you and having you as a big sister. Eventho sometimes your such a pain in the ass. Hahahaha. We should keep this momentum running, like Ibu said. Sharing the same hobbies and all. We even have the same taste! How cool is that man?! And I hope to see you succeed in life and make our family proud one day. I'm sorry if I have been such a bitch towards you. Yeah, I PMS like a bitch now. I just wanna let you know, no matter how much I said I wanted a better sister than you are, I still want you to be my one & only sister because you are the only one who understand me like no other.
Happy Birthday, Inna Syakinah! May all your dreams come true (:
Guess what? My grandparents keep fighting nowadays. Haiss. Nenek pon satu. Perah minyak je. Atok nak manja-manja pon tkle. Kesian atok. Really, seeing my grandfather sad everyday kills me. Don't get me wrong, I love my grandmother. But she's living like the rich while my grandfather's being ordered around. She doesn't realise that. My grandfather once said to me, "I'll do whatever it takes as long as it makes your grandmother happy." And yes, he have been doing that since the first time they married each other. I really wish I could help my grandfather. In anyways, as long as his happy. Really. He's the best grandfather I have ever had. I already lost one. I don't wanna lose another. Him working at an old age is not a wise idea. Seriously, I wish I can voice out.
Okay so! Yesterday, I forgot to mention in my post that after my Sunday's work, I cabbed to Bedok to karaoke with my parent's best buds. It turned out great! I'm so looking forward to another event. Now what I badly want is..
Atycar Babygirl knows who ^.^

Written on Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 2:29 PM
Sorry for not updating. It's been 2 tiring days. Haha. My body's aching like nobody's business. But still, thanks to Atycar Babygirl, Ben and Zaidi for helping me out whenever I needed help. Haha. Oh yes, there's even this cute boy, as in my age kindda cute boy, who helped me out. He's so nice. He's not in the team. He's just someone invited to the event.
My flu's back! Damn.
Yesterday, I melted like alot of times. Not because of that cute guy. But because of this someone. Ahhhh. Hero aku dohhhh. Hehe. Atycar and I even begged for a break just because we wanted to rest and tell her who I liked. Then we were like, "If only Shaffy was here. Ahhh! I can already imagine how she'd react." But seriously, he's so sweet. And then we ended up playing catching with this toddler. -.- Then, everytime Atycar and I were about to do something stupid, he comes around. Paisey kejap. But terbiase along the way. Hehe.
Kak Wati's got a peminat (: Yeahhh. And I'm starting to get the hang of it.
After which, I went to cash studio. Had fun karaoke-ing. And I forgot what time we reached home. All I know is that I blacked out right after I see the bed. Haha! My mom already said I can sleep all day. Body ache whaaaaaaaaaaat. Still aching y'know. Hmm.
EH GUESS WHAT? I'm thinner now. Wow. I actually fit my super tight shorts. Now it's super loose. YESSAH! Illa's thin baby. Hehe. Btw, I'm lucky just to linger in your eyes. (:

Written on Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 1:46 AM
Hello owl readers. Guess what? I should be sleeping by now cause I got work tomorrow. And I'm not. Why? I just feel guilty not updating my blog. Heh.
Yesterday(Saturday, according to time), was super fun working with Atycar Babygirl and friends. Bubbly ones. Hehe. Although it's kindda tiring, we managed to entertain ourselves. Yessah! And some lazybums couldn't stop sitting down. Definitely not the abang-abang, not the kakak-kakak.
Oh yes, today Atycar Babygirl and I made friends with some lelaki gatal. Haha! No lah. They were the cheeky ones. Not us. At first this guy's father called me over and said if I want his son, then point to his son. Wah, manyak cantik. Haha. Then I said, "huh?" Then he keep on repeating until he gave up and said, "Ah, where should I get more rice?" Then I showed him.
Few minutes later, his son called me over and said, "What's up with the bored face?" Then I shrugged. And he asked for my name and all. He is super cheeky man. I swear. Everytime he see me nearby he'd shout my name. Wtf? Tak pasal2 mak dher fikir kite suke each other. Haha! Ask for my status some more. After how many times of not entertaining his calls, he called me over again, "Illa, kawan Illa yang tu name sape? Umor?" He asked for Atycar Babygirl's name and age. Then he did the same to Atycar. Haha! Padan muka!
Btw, there's this super freaking hot guy during the wedding. I spotted him first! Then I made the "aww" face to Atycar. She didn't get it until she saw him in front of her face and she looked at me and we smiled cheekily. Kiwaaaakkk, sumpah hot sia. Sekali pandang cair semacam man.
Okay moving on. Mostly, nothing much happened. Only the guys uh. Haha. Oh yaaaa, they, as in our friends, call me Jambu A and Atycar Babygirl Jambu B. We the cute people eh? Haha. Awww, they say we look sweet. Kembang dooohhhhh.
And I got lectured by one of the guy who sent me home ): Boohoo. Haha. But he's real nice. Unfortunately, we're not posted to the same place tomorrow. His going Siglap. Nampaknye kite kene balik sorg laaa nii ehh? Hahaha.
Woah! Look at the time, got to go. XOXO.

Written on Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 6:34 AM
Yay! Everybody guess what? I woke up early again. 6 AM~
Ugh. Why do I keep waking up early? BUT today, I didn't get any nightmares. Sweet. I'm starting to love my new home. The colour is much nicer now. Lime green isn't a wise option for a wall. Choose la pink ke, maroon ke, brown ke. Kan lawa sikit. I love green but the green is too green. If you know what I mean. Sakit mata memandang. Haha.
Okay, so today's plan is to find out if Iqa Babygirl already got her white top. If she have, she would have to follow me for a short shopping trip for a white top today. If she doesn't have one, tkya sua. Hahaha. Black jeans? Hmm.. Cane tuu. Black tkde, dark blue ade uh. Hehe. Susah uh. Kan senang pki baju sendiri. Haha. Byk complain eh. Tsk tsk. Baaaad Illa.
And today, one of the beds will come. Let's just hope it's my bed. At last a bed! Haha.
Oh yes, the house is nicely painted. Thanks to all the dudes. And guess what? Yesterday, my father brought along his other friend, who I have never seen before, to help out. He's an Indian, but looks Turkish if you just take a glance. But somehow I already knew he was an Indian. Haha. Yea, he's got a fair skin tone. And he is really quiet. We only figured out he was not and Indian! Hindustani laa dey! Haha. My grandma watched too much Hindustan movies that when she heard this guy talked to his friend on the phone, she spoke to him in his language. She knew some because my Grandpa ever worked at Madras as a Singapore embassador, right? Cute semacam siak.
And my mom talked to this guy as if he was 4, man. The thing is, he's really weird. People at Madras, according to my grandmother doesn't like spicy stuffs but sweet stuffs. But he's the otherwise. He doesn't even eat curry! Haha. I think he's a vegetarian. He ate only fried ladyfingers and some other vegetables. Tapi, belacan dher.. Kusmangat. Haha!
The dudes came to paint the walls willingly. I mean, they weren't paid for doing it. My dad was actually supposed to because it was during their work time. But they were friends and my father actually didn't cut their pay for their real work so they did it sincerely. It's good enough you know! Haha. Fortunately, my family "fell in love" with that Hindustani guy. His life story was real sad. No joke. He was sent to Singapore, only to find out his agent cheated him. She ran away with his $7000 and he was left jobless in Singapore for 90 days. At first, my father hesitated to hire him. But really, he was one guy who deserved life man. He really worked his ass off man even after knowing that he wasn't paid to paint the walls. So my father's friends all left and we asked him to stay back. Yeah, we said we liked him and he was paid! Kesiankan deyni. Sayu hati dengar cerita dher.
Lagipon dher tk mcm bangla lain. Dher tk gelap langsung, dher tk gatal langsung and best part, dher tak bau mama langsung! Hahahaha!

Written on Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 5:08 PM
Hey hey. Currently, I'm resting. Have been helping the dudes paint the walls since just now. Auntie Lynn came just a few minutes ago and now, gossiping with mom. As usual.
I'm starting my PMS again. AH! Btw, his dad nagged at me. Pity him though. I mean, is he mad or whaat? I would ask my son to befriend the whole world if possible. Sister is prolly on the way back home by now. Side by side with her babylove. I'm so lazy to talk about couples but today I actually match-maked 2 couples. Not really 2. Only one, dah jadi.
Today, eating curry fish and papdom for dinner! Yum, become indian for a day laaaaa deyyy~
Fuck, I'm totally in no mood. Damn it damn it damn it. I feel like crying man. I just don't know why. I feel so.. PHICAT. My sister's ECAT. And Matiin's MECAT.

8:52 AM

7:02 AM
A very good morning to all of you readers.
I have officially shifted! Yessah. Eh, come to think of it, no. I'm gonna move again in end of May next year. After it is renovated. I swear, I can't wait. I can't wait to move again! Hehe.
I have been feeling very down with myself. I just don't know why. But guess what? When it comes to laughing, I can't stop. I'd be the loudest amongst all. But when all the laughters are over, I'd feel very down. So emo, erk.
Today, I woke up early. Nope, no alarms. And I woke up at 5 in the morning! Wow. So tossed and turned several times and no, I can't take this anymore. Went to the toilet, grannies already awake. Washed my face. Brushed my teeth. Laptop! Hehe. Yes, I have yet to take my shower. Shhh.
Oh, not forgetting about something. Today, my beloved uncles (father's friends) are coming over to paint the walls. You should see them, they are freaking funny. Why? They always know how to entertain themselves when boredom strikes. And, yes. They usually drink while having fun but they can do without it. I just know because I have been with them since young, seriously. Member bapak aku, aku tau uh! Heh.
But sometimes, it's really awkward to have fathers being friends with people whose ages are between 19 and 30+. Whatever, I'm so used to it. Talking about that reminds me of the two uncle rascals; Hafis and Ismail. Waaaaaaahhhh!~ Lame tak jumpe siaa. Rinduuuuuu. How old are they eh? 24 this year or next year? They're like super kecoh. I love them truckloads sia.
Why the hell am I talking about my father's friends? Stupid.
Yesssssaaaaahhhh! At last, after all those stupid, useless days.. Saturday will be working somewhere. I just hope I'm posted to the same place as Atiqa Babygirl. Really.

Written on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 @ 10:58 PM
This is a post for, Nur Afiqah Adaha ♥
I am sorry if you think I'm like stealing him away from you. But let's not jump to conclusion. Ari and I are just "brothers and sisters". In fact, we were talking about how much we missed you and all. We didn't have feelings for each other. Not even a bit. Kita contact gitu-gitu je sey Kak Fee. Trust me. I'd never talk to him anymore if it's a must. But just to let you know, I was shocked to know that you said, "Last long" to him. I mean, c'mon uh, I'd never steal your ex. You know that. What made you think I would do that kind of thing? Hmm..
Pick up my call please. Let me explain.
Yeah so, today was nothing but mundane. I'm sick like hell. I mean, not so sick but my flu is annoying me to the core. Ahh! My life is a total mess now. TOTAL MESS. I've been wanting to let this feeling out but something's stopping me.
He's keeps calling, I keep ignoring. Then soon, I'd get fucked up with myself. Then he calls again, but I reject. Then, I'd get sad. But truth is, I don't have feelings for him anymore. He should know why.
I mean, not him. Just another person. Omg, I get so pissed off easily these few days. I keep craving for stuffs. And now, I'm craving for something I shouldn't crave for at all. Why?
I am feeling so down. I don't know why but I am. Many things are running through my mind. On an on. Don't these things get tired? Ugh. I am watching Zombieland now. Tell you what, it's kindda disgusting. Haha.

1:56 PM
If feels so real.That thing is like looking at me!

Written on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Oh ya! I totally forgot Fuad's birthday until I read Iqa Babygirl's blog. Haha. Bad friend bad friend. Haha.
Okay okay.
Happy belated birthday Fuad Hakim!(: Be happy happy happy!~

3:24 PM
Halo sweet darlings. Here I am, at home rotting with three little kids, watching playhouse disney while my two other siblings are out for school. Except for sister, she's out with her baby nashrun after school.
The date last Monday was awesome! I had to call my little brother down to buy his school stuff last minute, though. He was kind enough to treat my brother and the best part was they clique-d real fast. And it was a pleasant sight.
Yaat might come down today to accompany me. I feel bad. Eventho he knows that we got nothing going on, he still insisted on contacting me. And Yaat's like my best senior's ex boyfriend's friend. And he's still in my school next year, I think. Then, if I have to ditch him, it'll be totally wrong. I mean, I'll be the bad one here. Ohmygod, help me out. I'm like so caught in between. Ayit's gonna give me a surprise tomorrow - again - and I'm totally nervous. While Yaat's sort of hoping for me. I mean, I can just give him a cold shoulder but damn it, he already went official to his friends. Which happens to be my senior's brother who will still be in my school next year. Both guys are too nice to be ditched. That's the problem. Urgh.
Okay, I'm like so excited for next year. Hehe. Especially knowing that Kak Tini called me down to perform with my beloved Purbanira Seni. Just that I'm now confused. How can I perform without being an official malay dancer in East Spring? I mean, I quit, didn't I? Won't people like talk about me if I were to perform? Kak J, how?
Sister got to use the iPhone. Ahh! Bullshit. I want it so badly yet she gets it. So heartbreaking. But nevermind, I still love my sister. Just that I hate her for getting the iPhone. What else should I talk about?
Yes, another reason why I am so caught in between is because I am left with 7 hours and 47 minutes to getting myself a boyfriend. And it's either I choose one of them or ditch both. And one has gone official to the family while the other one has gone official to the friends. So I'll be the bastard if I do that. And who wants to be the bastard?

Written on Sunday, December 27, 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Hello beautiful souls. Today, was nothing! Minus the Takashimaya part, it was seriously nothing! Mother got up late and she was too ego to accept the fact that she woke up late that she started nagging at us for being slow -.- seriously, wth. And there’s something else that happened but I shan’t elaborate further. You know, I hate hypocrites. And I am proud to announce that I am certainly not one of them. Prove is, I voice out what I feel unlike some people who pretends to be nice in front of you but be all bitch behind your back. Fuck, quit it man. Don’t call yourself fucking holy if you can’t even keep your shithole shut. And one more thing, fuck dickheads! After all those times, moments or whatever you call it, I’m lucky I didn’t fall too hard for it. You’re just another sweet talker mo-fucker. And, good luck girl. I hope you won’t get hurt badly like how I got it. Yeah, you got me once. But you can fool me no more. Kay, I should stop now. Yay! I’ve been single for like 5-6 months plus. Yes, many dates but many heart breaks. Aw, never mind. I don’t mind going through a moment’s pain for a lifetime pleasure (: Okay, next date: Monday, 28 December. Catching Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 with my date. *kening up up* Oh yes, did I mention that if by the end of the year I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m gonna mingle till my GCE N Levels are done. HOMAGAAA. I loveeeee ^.^ P.S: I can’t wait to have my moment of carrying my own newborn baby boy and crying tears of joy on my hospital bed and hearing him call me mummy as he grows up. KIWAK, cute siak. Then, I’ll have my baby girl (: Kay, cam paham eh ni minah. Matae pon blm ade. Tsk tsk. GATAL. Salah, miang. Hehe. Mampos, panjang nye PS aku. Haha. Kay tata. P.P.S: Happy Birthday Dearest Wan & Happy Birthday Aziz (:

Written on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 12:26 PM
YEZZAH! I subscribed to Nuffnang. It's kindda cool ^.^ hehe.
Okay, for the past hours, I've been listening to Kardinal Offishall songs. He's so hunky-dory man. I'm like in love with his 2 hits: Numba 1 featuring Keri Hilson and also Nina. It's like my mind was so free when I listened to it.
And I just watched Hunchback of Notre Dame. It's fucking awesome. My first time watching that story, like seriously. At first, I thought it was like gonna bore me or something. But, I watched it without missing a second of it! And the songs sang are melodious.
I am so filled with envy. Xia Xue, Singapore's most famous blogger, was proposed in the most romantic way. They met thru the net. He stumbled upon her blog while googling for something. Then, he suddenly felt so affected when he see her virtually that he sacrificed his money just to go meet her here. Aww. Eventho they were utterly poor at that moment, they went back and forth. States to Singapore, Singapore to States for three goddamn years. And now, he's living with her in Singapore. And they're like finally engaged. But seriously, you should see how he proposed. Fuck, I'm jealous. Any guy who is willing to do that for me? Heh.
Mat rep Singapore kental uh, ni smer confirm tkle capai nyee. Sweet but not romantic. Haha. Kerek nye. Their love story was better than the hollywood movies man. Fairytale, it exists!~
Okay, today, I'm planning to go to the movies with dearest siblings, later in the afternoon. And maybe at night going for buffet so I can't make it to the chalet today. Sorry dudes & dudettes. You know I still love you guys(:

Written on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 5:23 AM
DON'T THINK I'M ASLEEP. I'M NOT.But I believe I'm gonna be drooling off in half an hour's time? That has been my recent sleeping schedule. Off to sleep at 6am. Or worse, plus plus.
I feel like I've got a lot to say today. Let's just hope you guys would read it till the end. If not, I'd feel so.. stupid. All the effort put in to share my thoughts and feelings. Going down, down, down, down, down.
I actually created a Tagged account out of boredom. Great. Now whose gonna manage that? Too many accounts, too much pressure~ K, crap. I know.
Now, there's no more sister & I sleeping only at 6 am in the morning. She's busy with stuffs. And she's only not busy when it's not about him. So she'll get sleepy when it's not about him. And me, I'm the sleeping beauty. What do you expect? But these few days, I don't rest. Not even a blink of an eye. I mean, nap. Yes, not even one. I guess my boss is giving me a break from my super easy job as a sleeping beauty. -.-
Today, I hereby claim that I don't like anybody (: Okay, my English suck.
I watched Radit Love Jani for 2 times. And it was fucking awesome! Prove is, I cried each time I watched it. And I don't cry as in "aww" cry. I cry as in "no, don't leave me!" cry. 2 times! My grandpap said, "This means that if you watch it 3 times, you'll cry for 3 times. If you watch it 10 times, you'll cry for 10 times. Yeah?" And I giggled. As for my dad, he said, "cry bodoh!" Hehe. People who watch the story should know why my dad called me bodoh. Heh. My mum slept halfway because she thought it was boring. She's not fun to be with anymore. I don't like the way she is now. I want my old mummy back! Boohoo. Shuttup.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I kinda miss school. Students in the school, I mean. No. More to the Normal Academics. I'm closer to them. So yeah. Heh. No hard feelings. Anyhoos, good luck to the GCE N Level Students!~
Holiday's getting overly boring. And I have been bumping on to mat reps and hook-ups ain't exciting anymore. If you get what I mean. Boys are boys. Girls are girls. One way or another, when they get bored of each other, they'd start ditching. And the best part, he'd go.. "Oh, she's a bitch." Or maybe she'd go, "That sweet talker mother fucker? Get a life." It's always the same darn thing. And now, I'm getting tired of it. It's boring me, people! But I gotta admit, its real hard staying single after being attached like the whole time or being single but unavailable (as in, already dating) and now, I'm like totally single. No boys. I'd tend to go, "Ugh! I need a boyfriend. Please!" Or maybe, "God, he's sweet. How I wish I could have him." How weird.
Oh wells, life's a climb. But the view's great. I'm loving the feeling of being single. You get to go wherever you like without thinking of him, without informing them where you are, who your with, what time will you be calling, what time will you be back and such. No interruptions! Hee.
Naughty G really make me wide awake. It works! I was just curious. How it tasted like and since it contains caffeine, I wanted to see if it works on me! The sleeping beauty. But I didn't drink it today. I wonder why I'm still wide awake. No coffees. Coffees and I, not in good terms. We don't work well together. So, definitely not coffees.
I wanted to continue. But really, there won't be a stop. So I guess I'll stop now. Before I change my mind. I need to sleep, I'm a girl. It's not good to stay awake in the wee mornings and snoring like a pig in the late afternoons. So, yeah ~
PS: I'm missing the boys. *winks!* Time Check: 6:04 AM. Geez. I'm already late for my appointment!
Toodles baby angels! Sleeping time (:

Written on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 @ 4:02 PM
Yay! Today I woke up with another nightmare. So niiiicccceee -.-
It's so scary! And today, I have nothing much to say. I miss Acap Baby Boy alot. He's getting cuter now. He came over with his 2 sisters yesterday. Ahhhh, xoxo-ed. And today, they'll be coming over again! I'm waiting. Where are you, sweety pies?

Written on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 @ 12:31 PM
Hello pretty boys and girls. Today, my sister, Inna Syakinah, is officially 17. ONLY. Haha. So, let me start of this post by giving my sister a birthday wish.
Dear Kakak,
It has been nice knowing you and having you as a big sister. Eventho sometimes your such a pain in the ass. Hahahaha. We should keep this momentum running, like Ibu said. Sharing the same hobbies and all. We even have the same taste! How cool is that man?! And I hope to see you succeed in life and make our family proud one day. I'm sorry if I have been such a bitch towards you. Yeah, I PMS like a bitch now. I just wanna let you know, no matter how much I said I wanted a better sister than you are, I still want you to be my one & only sister because you are the only one who understand me like no other.
Happy Birthday, Inna Syakinah! May all your dreams come true (:
Guess what? My grandparents keep fighting nowadays. Haiss. Nenek pon satu. Perah minyak je. Atok nak manja-manja pon tkle. Kesian atok. Really, seeing my grandfather sad everyday kills me. Don't get me wrong, I love my grandmother. But she's living like the rich while my grandfather's being ordered around. She doesn't realise that. My grandfather once said to me, "I'll do whatever it takes as long as it makes your grandmother happy." And yes, he have been doing that since the first time they married each other. I really wish I could help my grandfather. In anyways, as long as his happy. Really. He's the best grandfather I have ever had. I already lost one. I don't wanna lose another. Him working at an old age is not a wise idea. Seriously, I wish I can voice out.
Okay so! Yesterday, I forgot to mention in my post that after my Sunday's work, I cabbed to Bedok to karaoke with my parent's best buds. It turned out great! I'm so looking forward to another event. Now what I badly want is..
Atycar Babygirl knows who ^.^

Written on Monday, December 7, 2009 @ 2:29 PM
Sorry for not updating. It's been 2 tiring days. Haha. My body's aching like nobody's business. But still, thanks to Atycar Babygirl, Ben and Zaidi for helping me out whenever I needed help. Haha. Oh yes, there's even this cute boy, as in my age kindda cute boy, who helped me out. He's so nice. He's not in the team. He's just someone invited to the event.
My flu's back! Damn.
Yesterday, I melted like alot of times. Not because of that cute guy. But because of this someone. Ahhhh. Hero aku dohhhh. Hehe. Atycar and I even begged for a break just because we wanted to rest and tell her who I liked. Then we were like, "If only Shaffy was here. Ahhh! I can already imagine how she'd react." But seriously, he's so sweet. And then we ended up playing catching with this toddler. -.- Then, everytime Atycar and I were about to do something stupid, he comes around. Paisey kejap. But terbiase along the way. Hehe.
Kak Wati's got a peminat (: Yeahhh. And I'm starting to get the hang of it.
After which, I went to cash studio. Had fun karaoke-ing. And I forgot what time we reached home. All I know is that I blacked out right after I see the bed. Haha! My mom already said I can sleep all day. Body ache whaaaaaaaaaaat. Still aching y'know. Hmm.
EH GUESS WHAT? I'm thinner now. Wow. I actually fit my super tight shorts. Now it's super loose. YESSAH! Illa's thin baby. Hehe. Btw, I'm lucky just to linger in your eyes. (:

Written on Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 1:46 AM
Hello owl readers. Guess what? I should be sleeping by now cause I got work tomorrow. And I'm not. Why? I just feel guilty not updating my blog. Heh.
Yesterday(Saturday, according to time), was super fun working with Atycar Babygirl and friends. Bubbly ones. Hehe. Although it's kindda tiring, we managed to entertain ourselves. Yessah! And some lazybums couldn't stop sitting down. Definitely not the abang-abang, not the kakak-kakak.
Oh yes, today Atycar Babygirl and I made friends with some lelaki gatal. Haha! No lah. They were the cheeky ones. Not us. At first this guy's father called me over and said if I want his son, then point to his son. Wah, manyak cantik. Haha. Then I said, "huh?" Then he keep on repeating until he gave up and said, "Ah, where should I get more rice?" Then I showed him.
Few minutes later, his son called me over and said, "What's up with the bored face?" Then I shrugged. And he asked for my name and all. He is super cheeky man. I swear. Everytime he see me nearby he'd shout my name. Wtf? Tak pasal2 mak dher fikir kite suke each other. Haha! Ask for my status some more. After how many times of not entertaining his calls, he called me over again, "Illa, kawan Illa yang tu name sape? Umor?" He asked for Atycar Babygirl's name and age. Then he did the same to Atycar. Haha! Padan muka!
Btw, there's this super freaking hot guy during the wedding. I spotted him first! Then I made the "aww" face to Atycar. She didn't get it until she saw him in front of her face and she looked at me and we smiled cheekily. Kiwaaaakkk, sumpah hot sia. Sekali pandang cair semacam man.
Okay moving on. Mostly, nothing much happened. Only the guys uh. Haha. Oh yaaaa, they, as in our friends, call me Jambu A and Atycar Babygirl Jambu B. We the cute people eh? Haha. Awww, they say we look sweet. Kembang dooohhhhh.
And I got lectured by one of the guy who sent me home ): Boohoo. Haha. But he's real nice. Unfortunately, we're not posted to the same place tomorrow. His going Siglap. Nampaknye kite kene balik sorg laaa nii ehh? Hahaha.
Woah! Look at the time, got to go. XOXO.

Written on Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 6:34 AM
Yay! Everybody guess what? I woke up early again. 6 AM~
Ugh. Why do I keep waking up early? BUT today, I didn't get any nightmares. Sweet. I'm starting to love my new home. The colour is much nicer now. Lime green isn't a wise option for a wall. Choose la pink ke, maroon ke, brown ke. Kan lawa sikit. I love green but the green is too green. If you know what I mean. Sakit mata memandang. Haha.
Okay, so today's plan is to find out if Iqa Babygirl already got her white top. If she have, she would have to follow me for a short shopping trip for a white top today. If she doesn't have one, tkya sua. Hahaha. Black jeans? Hmm.. Cane tuu. Black tkde, dark blue ade uh. Hehe. Susah uh. Kan senang pki baju sendiri. Haha. Byk complain eh. Tsk tsk. Baaaad Illa.
And today, one of the beds will come. Let's just hope it's my bed. At last a bed! Haha.
Oh yes, the house is nicely painted. Thanks to all the dudes. And guess what? Yesterday, my father brought along his other friend, who I have never seen before, to help out. He's an Indian, but looks Turkish if you just take a glance. But somehow I already knew he was an Indian. Haha. Yea, he's got a fair skin tone. And he is really quiet. We only figured out he was not and Indian! Hindustani laa dey! Haha. My grandma watched too much Hindustan movies that when she heard this guy talked to his friend on the phone, she spoke to him in his language. She knew some because my Grandpa ever worked at Madras as a Singapore embassador, right? Cute semacam siak.
And my mom talked to this guy as if he was 4, man. The thing is, he's really weird. People at Madras, according to my grandmother doesn't like spicy stuffs but sweet stuffs. But he's the otherwise. He doesn't even eat curry! Haha. I think he's a vegetarian. He ate only fried ladyfingers and some other vegetables. Tapi, belacan dher.. Kusmangat. Haha!
The dudes came to paint the walls willingly. I mean, they weren't paid for doing it. My dad was actually supposed to because it was during their work time. But they were friends and my father actually didn't cut their pay for their real work so they did it sincerely. It's good enough you know! Haha. Fortunately, my family "fell in love" with that Hindustani guy. His life story was real sad. No joke. He was sent to Singapore, only to find out his agent cheated him. She ran away with his $7000 and he was left jobless in Singapore for 90 days. At first, my father hesitated to hire him. But really, he was one guy who deserved life man. He really worked his ass off man even after knowing that he wasn't paid to paint the walls. So my father's friends all left and we asked him to stay back. Yeah, we said we liked him and he was paid! Kesiankan deyni. Sayu hati dengar cerita dher.
Lagipon dher tk mcm bangla lain. Dher tk gelap langsung, dher tk gatal langsung and best part, dher tak bau mama langsung! Hahahaha!

Written on Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 5:08 PM
Hey hey. Currently, I'm resting. Have been helping the dudes paint the walls since just now. Auntie Lynn came just a few minutes ago and now, gossiping with mom. As usual.
I'm starting my PMS again. AH! Btw, his dad nagged at me. Pity him though. I mean, is he mad or whaat? I would ask my son to befriend the whole world if possible. Sister is prolly on the way back home by now. Side by side with her babylove. I'm so lazy to talk about couples but today I actually match-maked 2 couples. Not really 2. Only one, dah jadi.
Today, eating curry fish and papdom for dinner! Yum, become indian for a day laaaaa deyyy~
Fuck, I'm totally in no mood. Damn it damn it damn it. I feel like crying man. I just don't know why. I feel so.. PHICAT. My sister's ECAT. And Matiin's MECAT.

8:52 AM

7:02 AM
A very good morning to all of you readers.
I have officially shifted! Yessah. Eh, come to think of it, no. I'm gonna move again in end of May next year. After it is renovated. I swear, I can't wait. I can't wait to move again! Hehe.
I have been feeling very down with myself. I just don't know why. But guess what? When it comes to laughing, I can't stop. I'd be the loudest amongst all. But when all the laughters are over, I'd feel very down. So emo, erk.
Today, I woke up early. Nope, no alarms. And I woke up at 5 in the morning! Wow. So tossed and turned several times and no, I can't take this anymore. Went to the toilet, grannies already awake. Washed my face. Brushed my teeth. Laptop! Hehe. Yes, I have yet to take my shower. Shhh.
Oh, not forgetting about something. Today, my beloved uncles (father's friends) are coming over to paint the walls. You should see them, they are freaking funny. Why? They always know how to entertain themselves when boredom strikes. And, yes. They usually drink while having fun but they can do without it. I just know because I have been with them since young, seriously. Member bapak aku, aku tau uh! Heh.
But sometimes, it's really awkward to have fathers being friends with people whose ages are between 19 and 30+. Whatever, I'm so used to it. Talking about that reminds me of the two uncle rascals; Hafis and Ismail. Waaaaaaahhhh!~ Lame tak jumpe siaa. Rinduuuuuu. How old are they eh? 24 this year or next year? They're like super kecoh. I love them truckloads sia.
Why the hell am I talking about my father's friends? Stupid.
Yesssssaaaaahhhh! At last, after all those stupid, useless days.. Saturday will be working somewhere. I just hope I'm posted to the same place as Atiqa Babygirl. Really.

Written on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 @ 10:58 PM
This is a post for, Nur Afiqah Adaha ♥
I am sorry if you think I'm like stealing him away from you. But let's not jump to conclusion. Ari and I are just "brothers and sisters". In fact, we were talking about how much we missed you and all. We didn't have feelings for each other. Not even a bit. Kita contact gitu-gitu je sey Kak Fee. Trust me. I'd never talk to him anymore if it's a must. But just to let you know, I was shocked to know that you said, "Last long" to him. I mean, c'mon uh, I'd never steal your ex. You know that. What made you think I would do that kind of thing? Hmm..
Pick up my call please. Let me explain.
Yeah so, today was nothing but mundane. I'm sick like hell. I mean, not so sick but my flu is annoying me to the core. Ahh! My life is a total mess now. TOTAL MESS. I've been wanting to let this feeling out but something's stopping me.
He's keeps calling, I keep ignoring. Then soon, I'd get fucked up with myself. Then he calls again, but I reject. Then, I'd get sad. But truth is, I don't have feelings for him anymore. He should know why.
I mean, not him. Just another person. Omg, I get so pissed off easily these few days. I keep craving for stuffs. And now, I'm craving for something I shouldn't crave for at all. Why?
I am feeling so down. I don't know why but I am. Many things are running through my mind. On an on. Don't these things get tired? Ugh. I am watching Zombieland now. Tell you what, it's kindda disgusting. Haha.

1:56 PM
If feels so real.That thing is like looking at me!

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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