Written on Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 2:45 AM
** When is your anniversary with your bf/gf? - ~ 19 May Yaw!
** Do you prefer being with your recent one or your ex? - ~ my boyfy (:
** What similarities do you and your bf/gf owns? - ~ get jealous easily. hhes.
** What similarities do you and your ex owns? - ~ next question please.
** What similarities do your bf/gf and ex owns? - ~ they love talking late at night.
** What was your expression, when bf/gf sounded you? - ~ i melted.
** Do you expect that to happen? - ~ not at all.
** What movie does bf/gf like? - ~ babii! gue tk tau.
** What group band does bf/gf like? - ~ alesana, i guess.
** Who is your bf/gf enemy? - ~ he dont own any bodoh!
** Who is your bf/gf bestfriend? - ~ iwan?
** Oh ya! I almost forgot. What gender are you? Name? - ~ Female, Illa :DD
** What do you both call for each other? - ~ Bby or Syg.
** What will you do if he/she happened to ask for a break up? - ~ I hope it won't ever happen.
** In one word, describe your relationship. - ~ Stable? Sweet? hah.
** What makes you attracted to your bf/gf? - ~ Everything about him.
** Are you cheeky towards bf/gf? - ~ make a wild guess.
** Do you spend lots of money on your bf/gf? - ~ if its for a special day, it will be.
** Do you have anything to say to you bf/gf? - ~ I love you :DDD
** What is the first thing you would do the night after you get married to your bf/gf? - ~ ehh, aku peh psl uh nk buat ape. asl sebok!?
** What will your baby name be? Boy and girl. ~ Girl: Allie Puteri Nur Sheila:DD Boy: Muhammad Danish:DD
Labels: survey.

1:01 AM
from him:
If all ur love was all i had in life well that would be enough until the end of time so rest your weary heart and relax ur mind cause i'm going to love u girl till the end of time HAPPY ONE MONTH BBY!~ (: from me:
thanks for being there for me for the past one month i hope that our bond will be much stronger than ever during this one month we've been thru thick & thin together im sorry for hurting u physically or mentally i didnt mean to heart you but it was just a joke obviously im speechless right now & all i have to say is that
bby, iloveyou alot i cant imagine how my life would be w/o you by my side
Labels: i love bby~

Written on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 11:27 AM
good morning earthlings. illa here. isn't it obvious enough? pffffft. im bored. ystd, chatted with nadhir on the phone. is it still so early? wake up people. its 11:16 AM! sleepyheads. hah. omg, i love nadhir siaaaaaaaaaaa. yeaahhhh. illa syg nadhir bykbyk! like hell. hahha.
seriously, idk what else to post about. & it seems like so long since i post. people who linked me, sorry if i haven't linked u yet. too lazy perhaps. hah. goddddddddddddddd, i have nothing say but i love nadhir i love nadhir i love nadhir. hah!
oh yaaa, guess what? i love nadhir. & you know what? i love him more laa seyy! sial uhh, even i get irritated bodoh. but i love him! ily ily ily bby! huahua. crazy illa laa kan. haha. siak uh. i love him laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! make me stop lehhhhhh. pndi peee. all the way post, "i love nadhir" hah. i wanna shout, "ily nadhir" like hell bodoh. haha. idiot laa. make me stop. something, someone. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ehh gilee. stop it uhh. i love my bby. hah. kk, stop.
i think i have nth better to do. so, i should just end here.
PS: i love u bykbyk bby!~ mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :DDDD PPS: dont think im crazy. hah. Labels: i love bby~

Written on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 2:28 AM
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Or you can use your top 5. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first... NO CHEATING
1. Nadhir Bby 2. Fee Darla 3. Noura Cutey 4. Amirah Prettaye 5. Iwan ??
1. How did you meet number 3[noura cutey]? - School. 2. On a scale 1-10 rate yourfriendship with number 5[iwan ??]? - 5? heh. 3. How long have you known 4[amirah prettaye]? - 2 years(: 4. How do you know number 2[fee darla]? - school. 5. What would you do if 3[noura cutey] told you he/she loved you? - she already did :D 6. A fact about number 1[nadhir syg]. - my close to perfect boyfy; he's everything nicee 7. Who is 4[amirah prettaye] going out with? - her boyfy 8. What does 5[iwan ??] do for a living? - breathe. heh. 9. Would you live with number 3[noura cutey]? - i would love to! 10. What do you like about number 1[nadhir syg]? - i love him; the key to my heart. hah! 11. Do you miss number 2[fee darla]? - hell yeahh! 12. Would you kiss number 3[noura cutey]? - would be a pleasure. heh. 13. What's your opinion of number 4[amirah prettaye]? - she's a one smart girl (: 14. What's your favorite memory with number 1[nadhir syg]? - every second spent on him 15. What would you do if 1[nadhir syg] and 2[fee darla] were dating? - see what i'll do. pfffft. 16. Ever had a long conversation with5[iwan ??]? - no, never will i think. 17. Have you ever slept at 2[fee darla]'s house? - not yet. hoping (: 18. Do you hang out a lot with 3[noura cutey]? - yeahh. 19. Who have you known the longest? - 3, noura:D 20. Who have you known the shortest? - 5, iwan(: 21. How often do you talk and see 1[nadhir syg]? - talk, quite often. see, not much. sooon (: 22. What about 2[fee darla]? - talk, not so much. see, every weekdays during school (:Labels: survey.

Written on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 8:12 PM
i was browsing thru my friendster bulletins when i came into haikal's post. so, i just went to check out his friendster. jyeaaa. i found a video, which i thought of embedding it here, but forget it. it was their dance. jumpstyle/shuffle ehh? nicee one. haha. shuffy, haikal, hakeem dancing. omg. cutee bodoh. but, i DO NOT like them. seriously. then below the embedded video, i found a poem specially reated for haikal's lover. damn. he's sweet. i knew he was the one who wrote that lovely poem. because, both hakeem & haikal are good at it. seriously. allow me to share it with you.
soul creates a life breathing pumps blood energy moves like flood heart consist of emotions feelings are mainly affections illusion is only a lie emotions is where love lies.. characteristic is within the heart and without it we are just a card Hopes are sometimes deadly But roads are to be chosen wisely Perseverance is exactly patience But Resistance comes wif consequances If love is blind,it can be fake So please be kind and stay awake Being backmouth is what im afraid y u may ask becoz its wat i hate! So love with ur heart and choose with your heart I dont bite becoz im ALRIGHT Life is once but use it wisely True love will come but very much rarely i like FILA n I have no fear but i love Ila becoz she's my dear This Poem I Make,Have Meanings In it If ur good in English,Then u can make it =)
my ears are for listeninga nd my eyes are for judging my mouth bring laughters and my words bring smiles my face bring emotions but my feelings bring expressions my heart bring feelings and my feelings bring love my Sleep bring Dreams and the Dream brings an image An image of who i really love A sweet romantic lady i love who always brighten up my life who always inspire me n pull me up when im down Everyone makes mistakes but i hope i wont N if i do,i hope i wont lose u ur face is like an angel to me no matter wat u turn out 2 be ur love is like a treasure 2 me n Tats y ur picture is wif me
signing out ha‡kal©ute™ Specially dedicated to ila,followed by All WARNING!! Made IN Singapore By the Owner CuteLabels: yeaa

Written on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 @ 6:24 PM
Okae . im missing my bby boy rite now . im sorry for making you dissapointed in me . idk tht you want to surprise me by picking me up after school . but then i went home early , as i have to leave tonight . Im so so so sorry bby . i swear i'll make it up for you oryte love . jgn sedih2 tau . aper just tell kak fee everything okee . and she'll tell me when i reach home . Takecare of yourself . and oh ya one more thing . Keep your eyes to yourself oke syg ? Eventhough im at the other country . My heart will always stay with you bby :D

4:24 PM
awwww. i feel like the world is going to overturn. hah! merepek. serious, i wanna cry oi. daa cry pon. im going to miss baby & kak fee bykbyk!~ i love them byk2. to core. even noura, kaaay? syg kauuu! heh. & i totally ruin bby's surprise today. by going home early. godddddd, even though idk your surprise, i still wanna say.. I LOVE BBY, BYKBYK TAUU! *hugs to bby, kak fee, nazrah, noura* i'll miss you all.
you see? cm nk kiamat kaaaan? i miss them already. && i think i disappoint bby. he went offline after that. so sad. i wanna cry more ): im sorry bby. seriously, i am. & a big wet kiss to kak fee & nadhir for the sweet surprise. even though idk.
PS: i cried again. pfft. is the world going to end? that even leaving them for a few days is very hard? i love them. & my family, duhhh! :DD iloveyou iloveyou iloveyou bby!~ Labels: aku love korang and i already miss everyone

12:38 AM
oh damnnn. hah. i will miss amirah hell lots. serious. if it wasnt because of her. my life wouldn't have been this complete. thanks, girlfriend. sayang kau, bykbyk. & im calling bby<33>iloveyou baby ! says: eyy , nadhir told me tht he dont like u . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: when?
You have just sent a nudge.
iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: sedihh ): iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: :S iloveyou baby ! says: baru jerr . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: how? iloveyou baby ! says: otf iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: how laa iloveyou baby ! says: dier kater " aku tk sukerr illa sehyy " iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uhh. gilaaa uh dher. pfft. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: why he say that? iloveyou baby ! says: ilek uhh . main2 jerrrr . iloveyou baby ! says: HAHAHAHA iloveyou baby ! says: he ask me to prank u . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uh. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: CB. i believe sial. gaaaaaaaaaa! i almost kene heart attack oi! iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: u otp with him uh? iloveyou baby ! says: mcm phm heart attack . iloveyou baby ! says: yaa . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: phm uhh iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: oi, you tell him what i say kkan? iloveyou baby ! says: baru ltk iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uh. bastarddd. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah iloveyou baby ! says: HAHA iloveyou baby ! says: kiter dh ltk punn iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: but u tell kann? iloveyou baby ! says: jyeaaaaa iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: what he say? -.- iloveyou baby ! says: terkejut asl ? u really love him isit ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: abehhhhh!? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: what he said? iloveyou baby ! says: brape bnyk tuuh ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: rape byk apeee? iloveyou baby ! says: brape bnyk percent u like himm ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: whyy? iloveyou baby ! says: jwb ajer luhh . susah sngt kerr . why ? u scared i tell nadhir isit ? im not otf with him lhh . im just askinh jerr . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: btol uh? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: kk, im not sure. but alot uh. & i dont like him. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: heh iloveyou baby ! says: u dont like him ? abe aperr ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: guess? -.- iloveyou baby ! says: love ! iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah. step kak ekah ngn ari tk jeeee. iloveyou baby ! says: duhhhh !
...& we discussed bout something (:
Labels: msn

Written on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 10:38 AM
hellooooooow(: got up early today. supposed to have MD but its postponed till tomorrow. & i really need to ask someone what time it starts at. darn. no one's online. i mean, MD-ers. currently finding new blogskins, browsing through some pictures of kak fee, reading a book. basically, im multi-tasking. seriously, im into this book im reading. the book's quite dirty, though. but it teaches me stuff. like; not to be hopeless when theres still a whole lot of spacing right infront of you. hhes.
oh, how so so sad. noura's back. but she haven't contacted me at all. i feel neglected. i mean, she should've at least contacted me, right? whatever. i dont care. but seriously, i want her to call me. i miss her hell lots. hey, not that im in LOVE with her. its just that, i LOVE her & treats her like my very own sister. so its just like, sisterly love. if you get what i mean. shut up. all i want is her to call me before 5th June because then, i won't be around in Singapore.
a bit of the what-happeneds of the yesterdays..
hakeem called me. & i am darn shocked about it. i mean, he still keeps my number & recognize my voice! how do i know that? i was talking to bby<33,>
at that moment i was super shocked & blank. so i was like, "huh? err.. sape ni?" i totally didn't know it was him. in english, i said, "who's this?" so he said, "hakeem laa. ni hakeem." but still, being blank, i said, "huh?" & he instantly replied, "ade ATM machine tak pat sane? tempat hari tu kite makan." which also means, "so, is there any ATM machine down there?" without even thinking, i said no -.- when actually there was. i was blank, what'd you expect? so i just backed off.
as i was going to another line, ibu said, "come illa. let's go!" so, i had to say goodbye to bby <33.>
to be confirmed it was hakeem's number, i called bby<33.>
but whatever happens, i wanna be with nadhir. i love him. woah. one long post just to story-tell a phone call. hah. illa illa..
Labels: call

Written on Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 3:53 AM
back from somewhere. hah! i miss kak fee, noura, nazrah, cousin-in-law & nadhir<33. tskk. like a lott. very very a lott! kk, im currently chatting with: ari, kak ekah & bby.
seriously, this window have been opened for like 30 mins? yet nothing is written. too busy chatting with bby, kak fee & ari.
now, im bored because bby is sleeping soundly. hah! & its been 1 hr. yet, nth is written. pathetic. & now, kak ekah don't wanna talk. HAH. hehe.
& now, im dead bored. & then.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. GOODNIGHT :D Labels: asleep: goodnight beloved

Written on Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 2:45 AM
** When is your anniversary with your bf/gf? - ~ 19 May Yaw!
** Do you prefer being with your recent one or your ex? - ~ my boyfy (:
** What similarities do you and your bf/gf owns? - ~ get jealous easily. hhes.
** What similarities do you and your ex owns? - ~ next question please.
** What similarities do your bf/gf and ex owns? - ~ they love talking late at night.
** What was your expression, when bf/gf sounded you? - ~ i melted.
** Do you expect that to happen? - ~ not at all.
** What movie does bf/gf like? - ~ babii! gue tk tau.
** What group band does bf/gf like? - ~ alesana, i guess.
** Who is your bf/gf enemy? - ~ he dont own any bodoh!
** Who is your bf/gf bestfriend? - ~ iwan?
** Oh ya! I almost forgot. What gender are you? Name? - ~ Female, Illa :DD
** What do you both call for each other? - ~ Bby or Syg.
** What will you do if he/she happened to ask for a break up? - ~ I hope it won't ever happen.
** In one word, describe your relationship. - ~ Stable? Sweet? hah.
** What makes you attracted to your bf/gf? - ~ Everything about him.
** Are you cheeky towards bf/gf? - ~ make a wild guess.
** Do you spend lots of money on your bf/gf? - ~ if its for a special day, it will be.
** Do you have anything to say to you bf/gf? - ~ I love you :DDD
** What is the first thing you would do the night after you get married to your bf/gf? - ~ ehh, aku peh psl uh nk buat ape. asl sebok!?
** What will your baby name be? Boy and girl. ~ Girl: Allie Puteri Nur Sheila:DD Boy: Muhammad Danish:DD
Labels: survey.

1:01 AM
from him:
If all ur love was all i had in life well that would be enough until the end of time so rest your weary heart and relax ur mind cause i'm going to love u girl till the end of time HAPPY ONE MONTH BBY!~ (: from me:
thanks for being there for me for the past one month i hope that our bond will be much stronger than ever during this one month we've been thru thick & thin together im sorry for hurting u physically or mentally i didnt mean to heart you but it was just a joke obviously im speechless right now & all i have to say is that
bby, iloveyou alot i cant imagine how my life would be w/o you by my side
Labels: i love bby~

Written on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 11:27 AM
good morning earthlings. illa here. isn't it obvious enough? pffffft. im bored. ystd, chatted with nadhir on the phone. is it still so early? wake up people. its 11:16 AM! sleepyheads. hah. omg, i love nadhir siaaaaaaaaaaa. yeaahhhh. illa syg nadhir bykbyk! like hell. hahha.
seriously, idk what else to post about. & it seems like so long since i post. people who linked me, sorry if i haven't linked u yet. too lazy perhaps. hah. goddddddddddddddd, i have nothing say but i love nadhir i love nadhir i love nadhir. hah!
oh yaaa, guess what? i love nadhir. & you know what? i love him more laa seyy! sial uhh, even i get irritated bodoh. but i love him! ily ily ily bby! huahua. crazy illa laa kan. haha. siak uh. i love him laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! make me stop lehhhhhh. pndi peee. all the way post, "i love nadhir" hah. i wanna shout, "ily nadhir" like hell bodoh. haha. idiot laa. make me stop. something, someone. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ehh gilee. stop it uhh. i love my bby. hah. kk, stop.
i think i have nth better to do. so, i should just end here.
PS: i love u bykbyk bby!~ mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :DDDD PPS: dont think im crazy. hah. Labels: i love bby~

Written on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 2:28 AM
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Or you can use your top 5. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first... NO CHEATING
1. Nadhir Bby 2. Fee Darla 3. Noura Cutey 4. Amirah Prettaye 5. Iwan ??
1. How did you meet number 3[noura cutey]? - School. 2. On a scale 1-10 rate yourfriendship with number 5[iwan ??]? - 5? heh. 3. How long have you known 4[amirah prettaye]? - 2 years(: 4. How do you know number 2[fee darla]? - school. 5. What would you do if 3[noura cutey] told you he/she loved you? - she already did :D 6. A fact about number 1[nadhir syg]. - my close to perfect boyfy; he's everything nicee 7. Who is 4[amirah prettaye] going out with? - her boyfy 8. What does 5[iwan ??] do for a living? - breathe. heh. 9. Would you live with number 3[noura cutey]? - i would love to! 10. What do you like about number 1[nadhir syg]? - i love him; the key to my heart. hah! 11. Do you miss number 2[fee darla]? - hell yeahh! 12. Would you kiss number 3[noura cutey]? - would be a pleasure. heh. 13. What's your opinion of number 4[amirah prettaye]? - she's a one smart girl (: 14. What's your favorite memory with number 1[nadhir syg]? - every second spent on him 15. What would you do if 1[nadhir syg] and 2[fee darla] were dating? - see what i'll do. pfffft. 16. Ever had a long conversation with5[iwan ??]? - no, never will i think. 17. Have you ever slept at 2[fee darla]'s house? - not yet. hoping (: 18. Do you hang out a lot with 3[noura cutey]? - yeahh. 19. Who have you known the longest? - 3, noura:D 20. Who have you known the shortest? - 5, iwan(: 21. How often do you talk and see 1[nadhir syg]? - talk, quite often. see, not much. sooon (: 22. What about 2[fee darla]? - talk, not so much. see, every weekdays during school (:Labels: survey.

Written on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 8:12 PM
i was browsing thru my friendster bulletins when i came into haikal's post. so, i just went to check out his friendster. jyeaaa. i found a video, which i thought of embedding it here, but forget it. it was their dance. jumpstyle/shuffle ehh? nicee one. haha. shuffy, haikal, hakeem dancing. omg. cutee bodoh. but, i DO NOT like them. seriously. then below the embedded video, i found a poem specially reated for haikal's lover. damn. he's sweet. i knew he was the one who wrote that lovely poem. because, both hakeem & haikal are good at it. seriously. allow me to share it with you.
soul creates a life breathing pumps blood energy moves like flood heart consist of emotions feelings are mainly affections illusion is only a lie emotions is where love lies.. characteristic is within the heart and without it we are just a card Hopes are sometimes deadly But roads are to be chosen wisely Perseverance is exactly patience But Resistance comes wif consequances If love is blind,it can be fake So please be kind and stay awake Being backmouth is what im afraid y u may ask becoz its wat i hate! So love with ur heart and choose with your heart I dont bite becoz im ALRIGHT Life is once but use it wisely True love will come but very much rarely i like FILA n I have no fear but i love Ila becoz she's my dear This Poem I Make,Have Meanings In it If ur good in English,Then u can make it =)
my ears are for listeninga nd my eyes are for judging my mouth bring laughters and my words bring smiles my face bring emotions but my feelings bring expressions my heart bring feelings and my feelings bring love my Sleep bring Dreams and the Dream brings an image An image of who i really love A sweet romantic lady i love who always brighten up my life who always inspire me n pull me up when im down Everyone makes mistakes but i hope i wont N if i do,i hope i wont lose u ur face is like an angel to me no matter wat u turn out 2 be ur love is like a treasure 2 me n Tats y ur picture is wif me
signing out ha‡kal©ute™ Specially dedicated to ila,followed by All WARNING!! Made IN Singapore By the Owner CuteLabels: yeaa

Written on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 @ 6:24 PM
Okae . im missing my bby boy rite now . im sorry for making you dissapointed in me . idk tht you want to surprise me by picking me up after school . but then i went home early , as i have to leave tonight . Im so so so sorry bby . i swear i'll make it up for you oryte love . jgn sedih2 tau . aper just tell kak fee everything okee . and she'll tell me when i reach home . Takecare of yourself . and oh ya one more thing . Keep your eyes to yourself oke syg ? Eventhough im at the other country . My heart will always stay with you bby :D

4:24 PM
awwww. i feel like the world is going to overturn. hah! merepek. serious, i wanna cry oi. daa cry pon. im going to miss baby & kak fee bykbyk!~ i love them byk2. to core. even noura, kaaay? syg kauuu! heh. & i totally ruin bby's surprise today. by going home early. godddddd, even though idk your surprise, i still wanna say.. I LOVE BBY, BYKBYK TAUU! *hugs to bby, kak fee, nazrah, noura* i'll miss you all.
you see? cm nk kiamat kaaaan? i miss them already. && i think i disappoint bby. he went offline after that. so sad. i wanna cry more ): im sorry bby. seriously, i am. & a big wet kiss to kak fee & nadhir for the sweet surprise. even though idk.
PS: i cried again. pfft. is the world going to end? that even leaving them for a few days is very hard? i love them. & my family, duhhh! :DD iloveyou iloveyou iloveyou bby!~ Labels: aku love korang and i already miss everyone

12:38 AM
oh damnnn. hah. i will miss amirah hell lots. serious. if it wasnt because of her. my life wouldn't have been this complete. thanks, girlfriend. sayang kau, bykbyk. & im calling bby<33>iloveyou baby ! says: eyy , nadhir told me tht he dont like u . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: when?
You have just sent a nudge.
iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: sedihh ): iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: :S iloveyou baby ! says: baru jerr . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: how? iloveyou baby ! says: otf iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: how laa iloveyou baby ! says: dier kater " aku tk sukerr illa sehyy " iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uhh. gilaaa uh dher. pfft. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: why he say that? iloveyou baby ! says: ilek uhh . main2 jerrrr . iloveyou baby ! says: HAHAHAHA iloveyou baby ! says: he ask me to prank u . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uh. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: CB. i believe sial. gaaaaaaaaaa! i almost kene heart attack oi! iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: u otp with him uh? iloveyou baby ! says: mcm phm heart attack . iloveyou baby ! says: yaa . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: phm uhh iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: oi, you tell him what i say kkan? iloveyou baby ! says: baru ltk iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: siak uh. bastarddd. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah iloveyou baby ! says: HAHA iloveyou baby ! says: kiter dh ltk punn iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: but u tell kann? iloveyou baby ! says: jyeaaaaa iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: what he say? -.- iloveyou baby ! says: terkejut asl ? u really love him isit ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: abehhhhh!? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: what he said? iloveyou baby ! says: brape bnyk tuuh ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: rape byk apeee? iloveyou baby ! says: brape bnyk percent u like himm ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: whyy? iloveyou baby ! says: jwb ajer luhh . susah sngt kerr . why ? u scared i tell nadhir isit ? im not otf with him lhh . im just askinh jerr . iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: btol uh? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: kk, im not sure. but alot uh. & i dont like him. iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: heh iloveyou baby ! says: u dont like him ? abe aperr ? iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: guess? -.- iloveyou baby ! says: love ! iĽĻª current mood: bored/multi-tasking says: hah. step kak ekah ngn ari tk jeeee. iloveyou baby ! says: duhhhh !
...& we discussed bout something (:
Labels: msn

Written on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 10:38 AM
hellooooooow(: got up early today. supposed to have MD but its postponed till tomorrow. & i really need to ask someone what time it starts at. darn. no one's online. i mean, MD-ers. currently finding new blogskins, browsing through some pictures of kak fee, reading a book. basically, im multi-tasking. seriously, im into this book im reading. the book's quite dirty, though. but it teaches me stuff. like; not to be hopeless when theres still a whole lot of spacing right infront of you. hhes.
oh, how so so sad. noura's back. but she haven't contacted me at all. i feel neglected. i mean, she should've at least contacted me, right? whatever. i dont care. but seriously, i want her to call me. i miss her hell lots. hey, not that im in LOVE with her. its just that, i LOVE her & treats her like my very own sister. so its just like, sisterly love. if you get what i mean. shut up. all i want is her to call me before 5th June because then, i won't be around in Singapore.
a bit of the what-happeneds of the yesterdays..
hakeem called me. & i am darn shocked about it. i mean, he still keeps my number & recognize my voice! how do i know that? i was talking to bby<33,>
at that moment i was super shocked & blank. so i was like, "huh? err.. sape ni?" i totally didn't know it was him. in english, i said, "who's this?" so he said, "hakeem laa. ni hakeem." but still, being blank, i said, "huh?" & he instantly replied, "ade ATM machine tak pat sane? tempat hari tu kite makan." which also means, "so, is there any ATM machine down there?" without even thinking, i said no -.- when actually there was. i was blank, what'd you expect? so i just backed off.
as i was going to another line, ibu said, "come illa. let's go!" so, i had to say goodbye to bby <33.>
to be confirmed it was hakeem's number, i called bby<33.>
but whatever happens, i wanna be with nadhir. i love him. woah. one long post just to story-tell a phone call. hah. illa illa..
Labels: call

Written on Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 3:53 AM
back from somewhere. hah! i miss kak fee, noura, nazrah, cousin-in-law & nadhir<33. tskk. like a lott. very very a lott! kk, im currently chatting with: ari, kak ekah & bby.
seriously, this window have been opened for like 30 mins? yet nothing is written. too busy chatting with bby, kak fee & ari.
now, im bored because bby is sleeping soundly. hah! & its been 1 hr. yet, nth is written. pathetic. & now, kak ekah don't wanna talk. HAH. hehe.
& now, im dead bored. & then.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. GOODNIGHT :D Labels: asleep: goodnight beloved

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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