Written on Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 5:48 PM
I am so gonna fail Science. Screw Science. Pfffft. Mr Ncc. Should have paid more attention to us. All he does is read words from textbooks, show videos from e-learning & draw diagrams which are supposed to be copied. I tried revising, but nothing seem to be coming in. Damn it. I hate it when that happens. But, I really really wish I would pass my Mathematics Paper 1 & 2. Because I have been stressing on it since last month. God, help me.
Well, tomorrow's the starting of the BIG week. So, I can't spend too much of my time blogging. I may not be updating my blog & may not be active in friendster. But please, at least keep the tagboard alive baby! It needs words. Come on. Haha. I'm gonna miss blogging effing much. I read a book titled, "Your future in FASHION". Then found a quiz. But, I think I'm too busy. I'll post it as soon as examinations are done. Good Luck for EOY people. Love ya'll. Keep smiling. ;DDDDDD
Labels: on hiatus

5:39 PM
Wow. I really love designing. I guess, I really wanna be a Fashion Designer huh? I hope I can achieve it. Mommy said I don't have to go to Poly but instead Lasalle College of the Arts. Well, I'm not too sure. But mom did gave me a green light, didn't she? Man, I have to work hard. But the most sad part is, I went to research about Lasalle & found out we would have to live at Lasalle Residentials. In other words, I have to work WHILE studying. I can't possibly depend on my mom to pay my rental fees right? Omg, I'm talking as if tomorrow's the day. Haha. But yeah, I really hope I can do it man. I love Fashion Designing (:
Labels: Fashion Obsession; My Word

Written on Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Ehh, ASSley. Listen eh, I didn't add u up to befriend u or to insult u but to tell u straight to the face. If u think i insulted u, then maybe u are like that. Don't you think? Org terase laa katekan.
Q: Why would you do that for your best friend, Noura? A: Because we are one. & u are one lame loner that have nobody to back u up. Noura, didnt ask for a back up but we volunteered ourselves to. & are u jealous that a loser for Noura, actually HAS a back up unlike u, the 'COOL' ones?
Q: Can't she do it for herself? A: Well, she actually could stand up for herself. But what are sisters & TRUE friends for? Aren't there suppose to be there to give a helping hand? Asal? Kau tkde TRUE friend pe?
So what now? Trying to insult the malays too? Trying to act like a racist now? Eh, if u really think we, the MALAYS have no dignity, why are u talking in malay then? Why are you being friends with malays then? Or u just think malays are cool thats why u pretended to be one of them? kalau kite tk gune, the malays, kau g tggl pat Arab uh sia. you know, youve tried too hard. dont pretend to be someone ur not. & btw, go look up on the definition of DIGNITY on wikipedia, okay?. call her disgraceful, what about yourself? twice the disgraceful, i believe. go get a life, loser. look up in the mirror before judging others imperfections.
listen here babe, a loser needs a lot of backups for his/herself. i don't need any BACKUPS FOR THIS THING, cos i ain't an ordinary girl. & so what if she's Sharifah Noura Aljunied?? you people are the ones without DIGNITY, the MALAY clans. MELAYU x laku lah ehh. & she, Noura, has completely changed into a girl with badd MALAY-ish ATTITUDE. bluek. and she's proud to show off her name? DISGRACEFUL! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ur a fag. slut, call urself a hotshot.Labels: bitching

Written on Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Finally, a new skin. all by me. Ok, actually, i just edit it into a whole new thing. hah. before edit:  after edit, tadaaaa!~ big diff uh? haha. btw, was chatting with fadhli just now. sometimes he freaks me out. ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: jangan ckp pape ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: but ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: i think i miss you? ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: ahha ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: shh , paisey ni ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: bye
creepy kan? k bye. & those who know him, dont say anyth. especially noura (:   Labels: no labels .

11:35 AM
I was thinking of fasting the whole month w/o cheating. UNFORTUNTELY, i got it today! shit laaa. i cannot fast. pfft.
Labels: shithole.

Written on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 3:35 PM
SHIT LAAA. I'm thirsty. *Blushes* But that doesn't mean i'm breaking my fast! So far, never break my fast unnecessarily. (:
Labels: no labels .

3:24 PM
back from school. got back home straightaway. oh, what an angel. (: ok, enough of that.
"Guys alwaaaaaays chase after me". Say NO if u disagree say yes if you agree & please state reason.
firstly, i hate that guy who talked to me as though i am a cheap girl. eh stupid, enough laa eh. no more nonsense. cause i hate you. to the fcuking core. kau sape aku nk g kasi number aku pade kau? gile! jgn mapeyk uh. org da ckp tkle sudah uh seyy. nk ikot smpi pat rumah. desperate pe siaaa? kalau da despo sgt, pat geylang byk. g uh kau. bodoh!secondly, i hate that bebo guy who keep on adding me at msn when i already said i dont wanna have anyth to do with him anymore since what happened.lastly, i hate those mutha fcukers in Malaysia who looked at me & sister as if they have never looked at a girl before. we aint cheap alright. tsk.Come on la guys, get a life. i mean them. Heh.Just venting my frustration. (: So, Hari Raya's in 14 days & EOY's in 10 days. I have gotta buck up alot. Especially in Maths. Ok, I am super stressed. Just now, during literature, i slept in class NOT because i was tired but the movie teacher was showing make me fall asleep. atiqa, ashiqin & nazrah sleapt too. jiwe laaa kan. haha. i think thats it. i wanna bath (: busok uh.
Labels: shithole

Written on Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 3:33 PM
Hey People. Guess what? My sister left me & now, here i am rotting at home. Done my homeworks, did my revision. Currently hearing to This Is Me, the acoustic version. You know, its so sad to be bored. Very. It makes you think about all the sad stuffs. No wonder they said boredom kills. Hha. I have 2 requests. & one more, which I volunteered myself to do. So, here it goes.
NOURA / DAMMIE / AMMIEA 14 year old teenager. Annoying yet so pretty. A super hyper active kiddo. I mean it. She has a contagious laugh. She makes me laugh my arse off. She's there for you whenever you need her & she's got a problem with her mood swings. She can't seem to handle it. She gets annoyed easily not knowing she herself is (: She talks to herself, she laughs alone. She's crazy & I love the way she is.
Good or bad, she's a girl u will miss when she's away. She's the greatest friend. We go thru thick & thin together. Overall, she's a fine girl. Babe, this is for you. (:
FATIN THE MONSTER!Oh, the best. Kindda quiet at times. Hahah, you are. She's a sweet girl. She's friendly, caring & entertaining. Her smile makes up a day. Guys who gets her are really lucky. Babe, ily! :DDD
thats all i guess (:
Labels: aku love korang

Written on Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 4:16 PM
AMIRAHEema ! Amee !   The greatest lesbian partner. The most lesbianic I can say (: The most irritating vum nice person i have known all my life. Always there to give a helping hand. She's dropdead gorgeous! Omg. No wonder her boyfriend's afraid to lose her. She's cooooool eh. Break her heart, I'll break your face (: K, mcm phm tau.
Labels: no labels .

Written on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 6:38 PM
Muhammad Nadhir. A typical guy next door. Basically, annoying cum entertaining. A few of lameness here & there. But, totally a cool friend.
Indeed very nice & friendly. A very patient guy, I can say. He's ambition is to become a Technician(?).
& one day, when he have a son. He wants to name him Danish! Hhes.
Nadhir Nadhir. Tag me! Da tules daaaa (:
Labels: no labels .

3:42 PM
reached home around 2.45PM. am i good or what? yes! i think my maths is improving. i easily solved most of the problems yaw :DD i am so happy. whoo~
one thing i hated once i reached home today. the piercing voice of granny's and the boisterous tv. & so, one thing i liked. i joined in the noise. i listened to song loudly! hahah. currently chatting with shaffy & nadhir. having fun laa. seriously, idk what to say. oh ya, i borrowed a book from the school library. so, another book, another sleepless night(s)! :DDD i find the book interesting once i read a summary written by a senior on the noticeboard of MRL. i walked in & find the book. miraculously, it took me only about 5 mins to search for it. haha. i went to the counter straightaway. then, teacher said, "illa, u sure u wannaread that? are you confirmed yet?" i said, "cher, i can see that i would love this book" ahaa. & yeah. i read it & in a few minutes time i was at page 60+. cool kan? talking about it. im off to being a bookworm. bye sayangs (:
;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd idk why, but im super happy today.Labels: no labels .

Written on Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 12:10 PM
have not been updating for quite awhile uh? nothing much have been going on. & i am proud to announce that i haven't break my fast unnecessarily for the past 6 days (: yay me. haha.
am pissed off with he's attitude. seriously, must he include Nadhir's name in our fight? after all, what wrong have Nadhir done to him that he feel so _______ towards him? Nadhir's a nice guy & as far as I am concerned, we have nothing special going on but friends. I have never included any of his Gfs names in our fight. Must he even say Nadhir's name in that conversation? Fine, what about Nadhir then? I'm not being defensive. But, really, its the fact. Out of all words, all you can think of is, Nadhir's name? Maybe Aidil's right. Maybe this relationship is, what you call that, twisted? Bollocks. This shouldn't be the way to talk things out. But, I would very much appreciate it if you never ever include his name again when it is obviously OUR *fight* thank you.
PS: I finished reading a book in just one day & I haven't slept at all. Not even a second of rest. :D
Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

Written on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 9:54 PM
Ehh people. Watch this. I hate Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus & Nick Jonas look so sweet together. This girl just had to ruin it. See, even Selena came in when Miley was about to top Disney Channel. Now look, its like a challenge. First, Nick & Miley. Then, Nick & Selena. Selena's taking over Miley. Pfffft.
Labels: Rumors;

2:25 AM
Firstly, Happy Fasting to all Muslims. [=
& I have a message for a fellow mate of mine.
Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them or last talked to them. It's about that very moment when you are doing something, you just feel like having them right beside you, with you. I realised that I have adopted this feeling towards you. & this feeling have been blooming for the past few days. Maybe weeks. Everything I do, I would always think of you. But you don't seem to be missing me too. You seem to be enjoying your every breath without me. Boy, I want to be the girl you are afraid to lose. The one where you can't walk away from knowing that I'm mad without even asking. The one you can't sleep without hearing the word, "goodnight". The voice being the last one to be heard. The one you can't live without. Everytime we talked, you unconsciously gave me hope. You made me wait. You asked me to wait. Is this what I get in return? When I have a boyfriend & you get all mad? Boy, I am head over heels for you. Why can't you see that? Even though I didn't express it, can't you at least see a little of love & care? I cannot & I repeat, cannot love anybody else like how i loved you. & let's start with the fact, that you are so amazing. That girl you loved, what does she have that I don't? What made you love her more & more each day when I remembered you saying, "I was dared to be with her". You make my world so beautiful just by living in it. We were given two hands to hold, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to listen. Have you ever wondered why we were given only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone for us to find. & here, I thought I found mine. That girl you loved, wasn't she the one you always said, "I don't wanna be with her". & get all mad about? I don't care if you win. Call me a loser, I don't mind. If you love someone, you would surely be happy to see him happy. I want you to lead a happy life. Love her all you want. So, from now onwards. We go our different ways. I'm backing off. I am sick & tired of being jealous. Jealousy really kills. & it hurts more than being stabbed. I just want you to know, I have loved you & only you from the start so sincerely that no one can ever replace you. Baby, you are irreplaceable. ♥
It ends here. 9 October 2007 - 2 September 2008
I will not say out the name. Figure it out yourself. & if you know it is you, good for you. & Happy birthday to Shah Effah Ezzatee. May all your wishes come true & all the best for EOY & other upcoming events. Hope you will succeed in life babe. Labels: i wish its not the last time

Written on Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 5:48 PM
I am so gonna fail Science. Screw Science. Pfffft. Mr Ncc. Should have paid more attention to us. All he does is read words from textbooks, show videos from e-learning & draw diagrams which are supposed to be copied. I tried revising, but nothing seem to be coming in. Damn it. I hate it when that happens. But, I really really wish I would pass my Mathematics Paper 1 & 2. Because I have been stressing on it since last month. God, help me.
Well, tomorrow's the starting of the BIG week. So, I can't spend too much of my time blogging. I may not be updating my blog & may not be active in friendster. But please, at least keep the tagboard alive baby! It needs words. Come on. Haha. I'm gonna miss blogging effing much. I read a book titled, "Your future in FASHION". Then found a quiz. But, I think I'm too busy. I'll post it as soon as examinations are done. Good Luck for EOY people. Love ya'll. Keep smiling. ;DDDDDD
Labels: on hiatus

5:39 PM
Wow. I really love designing. I guess, I really wanna be a Fashion Designer huh? I hope I can achieve it. Mommy said I don't have to go to Poly but instead Lasalle College of the Arts. Well, I'm not too sure. But mom did gave me a green light, didn't she? Man, I have to work hard. But the most sad part is, I went to research about Lasalle & found out we would have to live at Lasalle Residentials. In other words, I have to work WHILE studying. I can't possibly depend on my mom to pay my rental fees right? Omg, I'm talking as if tomorrow's the day. Haha. But yeah, I really hope I can do it man. I love Fashion Designing (:
Labels: Fashion Obsession; My Word

Written on Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Ehh, ASSley. Listen eh, I didn't add u up to befriend u or to insult u but to tell u straight to the face. If u think i insulted u, then maybe u are like that. Don't you think? Org terase laa katekan.
Q: Why would you do that for your best friend, Noura? A: Because we are one. & u are one lame loner that have nobody to back u up. Noura, didnt ask for a back up but we volunteered ourselves to. & are u jealous that a loser for Noura, actually HAS a back up unlike u, the 'COOL' ones?
Q: Can't she do it for herself? A: Well, she actually could stand up for herself. But what are sisters & TRUE friends for? Aren't there suppose to be there to give a helping hand? Asal? Kau tkde TRUE friend pe?
So what now? Trying to insult the malays too? Trying to act like a racist now? Eh, if u really think we, the MALAYS have no dignity, why are u talking in malay then? Why are you being friends with malays then? Or u just think malays are cool thats why u pretended to be one of them? kalau kite tk gune, the malays, kau g tggl pat Arab uh sia. you know, youve tried too hard. dont pretend to be someone ur not. & btw, go look up on the definition of DIGNITY on wikipedia, okay?. call her disgraceful, what about yourself? twice the disgraceful, i believe. go get a life, loser. look up in the mirror before judging others imperfections.
listen here babe, a loser needs a lot of backups for his/herself. i don't need any BACKUPS FOR THIS THING, cos i ain't an ordinary girl. & so what if she's Sharifah Noura Aljunied?? you people are the ones without DIGNITY, the MALAY clans. MELAYU x laku lah ehh. & she, Noura, has completely changed into a girl with badd MALAY-ish ATTITUDE. bluek. and she's proud to show off her name? DISGRACEFUL! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ur a fag. slut, call urself a hotshot.Labels: bitching

Written on Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Finally, a new skin. all by me. Ok, actually, i just edit it into a whole new thing. hah. before edit:  after edit, tadaaaa!~ big diff uh? haha. btw, was chatting with fadhli just now. sometimes he freaks me out. ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: jangan ckp pape ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: but ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: i think i miss you? ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: ahha ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: shh , paisey ni ٭ Fadick ٭ Wow , Look at The time. says: bye
creepy kan? k bye. & those who know him, dont say anyth. especially noura (:   Labels: no labels .

11:35 AM
I was thinking of fasting the whole month w/o cheating. UNFORTUNTELY, i got it today! shit laaa. i cannot fast. pfft.
Labels: shithole.

Written on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 3:35 PM
SHIT LAAA. I'm thirsty. *Blushes* But that doesn't mean i'm breaking my fast! So far, never break my fast unnecessarily. (:
Labels: no labels .

3:24 PM
back from school. got back home straightaway. oh, what an angel. (: ok, enough of that.
"Guys alwaaaaaays chase after me". Say NO if u disagree say yes if you agree & please state reason.
firstly, i hate that guy who talked to me as though i am a cheap girl. eh stupid, enough laa eh. no more nonsense. cause i hate you. to the fcuking core. kau sape aku nk g kasi number aku pade kau? gile! jgn mapeyk uh. org da ckp tkle sudah uh seyy. nk ikot smpi pat rumah. desperate pe siaaa? kalau da despo sgt, pat geylang byk. g uh kau. bodoh!secondly, i hate that bebo guy who keep on adding me at msn when i already said i dont wanna have anyth to do with him anymore since what happened.lastly, i hate those mutha fcukers in Malaysia who looked at me & sister as if they have never looked at a girl before. we aint cheap alright. tsk.Come on la guys, get a life. i mean them. Heh.Just venting my frustration. (: So, Hari Raya's in 14 days & EOY's in 10 days. I have gotta buck up alot. Especially in Maths. Ok, I am super stressed. Just now, during literature, i slept in class NOT because i was tired but the movie teacher was showing make me fall asleep. atiqa, ashiqin & nazrah sleapt too. jiwe laaa kan. haha. i think thats it. i wanna bath (: busok uh.
Labels: shithole

Written on Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 3:33 PM
Hey People. Guess what? My sister left me & now, here i am rotting at home. Done my homeworks, did my revision. Currently hearing to This Is Me, the acoustic version. You know, its so sad to be bored. Very. It makes you think about all the sad stuffs. No wonder they said boredom kills. Hha. I have 2 requests. & one more, which I volunteered myself to do. So, here it goes.
NOURA / DAMMIE / AMMIEA 14 year old teenager. Annoying yet so pretty. A super hyper active kiddo. I mean it. She has a contagious laugh. She makes me laugh my arse off. She's there for you whenever you need her & she's got a problem with her mood swings. She can't seem to handle it. She gets annoyed easily not knowing she herself is (: She talks to herself, she laughs alone. She's crazy & I love the way she is.
Good or bad, she's a girl u will miss when she's away. She's the greatest friend. We go thru thick & thin together. Overall, she's a fine girl. Babe, this is for you. (:
FATIN THE MONSTER!Oh, the best. Kindda quiet at times. Hahah, you are. She's a sweet girl. She's friendly, caring & entertaining. Her smile makes up a day. Guys who gets her are really lucky. Babe, ily! :DDD
thats all i guess (:
Labels: aku love korang

Written on Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 4:16 PM
AMIRAHEema ! Amee !   The greatest lesbian partner. The most lesbianic I can say (: The most irritating vum nice person i have known all my life. Always there to give a helping hand. She's dropdead gorgeous! Omg. No wonder her boyfriend's afraid to lose her. She's cooooool eh. Break her heart, I'll break your face (: K, mcm phm tau.
Labels: no labels .

Written on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 6:38 PM
Muhammad Nadhir. A typical guy next door. Basically, annoying cum entertaining. A few of lameness here & there. But, totally a cool friend.
Indeed very nice & friendly. A very patient guy, I can say. He's ambition is to become a Technician(?).
& one day, when he have a son. He wants to name him Danish! Hhes.
Nadhir Nadhir. Tag me! Da tules daaaa (:
Labels: no labels .

3:42 PM
reached home around 2.45PM. am i good or what? yes! i think my maths is improving. i easily solved most of the problems yaw :DD i am so happy. whoo~
one thing i hated once i reached home today. the piercing voice of granny's and the boisterous tv. & so, one thing i liked. i joined in the noise. i listened to song loudly! hahah. currently chatting with shaffy & nadhir. having fun laa. seriously, idk what to say. oh ya, i borrowed a book from the school library. so, another book, another sleepless night(s)! :DDD i find the book interesting once i read a summary written by a senior on the noticeboard of MRL. i walked in & find the book. miraculously, it took me only about 5 mins to search for it. haha. i went to the counter straightaway. then, teacher said, "illa, u sure u wannaread that? are you confirmed yet?" i said, "cher, i can see that i would love this book" ahaa. & yeah. i read it & in a few minutes time i was at page 60+. cool kan? talking about it. im off to being a bookworm. bye sayangs (:
;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd idk why, but im super happy today.Labels: no labels .

Written on Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 12:10 PM
have not been updating for quite awhile uh? nothing much have been going on. & i am proud to announce that i haven't break my fast unnecessarily for the past 6 days (: yay me. haha.
am pissed off with he's attitude. seriously, must he include Nadhir's name in our fight? after all, what wrong have Nadhir done to him that he feel so _______ towards him? Nadhir's a nice guy & as far as I am concerned, we have nothing special going on but friends. I have never included any of his Gfs names in our fight. Must he even say Nadhir's name in that conversation? Fine, what about Nadhir then? I'm not being defensive. But, really, its the fact. Out of all words, all you can think of is, Nadhir's name? Maybe Aidil's right. Maybe this relationship is, what you call that, twisted? Bollocks. This shouldn't be the way to talk things out. But, I would very much appreciate it if you never ever include his name again when it is obviously OUR *fight* thank you.
PS: I finished reading a book in just one day & I haven't slept at all. Not even a second of rest. :D
Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

Written on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 9:54 PM
Ehh people. Watch this. I hate Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus & Nick Jonas look so sweet together. This girl just had to ruin it. See, even Selena came in when Miley was about to top Disney Channel. Now look, its like a challenge. First, Nick & Miley. Then, Nick & Selena. Selena's taking over Miley. Pfffft.
Labels: Rumors;

2:25 AM
Firstly, Happy Fasting to all Muslims. [=
& I have a message for a fellow mate of mine.
Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them or last talked to them. It's about that very moment when you are doing something, you just feel like having them right beside you, with you. I realised that I have adopted this feeling towards you. & this feeling have been blooming for the past few days. Maybe weeks. Everything I do, I would always think of you. But you don't seem to be missing me too. You seem to be enjoying your every breath without me. Boy, I want to be the girl you are afraid to lose. The one where you can't walk away from knowing that I'm mad without even asking. The one you can't sleep without hearing the word, "goodnight". The voice being the last one to be heard. The one you can't live without. Everytime we talked, you unconsciously gave me hope. You made me wait. You asked me to wait. Is this what I get in return? When I have a boyfriend & you get all mad? Boy, I am head over heels for you. Why can't you see that? Even though I didn't express it, can't you at least see a little of love & care? I cannot & I repeat, cannot love anybody else like how i loved you. & let's start with the fact, that you are so amazing. That girl you loved, what does she have that I don't? What made you love her more & more each day when I remembered you saying, "I was dared to be with her". You make my world so beautiful just by living in it. We were given two hands to hold, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to listen. Have you ever wondered why we were given only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone for us to find. & here, I thought I found mine. That girl you loved, wasn't she the one you always said, "I don't wanna be with her". & get all mad about? I don't care if you win. Call me a loser, I don't mind. If you love someone, you would surely be happy to see him happy. I want you to lead a happy life. Love her all you want. So, from now onwards. We go our different ways. I'm backing off. I am sick & tired of being jealous. Jealousy really kills. & it hurts more than being stabbed. I just want you to know, I have loved you & only you from the start so sincerely that no one can ever replace you. Baby, you are irreplaceable. ♥
It ends here. 9 October 2007 - 2 September 2008
I will not say out the name. Figure it out yourself. & if you know it is you, good for you. & Happy birthday to Shah Effah Ezzatee. May all your wishes come true & all the best for EOY & other upcoming events. Hope you will succeed in life babe. Labels: i wish its not the last time

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
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