Written on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 4:23 PM
 I kindda miss this ): Today was nothing much. A little talks and corrections only. But it was all not worth it. As if you just knew my class, the naughtiest, most uncontrollable one, that is. We just ignored the poor teacher & make school the best day of our lives. Haha.
So, Atiqa & I listed out our desires. In my opinion, it was quite okay laa. I mean $100 - $200 for head to toe needs. It is worth it, y'know. It also includes stuffs like inside wear & all. Duh.
Shaffy & I today was out of our minds. Imagine that! Haha. I was laughing like a banshee & Shaffy got addicted to it. Wow. Two people sounded like a crowd. Imagine having Atiqa, Marissa & Nazrah inside. Havoc siak. Haha. Now, I don't know why but I'm excited! Haha.
Btw, some guy asked for my number (awww!) ^^ But I gave him a cold shoulder (double awww!) ^.^ Hahahahahah! Anyhoos, Happy Finally 15th Birtday Nurul 'Ashiqin Bte Mustafa. May you have the best day of your life & may you achieve your every desires. Keep smiling & stay cute (:Labels: there's nothing you can sing that can't be suuunngg

Written on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 8:44 PM
Let's summarize what I did today. Yeah, let's do that.
- Came to school with two magazines which I can read during the free time.
- Read it while Mr Tan & Miss Gan gave away the papers.
- I didn't die cause I didn't fail everything.
- First time that I failed my Mother Tongue paper 2! Wtf, seriously.
- Headed to hall for the E-tracx course.
- Learned how to B-boy, rap, turntable. In my case, I learned how to B-girl.
- Babygirls headed to canteen to have lunch while Nazrah & I stayed back to chat with DJ KoFlow, Felix & the emcee, Shahrin? Camwhore-d with them hotstuffs. Haha.
- Headed to Mind Moulding Room to do the MOE Pilot Study Maths Test & Survey. Like out of many people, they chosed me, randomly! Tsk.
- Proceeded to Aesthetics' Room for Movie Screening: Iron Man. Trust me, the malays in my class was all asleep and restless. We shared shoulders. I mean, rest our heads on each others' shoulders. Turn by turn. Boy, girl. Who cares, we're close buds. I love them.
- Waited for the Malay Dance meeting to end.
- Headed to Edelweiss Park. Change.
- Shopped, lunched for the second time at LJS. Fahmi Iskandar came.
- Nervous breakdown. Baaaaaah! Soon, clique-d well.
- Slacked for awhile & took the bus back home. I met a pervert! Scary.
- Refreshed & all set for bed time.
Hahaha! I'm chatting with my ex-husband and Fahmi Iskandar now. My ex-husband needs to cheer up cause if he don't his current wife, Marissa, and his ex-wife, me, would be very very upset. So smile Fadick! You know we were the best thing that has ever happened to you! *winks*
AM I GONNA BE PROMOTED TO SECONDARY 4???!! Gees. Butterflies don't seem to be flying away.
Labels: yeaa

Written on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 4:39 PM
 Support Project Hope, yeah. Support! My babygirl's daddy needs the support to help the needy & homeless souls. Whoever's supporting it, thanks a billion. Whoever thinks Project Hope is just taking your money for their own needs, stop because it's fake and I know they're collecting funds with such a great reason. Toodles. Oh yes, I miss that Fahmi Iskandar suddenly. Prepaid dah low lah kan ):
  Labels: yeaa

Written on Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Looks like you're not one of them many eh? It's okay. Tons of fish in the water. Haha! Seriously, like I'm not the last girl on Earth. Go search! Go go.
Yes, I feel like I wanna say that to you. I don't know what made you think I'm in your control, your hands & your heart. Like, since when I accepted it? I just said it's okay to be FRIENDS. Which part of being friends don't you understand? A friend is someone who has the best interest of a friend at heart. And your not being one if you keep forcing me to be with you like forever. It is so agitating, frustrating, irritating, annoying, aggravating, bothersome, disturbing, troublesome, cumbersome, what else???? I miss the times when you just liked me as a friend. Which was one year ago. Please, I'm begging you, don't ever make me like you. It's not working, really. With gifts and all, I don't need that. I just need one thing; SPACE. Lots of it. The bigger, the better. I just got out of a relationship 2 months plus ago & I'm trying my very best to get over it. So yeah, please?
Oh and btw, I was deleting pictures when I found an album of my pictures with my ex at photobucket.com. I miss it, like a lot. Haha. I am so gonna keep it. Seriously.
MY RESULTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN TWO DAYS! Going to the beach with dearest girlfriends to watch sunset.Labels: i hate this part

12:05 AM
 Life; sometimes great, sometimes unwanted. If y'know what I mean. Have been asked by many many people about something.
Oh yes, the matchmaking's gotta stop. Enough is enough. Love can never be forced, so please. I know it's cruel if I reject one's love for me. But it's as cruel if you're forcing yourself to love someone. So yeah. Don't ever ever force love. You'll regret in the end. Trust me, when you aren't emotionally blocked, when your heart's calmed, everything will flow naturally. Like the wind, smooth. So let love come naturally but don't let go once you get hold of it. Don't.
Btw, Hazir asked me, "abe, skg hooray2 uh?" and I answered, "Hooray2? I can feel more and more butterflies each time I wake up from my sleep."
WHAT ARE MY RESULTS!??? But he said that we five, can pass. He said he believed in that, I hope he's right.Labels: kidrauhl; justin bieber

Written on Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 11:45 PM
"How dare you read my diary!" I thundered as I snatched my red something something something (I forgot how they described the diary).
I believe every girl has a diary. Well, most of them to be clear. I get very sensitive when it comes to people touching my diary.
I liked a guy in my class. He's known as a sweetheart among the girls. Everyday, my cliques would talk about him. How he looked, how he dressed and such. It was obvious I liked him from the way I act everytime he comes around. Coincidentally, there is another girl, Abigail, who liked him too. By the way, his name is ___.
This is an extract of my composition. Bye!

4:20 PM
I'm feeling blocked emotionally right now. How I wish I could rewind the moments I spent with you and capture every second of it. Surely, it has been captured in our minds and hearts. Well, what I know is it's in mine, I'm not sure if it's in yours. But I hope it is. I just feel like taking pictures and videos of the happy, sad, silly, moody, cheeky and ugly scenes we had. Really, no joke.
Y'know why I'm suddenly updating my blog? Even when I said I was on hiatus. Well, my school portal couldn't open up the document I wanted to mug on. So, I asked Shafiqa to send it to me through e-mail so that I can print the documents and study. Unfortunately, it's been two days and I haven't received a single word of the document. I also asked Nazrah for a back-up in case this happens. Unfortunately - again, she haven't send it to me yet. Currently, I'm like wondering how am I supposed to mug without my super freaking important notes for the exams which happens to be tomorrow. Shaffy? Naz? Anyone?
I wanna it chips more. And listen to my boyfriend sing (",)Labels: no labels

Written on Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 8:46 PM
I guess I gotta update bout this. It's not gonna be seen or heard about again. And thanks for telling that straight to my face, bestfriend.
I'm gonna go pull up my socks and start mugging instead of hoping. Labels: shithole

Written on Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 9:50 PM
I'm so sorry for not updating. I'm currently on hiatus. Suddenly, everything's seems to be happening too fast. Yesterday was Sri Warisan's Perjumpaan Hari Raya. The theme was salam Internationale. I happened to be the only wearing Chinese -.- Nevermind, at least I got compliments. Thanks. Hehh. Sister was actually wearing fusion. A mixture of dress, malay baju kurung and chinese. Yup.
Oh, back to the happening fast, happening slow. There's just one thing that I wish would happen as fast as it could but it's taking it's time. I was freaking excited when I got a text from him. Turns out, he still cares for me the way I care for him (:
It's like the whole world stops to listen when you tell me your in love. Even I did. Because seriously, it's giving me a heart attack. I wanna know who! Oh yaaa, Thursday's the day exams gonna resume. And it's Hakeem's birthday and my supposedly 5th month. Woww.
I'll update ALL the pictures when I'm not lazy and super free. For now, I am lazy and not so free. Hehh. Frankly speaking, I have nothing to say. I wanna go watch sinetron. Love you oh so much ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Labels: no labels

Written on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 4:23 PM
 I kindda miss this ): Today was nothing much. A little talks and corrections only. But it was all not worth it. As if you just knew my class, the naughtiest, most uncontrollable one, that is. We just ignored the poor teacher & make school the best day of our lives. Haha.
So, Atiqa & I listed out our desires. In my opinion, it was quite okay laa. I mean $100 - $200 for head to toe needs. It is worth it, y'know. It also includes stuffs like inside wear & all. Duh.
Shaffy & I today was out of our minds. Imagine that! Haha. I was laughing like a banshee & Shaffy got addicted to it. Wow. Two people sounded like a crowd. Imagine having Atiqa, Marissa & Nazrah inside. Havoc siak. Haha. Now, I don't know why but I'm excited! Haha.
Btw, some guy asked for my number (awww!) ^^ But I gave him a cold shoulder (double awww!) ^.^ Hahahahahah! Anyhoos, Happy Finally 15th Birtday Nurul 'Ashiqin Bte Mustafa. May you have the best day of your life & may you achieve your every desires. Keep smiling & stay cute (:Labels: there's nothing you can sing that can't be suuunngg

Written on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 8:44 PM
Let's summarize what I did today. Yeah, let's do that.
- Came to school with two magazines which I can read during the free time.
- Read it while Mr Tan & Miss Gan gave away the papers.
- I didn't die cause I didn't fail everything.
- First time that I failed my Mother Tongue paper 2! Wtf, seriously.
- Headed to hall for the E-tracx course.
- Learned how to B-boy, rap, turntable. In my case, I learned how to B-girl.
- Babygirls headed to canteen to have lunch while Nazrah & I stayed back to chat with DJ KoFlow, Felix & the emcee, Shahrin? Camwhore-d with them hotstuffs. Haha.
- Headed to Mind Moulding Room to do the MOE Pilot Study Maths Test & Survey. Like out of many people, they chosed me, randomly! Tsk.
- Proceeded to Aesthetics' Room for Movie Screening: Iron Man. Trust me, the malays in my class was all asleep and restless. We shared shoulders. I mean, rest our heads on each others' shoulders. Turn by turn. Boy, girl. Who cares, we're close buds. I love them.
- Waited for the Malay Dance meeting to end.
- Headed to Edelweiss Park. Change.
- Shopped, lunched for the second time at LJS. Fahmi Iskandar came.
- Nervous breakdown. Baaaaaah! Soon, clique-d well.
- Slacked for awhile & took the bus back home. I met a pervert! Scary.
- Refreshed & all set for bed time.
Hahaha! I'm chatting with my ex-husband and Fahmi Iskandar now. My ex-husband needs to cheer up cause if he don't his current wife, Marissa, and his ex-wife, me, would be very very upset. So smile Fadick! You know we were the best thing that has ever happened to you! *winks*
AM I GONNA BE PROMOTED TO SECONDARY 4???!! Gees. Butterflies don't seem to be flying away.
Labels: yeaa

Written on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 4:39 PM
 Support Project Hope, yeah. Support! My babygirl's daddy needs the support to help the needy & homeless souls. Whoever's supporting it, thanks a billion. Whoever thinks Project Hope is just taking your money for their own needs, stop because it's fake and I know they're collecting funds with such a great reason. Toodles. Oh yes, I miss that Fahmi Iskandar suddenly. Prepaid dah low lah kan ):
  Labels: yeaa

Written on Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Looks like you're not one of them many eh? It's okay. Tons of fish in the water. Haha! Seriously, like I'm not the last girl on Earth. Go search! Go go.
Yes, I feel like I wanna say that to you. I don't know what made you think I'm in your control, your hands & your heart. Like, since when I accepted it? I just said it's okay to be FRIENDS. Which part of being friends don't you understand? A friend is someone who has the best interest of a friend at heart. And your not being one if you keep forcing me to be with you like forever. It is so agitating, frustrating, irritating, annoying, aggravating, bothersome, disturbing, troublesome, cumbersome, what else???? I miss the times when you just liked me as a friend. Which was one year ago. Please, I'm begging you, don't ever make me like you. It's not working, really. With gifts and all, I don't need that. I just need one thing; SPACE. Lots of it. The bigger, the better. I just got out of a relationship 2 months plus ago & I'm trying my very best to get over it. So yeah, please?
Oh and btw, I was deleting pictures when I found an album of my pictures with my ex at photobucket.com. I miss it, like a lot. Haha. I am so gonna keep it. Seriously.
MY RESULTS WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN TWO DAYS! Going to the beach with dearest girlfriends to watch sunset.Labels: i hate this part

12:05 AM
 Life; sometimes great, sometimes unwanted. If y'know what I mean. Have been asked by many many people about something.
Oh yes, the matchmaking's gotta stop. Enough is enough. Love can never be forced, so please. I know it's cruel if I reject one's love for me. But it's as cruel if you're forcing yourself to love someone. So yeah. Don't ever ever force love. You'll regret in the end. Trust me, when you aren't emotionally blocked, when your heart's calmed, everything will flow naturally. Like the wind, smooth. So let love come naturally but don't let go once you get hold of it. Don't.
Btw, Hazir asked me, "abe, skg hooray2 uh?" and I answered, "Hooray2? I can feel more and more butterflies each time I wake up from my sleep."
WHAT ARE MY RESULTS!??? But he said that we five, can pass. He said he believed in that, I hope he's right.Labels: kidrauhl; justin bieber

Written on Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 11:45 PM
"How dare you read my diary!" I thundered as I snatched my red something something something (I forgot how they described the diary).
I believe every girl has a diary. Well, most of them to be clear. I get very sensitive when it comes to people touching my diary.
I liked a guy in my class. He's known as a sweetheart among the girls. Everyday, my cliques would talk about him. How he looked, how he dressed and such. It was obvious I liked him from the way I act everytime he comes around. Coincidentally, there is another girl, Abigail, who liked him too. By the way, his name is ___.
This is an extract of my composition. Bye!

4:20 PM
I'm feeling blocked emotionally right now. How I wish I could rewind the moments I spent with you and capture every second of it. Surely, it has been captured in our minds and hearts. Well, what I know is it's in mine, I'm not sure if it's in yours. But I hope it is. I just feel like taking pictures and videos of the happy, sad, silly, moody, cheeky and ugly scenes we had. Really, no joke.
Y'know why I'm suddenly updating my blog? Even when I said I was on hiatus. Well, my school portal couldn't open up the document I wanted to mug on. So, I asked Shafiqa to send it to me through e-mail so that I can print the documents and study. Unfortunately, it's been two days and I haven't received a single word of the document. I also asked Nazrah for a back-up in case this happens. Unfortunately - again, she haven't send it to me yet. Currently, I'm like wondering how am I supposed to mug without my super freaking important notes for the exams which happens to be tomorrow. Shaffy? Naz? Anyone?
I wanna it chips more. And listen to my boyfriend sing (",)Labels: no labels

Written on Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 8:46 PM
I guess I gotta update bout this. It's not gonna be seen or heard about again. And thanks for telling that straight to my face, bestfriend.
I'm gonna go pull up my socks and start mugging instead of hoping. Labels: shithole

Written on Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 9:50 PM
I'm so sorry for not updating. I'm currently on hiatus. Suddenly, everything's seems to be happening too fast. Yesterday was Sri Warisan's Perjumpaan Hari Raya. The theme was salam Internationale. I happened to be the only wearing Chinese -.- Nevermind, at least I got compliments. Thanks. Hehh. Sister was actually wearing fusion. A mixture of dress, malay baju kurung and chinese. Yup.
Oh, back to the happening fast, happening slow. There's just one thing that I wish would happen as fast as it could but it's taking it's time. I was freaking excited when I got a text from him. Turns out, he still cares for me the way I care for him (:
It's like the whole world stops to listen when you tell me your in love. Even I did. Because seriously, it's giving me a heart attack. I wanna know who! Oh yaaa, Thursday's the day exams gonna resume. And it's Hakeem's birthday and my supposedly 5th month. Woww.
I'll update ALL the pictures when I'm not lazy and super free. For now, I am lazy and not so free. Hehh. Frankly speaking, I have nothing to say. I wanna go watch sinetron. Love you oh so much ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Labels: no labels

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
November 2007
December 2007
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December 2008
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April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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October 2009
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April 2011