Written on Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
Ate 4 pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavored, CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH, Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Fudge Brownie & New York Super Fudge Chunk. Sister's treat. Thanks babe. Like a lot. Hahahah. Like, at last i got what i have been craving for all these while. Heheh.
Proceeded to chocolates after feasting on the ice-creams. Hmm.. let's see. Bounty, Toffifee, Chunkie, Flakes, Cadbury Peppermint, Dream, Hanuta, Wafer Creams. And some snacks. Cool eh? Auntie's treat.
But before all these, we ate Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits. Hahaha. The fries, the mashed potatoes, the chicken.. I feel like I'm in heaven I tell ya.
We bought all these at Terminal 3. Heheh. On that day itself.
Ok, enough. Let's be random now..
 i miss sharifah noura aljunied.also known as my bestfriend. or maybe my ex-bestfriend.random feelings.. hmm.i miss the moments we spend together.damn, i sound like a lesbian. haha.whatever. all the lame jokes, the laughs. i missed all that.but, what to do. we're not meant to be long-lasting bestfriends.maybe, its my fault. for always misunderstanding her.when people ask me, "mane noura? dulu, kau nan dher mcm isi & kuku."that sentence, made me think of our great memories.then, i said, "tah. i don't know." trying to make myself not care about what they said.then, they would purposely say, "setiap ade kau mesti ade dher. dulu uh. skg, da tk eh?"& i will pretend i didn't hear anything.well, only god knows how i felt.babe, i miss you to the core man. haha?(:Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 4:09 PM
& the previous post was updated by Inna Syakinah from YAI-2. My sister, obviously -.-
malay dance ystd was fine, fullstop. i dont feel excited about SYF. i swear.
anyway, thanks for cleaning up the dust eh sis (: appreciate it lots. & i DID enjoy the picnic. so yeaaah. today, i found out a lot of stuffs. shant elaborate. no mood, no mood. gaaaaah! damn it laa.
You're everything I thought you never were And nothing like I thought you could have been But still, you live inside of me, so tell me how is that? You're the only one I wish I could forget The only one I love to not forgive And though you break my heart, you're the only one And though there are times when I hate you 'Cause I can't erase The times that you hurt me and put tears on my face And even now, while I hate you, it pains me to say I know I'll be there at the end of the day I don't wanna be without you, babe I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, well let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl No broken-hearted girl There's something that I feel I need to say But up til' now I've always been afraid that you would never come around And still I wanna put this out You say you've got the most respect for me But, sometimes I feel you're not deserving of me And still, you're in my heart But you're the only one And yes, there are times when I hate you, but I don't complain 'Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away Oh, but now I don't hate you I'm happy to say That I will be there at the end of the day I don't wanna be without you, babe I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, well let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be, ooh I'm living in a world that's all about you and me, yeah Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free to spread my wings and fly away, away with you.... I don't wanna be without my baby I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without my baby I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, but let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl Broken-hearted girl No broken-hearted girl
This song is the big clue to my feelings today. Won't say anything. Read in between the lines, maybe you can understand how im feeling now from there.
Labels: beyonce knowles

Written on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 1:06 AM
inna here! i think illa still misses her Baby B. duuhhhh, lah kan. heee.
i know we had fun during the SF picnic. but maybe not for this little sis. bcos she ran from pit 11 to pit 1. for what, you might be wondering eh? to meet Baby B -.- she claims that it's his friend's birthday which means her friend too. and she dropped by to say HELLO and wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY. but the case was, she went there twice! to wish the 2nd time, maybe. heeee.
somebody told her a something just now. i won't disclose it here. duhhh! heee. and one more thing. she still misses her Baby B -______________-" and he's not working tmr. but too bad, she got practice. nyaaahahahahahahah. bye!
Labels: by her dearest sister ;DDD

Written on Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 5:15 PM
haha. so what? all of you dont know. seriously. not even a single soul knows about this. not even my sister, my friends, baby b's friends (oh ya! i miss baby b.) & others uh. nobody knows. only me -- 100%. i swear. kaykay. but still, i love this date. alot.
i miss baby b to the fucking core! damn it. its almost one week, since i met baby b.
soo.. the wrap party last sunday was a blast! everyone was at their best mood. no fights. duh? haha. i enjoyed it very much. pictures & videos will be updated if im not lazy okay. heh. but damn it huda! haha. u freaking asked me to go up & play. but too bad.. they chose my sister. hhahah! nevermind, there's always a next time. the theme was.. like always.. blue & green (: heheh.
& baby b.. congrats! later, i ikatkan toncet tuk u lagi kay? haha. suke illa? suukkkeeerr!
i miss.. east 17 laa. if i say i miss baby b too much, nnty korang menyampah lak. so i just say i miss EAST 17! hahaha. i miss hearing them sing, i miss watching them beat each other up, i miss hearing them laugh, i miss being teased by them... mostly, i miss their beloved flip. hahahahah! i can't resist saying i miss him. cause i really miss him.
& fuck yeaah! haha. see.. i am starting back my habit of scolding vulgarities. so sorry, just mind my language. kk, he's coming! he's coooommmiiinnnnng! siaaaal uhh.. naseb ade drg. kalau tak dah hug dher dah. confirm shit peh. haha. with his bacheyn-ness. haha. i miss him poking me. haha! mcm fun gitu. kan by? haha. abestu nnty, i poke u balik. hhes.
ok dah.. stop. no more talking about what me & him always do. nnty dah tk personal lagyyk. bye everyone. love ya!
pssstt.. i love baby b more! heheheh.Labels: no labels

Written on Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 3:32 PM
Gaaaah! After reading Nyla's blog, I feel like im missing out on stuffs. Damn it. Nevermind. They planned.. EQ D-MOB & NYLA, ACIQ CHOKEL & AMEE, AREP FLIP & ILLA. Go out today to the beach & couples have fun celebrating valentine's! But fuck, I can't make it. So instead of that, they're gonna bring the streets people. So Baby B won't feel left out, I guess? O.o Haha. Eh, couple couple, don't forget your tents! ;DD Haha.
I know I am one day late. But, at least I wished him ystd too. So, Im gonna wish again today. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AIDIL SUSUK! fuck you ehh. HAHA. waaah, dapat kiss eh deypade budak primary 4. pheeweet.
You see, theres 2 primary 4 girls who likes 2 of the streets ppl. Ilah & another girl. This another girl came to streets with Ilah to wish Aidil happy birthday & gave him an unexpected hug & kiss. She likes Aidil while Ilah likes Baby B. Sumpah sia, name tkya same sia. Abe bley tersangkut same laki plak tu. Naseb Primary 4.
According to Nyla's blog, Farah's mom treated the streets peh budak go makan2. Shiook kepe. Then, at night.. they ended the celebration with a cake. Sial. I envy Susuk. Pictures, with Barber. I'll post it as soon as I get my hands on it (:
Daamn, I still feel so guilty. At the same time, confused. Whatever happens, I still love Baby B. Only. Fullstop.Labels: aku love korang

1:23 PM
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY BABY B! i love love love love looovvveee you bacheyn.
I gotta admit, i feel so guilty. I mean, i scolded u for no reason. Just because u said u will try ur best to come & i said forget it. Sorry. I really didn't expect u to give me a surprise tomorrow. Love ya. Sorrryyyy!
Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 3:24 PM
Chatted with Baby B just now morning. He's at Faris's house. Little cousins disturbed him while he was playing soccer. They miss called him a several times & then when he called back, they acted like some big fans using my number. Haha. Little rascals.
I miss Baby B & I found out that Baby B got fed up with one of his fans. I dont know how the hell she digged the information about us man. Damn it. Irritating sia. Haha. Seriously, she's an unknown outsider. So, how the hell did the information get to her? She even asked me okay. Not only Baby B. Double scary. She knows each & everything about Baby B & me. Jenjengjeng.
Baby B & me slept at the same time. 3 am! Hahas. Once he got back from Faris's place, he slept. Bacheyn. Heheh. Erm, guess what!? I miss Baby B!
Yesterday he was super random. I chatted with him. So I asked about what he was doing. Then, he said he was chatting with his dear. ME! Haha. I loove Baby B.
I seriously don't know what else to update about. Im outta words. Love you Baby B.
Labels: gaaa ~

Written on Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 9:11 PM
Baby B couldn't meet me yesterday. Aww, i miss u bacheyn. He was about to meet me when BAAL asked him to accompany Baal. Leceh uh Baal. Cheyy, step dher abang aku je eh nak pggl dher Baal. I just can't say his name, or else u will all find out who Baby B is. Nyeahaha.
Not much stories uh ystd. No Baby B, no fun. Cam real jee eh. While walking home, WITHOUT BABY B, 3 guys came. 1 guy in the lorry shouted, "BYEE." Another guy said, "Nak tompang?" & the last guy asked for my number. No way am I gonna entertain those ass. But for the last guy, I actually gave him my number. But then, ditched him. Nyeahaha! He asked if I was single or attached so I said, I am attached. 0.0 True/False? Guess ^^
Stop it uh, whatever happens.. Baby B tetap aku peh sia. Walaupun jauh di mata tetap dekat di hati. Wasey! Illa, cam real eh.
The latest rumors I heard about me & him in school is we did stuffs. Erkk. Like I have nothing better to do. Who the hell passed these rumors around sia? I wanna know this bird. But I have a feeling its FUCKER. Haha. U know who you are dude. My best buddy eh? Haha. Fuck u laa. Heh. We looooove saying that to each other. Haha!
Today, I was supposed to meet Baby B. But, smth stopped me from doing that. Well, everything happens for a good reason. & I miss you Baby B. Its been two days since we've met. 2 DAYS BABY!
I finally told mom about me & Baby B. But I maked up some of it.
Me: U know what Ibu, me & ____ always meet. TER. Her: Oh he lives in Tampines? Me: No laa, Simei. Her: Then how you meet? Me: Ways. Haha. That time, my friend, the girl who likes him saw him & got super excited. Her: Then? Me: Then, she forgot that actually we're in a "relationship". Her: But he knows laa u lied to her about being with him? Me: DUH! Then, everyone started to ask about me & him. Her: Then what did you say? Me: Some I said yes, some I said no. Her: Are you lying? He's your REAL boyfriend right? Me: *Smiled* Her: Tell me the truth. Me: In a fake way, yes. Heh. Her: Liar! Me: Hhahaha! Really. Her: So how often do you meet him? Me: Very often. Heh. Her: Coincidentally? Me: Errr.. yaa (: Her: Or did you texted each other & meet up?
Mak aku macam tau je. Haha. But I had a great talk with her just now. Especially if its about Baby B. She now knows that there ARE rumors about me & him. She can't say anyhting now, cause she knows. But ladies & gentlemen, it may be real & it may not be real.. FIND OUT YOURSELF.
Baby B! I miss you laa bacheyn!Labels: another memories

Written on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 7:51 PM
You're a really loving, and caring person towards your BF/GF. You really do care for them, and you love them unconditionally. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Because you'll always treat them with love, and care. ;D
Aww.. I wish this is true. But I really did answer the questions truthfully.
Met up with Farah & Amee. As usual, Faris, Aciq & Baby B tagged along. Went to East Point & ate KFC. I really felt like puking. Then, received a msg from Hidayah Hidetoshi. Haha. She said that the party would be held this Friday. Suddenly, I really needed to go to the ladies.
So I said, "Bacheyn, nah.. u bace. Abe tolong I replykan. Please. Thank you"
Baby B said, "Sape ni? U uh reply. Asal I lak? Kwn u pe."
"U knal laa dher sape. G reply kan. Please please."
"I knal? Sape sey?" Then he took the phone & smiled, "Tell her I am coming kay."
"Baik uh u, I suro u reply u suro I balik. G reply lah. Bacheyn tol."
"Hahaha, kaykay."
Then, we were walking back to the streets when we saw Baby B's ex. Kimaak. Mengirap kejap sia. I mean him. Hehh. Me & Amee went to cheers awhile. So we don't know what happened exactly. When I walked to baby, he suddenly got mad. Sial lah, first time sia. He went, "Pukimak dher uh siol.." blablabla laa. Then, Aciq & Faris was like calming him down while I stayed at the back with Farah & Amee. Seram siots. Then I asked Amee, "Baby so bad uh?" Baby's known as Baby among other ppl. So, I call her Baby too. Because idk her real name.
Baby even had the cheeks to call Baby B sia! Basket, that time, I WAS THE ONE WHO TGH MENGIRAP. Then, Baby B was super angry that I didn't dare to talk to him. So I texted him asking if he was okay. Soon, he got better.
Then went to a shop nearby his house and bought him a packet of his favourite sweets. YUPI. Nyeahaha. Cute siaa.
Then, said goodbye & stuffs & went home. Then terserempak BLADE! Haha. Blade, rokok pe sia? Hahaha. Tk habes2 uh kau eh.
Aidil, thanks eh. Thanks byk sgt.
Labels: i love u

Written on Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 8:09 PM
& the previous post was updated by ami shirin, aciq's wife to be (: heheheh.
Two days of slacking with bacheyn & friends. I swear u all can't imagine how kecoh he can be. Fool. Haha. Anjing laut eh, Amee? Haha. Daaaaaaaamn. Amee & I was bored. So.. we took out two markers & started to write our names on the table. Then Amee wrote, "Illa ♥ ____". I looked at her then I took out another marker & wrote, "Amee ♥ Aciq". & then, she started to scribble mine & his name everywhere. Baskeeeett. Then, she took my baby powder & spread it all over the table so nobody can see. So, we thought that nobody can see it anymore.
UNFORTUNATELY, I chatted with him on the phone ystd.
Him: Bucuk, I saw smth on the table. Me: Shaaayyte, whaat!? Him: My name &.. Me: & whaat? Him: U know I know.
But I was totally blank at that time.
Me: Know what? Him: Nevermind. Me: Bacheyn! U tell me laaa. Him: I saw alot of it. Me: Daaaaamn, what is it. Him: Ur name.
Then, I already knew what he was talking about. But I acted as if I dont know. Because Amee did write only my name too.
Me: Oh. Okay. Him: In capital letters. Me: Oh, I dont rmbr. Him: It's my name. Me: Ohhhh, i see. Him: But got your name too. Me: Erm.. Him: & in the middle got smth. Me: PLUUUURP! What uh? Him: Hahhaa. See, I know u know. U know I know. Everybody know.
Daaaaaaaamn, he saw that! He saw that! Shit. Im so gonna kill Amee. Well, what to do.. he saw it already. Too bad. Amee! You fooooool.
Btw, he sang uhh. I was so super fcking touched! Haha. Cair jaaap. Hhes. Ok I have nth to talk about anymore. Love yaaa.
Labels: bored

Written on Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 3:46 PM
Ate 4 pints of Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavored, CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH, Strawberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Fudge Brownie & New York Super Fudge Chunk. Sister's treat. Thanks babe. Like a lot. Hahahah. Like, at last i got what i have been craving for all these while. Heheh.
Proceeded to chocolates after feasting on the ice-creams. Hmm.. let's see. Bounty, Toffifee, Chunkie, Flakes, Cadbury Peppermint, Dream, Hanuta, Wafer Creams. And some snacks. Cool eh? Auntie's treat.
But before all these, we ate Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits. Hahaha. The fries, the mashed potatoes, the chicken.. I feel like I'm in heaven I tell ya.
We bought all these at Terminal 3. Heheh. On that day itself.
Ok, enough. Let's be random now..
 i miss sharifah noura aljunied.also known as my bestfriend. or maybe my ex-bestfriend.random feelings.. hmm.i miss the moments we spend together.damn, i sound like a lesbian. haha.whatever. all the lame jokes, the laughs. i missed all that.but, what to do. we're not meant to be long-lasting bestfriends.maybe, its my fault. for always misunderstanding her.when people ask me, "mane noura? dulu, kau nan dher mcm isi & kuku."that sentence, made me think of our great memories.then, i said, "tah. i don't know." trying to make myself not care about what they said.then, they would purposely say, "setiap ade kau mesti ade dher. dulu uh. skg, da tk eh?"& i will pretend i didn't hear anything.well, only god knows how i felt.babe, i miss you to the core man. haha?(:Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 4:09 PM
& the previous post was updated by Inna Syakinah from YAI-2. My sister, obviously -.-
malay dance ystd was fine, fullstop. i dont feel excited about SYF. i swear.
anyway, thanks for cleaning up the dust eh sis (: appreciate it lots. & i DID enjoy the picnic. so yeaaah. today, i found out a lot of stuffs. shant elaborate. no mood, no mood. gaaaaah! damn it laa.
You're everything I thought you never were And nothing like I thought you could have been But still, you live inside of me, so tell me how is that? You're the only one I wish I could forget The only one I love to not forgive And though you break my heart, you're the only one And though there are times when I hate you 'Cause I can't erase The times that you hurt me and put tears on my face And even now, while I hate you, it pains me to say I know I'll be there at the end of the day I don't wanna be without you, babe I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, well let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl No broken-hearted girl There's something that I feel I need to say But up til' now I've always been afraid that you would never come around And still I wanna put this out You say you've got the most respect for me But, sometimes I feel you're not deserving of me And still, you're in my heart But you're the only one And yes, there are times when I hate you, but I don't complain 'Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away Oh, but now I don't hate you I'm happy to say That I will be there at the end of the day I don't wanna be without you, babe I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without you, babe I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, well let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be, ooh I'm living in a world that's all about you and me, yeah Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free to spread my wings and fly away, away with you.... I don't wanna be without my baby I don't want a broken heart Don't wanna take a breath without my baby I don't wanna play that part I know that I love you, but let me just say I don't wanna love you in no kind of way, no no I don't want a broken heart I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl No, no, no broken-hearted girl Broken-hearted girl No broken-hearted girl
This song is the big clue to my feelings today. Won't say anything. Read in between the lines, maybe you can understand how im feeling now from there.
Labels: beyonce knowles

Written on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 1:06 AM
inna here! i think illa still misses her Baby B. duuhhhh, lah kan. heee.
i know we had fun during the SF picnic. but maybe not for this little sis. bcos she ran from pit 11 to pit 1. for what, you might be wondering eh? to meet Baby B -.- she claims that it's his friend's birthday which means her friend too. and she dropped by to say HELLO and wished him HAPPY BIRTHDAY. but the case was, she went there twice! to wish the 2nd time, maybe. heeee.
somebody told her a something just now. i won't disclose it here. duhhh! heee. and one more thing. she still misses her Baby B -______________-" and he's not working tmr. but too bad, she got practice. nyaaahahahahahahah. bye!
Labels: by her dearest sister ;DDD

Written on Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 5:15 PM
haha. so what? all of you dont know. seriously. not even a single soul knows about this. not even my sister, my friends, baby b's friends (oh ya! i miss baby b.) & others uh. nobody knows. only me -- 100%. i swear. kaykay. but still, i love this date. alot.
i miss baby b to the fucking core! damn it. its almost one week, since i met baby b.
soo.. the wrap party last sunday was a blast! everyone was at their best mood. no fights. duh? haha. i enjoyed it very much. pictures & videos will be updated if im not lazy okay. heh. but damn it huda! haha. u freaking asked me to go up & play. but too bad.. they chose my sister. hhahah! nevermind, there's always a next time. the theme was.. like always.. blue & green (: heheh.
& baby b.. congrats! later, i ikatkan toncet tuk u lagi kay? haha. suke illa? suukkkeeerr!
i miss.. east 17 laa. if i say i miss baby b too much, nnty korang menyampah lak. so i just say i miss EAST 17! hahaha. i miss hearing them sing, i miss watching them beat each other up, i miss hearing them laugh, i miss being teased by them... mostly, i miss their beloved flip. hahahahah! i can't resist saying i miss him. cause i really miss him.
& fuck yeaah! haha. see.. i am starting back my habit of scolding vulgarities. so sorry, just mind my language. kk, he's coming! he's coooommmiiinnnnng! siaaaal uhh.. naseb ade drg. kalau tak dah hug dher dah. confirm shit peh. haha. with his bacheyn-ness. haha. i miss him poking me. haha! mcm fun gitu. kan by? haha. abestu nnty, i poke u balik. hhes.
ok dah.. stop. no more talking about what me & him always do. nnty dah tk personal lagyyk. bye everyone. love ya!
pssstt.. i love baby b more! heheheh.Labels: no labels

Written on Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 3:32 PM
Gaaaah! After reading Nyla's blog, I feel like im missing out on stuffs. Damn it. Nevermind. They planned.. EQ D-MOB & NYLA, ACIQ CHOKEL & AMEE, AREP FLIP & ILLA. Go out today to the beach & couples have fun celebrating valentine's! But fuck, I can't make it. So instead of that, they're gonna bring the streets people. So Baby B won't feel left out, I guess? O.o Haha. Eh, couple couple, don't forget your tents! ;DD Haha.
I know I am one day late. But, at least I wished him ystd too. So, Im gonna wish again today. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AIDIL SUSUK! fuck you ehh. HAHA. waaah, dapat kiss eh deypade budak primary 4. pheeweet.
You see, theres 2 primary 4 girls who likes 2 of the streets ppl. Ilah & another girl. This another girl came to streets with Ilah to wish Aidil happy birthday & gave him an unexpected hug & kiss. She likes Aidil while Ilah likes Baby B. Sumpah sia, name tkya same sia. Abe bley tersangkut same laki plak tu. Naseb Primary 4.
According to Nyla's blog, Farah's mom treated the streets peh budak go makan2. Shiook kepe. Then, at night.. they ended the celebration with a cake. Sial. I envy Susuk. Pictures, with Barber. I'll post it as soon as I get my hands on it (:
Daamn, I still feel so guilty. At the same time, confused. Whatever happens, I still love Baby B. Only. Fullstop.Labels: aku love korang

1:23 PM
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY BABY B! i love love love love looovvveee you bacheyn.
I gotta admit, i feel so guilty. I mean, i scolded u for no reason. Just because u said u will try ur best to come & i said forget it. Sorry. I really didn't expect u to give me a surprise tomorrow. Love ya. Sorrryyyy!
Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 3:24 PM
Chatted with Baby B just now morning. He's at Faris's house. Little cousins disturbed him while he was playing soccer. They miss called him a several times & then when he called back, they acted like some big fans using my number. Haha. Little rascals.
I miss Baby B & I found out that Baby B got fed up with one of his fans. I dont know how the hell she digged the information about us man. Damn it. Irritating sia. Haha. Seriously, she's an unknown outsider. So, how the hell did the information get to her? She even asked me okay. Not only Baby B. Double scary. She knows each & everything about Baby B & me. Jenjengjeng.
Baby B & me slept at the same time. 3 am! Hahas. Once he got back from Faris's place, he slept. Bacheyn. Heheh. Erm, guess what!? I miss Baby B!
Yesterday he was super random. I chatted with him. So I asked about what he was doing. Then, he said he was chatting with his dear. ME! Haha. I loove Baby B.
I seriously don't know what else to update about. Im outta words. Love you Baby B.
Labels: gaaa ~

Written on Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 9:11 PM
Baby B couldn't meet me yesterday. Aww, i miss u bacheyn. He was about to meet me when BAAL asked him to accompany Baal. Leceh uh Baal. Cheyy, step dher abang aku je eh nak pggl dher Baal. I just can't say his name, or else u will all find out who Baby B is. Nyeahaha.
Not much stories uh ystd. No Baby B, no fun. Cam real jee eh. While walking home, WITHOUT BABY B, 3 guys came. 1 guy in the lorry shouted, "BYEE." Another guy said, "Nak tompang?" & the last guy asked for my number. No way am I gonna entertain those ass. But for the last guy, I actually gave him my number. But then, ditched him. Nyeahaha! He asked if I was single or attached so I said, I am attached. 0.0 True/False? Guess ^^
Stop it uh, whatever happens.. Baby B tetap aku peh sia. Walaupun jauh di mata tetap dekat di hati. Wasey! Illa, cam real eh.
The latest rumors I heard about me & him in school is we did stuffs. Erkk. Like I have nothing better to do. Who the hell passed these rumors around sia? I wanna know this bird. But I have a feeling its FUCKER. Haha. U know who you are dude. My best buddy eh? Haha. Fuck u laa. Heh. We looooove saying that to each other. Haha!
Today, I was supposed to meet Baby B. But, smth stopped me from doing that. Well, everything happens for a good reason. & I miss you Baby B. Its been two days since we've met. 2 DAYS BABY!
I finally told mom about me & Baby B. But I maked up some of it.
Me: U know what Ibu, me & ____ always meet. TER. Her: Oh he lives in Tampines? Me: No laa, Simei. Her: Then how you meet? Me: Ways. Haha. That time, my friend, the girl who likes him saw him & got super excited. Her: Then? Me: Then, she forgot that actually we're in a "relationship". Her: But he knows laa u lied to her about being with him? Me: DUH! Then, everyone started to ask about me & him. Her: Then what did you say? Me: Some I said yes, some I said no. Her: Are you lying? He's your REAL boyfriend right? Me: *Smiled* Her: Tell me the truth. Me: In a fake way, yes. Heh. Her: Liar! Me: Hhahaha! Really. Her: So how often do you meet him? Me: Very often. Heh. Her: Coincidentally? Me: Errr.. yaa (: Her: Or did you texted each other & meet up?
Mak aku macam tau je. Haha. But I had a great talk with her just now. Especially if its about Baby B. She now knows that there ARE rumors about me & him. She can't say anyhting now, cause she knows. But ladies & gentlemen, it may be real & it may not be real.. FIND OUT YOURSELF.
Baby B! I miss you laa bacheyn!Labels: another memories

Written on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 7:51 PM
You're a really loving, and caring person towards your BF/GF. You really do care for them, and you love them unconditionally. Anyone would be lucky to have you. Because you'll always treat them with love, and care. ;D
Aww.. I wish this is true. But I really did answer the questions truthfully.
Met up with Farah & Amee. As usual, Faris, Aciq & Baby B tagged along. Went to East Point & ate KFC. I really felt like puking. Then, received a msg from Hidayah Hidetoshi. Haha. She said that the party would be held this Friday. Suddenly, I really needed to go to the ladies.
So I said, "Bacheyn, nah.. u bace. Abe tolong I replykan. Please. Thank you"
Baby B said, "Sape ni? U uh reply. Asal I lak? Kwn u pe."
"U knal laa dher sape. G reply kan. Please please."
"I knal? Sape sey?" Then he took the phone & smiled, "Tell her I am coming kay."
"Baik uh u, I suro u reply u suro I balik. G reply lah. Bacheyn tol."
"Hahaha, kaykay."
Then, we were walking back to the streets when we saw Baby B's ex. Kimaak. Mengirap kejap sia. I mean him. Hehh. Me & Amee went to cheers awhile. So we don't know what happened exactly. When I walked to baby, he suddenly got mad. Sial lah, first time sia. He went, "Pukimak dher uh siol.." blablabla laa. Then, Aciq & Faris was like calming him down while I stayed at the back with Farah & Amee. Seram siots. Then I asked Amee, "Baby so bad uh?" Baby's known as Baby among other ppl. So, I call her Baby too. Because idk her real name.
Baby even had the cheeks to call Baby B sia! Basket, that time, I WAS THE ONE WHO TGH MENGIRAP. Then, Baby B was super angry that I didn't dare to talk to him. So I texted him asking if he was okay. Soon, he got better.
Then went to a shop nearby his house and bought him a packet of his favourite sweets. YUPI. Nyeahaha. Cute siaa.
Then, said goodbye & stuffs & went home. Then terserempak BLADE! Haha. Blade, rokok pe sia? Hahaha. Tk habes2 uh kau eh.
Aidil, thanks eh. Thanks byk sgt.
Labels: i love u

Written on Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 8:09 PM
& the previous post was updated by ami shirin, aciq's wife to be (: heheheh.
Two days of slacking with bacheyn & friends. I swear u all can't imagine how kecoh he can be. Fool. Haha. Anjing laut eh, Amee? Haha. Daaaaaaaamn. Amee & I was bored. So.. we took out two markers & started to write our names on the table. Then Amee wrote, "Illa ♥ ____". I looked at her then I took out another marker & wrote, "Amee ♥ Aciq". & then, she started to scribble mine & his name everywhere. Baskeeeett. Then, she took my baby powder & spread it all over the table so nobody can see. So, we thought that nobody can see it anymore.
UNFORTUNATELY, I chatted with him on the phone ystd.
Him: Bucuk, I saw smth on the table. Me: Shaaayyte, whaat!? Him: My name &.. Me: & whaat? Him: U know I know.
But I was totally blank at that time.
Me: Know what? Him: Nevermind. Me: Bacheyn! U tell me laaa. Him: I saw alot of it. Me: Daaaaamn, what is it. Him: Ur name.
Then, I already knew what he was talking about. But I acted as if I dont know. Because Amee did write only my name too.
Me: Oh. Okay. Him: In capital letters. Me: Oh, I dont rmbr. Him: It's my name. Me: Ohhhh, i see. Him: But got your name too. Me: Erm.. Him: & in the middle got smth. Me: PLUUUURP! What uh? Him: Hahhaa. See, I know u know. U know I know. Everybody know.
Daaaaaaaamn, he saw that! He saw that! Shit. Im so gonna kill Amee. Well, what to do.. he saw it already. Too bad. Amee! You fooooool.
Btw, he sang uhh. I was so super fcking touched! Haha. Cair jaaap. Hhes. Ok I have nth to talk about anymore. Love yaaa.
Labels: bored

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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