Written on Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 7:31 PM
Maaak, merepek peee. Satu-satu terase sia. Stop it sey. Especially Fuad, stop being pessimistic. Eee, korg lyn diri korg sendiri laaa.
Tk psl2 aku yg kene pggl lame lagi.Labels: shithole

Written on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 @ 6:49 PM
Now, you people tell me. How the hell am I suppose to live in peace when each time I feel happy some idiot will come and destroy it.
School's a junk. And it's getting junk-er. Desperate boys, bitchy girls, stupid rumors. I really can't live with it. Why am I letting all these conquer my life?! Then soon, I will find out the person I trusted all these while will either take advantage of me or stab me from the back. Why must it be that way?
Because of them, I lose my friend's trust. Because of him, I am close to insanity. Because of her, my life is almost ruined.
I can't stand it anymore, really. Why am I so blind? Why can't I see that earlier? Why do I take what they say as tryna make me and my friend(s) fall apart?
I hate you, yes I do. Aren't you happy to know that? Aren't you relieved? Don't you feel good about it? Isn't this what you've been waiting for? To get rid of me. You've been planning to ditch me, haven't you? Well, that's too bad. Cause I am gonna do that now.
You have totally betrayed my trust.
You said you'd be by my side, making me strong like always. Where is it? You don't call, you don't text, you don't even care. All I ever wanted from you was to just be honest. Is it so hard for you to tell me the truth? For once in your life, make me happy at least? Thanks a lot darling. You made me realise that your just the replica of my ex.
One more thing, stop forcing yourself to do something you don't like. Stop pretending. You can't do that? Then, learn.
This is so sad, I don't wanna be enemies with you. But I really can't take it any longer. I swear.
As for you babe, thanks for 'being there' when I really needed it. Thanks for trusting me and most importantly, thanks for always giving a 'listening ear'. I learnt what you learnt too. From now onwards, I won' trust anyone. Including you. Since you feel I betrayed and disappoint you, let me tell you something. You did it twice as painful to me. Don't go, "huh?" or "wtf?" or "fuck you" or "chibai" because I know every single thing you did to me behind my back. It's not only from them I heard it from, I heard it from everyone. And that's a plus painful for me.
You really did put up a good show, superstar. You made me almost believe it wasn't an act. Keep it up. Labels: bitch

Written on Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 7:16 PM
Ugh. My energy is completely depleted. I am so freaking tired. My eyes feels so heavy. My head's spinning. My ears blocked. My vision blurred. I am losing concentration. God, I have to finish my F&N research as fast as possible. There's no time to delay.
Exam's are around the corner. I am starting to feel nervous. All the problems, I'm gonna put it aside for now. I have to concentrate on my studies, studies, studies! Surprisingly, I'm flopping in my malay. What the fuck? I never used to fail my malay tests. But now.. speechless babe. Kate je anak orang melayu.
I got English letter writing to do. Then, Maths sums. After that, I'll rest.
Malay dance went pretty well today. Am gonna miss the seniors (: Taman Warisan invited us to perform for Malay Arts Festival from 1st-3rd May. It's not yet confirmed. But it's either one of these dates, for sure. Next Wednesday, having speech day rehearsal. Am gonna be performing on 8th May. Then, in August, maybe performing for Republic Poly. Woah.
By next Wednesday also, Atiqa & I are supposed to hand in our scrapbook and re-decorate the whole dance room. We are to do 4 reports on the past events & list down upcoming events. Monday, we, the sec 3s, will be calling down the juniors for a private meeting. We'll see how it goes.
I am super busy. Just tag, email, pm, call or text me aites! I'll get back to you guys asap (: Labels: i hate this part

Written on Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 5:23 PM
I just got one thing to say for three stuffs that happened today; BASTARD.And then, I shan't elaborate further.
What's a relationship, without a little risk and faith?
Daaang. Why do I still feel the same? Frankly speaking, I'm still feeling down. Why do I feel as though someone talked him into this? And despite what happened, I don't know why the hell I am still head over heels for him. Stupid fool. I want him to be honest about everything but he's not that convincing anymore. Is it just me or is it him? I don't feel excited today. Just because of this.
Apart from that, today sucked big time. We had to write a two pages reflection just because of some assholes who did something stupid and still doesn't want to own up. And we were held back until somebody owns up. C'mon guys, where's your guts? You actually wasted almost an hour of our time sitting down on the hard floor writing the reflection. Also, you just made a fool out of yourselves and dragged us into it, unknowingly. You guys are just a bunch of assholes. Geddit? ASS-HOLES. Labels: no labels.

Written on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 9:37 AM
Okay, I give up.
Tell me if time should make a change, then why do I feel the same?Its the mind that tells you've had enough; but the heart keeps saying 'dont give up'.
For the first time, in my 14 years of living, I felt this way. I am not a despo, for sure. Because I don't force you to love me. I miss the old you, baby. You've changed a lot. I don't care if your nice, kind, bad, ugly, hot, uncool, cool, disgusting or irritating. I love you just the way you are. I feel like as though I fell in love with a different guy last time.
You said me & you don't fit because you feel I deserved someone better. Why? Is it because you think your so bad or because you don't love or like me? Then, you said you feel useless. What the hell for? Your not, dearest. If you are, I wouldn't have fell in love with you in the first place. Never.
Tell me the truth, what's your main reason?
Since you really wanna know what's the reason why I fell in love with you, I'll tell you that now.
I first texted you as a friend. No more. Then, you told me you broke up with your ex. So, I said I was sorry to hear that. Then suddenly, you labelled me honey, dear, baby and sweetheart. I was fine with that. I thought, why were you labelling me?
And I asked you. I asked you, who else did you label the above-mentioned. And you said, only me. At that moment, I was speechless. So, from 19 January 2009, we contacted each other. Am I right?
Then one day, I asked you, who were you contacting with. You replied; me. That time, I started liking you. I admit. Soon, my parents found out. Surprisingly, they were fine about it. Surprisingly. Until today, right now, they don't mind me contacting you. Because they trusted you. Nevermind. Let's not talk about that.
What shocked me was when some people said you were contacting with another girl while you contacted me. I chose to believe you, instead. I ignored. Then, I heard people saying that you hated me and stuffs. That was when I felt something fishy going on.
Then, someone told me you still liked me. At that moment, I felt confused. Are you playing with my heart? Still, I trusted you.
Now, you said that to me. The message you sent was so similar to my previous ex's message. SO similar. Then I thought, must I always get this in the end of every relationship I had? I gave up. I didn't text you. So, from now onwards, I want you to be honest. I won't be so nice to anyone else from now on. I feel useless now.
But nevermind, life goes on. Like what I used to tell my dear friend. Thanks a lot for entertaining me yesterday night. Your the best.
For you, I won't force you to love me or like me. From the bottom of your heart, you tell me the truth. And I will accept it. Thank you for taking your time to read sucha long post. And thank you for all your concern towards me. I absolutely treasured every bit of that. Every bit.

Written on Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 8:33 PM
Today, school was as per normal. Mundane. My time was wasted in school man. What the hell.
Food & Nutrition Mdm Humaiyah couldn't stop blabbering. The class couldn't cooperate. So, she gave up on us.
Mother Tongue Everything went nicely. Everyone handed in their work on time. Happy class (:
English Wasted time! Mr Tan spent one period nagging. Mr Lee was being an irritant. By asking stupid questions. Allow me to share.
Mr Lee: Akhbar, why didn't u attend school yesterday? Akhbar: I was sick. Mr Lee: Sure not? I look at your face, I don't believe u. Akhbar: You don't believe u ask Mr Tan uh! Mr Lee: I have been living for 27 years, one look, I can know if you lying or not. Akhbar: Really what. Mr Lee: Your girlfriend got pregnant uh?
Then Akhbar whispered to me.
Akhbar: Sial uh. Ni dah melampau. Illa: *laughed* Akhbar: Diam lah kau. Illa: Cher, he really sick lah. Mr Lee: Really? *looks at akhbar in the eyes & pat Akhbar's back* Akhbar: Eh cher, don't touch me uh. I'm not gay sia. Illa: *laughed*
Second time he came..
Mr Lee: Akhbar, copy down your homework. Akhbar: Cannot see lah. Illa: I writing for him lah, Cher. Mr Lee: Oh, so she's your girlfriend? Illa & Akhbar: We bestfriend! Illa: Yes. There's a difference between girlfriend & bestfriend okay! Akhbar: Ya man. Can't you tell the difference?! Mr Lee: Oh I see. Haha. Illa & Akhbar: *rolled eyes* Mr Lee: So, did u get pregnant? Illa: *ignored* Akhbar: *whispered* Muke aku muke amek maruah anak dare orang pe sial?
What the fuck right? This is an example of people who cannot control their mouths. Tsk.
Break Normal, Chatted, laughed.
Maths Ms Sharmila didn't turn up. Mr Kong took over the class. I didn't change seats. Chatted with Akhbar all the way. Fadhli, step hot - like always. Ergh. I feel like cutting him to pieces. He's disgusting.
That's what happened today. Waste time, right? Let's talk about yesterday.
Slacked with Baby, Marissa, Nas, Haikel, Faris, Zaki & girlfriend, Farah, Barber, EQ, Rashid, Saufi & more. Mr Fucker didn't turn up as he was busy. Haha. Honestly, I miss his bullshits. Haha.
Ibu fetched me from there. Baby B waved goodbye to us! Berani jgak Baby B eh? Heheh. Hugged & shaked hands with some people. Fetched sister from school.
Atiqa drew on my notebook:
Arep Love Illa. I love you. But I'm not sure where I'm heading to.
Mcm tau je ni pmpn. Sayang kau! ;D
Goodbye darlings. Labels: no labels

Written on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Ok from now onwards, this will be my official diary. Whoever knows whatever I wrote, I don't give a shit. Because this is the only thing that will stay with me till whenever I want to update it.In other words, I treasure this diary the most.
Firstly, I think the more I hide things from people, the more rumors come and attack me. So people, I have a short note.
I am contacting with Arif Bin Abdul Karim. Yes, the one from boys to men. We have been contacting for 2 months plus. I know some of you ain't shocked or surprised. Some even said, "it's expected". The reason why I didn't tell much people about it is because I don't want us to be a topic. Whatever lah. You can talk. I don't give a damn. But some people, they need to learn how to control their mouths.
As for Md Akhbar Bin Safah, I have no feelings towards him. He's just my 'bestfriend'/classmate/partner. That's all. No more than friends. So people, stop passing around rumors. We have nothing special going on. Especially, my classmates. I would really really appreciate it if you guys stop this whole thing. You don't wanna see me or Akhbar losing our patience.
"SUKE TU SUKE LAH. TAPI, RASE SAYANG TU MASEH BELOM ADE." Baby, I have to admit, I have been feeling the same way all these while. Let's not rush things. I trust you, you trust me. Both will be happy. But whatever happens.. I heart you, baybay (:
Oh, I met Baby B just now. He kept poking me & I love it when he does that. Slacked & reached home around 7:15 PM.

Written on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 11:03 PM

at first we did a handphone base cover, then we took two tests. one, to do a complete handphone cover & the other one, to do some stuffs.
marissa & i took more than an hour just to finish our first model. this is what we get from not paying attention in class. haha. luckily, i got some knowledge. haha. marissa followed me step by step & our lecturer thought that we cheated by saving it into our thumbdrives & opening it in another computer.
then when we were about to start creating the handphone, we realised that almost everyone was already finishing the test & we got 7 minutes left! hahaha. so we did only the box, the screen & the button. how pathetic. two reasons; we're too late & we don't even know how to do! haha.
then, for lunch.. we slacked a while & went to akhbar & gang's class. kimak, fun sia. i think that's all uh eh. hhes.
akhbar & i are trying to overcome the rumors! warnings given to some people. watch out, aye.
Labels: sonok habes

Written on Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Marissa & I went around the school together since morning. Except for the bus trip to SP. Finally, we couldnt stand the boredom. We went to ebuddy & chatted over there despite the fact that we can just talk properly because we're just sitting next to each other.
I say: eh hello bear!
Marissa Langton EH AREP FLIP!
I say: amcm? lame tk dgr cite.
I say: mane kau menghilang?
Marissa Langton OH BIASER.
Marissa Langton aku kat honeymoon
Marissa Langton malam ni nak buat
I say: siak uh!
I say: tak ajak. baik pe. kwn nii mcm.
Marissa Langton biaseer laaaaa
I say: hahahaha.
I say: eh, kau chat nan rape byk org nii? busy nah?
Marissa Langton dah
Marissa Langton sumer baru offline.
Marissa Langton kau jer ah skrg
I say: sediih pe. tkp, aku tetap teman kau.
I say: kay bear?
Marissa Langton okay arepppp!
I say: ahkay. BESSSST!
I say: ehh bear!
I say: amcm kau nan marissa?
Marissa Langton aku ngan marissa tak stable uh
I say: ape maksud kau?
Marissa Langton entah la ehh
I say: btw, illa msg aku uh! dher baru bgn. ape punye pmpn.
I say: aku turut bersimpati.
I say: semoga korg cepat2 stable eh (:
Marissa Langton hahahahahahahhahaha
Marissa Langton siak jer kau ni
Marissa Langton ni illa BADAK ah
Marissa Langton aku ngan marissa.
Marissa Langton tsk tsk tsk
Marissa Langton tak akan stable pehh
I say: hahaha. sial.
I say: tk happy pe skg pggl pmpn aku BADAK?!
I say: haha
I say: apesal tkkn stable? tdy kate nk buat malam ni. rabak pe kau.
Marissa Langton buat malam ni tetap buat punye
Marissa Langton ahahahhaa
Marissa Langton kimak stoppit sia
Marissa Langton ahahahhaa
I say: hahahahah
Marissa Langton illa...
Marissa Langton i...
Marissa Langton i ...
Marissa Langton i sayang u....
Marissa Langton *blushhh*
Marissa Langton u ,
I say: u tkmo mepek laaa.
Marissa Langton u nk jadi mataer i tak
I say: i syg u lebih tau!
I say: u serious pe?
Marissa Langton u , malam ni nak buat takk
I say: u tkmo main2 gini uh u.
Marissa Langton i tk main2..
Marissa Langton i ngah serious la...
I say: betol?
I say: abe kalau kite buat nnti u nak tanggung jawab tak?
I say: (:
Marissa Langton botol kepala babi! betull laaaaa uuuuu
Marissa Langton i jajjiiii i tanggung jwb..
I say: hahahaha.
I say: HUH?
I say: asal nan kepala babi?
I say: kesian..
Marissa Langton kepala babi muat dalam puki.
Marissa Langton K DAH MEPEK
I say: tau
Marissa Langton HAHAHAHA
Marissa Langton DAHH
I say: enough is enough eh marissa
I say: ehhh, kau imagine ehh.. drg dpt tau psl convo nii?
Marissa Langton MAMPOS SIA KITER.
I say: HAHA. at least kau okay. aku... tk tau uh ehh.
I say: hahaha
but guess what? we're still bored right now. (:Labels: shithole

Written on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 9:36 PM
PURBANIRA SENI Alhamdulillah, after all the nagging-s and even hatred sometimes.. Look! We got our Gold back (: I am so proud of you girls. Let's not hate each other anymore(if you guys hate anyone). Afterall, we achieved Gold together baby.
To parents/supporters/seniors/teachers, thanks for all the support. We really appreciate it.
To Ibu, Ayah & Kakak, Thanks for taking leave or whatever it is, just to watch my performance (excluding kakak ;p). Ayah, thanks for wasting your time just to watch me dance my ass off! Haha. Labels: weehooo

Written on Monday, April 6, 2009 @ 6:06 PM
At last! There's nothing to worry about anymore. Except for the results on Wednesday. 0.0
Came to school as per normal. Supposedly, our class had to go to Singapore Poly to do our respective modules. Since Atiqa & I had to go for our SYF, we skipped one day & stayed in school. Ammi & Abby had to stay in school too. They had to perform for the school. Yay them!
So, we headed to the school library but the librarian did not allow us in because she thought we were skipping lessons. Wth? Then, we had to go to Mr Tan's Sec 4 class.. & played computer! Which was even better.
Then, like always, I kid around with Mr Tan. After his lessons, we asked for permission to go & eat.. then I said..
Me: Cher, treat us uh. Mr Tan: *smiled* Me: *laughed* Mr Tan: What for? Me: Kidding laaah. Mr Tan: Cik, kasi budak-budak ni pilih ape dorang nak makan, nanti saya bayar. Me: I was kidding! Mr Tan: Nevermind.
This is the second time man. Haha. I was also kidding when it happened last time. & he really wanted to treat me & my friends. They should be thankful to have a friend like me.. I know how to attract a teacher's attention (: Heheh.
Ok then, we ate & thanked Mr Tan once again & headed to Aesthetic's Room to get dressed for SYF. Surprisingly, it wasn't as chaotic as the previous SYF. I wonder why.. Maybe this year's batch ain't as fun as the previous years. How I know? Me & Atiqa got really involved in MD since Sec 1. While the rest sterted only when they were in Sec 2.
When we boarded the bus to NUS.. that's when everyone started to look at each other & got panicked. Hah. But we still managed to pull through. We received quite a number of praises & some even said that we can get our gold back! Insyaallah. (:
All I know is that, everyone's happy with what we put up. & we are proud (but never bossy) of ourselves (:
Pictures will be updated in multiply (: illababyy.multiply.com Love ya.
Labels: what do you think ?

Written on Sunday, April 5, 2009 @ 2:19 PM
Afternoon, earthlings (:
woke up late today. heh. gossiped with mom & sister the whole night up till 4:45 am. we talked about baby b, my dad when he used to be inside a gang named salakkau (sp?) & how he used to get into trouble & how sweet my dad was when he was still young.
i find my dad hot when he was still young. you know that? haha.
then, i find Todak, my father's ex partner in crime, taking advantage of my father. pfft. then, we talked about how my father often get into riots. & how my mom always helped him. gangster jgak mak bapak aku eh? haha.
then, we talked about baby b. until my mom started to call him bacheyn because i called him bacheyn. haha. & my mom said, "skali aku terpggl dher bacheyn eh bile kau ajak dher kua nan family?" then, i was texting him that time, so i said, "alaaa, he knows u call him bacheyn laa."
my mom reads my messages. u know that? i dont really care, actually. in fact, i feel relieved now. because i dont have to hide anything from my mom anymore.
baby b, is in my hands again! (: nyeahahaha! i love you, bacheyn (:
the other day, i april fool-ed him so badly that he was convinced. i said i hated him & i don't want him to talk to me again. then, he thought that i was serious about it. then, he got angry & said, okay fine, i wont bother u anymore, BYE. then i replied, tkmo mrh2. April Fool! tros dher paisey (:
i accidentally deleted baby b's picture. tsk. & i'll show u guys my mom & dad younger days picture soon (:
(p/s. tmr's SYF!)
Labels: im so excited

Written on Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ 7:31 PM
Maaak, merepek peee. Satu-satu terase sia. Stop it sey. Especially Fuad, stop being pessimistic. Eee, korg lyn diri korg sendiri laaa.
Tk psl2 aku yg kene pggl lame lagi.Labels: shithole

Written on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 @ 6:49 PM
Now, you people tell me. How the hell am I suppose to live in peace when each time I feel happy some idiot will come and destroy it.
School's a junk. And it's getting junk-er. Desperate boys, bitchy girls, stupid rumors. I really can't live with it. Why am I letting all these conquer my life?! Then soon, I will find out the person I trusted all these while will either take advantage of me or stab me from the back. Why must it be that way?
Because of them, I lose my friend's trust. Because of him, I am close to insanity. Because of her, my life is almost ruined.
I can't stand it anymore, really. Why am I so blind? Why can't I see that earlier? Why do I take what they say as tryna make me and my friend(s) fall apart?
I hate you, yes I do. Aren't you happy to know that? Aren't you relieved? Don't you feel good about it? Isn't this what you've been waiting for? To get rid of me. You've been planning to ditch me, haven't you? Well, that's too bad. Cause I am gonna do that now.
You have totally betrayed my trust.
You said you'd be by my side, making me strong like always. Where is it? You don't call, you don't text, you don't even care. All I ever wanted from you was to just be honest. Is it so hard for you to tell me the truth? For once in your life, make me happy at least? Thanks a lot darling. You made me realise that your just the replica of my ex.
One more thing, stop forcing yourself to do something you don't like. Stop pretending. You can't do that? Then, learn.
This is so sad, I don't wanna be enemies with you. But I really can't take it any longer. I swear.
As for you babe, thanks for 'being there' when I really needed it. Thanks for trusting me and most importantly, thanks for always giving a 'listening ear'. I learnt what you learnt too. From now onwards, I won' trust anyone. Including you. Since you feel I betrayed and disappoint you, let me tell you something. You did it twice as painful to me. Don't go, "huh?" or "wtf?" or "fuck you" or "chibai" because I know every single thing you did to me behind my back. It's not only from them I heard it from, I heard it from everyone. And that's a plus painful for me.
You really did put up a good show, superstar. You made me almost believe it wasn't an act. Keep it up. Labels: bitch

Written on Friday, April 24, 2009 @ 7:16 PM
Ugh. My energy is completely depleted. I am so freaking tired. My eyes feels so heavy. My head's spinning. My ears blocked. My vision blurred. I am losing concentration. God, I have to finish my F&N research as fast as possible. There's no time to delay.
Exam's are around the corner. I am starting to feel nervous. All the problems, I'm gonna put it aside for now. I have to concentrate on my studies, studies, studies! Surprisingly, I'm flopping in my malay. What the fuck? I never used to fail my malay tests. But now.. speechless babe. Kate je anak orang melayu.
I got English letter writing to do. Then, Maths sums. After that, I'll rest.
Malay dance went pretty well today. Am gonna miss the seniors (: Taman Warisan invited us to perform for Malay Arts Festival from 1st-3rd May. It's not yet confirmed. But it's either one of these dates, for sure. Next Wednesday, having speech day rehearsal. Am gonna be performing on 8th May. Then, in August, maybe performing for Republic Poly. Woah.
By next Wednesday also, Atiqa & I are supposed to hand in our scrapbook and re-decorate the whole dance room. We are to do 4 reports on the past events & list down upcoming events. Monday, we, the sec 3s, will be calling down the juniors for a private meeting. We'll see how it goes.
I am super busy. Just tag, email, pm, call or text me aites! I'll get back to you guys asap (: Labels: i hate this part

Written on Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 5:23 PM
I just got one thing to say for three stuffs that happened today; BASTARD.And then, I shan't elaborate further.
What's a relationship, without a little risk and faith?
Daaang. Why do I still feel the same? Frankly speaking, I'm still feeling down. Why do I feel as though someone talked him into this? And despite what happened, I don't know why the hell I am still head over heels for him. Stupid fool. I want him to be honest about everything but he's not that convincing anymore. Is it just me or is it him? I don't feel excited today. Just because of this.
Apart from that, today sucked big time. We had to write a two pages reflection just because of some assholes who did something stupid and still doesn't want to own up. And we were held back until somebody owns up. C'mon guys, where's your guts? You actually wasted almost an hour of our time sitting down on the hard floor writing the reflection. Also, you just made a fool out of yourselves and dragged us into it, unknowingly. You guys are just a bunch of assholes. Geddit? ASS-HOLES. Labels: no labels.

Written on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @ 9:37 AM
Okay, I give up.
Tell me if time should make a change, then why do I feel the same?Its the mind that tells you've had enough; but the heart keeps saying 'dont give up'.
For the first time, in my 14 years of living, I felt this way. I am not a despo, for sure. Because I don't force you to love me. I miss the old you, baby. You've changed a lot. I don't care if your nice, kind, bad, ugly, hot, uncool, cool, disgusting or irritating. I love you just the way you are. I feel like as though I fell in love with a different guy last time.
You said me & you don't fit because you feel I deserved someone better. Why? Is it because you think your so bad or because you don't love or like me? Then, you said you feel useless. What the hell for? Your not, dearest. If you are, I wouldn't have fell in love with you in the first place. Never.
Tell me the truth, what's your main reason?
Since you really wanna know what's the reason why I fell in love with you, I'll tell you that now.
I first texted you as a friend. No more. Then, you told me you broke up with your ex. So, I said I was sorry to hear that. Then suddenly, you labelled me honey, dear, baby and sweetheart. I was fine with that. I thought, why were you labelling me?
And I asked you. I asked you, who else did you label the above-mentioned. And you said, only me. At that moment, I was speechless. So, from 19 January 2009, we contacted each other. Am I right?
Then one day, I asked you, who were you contacting with. You replied; me. That time, I started liking you. I admit. Soon, my parents found out. Surprisingly, they were fine about it. Surprisingly. Until today, right now, they don't mind me contacting you. Because they trusted you. Nevermind. Let's not talk about that.
What shocked me was when some people said you were contacting with another girl while you contacted me. I chose to believe you, instead. I ignored. Then, I heard people saying that you hated me and stuffs. That was when I felt something fishy going on.
Then, someone told me you still liked me. At that moment, I felt confused. Are you playing with my heart? Still, I trusted you.
Now, you said that to me. The message you sent was so similar to my previous ex's message. SO similar. Then I thought, must I always get this in the end of every relationship I had? I gave up. I didn't text you. So, from now onwards, I want you to be honest. I won't be so nice to anyone else from now on. I feel useless now.
But nevermind, life goes on. Like what I used to tell my dear friend. Thanks a lot for entertaining me yesterday night. Your the best.
For you, I won't force you to love me or like me. From the bottom of your heart, you tell me the truth. And I will accept it. Thank you for taking your time to read sucha long post. And thank you for all your concern towards me. I absolutely treasured every bit of that. Every bit.

Written on Friday, April 17, 2009 @ 8:33 PM
Today, school was as per normal. Mundane. My time was wasted in school man. What the hell.
Food & Nutrition Mdm Humaiyah couldn't stop blabbering. The class couldn't cooperate. So, she gave up on us.
Mother Tongue Everything went nicely. Everyone handed in their work on time. Happy class (:
English Wasted time! Mr Tan spent one period nagging. Mr Lee was being an irritant. By asking stupid questions. Allow me to share.
Mr Lee: Akhbar, why didn't u attend school yesterday? Akhbar: I was sick. Mr Lee: Sure not? I look at your face, I don't believe u. Akhbar: You don't believe u ask Mr Tan uh! Mr Lee: I have been living for 27 years, one look, I can know if you lying or not. Akhbar: Really what. Mr Lee: Your girlfriend got pregnant uh?
Then Akhbar whispered to me.
Akhbar: Sial uh. Ni dah melampau. Illa: *laughed* Akhbar: Diam lah kau. Illa: Cher, he really sick lah. Mr Lee: Really? *looks at akhbar in the eyes & pat Akhbar's back* Akhbar: Eh cher, don't touch me uh. I'm not gay sia. Illa: *laughed*
Second time he came..
Mr Lee: Akhbar, copy down your homework. Akhbar: Cannot see lah. Illa: I writing for him lah, Cher. Mr Lee: Oh, so she's your girlfriend? Illa & Akhbar: We bestfriend! Illa: Yes. There's a difference between girlfriend & bestfriend okay! Akhbar: Ya man. Can't you tell the difference?! Mr Lee: Oh I see. Haha. Illa & Akhbar: *rolled eyes* Mr Lee: So, did u get pregnant? Illa: *ignored* Akhbar: *whispered* Muke aku muke amek maruah anak dare orang pe sial?
What the fuck right? This is an example of people who cannot control their mouths. Tsk.
Break Normal, Chatted, laughed.
Maths Ms Sharmila didn't turn up. Mr Kong took over the class. I didn't change seats. Chatted with Akhbar all the way. Fadhli, step hot - like always. Ergh. I feel like cutting him to pieces. He's disgusting.
That's what happened today. Waste time, right? Let's talk about yesterday.
Slacked with Baby, Marissa, Nas, Haikel, Faris, Zaki & girlfriend, Farah, Barber, EQ, Rashid, Saufi & more. Mr Fucker didn't turn up as he was busy. Haha. Honestly, I miss his bullshits. Haha.
Ibu fetched me from there. Baby B waved goodbye to us! Berani jgak Baby B eh? Heheh. Hugged & shaked hands with some people. Fetched sister from school.
Atiqa drew on my notebook:
Arep Love Illa. I love you. But I'm not sure where I'm heading to.
Mcm tau je ni pmpn. Sayang kau! ;D
Goodbye darlings. Labels: no labels

Written on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 @ 10:39 PM
Ok from now onwards, this will be my official diary. Whoever knows whatever I wrote, I don't give a shit. Because this is the only thing that will stay with me till whenever I want to update it.In other words, I treasure this diary the most.
Firstly, I think the more I hide things from people, the more rumors come and attack me. So people, I have a short note.
I am contacting with Arif Bin Abdul Karim. Yes, the one from boys to men. We have been contacting for 2 months plus. I know some of you ain't shocked or surprised. Some even said, "it's expected". The reason why I didn't tell much people about it is because I don't want us to be a topic. Whatever lah. You can talk. I don't give a damn. But some people, they need to learn how to control their mouths.
As for Md Akhbar Bin Safah, I have no feelings towards him. He's just my 'bestfriend'/classmate/partner. That's all. No more than friends. So people, stop passing around rumors. We have nothing special going on. Especially, my classmates. I would really really appreciate it if you guys stop this whole thing. You don't wanna see me or Akhbar losing our patience.
"SUKE TU SUKE LAH. TAPI, RASE SAYANG TU MASEH BELOM ADE." Baby, I have to admit, I have been feeling the same way all these while. Let's not rush things. I trust you, you trust me. Both will be happy. But whatever happens.. I heart you, baybay (:
Oh, I met Baby B just now. He kept poking me & I love it when he does that. Slacked & reached home around 7:15 PM.

Written on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 @ 11:03 PM

at first we did a handphone base cover, then we took two tests. one, to do a complete handphone cover & the other one, to do some stuffs.
marissa & i took more than an hour just to finish our first model. this is what we get from not paying attention in class. haha. luckily, i got some knowledge. haha. marissa followed me step by step & our lecturer thought that we cheated by saving it into our thumbdrives & opening it in another computer.
then when we were about to start creating the handphone, we realised that almost everyone was already finishing the test & we got 7 minutes left! hahaha. so we did only the box, the screen & the button. how pathetic. two reasons; we're too late & we don't even know how to do! haha.
then, for lunch.. we slacked a while & went to akhbar & gang's class. kimak, fun sia. i think that's all uh eh. hhes.
akhbar & i are trying to overcome the rumors! warnings given to some people. watch out, aye.
Labels: sonok habes

Written on Monday, April 13, 2009 @ 2:00 PM
Marissa & I went around the school together since morning. Except for the bus trip to SP. Finally, we couldnt stand the boredom. We went to ebuddy & chatted over there despite the fact that we can just talk properly because we're just sitting next to each other.
I say: eh hello bear!
Marissa Langton EH AREP FLIP!
I say: amcm? lame tk dgr cite.
I say: mane kau menghilang?
Marissa Langton OH BIASER.
Marissa Langton aku kat honeymoon
Marissa Langton malam ni nak buat
I say: siak uh!
I say: tak ajak. baik pe. kwn nii mcm.
Marissa Langton biaseer laaaaa
I say: hahahaha.
I say: eh, kau chat nan rape byk org nii? busy nah?
Marissa Langton dah
Marissa Langton sumer baru offline.
Marissa Langton kau jer ah skrg
I say: sediih pe. tkp, aku tetap teman kau.
I say: kay bear?
Marissa Langton okay arepppp!
I say: ahkay. BESSSST!
I say: ehh bear!
I say: amcm kau nan marissa?
Marissa Langton aku ngan marissa tak stable uh
I say: ape maksud kau?
Marissa Langton entah la ehh
I say: btw, illa msg aku uh! dher baru bgn. ape punye pmpn.
I say: aku turut bersimpati.
I say: semoga korg cepat2 stable eh (:
Marissa Langton hahahahahahahhahaha
Marissa Langton siak jer kau ni
Marissa Langton ni illa BADAK ah
Marissa Langton aku ngan marissa.
Marissa Langton tsk tsk tsk
Marissa Langton tak akan stable pehh
I say: hahaha. sial.
I say: tk happy pe skg pggl pmpn aku BADAK?!
I say: haha
I say: apesal tkkn stable? tdy kate nk buat malam ni. rabak pe kau.
Marissa Langton buat malam ni tetap buat punye
Marissa Langton ahahahhaa
Marissa Langton kimak stoppit sia
Marissa Langton ahahahhaa
I say: hahahahah
Marissa Langton illa...
Marissa Langton i...
Marissa Langton i ...
Marissa Langton i sayang u....
Marissa Langton *blushhh*
Marissa Langton u ,
I say: u tkmo mepek laaa.
Marissa Langton u nk jadi mataer i tak
I say: i syg u lebih tau!
I say: u serious pe?
Marissa Langton u , malam ni nak buat takk
I say: u tkmo main2 gini uh u.
Marissa Langton i tk main2..
Marissa Langton i ngah serious la...
I say: betol?
I say: abe kalau kite buat nnti u nak tanggung jawab tak?
I say: (:
Marissa Langton botol kepala babi! betull laaaaa uuuuu
Marissa Langton i jajjiiii i tanggung jwb..
I say: hahahaha.
I say: HUH?
I say: asal nan kepala babi?
I say: kesian..
Marissa Langton kepala babi muat dalam puki.
Marissa Langton K DAH MEPEK
I say: tau
Marissa Langton HAHAHAHA
Marissa Langton DAHH
I say: enough is enough eh marissa
I say: ehhh, kau imagine ehh.. drg dpt tau psl convo nii?
Marissa Langton MAMPOS SIA KITER.
I say: HAHA. at least kau okay. aku... tk tau uh ehh.
I say: hahaha
but guess what? we're still bored right now. (:Labels: shithole

Written on Wednesday, April 8, 2009 @ 9:36 PM
PURBANIRA SENI Alhamdulillah, after all the nagging-s and even hatred sometimes.. Look! We got our Gold back (: I am so proud of you girls. Let's not hate each other anymore(if you guys hate anyone). Afterall, we achieved Gold together baby.
To parents/supporters/seniors/teachers, thanks for all the support. We really appreciate it.
To Ibu, Ayah & Kakak, Thanks for taking leave or whatever it is, just to watch my performance (excluding kakak ;p). Ayah, thanks for wasting your time just to watch me dance my ass off! Haha. Labels: weehooo

Written on Monday, April 6, 2009 @ 6:06 PM
At last! There's nothing to worry about anymore. Except for the results on Wednesday. 0.0
Came to school as per normal. Supposedly, our class had to go to Singapore Poly to do our respective modules. Since Atiqa & I had to go for our SYF, we skipped one day & stayed in school. Ammi & Abby had to stay in school too. They had to perform for the school. Yay them!
So, we headed to the school library but the librarian did not allow us in because she thought we were skipping lessons. Wth? Then, we had to go to Mr Tan's Sec 4 class.. & played computer! Which was even better.
Then, like always, I kid around with Mr Tan. After his lessons, we asked for permission to go & eat.. then I said..
Me: Cher, treat us uh. Mr Tan: *smiled* Me: *laughed* Mr Tan: What for? Me: Kidding laaah. Mr Tan: Cik, kasi budak-budak ni pilih ape dorang nak makan, nanti saya bayar. Me: I was kidding! Mr Tan: Nevermind.
This is the second time man. Haha. I was also kidding when it happened last time. & he really wanted to treat me & my friends. They should be thankful to have a friend like me.. I know how to attract a teacher's attention (: Heheh.
Ok then, we ate & thanked Mr Tan once again & headed to Aesthetic's Room to get dressed for SYF. Surprisingly, it wasn't as chaotic as the previous SYF. I wonder why.. Maybe this year's batch ain't as fun as the previous years. How I know? Me & Atiqa got really involved in MD since Sec 1. While the rest sterted only when they were in Sec 2.
When we boarded the bus to NUS.. that's when everyone started to look at each other & got panicked. Hah. But we still managed to pull through. We received quite a number of praises & some even said that we can get our gold back! Insyaallah. (:
All I know is that, everyone's happy with what we put up. & we are proud (but never bossy) of ourselves (:
Pictures will be updated in multiply (: illababyy.multiply.com Love ya.
Labels: what do you think ?

Written on Sunday, April 5, 2009 @ 2:19 PM
Afternoon, earthlings (:
woke up late today. heh. gossiped with mom & sister the whole night up till 4:45 am. we talked about baby b, my dad when he used to be inside a gang named salakkau (sp?) & how he used to get into trouble & how sweet my dad was when he was still young.
i find my dad hot when he was still young. you know that? haha.
then, i find Todak, my father's ex partner in crime, taking advantage of my father. pfft. then, we talked about how my father often get into riots. & how my mom always helped him. gangster jgak mak bapak aku eh? haha.
then, we talked about baby b. until my mom started to call him bacheyn because i called him bacheyn. haha. & my mom said, "skali aku terpggl dher bacheyn eh bile kau ajak dher kua nan family?" then, i was texting him that time, so i said, "alaaa, he knows u call him bacheyn laa."
my mom reads my messages. u know that? i dont really care, actually. in fact, i feel relieved now. because i dont have to hide anything from my mom anymore.
baby b, is in my hands again! (: nyeahahaha! i love you, bacheyn (:
the other day, i april fool-ed him so badly that he was convinced. i said i hated him & i don't want him to talk to me again. then, he thought that i was serious about it. then, he got angry & said, okay fine, i wont bother u anymore, BYE. then i replied, tkmo mrh2. April Fool! tros dher paisey (:
i accidentally deleted baby b's picture. tsk. & i'll show u guys my mom & dad younger days picture soon (:
(p/s. tmr's SYF!)
Labels: im so excited

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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