Written on Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 12:18 PM
You don't know how I feel. That totally sucks.
I'm like dying silently you know. You don't even care about me. About all of us.

Written on Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 4:03 PM
This past few days have been such a bliss. Only something made me not believe that it was meant to last. It's so complicated. Yet, I still whole-heartedly want it to happen.
Lover♥Boy told me that he hated some girls in our school last night. Well, lucky me, my Babygirls ain't one of them. But one of my classmates, yes. Haha! I laughed at him for telling me the reason why. It was sucha cute reason. It's a fact, actually. She's trying too hard. But I don't give a damn. Let her be what she wanna be (:
I haven't been getting enough sleep this past few days. I mean, I did but not to my satisfaction. Haha. And today really pissed me off. I woke up because Lover♥Boy called me. Okay, that, I was fine with it. He called me because he just woke up from a dream. About me. Aww~
And then, with our just-woke-up voices, we fell asleep. But woke up again and continued our conversation. Then he asked me to close my eyes and imagine.
You & I, holding hands. Taking a stroll by the seashore. We walked & walked & walked & walked. And you got tired. We sat on the water breaker and you rested your eyes. I came closer and hugged you tight. I held your neck gently. Then, gave a kiss on your juicy lips.
Even though it's so common, it was a double aww! Haha. Damn right. Then, he asked me to continue from there. But I didn't want to. Haha. Then we fell asleep again. Then I woke up & said I was still sleepy. So we xoxo-ed and went back to bed. I love him.
Then I was about to sleep soundly when Marissa♥Babygirl called. Sorry babe, I was too tired. Then people made noise, and that so fucked me up. Ok fine, again - I was about to sleep when Sister♥ called for many times. Still didn't pick up. Then, my Dad♥ called me. Picked up. Then after I hung up, I texted Sister♥ to ask why she called me. And that one was so not important. Then she didn't reply so I went back to sleep. But then she called me -.- And suddenly my grandma nagged at me for talking on the phone too much. Ugh. Then I got fucking annoyed when this unfamiliar number called me many many times too. I wanted to know who it was at first so I picked it up and slept. Then, I heard a guy's voice then I hung up. And the calls keep coming back. Then just when I was sound asleep my mom woke me up and asked me to take my shower because we were going out. Then as soon as I finished bathing, guess what? She already left. And now, I'm tired but I don't know why I can't sleep.
I'm missing Lover♥Boy already. But I told him not to call me. Haha!

Written on Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Wah wah wah. I got hell from Mr Ex Tunang yesterday. He said fuck me. So I said, fuck him back. And he laughed and said JOM. Wthhhh.
Okay btw, weird news. Remember the guy who confessed to me? Yea, yesterday we fought. Rabak siol. Like seriously. Then he gave me an online message. He said never to talk to him again. Kimak, kpo sia. Aku ckp dulu, bodowww. Oh and I rejected him when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Nyeahaha!
K so, when I onlined, I said, "Haha. Not to worry. I won't!" The convo was friggin' complicated and weird.
Him: And dear, I like you. Me: And what am I supposed to do huh? Him: But I love another girl. Me: Well, then that's great news! Him: No. Me: Why so? Him: Because I have to choose between you & her, and I chose you. Me: I swear! I don't understand. You just said you loved another girl. Him: Huh? Me: Y'know, if you have to choose between 95% & 5%, it's better you choose 95%. Him: Wow. You know so much about love. Can be my adviser? Haha. Me: Adviser? You must be outta your mind. Him: But what you said was true. It's better I choose 95%. Me: Well, I'm glad I knocked some sense out of you. Him: Haha. But dear.. Me: You still calling me that? Him: You be my adik uh! HAHA. Me: Eh, are you crazy? Him: Because you see, we'll always fight when we're lovers. Me: Lovers? Since when? Him: Okay, no. When I love you so much. More than anything else. Me: Then isn't it awkward to be god siblings? Him: Haha! Can whaaat. ADIK. Hehe. So funny. Me: Haha. Up to you. Him: But baby, I still love you ): Me: WTF? You said you only liked me. Him: The problem is, I want to always be close to you. That's why. Me: Despo siak you. Jangan gini uh. Him: Well, to me.. anything can happen. So, I love you ADIK. Mwarks. Me: Wow. Him: I still wanna flirt with you. Can? Me: No! Him: Alaaa. Youuuuuuuuuu. Me: Ape you you? Sepak kepala you! Him: I love you. Me: I don't. Him: YOUUUU! Me: Apa laaa gila. Him: I miss you, b. Me: I don't. Him: ADIK KU SYG! Me: What? Him: I can't treat you as adik ): Me: Wth. Him: YOUUUUUUUUU! I tetap syg you. Me: Uh ye. Okay. Him: Hehe, I love you. Me: I sayang manusia lain you. Him: Tkpe, I tunggu untuk you. Me: Eh rabak sia member. Him: I da ckp pe I syg you. Me: Ugh. Suke hati laa. Him: Sorry you. You know how happy I am to see you laugh and smile? Kalau tak nan I you selalu muram. See, I sanggop buat ape saje tuk baby I satu-satunya. Me: BABY?! You da knape? Tk bbl nan you lagi eh! Him: Alaa. Ok ok. I love you. *sent the flying kiss wink* Me: Oh. Hah. Okay. Him: I happy uh you. Me: Asal? Him: Sebab I da lama tak bbl na you sweet sweet gini. Me: Hah. Him: Youuu.. Me: Bye. Him: YOOOOUU! Me: What? Him: You nak g skg? Me: Uhh. Him: Ok then ): Me: Okay bye. Him: Bye b. I miss you I love you. Mwarks.
Isn't he weird? Yes he is. But I am so in love with I.... No, I'm not telling you who~ But his name starts with an I ^.^
Ok lorrr. That's all lorr. Have fun lorr. Take care lorr. Bye lorr! I love him so much lorr (: He at work lorr! He tired lorr. Pity him lorr. He want to quit lorr. I said cannot lorr. He say he want to find another work lorr. Then I said up to you lorr. He say thanks dear lorr. I said no problem manja lorr. Then he kena go lorr. Then I sad sad lorr. Then he calling calling me lorr. Then I laugh laugh lorr. Then he kiss me lorr. Then I kiss him back lorr. At the cheeks, forehead and lips lorr. He also lorr. So fun saying lorr lorr. No actually annoying lorr. But nehmyne lorr. Once in a blue moon lorr. Wth lorr. Then he syg syg me one lorr. Then I syg syg him back laaa horrr! Dah pnat aku bbl psl law. Bye (:

Written on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 2:01 PM
Saya jatuh cinta! Dengan si dia (: No, no. Not the guy who confessed to me.
Well, most of you guys may know him. Yeaahhh. It's so cool, like seriously. I'll tell you why and who when we are officially going out. I mean, we already are but we're yet to be in a relationship. And he said, "I want to know you more so that when we're in a relationship, I'll know you best. And I'll understand you most. And I'll take care of you forever." Awww. Saya suka! 6.6
And and and and best part: we don't need to doubt each other because he tell me almost everything! Same goes to me laaa. Well, so far only 3 person knows him. Yesterday, I webcamed with Shaffy babygirl. Alaaaaa, I miss her so much maaaaan. And then he had to call, so I had to choose between the lappy & him. So I chose him. Hehe. Yupp, she saw me otp with him thru the webby! Haha.
And to my other babygirls, I didn't tell you because I wanna tell you face to face. And Shaffy face to face-d with me. So yeah. Hehh.

Written on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
Haha. Aww! Someone just confessed to me. And I'm so fucking touched. HAHA!Truth is, I don't really have feelings for him. That's the sad part.
Yesterday, when I went offline he said,
_________ said (4:32 AM): i will do that cos seriously im in love with u
I don't know do what though. Haha.
Y'know, suddenly I feel sad. I mean for a certain someone. Even though I hated him so much last time, he's still a part of my life since my secondary school years started right? Well, he kindda listened to me too when I had problems. So maybe now it's my turn. To repay his kindness. Dude, cheer up aye. Just give me a call, I'll be there right away. Promise (:

Written on Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 2:13 PM
Okay. So. Urm.
And, some people asked me not to stop blogging. So yeah. There's nothing much. But seriously the other day nightmare still freaks me out! Only my family and Fiq Jai knows. Huaaaak! Out of all people. Ya, because he's the only one who chatted with me that day. So yah. Haha.
You've got to watch this malay movie, Papadom. So aww-some!
I have nothing to say already. Just fucked up with this certain someone. Fuck.

Written on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 5:22 PM
Today, I would like to announce 2 things.
Officially, this blog will be closed. AND Officially, I am the most miserable girl alive.
I don't care if you disagree with how I should feel But I am still the most miserable girl.
Shan't elaborate further. Farewell, avid readers.

10:25 AM
Yooooooohhhh! Haha. I suddenly can't wait for later. And I suddenly miss the times when me and Marissa babygirl used to lepak. Haha. Singapore Poly was where it all started. Heeeeee.
And I'm now actually doing something I should not do. I mean, something I stopped doing since last time. Hahahaa! Godd, Illa's totally bored. That's why she's doing something stupid. Hahaha. But it's not really stupid y'know. It's just something fun I did when I was in primary school (:

6:43 AM
Good morning. I woke up early - again! At 5. So yeahh. Nothing better to do, I update my blog. Make up for the last times un-updated days maybe? Haha. I'm having tummy ache! But that's certainly not the reason why I woke up. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I woke up.
I'm missing people. Like a lot. Who could it be? Hmm. Guess who!? I don't know. But I feel like I'm missing somebody just that I don't know who. Apadaaahhhh!~

Written on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 7:47 AM
Woke up at around 6 in the morning. Slept at around 3-4 am. Why the hell am I up early? Goshh. My mom's awake. Get ready for annoying noise! Haiyoo.
Kay so, what's the plan for today? Yes, I know. I'm going to school to buy myself new pair of socks and uniform. After that, I'm going back home to doll myself up. I promised A'isyah I'm going to come for her performance in school today. And there's also another reason for it. I want to meet Mrs Fong & Ms Yoges! Or should I say, Mdm Yoges. Hehe. I miss them badly.
I heard Mdm Yoges already got pregnant. And I believe she already gave birth. I so wanna see her. Is she still the sexy teacher I know? Haha. She's one damn fierce teacher. She's the one who made me improve on my English. From a grade C to a good grade A. Yeah man. Haha. Yay! I can't wait.
And Mrs Fong, the awesomest teacher who gave me a last minute study notes because she knew I didn't study for my maths PSLE paper. And miraculously, I passed! Hehe. I'm the most weird student she ever faced, she said. Because only I who can pass through last minute study but can never pass if I learn 1 month early. Haha. And I love her because out of all teachers I know, she knows me best. Yay! Haha. She's like a second mother, really. She's seen my behavior inside out. From good, to bad, to worse, to good, to bad and so on. (:

Written on Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Let's talk shit. Yeah shit.
On 14 November, I performed at the Malay Heritage Centre. Sister & I woke up late. So we cabbed to the venue thinking we were late. But wow! We're early. Kay, we did our make-up & all. Finally, the show started. Nervous breakdown! Haha. But it all went smoothly. Alhamdullilah. Here's the dance:
After that, mother, sister, brother & I lunched at Tong Seng, Bugis & then, shopped. Hehe.
On 15 November, I helped out the Purbanira Seni to prepare for their show at Mr Azuan Tan's wedding. It turned out well. The bride & groom were both charming & elegant. And she's so pretty. Turns out, my handsome teacher got taste eh? Haha. Elias CC was like a castle man. Serious.
Then, my classmates turned up. Eat again, snapped pictures & a fraction of us went home with their lover boys. The usual guys, Afiq, Affendy, Fadhli, Akhbar & Efan, followed by the usual babygirls, we stayed back & continued our picture snapping. Then the boys went home & Nazrah met her friend & the leftover babygirls snapped pictures while we watched our handsome teacher & his wife hugged each other. Awwww ~
Then lunched at Long John Silver! Hehe. Then, I had to leave. So yeah. The day was awesome, man! Congratulations teachers! Oh yes, did I mention, Mr Tan & his wife are both secondary school teachers? One from East Spring & another one from East View. Cool eh? Haha.
Oh ya, I meat some of the Satu Famili marshalls & camera man at his wedding. They're friends ya know. Even my cousin! Cool uh cool. Hehe.
Kay that's all. I'm hating life more & more each day I wake up. I don't even have enough sleep, to be honest. But today, I did sleep well. Unfortunately, I woke up with another heart pain. Kay laaa. Bye.

Written on Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 2:53 AM
Illa, bersabarlah banyak-banyak, nak.
No! I am overly fucked up. Like, I swear I am. My sister's talking on the phone. The television's on. My little brother's snoring. And guess what I just did? Something super interesting. Cried. Ahhhhhhhh. Could life get any worser? Seriously. I am not asleep despite tomorrow's early event. Let me stress on the word early. I have to wake up at 6am. Do my usual thing before going out. Catch train to Bugis and reach Taman Warisan by 8am.
I was supposed to sleep at 12am just now. Yes, I almost slept when something itched me to not sleep. Then, I didn't. Sorry Hakeem. Then, the television was showing the best indonesian movie for a girl titled Virgin. So what do you expect? I stayed up and watch.
Then something urged me to go to this certain website. Y'know, this something must be really hating me. Maybe if I didn't follow this something, I would have went to sleep. Stupidly, I just got myself into another pain. Heart pain. Yes.
What did I do wrong that nobody's caring about how I feel? Is it not obvious enough? I just wish I could rewind the time and stop you from even talking to me. Really. That talk, made me have this fucking annoying feeling. And when I say fucking annoying, it means it is really annoying. And I don't wish to say fuck anymore but fuck it man. I'm so pissed off. Ahhhhhh!
I want to cry again. I need to sleep. I need to drain away all my problems through my tears. Kay, nonsense. I need to forget about everything but tomorrow! Yes, that's it Illa. Brava. Btw, Congrats sis (:

1:24 AM
I am so sad. I am so so sad. It's not because of the date. I don't believe in bad luck. All I can say now is, I am so sad!
It's seriously killing me.
Kk, fuck whatever.
Whoever's going tomorrow, please be reminded that the show's starting at 10am so please come a little early. Tickets are selling at $6 each. Tickets can be found at the entrance. And take note that after the show there will be kuda kepang workshop and the whole sri warisan may be performing their basics. So yeah, Taman Warisan. Meet ya there okay. At Taman Warisan.

Written on Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 12:16 PM
Ok so, I didn't really keep posting yesterday. Haha. But good news, I slept early yesterday. Only thing, I woke up every 2 hours? Yaa. Okaaayy.. first of all,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ARIF BIN ABDUL KARIM All the best in whatever you do, may you succeed in life and may all your wishes come true n_n Takecare.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guess what? I have practice today and suddenly I feel lazy. Maybe because I need company? Hah. Anyone? Seriously. I need to leave home by 4.50pm. Reach Tampines Interchange at 5pm. And reach Little India by 6pm. But y'know what? I still have to go. Because I'm not confident of my basics. So I have to go no matter what. Hmm... sedih sedih.
Oh ya, sorry for not telling you guys if I got promoted to Sec 4. Truth is, I got promoted to Sec 4! Mamposs. Bilang news lambat peee. Haha.
Someone's driving me crazy like seriously. No kid. I'm seriously close to insanity already. Ahhhhhh! I'm still craving. Kay, how bout this. I leave 3.45pm. Eat Long John Silver and leave for the train to City Hall. But I can't be eating alone! Ugh. This sucks man. Oh yes, y'know what? You suck! I wanna watch 2012. Daaaannnnggg.
I'm like doing nothing but looking through prom dresses. Semuanya cutemute (: I hate Aqil, really. -.-

Written on Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 7:54 AM
I think today, I'm gonna keep posting. I think only uhhh.

7:10 AM
YESSAH! At last, something to do. Late night friend went online, so now I have company. And I feel like finding quotes. Adorable ones. And then list the nice ones here. How bout that? Wait, I think the quotes are going to be more to the love type. Hehe.
And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you.
If you're my boyfriend, I promise I won't hurt you, if you're mine, I promise I'd be loyal to you, but you're only my friend and I can't promise I won't fall for you.
You are the Only One Who Makes me Smile, So How Can I Smile Without You ?
Who do you turn to when the only person in the world that can stop you from crying, is exactly the one making you cry?
If i had to choose between loving you and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.
We never wanted to fall in love because of our friendship. But it happened and its a feeling that i can never explain
No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a hundred reasons to leave you, I'll look for that one reason to fight for you.
I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold
Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you, and I wish upon a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too.
Your the reason I'm breathing.
If you only love me in my dreams, then let me be asleep forever.
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
In every girls life there will always be those three guys...the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she cant get enough of...and in the end...they're all the same guy.
and the most classic one..
This 6 words from me to you Forever & always, I love you.
Okay, I'm done. Hehe. Toilet trip and then I'm done with the laptop. (: Time Check: 7:50 pm

6:38 AM
I'm so bored I actually spent many many hours editing this blogskin. I mean, do my usual drills. I was asleep at around 10pm? And woke up at 3am, which makes me so fucked up cause I can't go back to sleep. I've been having sleepless nights & my eye bags are getting heavier! Shucks. I need to sleep, but I don't know why I can't. Insomnia days are back!
My mom, sister, two little cousins, little brother & I took a stroll around the park just now. And guess who I saw?? Syazwan. Kay, no big deal. It was just a 'for your information'. I can't wait to shift house! Why? Because I'm hopelessly in love with that house. *sings*
I feel so clumsy today. Hehehe. No, I'm not in love. In fact, I just got over someone (: Emotionally blocked eh, Illa? No really, I was emotionally blocked. Because I don't know how to react to the situation(s). I suddenly don't know my own feelings. Y'know what? Suddenly I'm craving. For Long John Silver & Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake. Ahhhh, *saliva dripping*
Fee just offered me a work as a Barista at Coffee Bean, Orchard Paragon. And many said it wasn't worth it. Who wants to work there? It's available ya know. Minimum 4 hours per day and 4 days per week. 1 hour for weekdays --> $4. Public Holidays, 1 hour --> $8. Timings are: 8 am - 4 pm 8 am-5 pm 9 am - 4 pm 9 am - 5 pm 9 am - 6 pm or depends on the manager.
You can also choose what day you wanna work. And take note: place is always packed from 10 am to 12 pm, 2 pm to 3 pm & 5 pm to 6 pm. The staffs are friendly n_n
Anyone up for it? Please go to Orchard Paragon Coffee Bean & fill in the form by Monday, 16 Nov 2009 (:
Waaahh, Illa promote keje seyy. Kay lame. I seriously am out of words. Hehehe. Bye! THE SKY IS SO BLUE ALREADY! 7 AM, WAKEY WAKEY ;DD

Written on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 6:38 PM
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone An hour to like someone and an day to love someone... But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

3:40 PM
Have you ever regretted not believing in yourself when you found out you actually had the opportunity last time but it's too late now? Goodness, I feel so sick.
I have a weak heart. One that cries over the littlest thing. One that falls easily. One that sinks easily. And obviously, one that can fall back for someone she ever liked easily. I may look strong and bitchy on the outside but I am so weak in the inside. Really.
Something happened recently and I swear I feel more emotionally blocked than I was before. And also to have Fahmi Iskandar confessing to me about the girl he likes which makes him sad too. It's so complicated and depressing having people you like/ever liked telling you about what their heart feels for another person. He said, "kadang2 I sedih sendiri". Hah. And so, I said, "I guess we're on the same chapter, same page, same paragraph, same line, same sentence."
See, this is the reason for mine & Hakeem's relationship. I guess out of all guys I know, he knows me best. Unfortunately, he's starting to think like the others. Who cares now. Tsk.
Kay, pressing on.
Yesterday we had late night practice. Me & sister thought we were late but when we reached, Kak Ayu wasn't there. There were only Saheera, Kak Su, Mizah, Faz, Azura, Ahtun. And the people there was staring at us as though we were prostitutes. And yeah, we were right. Kak Ayu and Abang Farid came with no keys. So we waited for Abang Murah Mansyah at the coffeshop opposite our dance studio. Some had their dinner, some just sat down and shared stories. Kay, Kak Su reached early, so she waited at the drugstore beside dance studio 1. Suddenly, she noticed this almost stroke guy following her. Then she waited for us at the MRT entrance which wasn't a wise option. Haa.
Then, Kak Ayu shared a story that happened to her when she was with her husband, Abang Rino and Abang Farid, if I'm not wrong. A man followed her everywhere she go. Then Abang Rino approached that man and said, "Eh your eyes uh!" and he replied, "Sorry uh sorry. I looking at my friend uh." Then Abang Rino said, "You watch out uh!"
Kay after we finished story telling session, Abang Murah still didn't turn up. Suddenly this man came from the dark and called one of us as though we were prostitutes. While calling one of us to come to him, he said, "How much? How much?" Then Abang Farid, being the 'bapak ayam', hehehe, I mean, the man, he took action. He said in a loud tone, "What? What you say?" Then the man realised that we weren't prostitutes. And the whole convo went like this:
Man: Sorry uh sorry. I asking only. Abang Farid: No, no what you say?! Man: How much? Nevermind nevermind. I asking only. Abang Farid: What what? How much!!? Man: No no, sorry uh. Sorry. *walked away quickly*
Frankly speaking, we didn't even look like prostitutes. We were wearing long-sleeves. Chatting like normal people while Kak Ayu and Abang Farid smoke. Then, we couldn't take it, Abang Farid & Kak Ayu break in. In a good intention. Because Abang Murah Mansyah wasn't there yet! So we practiced our pandangan, bentuk, rendah at some parts and positions. Yup.
I'm left with practice with my schoolmates on Friday to correct the front people steps and on the night of that Friday with SW ladies to practice our 5 basics. And then show and then Performing Arts School is closed for holidays till 9 January. Yayy! Then, work comes in (:
Tatatititutu. Love you ^^

Written on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 3:28 AM
Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd. Presents SEMARAK SENI
Venue: Taman Warisan, Malay Heritage Centre Date: 14 November 2009 Time: 10 AM to 12 PM*
Tickets selling at $6 each - selling at the entrance itself. *You may stay to see us dance all our full malay dance basics after the show. And a kuda kepang workshop will be held after the show too. Come and participate! See you there (:
Bring your cameras along if you want too! n_n

Written on Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 5:31 PM
You know, all my life, I have never been ashamed of being an Islam.In fact, I'm so proud of being one.
I know many would go, "What the hell is this girl doing? She doesn't know anything." Or maybe, "What the hell? Why is she being so random?"
So today, I spent my free time surfing the net. And I saw a video titled "Fuck Allah". And seriously, it pierced my ears every time he said that. Why do people go against Allah when we never had the intention to even talk bad about Jesus? Let's see, people say.. the poorest country in the world is Islamic. That's why they hate us. It's so similar to "Why didn't you do your homework?" and they answered, "I forgot." And maybe it could be about the Jemaah Islamiyah that is making them hate us. But have people ever thought? Why are they doing such things?
Okay maybe one, they might be too religious and they were taught wrongly about being an Islam. But the other reason is because people just can't stop hating the Islam and always aiming to decrease our popularity. Let me tell you, killing is a sin. And killing even in the name of Allah or Jesus, will never bring us to Heaven.
When he said "Fuck Allah" many many times, he also said, "Yeah, so what you gonna do to me now? I said it." and he repeat over & over again. Then I thought, "Is that all you can say about us? That we believe in Allah but each time we pray or do something bad, nothing happens?" Hey, it's not an Instant Noodle you're talking about here. That's why the word "patience" is invented. And I believe that most of us believe in karma. So whatever we do comes around - what goes around comes around. And for that Youtube-er, there is such thing called HELL. And you already purchased yourself a ticket there.
You can't hate us just because one of us did something wrong. Would you like it if you did something wrong and your parents are being blamed for it? I believe not. This is life, we gotta live in peace & harmony. If we don't, everyone will die with a grudge in their hearts. I don't hate Jesus, I just love Allah. I don't say I don't believe in Jesus, cause I respect your religion. And don't say you wipe your ass with Qur'an. Cause you won't like it if I said the otherwise.
I know that many would say it's useless if it's only a 15 year old saying it. But I'm just stating the fact here. We live to love & not to hate. And it all begins with you.

Written on Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
Suddenly, I feel like I'm in the past.God, I need help. I mean, Allah. Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Just recovered from sore eyes. Still having stomach cramps though. I couldn't sleep still. My toe's numb. And painful. Fuck la.
I don't think I can laugh along. Because I'm not a fan of dating my best friend's so called ex. Sorry, not now.

Written on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
Today I didn't attend for LEAP because I'm sick. Yeah.
Yesterday was fine except for History. He's kindda boring. Btw, yesterday when I was walking towards the bus interchange, this chinese guy called out my name. It goes like this:
Him: Illa! Me: *turns back & smile* Hello. *walk away* Him: Oi! Illa action ready sia. Me: Huh? Oh haha. No la, where got? Him: Never hug me anymore uh? *open arms wide* Me: Haha. Ohh. *hugged him* Him: Eh u now live where, I never see you anymore. Me: Still the same place laa. Him: Really uh? Me: Yaaa? Haha, kay. Gtg. Him: So fast?? Where u going? Me: Home. Him: I thought ur new boyfriend. *cheeky smile* Me: Haha. No laa, I dont have boyfriend. Him: Wahh. So good uh. Me: Haha. K laa.
And we went our separate ways. Y'know, I'm still wondering who the hell is he. But he seems really familiar. I can't sleep well last night because I was wondering about him. Wtf. What's his name? I forgot! I just gave some ah beng a hug -.- Great.

Written on Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 12:18 PM
You don't know how I feel. That totally sucks.
I'm like dying silently you know. You don't even care about me. About all of us.

Written on Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 4:03 PM
This past few days have been such a bliss. Only something made me not believe that it was meant to last. It's so complicated. Yet, I still whole-heartedly want it to happen.
Lover♥Boy told me that he hated some girls in our school last night. Well, lucky me, my Babygirls ain't one of them. But one of my classmates, yes. Haha! I laughed at him for telling me the reason why. It was sucha cute reason. It's a fact, actually. She's trying too hard. But I don't give a damn. Let her be what she wanna be (:
I haven't been getting enough sleep this past few days. I mean, I did but not to my satisfaction. Haha. And today really pissed me off. I woke up because Lover♥Boy called me. Okay, that, I was fine with it. He called me because he just woke up from a dream. About me. Aww~
And then, with our just-woke-up voices, we fell asleep. But woke up again and continued our conversation. Then he asked me to close my eyes and imagine.
You & I, holding hands. Taking a stroll by the seashore. We walked & walked & walked & walked. And you got tired. We sat on the water breaker and you rested your eyes. I came closer and hugged you tight. I held your neck gently. Then, gave a kiss on your juicy lips.
Even though it's so common, it was a double aww! Haha. Damn right. Then, he asked me to continue from there. But I didn't want to. Haha. Then we fell asleep again. Then I woke up & said I was still sleepy. So we xoxo-ed and went back to bed. I love him.
Then I was about to sleep soundly when Marissa♥Babygirl called. Sorry babe, I was too tired. Then people made noise, and that so fucked me up. Ok fine, again - I was about to sleep when Sister♥ called for many times. Still didn't pick up. Then, my Dad♥ called me. Picked up. Then after I hung up, I texted Sister♥ to ask why she called me. And that one was so not important. Then she didn't reply so I went back to sleep. But then she called me -.- And suddenly my grandma nagged at me for talking on the phone too much. Ugh. Then I got fucking annoyed when this unfamiliar number called me many many times too. I wanted to know who it was at first so I picked it up and slept. Then, I heard a guy's voice then I hung up. And the calls keep coming back. Then just when I was sound asleep my mom woke me up and asked me to take my shower because we were going out. Then as soon as I finished bathing, guess what? She already left. And now, I'm tired but I don't know why I can't sleep.
I'm missing Lover♥Boy already. But I told him not to call me. Haha!

Written on Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Wah wah wah. I got hell from Mr Ex Tunang yesterday. He said fuck me. So I said, fuck him back. And he laughed and said JOM. Wthhhh.
Okay btw, weird news. Remember the guy who confessed to me? Yea, yesterday we fought. Rabak siol. Like seriously. Then he gave me an online message. He said never to talk to him again. Kimak, kpo sia. Aku ckp dulu, bodowww. Oh and I rejected him when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Nyeahaha!
K so, when I onlined, I said, "Haha. Not to worry. I won't!" The convo was friggin' complicated and weird.
Him: And dear, I like you. Me: And what am I supposed to do huh? Him: But I love another girl. Me: Well, then that's great news! Him: No. Me: Why so? Him: Because I have to choose between you & her, and I chose you. Me: I swear! I don't understand. You just said you loved another girl. Him: Huh? Me: Y'know, if you have to choose between 95% & 5%, it's better you choose 95%. Him: Wow. You know so much about love. Can be my adviser? Haha. Me: Adviser? You must be outta your mind. Him: But what you said was true. It's better I choose 95%. Me: Well, I'm glad I knocked some sense out of you. Him: Haha. But dear.. Me: You still calling me that? Him: You be my adik uh! HAHA. Me: Eh, are you crazy? Him: Because you see, we'll always fight when we're lovers. Me: Lovers? Since when? Him: Okay, no. When I love you so much. More than anything else. Me: Then isn't it awkward to be god siblings? Him: Haha! Can whaaat. ADIK. Hehe. So funny. Me: Haha. Up to you. Him: But baby, I still love you ): Me: WTF? You said you only liked me. Him: The problem is, I want to always be close to you. That's why. Me: Despo siak you. Jangan gini uh. Him: Well, to me.. anything can happen. So, I love you ADIK. Mwarks. Me: Wow. Him: I still wanna flirt with you. Can? Me: No! Him: Alaaa. Youuuuuuuuuu. Me: Ape you you? Sepak kepala you! Him: I love you. Me: I don't. Him: YOUUUU! Me: Apa laaa gila. Him: I miss you, b. Me: I don't. Him: ADIK KU SYG! Me: What? Him: I can't treat you as adik ): Me: Wth. Him: YOUUUUUUUUU! I tetap syg you. Me: Uh ye. Okay. Him: Hehe, I love you. Me: I sayang manusia lain you. Him: Tkpe, I tunggu untuk you. Me: Eh rabak sia member. Him: I da ckp pe I syg you. Me: Ugh. Suke hati laa. Him: Sorry you. You know how happy I am to see you laugh and smile? Kalau tak nan I you selalu muram. See, I sanggop buat ape saje tuk baby I satu-satunya. Me: BABY?! You da knape? Tk bbl nan you lagi eh! Him: Alaa. Ok ok. I love you. *sent the flying kiss wink* Me: Oh. Hah. Okay. Him: I happy uh you. Me: Asal? Him: Sebab I da lama tak bbl na you sweet sweet gini. Me: Hah. Him: Youuu.. Me: Bye. Him: YOOOOUU! Me: What? Him: You nak g skg? Me: Uhh. Him: Ok then ): Me: Okay bye. Him: Bye b. I miss you I love you. Mwarks.
Isn't he weird? Yes he is. But I am so in love with I.... No, I'm not telling you who~ But his name starts with an I ^.^
Ok lorrr. That's all lorr. Have fun lorr. Take care lorr. Bye lorr! I love him so much lorr (: He at work lorr! He tired lorr. Pity him lorr. He want to quit lorr. I said cannot lorr. He say he want to find another work lorr. Then I said up to you lorr. He say thanks dear lorr. I said no problem manja lorr. Then he kena go lorr. Then I sad sad lorr. Then he calling calling me lorr. Then I laugh laugh lorr. Then he kiss me lorr. Then I kiss him back lorr. At the cheeks, forehead and lips lorr. He also lorr. So fun saying lorr lorr. No actually annoying lorr. But nehmyne lorr. Once in a blue moon lorr. Wth lorr. Then he syg syg me one lorr. Then I syg syg him back laaa horrr! Dah pnat aku bbl psl law. Bye (:

Written on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 2:01 PM
Saya jatuh cinta! Dengan si dia (: No, no. Not the guy who confessed to me.
Well, most of you guys may know him. Yeaahhh. It's so cool, like seriously. I'll tell you why and who when we are officially going out. I mean, we already are but we're yet to be in a relationship. And he said, "I want to know you more so that when we're in a relationship, I'll know you best. And I'll understand you most. And I'll take care of you forever." Awww. Saya suka! 6.6
And and and and best part: we don't need to doubt each other because he tell me almost everything! Same goes to me laaa. Well, so far only 3 person knows him. Yesterday, I webcamed with Shaffy babygirl. Alaaaaa, I miss her so much maaaaan. And then he had to call, so I had to choose between the lappy & him. So I chose him. Hehe. Yupp, she saw me otp with him thru the webby! Haha.
And to my other babygirls, I didn't tell you because I wanna tell you face to face. And Shaffy face to face-d with me. So yeah. Hehh.

Written on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @ 1:28 PM
Haha. Aww! Someone just confessed to me. And I'm so fucking touched. HAHA!Truth is, I don't really have feelings for him. That's the sad part.
Yesterday, when I went offline he said,
_________ said (4:32 AM): i will do that cos seriously im in love with u
I don't know do what though. Haha.
Y'know, suddenly I feel sad. I mean for a certain someone. Even though I hated him so much last time, he's still a part of my life since my secondary school years started right? Well, he kindda listened to me too when I had problems. So maybe now it's my turn. To repay his kindness. Dude, cheer up aye. Just give me a call, I'll be there right away. Promise (:

Written on Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 2:13 PM
Okay. So. Urm.
And, some people asked me not to stop blogging. So yeah. There's nothing much. But seriously the other day nightmare still freaks me out! Only my family and Fiq Jai knows. Huaaaak! Out of all people. Ya, because he's the only one who chatted with me that day. So yah. Haha.
You've got to watch this malay movie, Papadom. So aww-some!
I have nothing to say already. Just fucked up with this certain someone. Fuck.

Written on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 @ 5:22 PM
Today, I would like to announce 2 things.
Officially, this blog will be closed. AND Officially, I am the most miserable girl alive.
I don't care if you disagree with how I should feel But I am still the most miserable girl.
Shan't elaborate further. Farewell, avid readers.

10:25 AM
Yooooooohhhh! Haha. I suddenly can't wait for later. And I suddenly miss the times when me and Marissa babygirl used to lepak. Haha. Singapore Poly was where it all started. Heeeeee.
And I'm now actually doing something I should not do. I mean, something I stopped doing since last time. Hahahaa! Godd, Illa's totally bored. That's why she's doing something stupid. Hahaha. But it's not really stupid y'know. It's just something fun I did when I was in primary school (:

6:43 AM
Good morning. I woke up early - again! At 5. So yeahh. Nothing better to do, I update my blog. Make up for the last times un-updated days maybe? Haha. I'm having tummy ache! But that's certainly not the reason why I woke up. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I woke up.
I'm missing people. Like a lot. Who could it be? Hmm. Guess who!? I don't know. But I feel like I'm missing somebody just that I don't know who. Apadaaahhhh!~

Written on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 7:47 AM
Woke up at around 6 in the morning. Slept at around 3-4 am. Why the hell am I up early? Goshh. My mom's awake. Get ready for annoying noise! Haiyoo.
Kay so, what's the plan for today? Yes, I know. I'm going to school to buy myself new pair of socks and uniform. After that, I'm going back home to doll myself up. I promised A'isyah I'm going to come for her performance in school today. And there's also another reason for it. I want to meet Mrs Fong & Ms Yoges! Or should I say, Mdm Yoges. Hehe. I miss them badly.
I heard Mdm Yoges already got pregnant. And I believe she already gave birth. I so wanna see her. Is she still the sexy teacher I know? Haha. She's one damn fierce teacher. She's the one who made me improve on my English. From a grade C to a good grade A. Yeah man. Haha. Yay! I can't wait.
And Mrs Fong, the awesomest teacher who gave me a last minute study notes because she knew I didn't study for my maths PSLE paper. And miraculously, I passed! Hehe. I'm the most weird student she ever faced, she said. Because only I who can pass through last minute study but can never pass if I learn 1 month early. Haha. And I love her because out of all teachers I know, she knows me best. Yay! Haha. She's like a second mother, really. She's seen my behavior inside out. From good, to bad, to worse, to good, to bad and so on. (:

Written on Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Let's talk shit. Yeah shit.
On 14 November, I performed at the Malay Heritage Centre. Sister & I woke up late. So we cabbed to the venue thinking we were late. But wow! We're early. Kay, we did our make-up & all. Finally, the show started. Nervous breakdown! Haha. But it all went smoothly. Alhamdullilah. Here's the dance:
After that, mother, sister, brother & I lunched at Tong Seng, Bugis & then, shopped. Hehe.
On 15 November, I helped out the Purbanira Seni to prepare for their show at Mr Azuan Tan's wedding. It turned out well. The bride & groom were both charming & elegant. And she's so pretty. Turns out, my handsome teacher got taste eh? Haha. Elias CC was like a castle man. Serious.
Then, my classmates turned up. Eat again, snapped pictures & a fraction of us went home with their lover boys. The usual guys, Afiq, Affendy, Fadhli, Akhbar & Efan, followed by the usual babygirls, we stayed back & continued our picture snapping. Then the boys went home & Nazrah met her friend & the leftover babygirls snapped pictures while we watched our handsome teacher & his wife hugged each other. Awwww ~
Then lunched at Long John Silver! Hehe. Then, I had to leave. So yeah. The day was awesome, man! Congratulations teachers! Oh yes, did I mention, Mr Tan & his wife are both secondary school teachers? One from East Spring & another one from East View. Cool eh? Haha.
Oh ya, I meat some of the Satu Famili marshalls & camera man at his wedding. They're friends ya know. Even my cousin! Cool uh cool. Hehe.
Kay that's all. I'm hating life more & more each day I wake up. I don't even have enough sleep, to be honest. But today, I did sleep well. Unfortunately, I woke up with another heart pain. Kay laaa. Bye.

Written on Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 2:53 AM
Illa, bersabarlah banyak-banyak, nak.
No! I am overly fucked up. Like, I swear I am. My sister's talking on the phone. The television's on. My little brother's snoring. And guess what I just did? Something super interesting. Cried. Ahhhhhhhh. Could life get any worser? Seriously. I am not asleep despite tomorrow's early event. Let me stress on the word early. I have to wake up at 6am. Do my usual thing before going out. Catch train to Bugis and reach Taman Warisan by 8am.
I was supposed to sleep at 12am just now. Yes, I almost slept when something itched me to not sleep. Then, I didn't. Sorry Hakeem. Then, the television was showing the best indonesian movie for a girl titled Virgin. So what do you expect? I stayed up and watch.
Then something urged me to go to this certain website. Y'know, this something must be really hating me. Maybe if I didn't follow this something, I would have went to sleep. Stupidly, I just got myself into another pain. Heart pain. Yes.
What did I do wrong that nobody's caring about how I feel? Is it not obvious enough? I just wish I could rewind the time and stop you from even talking to me. Really. That talk, made me have this fucking annoying feeling. And when I say fucking annoying, it means it is really annoying. And I don't wish to say fuck anymore but fuck it man. I'm so pissed off. Ahhhhhh!
I want to cry again. I need to sleep. I need to drain away all my problems through my tears. Kay, nonsense. I need to forget about everything but tomorrow! Yes, that's it Illa. Brava. Btw, Congrats sis (:

1:24 AM
I am so sad. I am so so sad. It's not because of the date. I don't believe in bad luck. All I can say now is, I am so sad!
It's seriously killing me.
Kk, fuck whatever.
Whoever's going tomorrow, please be reminded that the show's starting at 10am so please come a little early. Tickets are selling at $6 each. Tickets can be found at the entrance. And take note that after the show there will be kuda kepang workshop and the whole sri warisan may be performing their basics. So yeah, Taman Warisan. Meet ya there okay. At Taman Warisan.

Written on Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 12:16 PM
Ok so, I didn't really keep posting yesterday. Haha. But good news, I slept early yesterday. Only thing, I woke up every 2 hours? Yaa. Okaaayy.. first of all,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ARIF BIN ABDUL KARIM All the best in whatever you do, may you succeed in life and may all your wishes come true n_n Takecare.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guess what? I have practice today and suddenly I feel lazy. Maybe because I need company? Hah. Anyone? Seriously. I need to leave home by 4.50pm. Reach Tampines Interchange at 5pm. And reach Little India by 6pm. But y'know what? I still have to go. Because I'm not confident of my basics. So I have to go no matter what. Hmm... sedih sedih.
Oh ya, sorry for not telling you guys if I got promoted to Sec 4. Truth is, I got promoted to Sec 4! Mamposs. Bilang news lambat peee. Haha.
Someone's driving me crazy like seriously. No kid. I'm seriously close to insanity already. Ahhhhhh! I'm still craving. Kay, how bout this. I leave 3.45pm. Eat Long John Silver and leave for the train to City Hall. But I can't be eating alone! Ugh. This sucks man. Oh yes, y'know what? You suck! I wanna watch 2012. Daaaannnnggg.
I'm like doing nothing but looking through prom dresses. Semuanya cutemute (: I hate Aqil, really. -.-

Written on Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 7:54 AM
I think today, I'm gonna keep posting. I think only uhhh.

7:10 AM
YESSAH! At last, something to do. Late night friend went online, so now I have company. And I feel like finding quotes. Adorable ones. And then list the nice ones here. How bout that? Wait, I think the quotes are going to be more to the love type. Hehe.
And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you.
If you're my boyfriend, I promise I won't hurt you, if you're mine, I promise I'd be loyal to you, but you're only my friend and I can't promise I won't fall for you.
You are the Only One Who Makes me Smile, So How Can I Smile Without You ?
Who do you turn to when the only person in the world that can stop you from crying, is exactly the one making you cry?
If i had to choose between loving you and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.
We never wanted to fall in love because of our friendship. But it happened and its a feeling that i can never explain
No matter how many times I get hurt because of you, I won't leave you. Because even if I have a hundred reasons to leave you, I'll look for that one reason to fight for you.
I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold
Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you, and I wish upon a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too.
Your the reason I'm breathing.
If you only love me in my dreams, then let me be asleep forever.
I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
In every girls life there will always be those three guys...the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she cant get enough of...and in the end...they're all the same guy.
and the most classic one..
This 6 words from me to you Forever & always, I love you.
Okay, I'm done. Hehe. Toilet trip and then I'm done with the laptop. (: Time Check: 7:50 pm

6:38 AM
I'm so bored I actually spent many many hours editing this blogskin. I mean, do my usual drills. I was asleep at around 10pm? And woke up at 3am, which makes me so fucked up cause I can't go back to sleep. I've been having sleepless nights & my eye bags are getting heavier! Shucks. I need to sleep, but I don't know why I can't. Insomnia days are back!
My mom, sister, two little cousins, little brother & I took a stroll around the park just now. And guess who I saw?? Syazwan. Kay, no big deal. It was just a 'for your information'. I can't wait to shift house! Why? Because I'm hopelessly in love with that house. *sings*
I feel so clumsy today. Hehehe. No, I'm not in love. In fact, I just got over someone (: Emotionally blocked eh, Illa? No really, I was emotionally blocked. Because I don't know how to react to the situation(s). I suddenly don't know my own feelings. Y'know what? Suddenly I'm craving. For Long John Silver & Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake. Ahhhh, *saliva dripping*
Fee just offered me a work as a Barista at Coffee Bean, Orchard Paragon. And many said it wasn't worth it. Who wants to work there? It's available ya know. Minimum 4 hours per day and 4 days per week. 1 hour for weekdays --> $4. Public Holidays, 1 hour --> $8. Timings are: 8 am - 4 pm 8 am-5 pm 9 am - 4 pm 9 am - 5 pm 9 am - 6 pm or depends on the manager.
You can also choose what day you wanna work. And take note: place is always packed from 10 am to 12 pm, 2 pm to 3 pm & 5 pm to 6 pm. The staffs are friendly n_n
Anyone up for it? Please go to Orchard Paragon Coffee Bean & fill in the form by Monday, 16 Nov 2009 (:
Waaahh, Illa promote keje seyy. Kay lame. I seriously am out of words. Hehehe. Bye! THE SKY IS SO BLUE ALREADY! 7 AM, WAKEY WAKEY ;DD

Written on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 6:38 PM
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone An hour to like someone and an day to love someone... But it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

3:40 PM
Have you ever regretted not believing in yourself when you found out you actually had the opportunity last time but it's too late now? Goodness, I feel so sick.
I have a weak heart. One that cries over the littlest thing. One that falls easily. One that sinks easily. And obviously, one that can fall back for someone she ever liked easily. I may look strong and bitchy on the outside but I am so weak in the inside. Really.
Something happened recently and I swear I feel more emotionally blocked than I was before. And also to have Fahmi Iskandar confessing to me about the girl he likes which makes him sad too. It's so complicated and depressing having people you like/ever liked telling you about what their heart feels for another person. He said, "kadang2 I sedih sendiri". Hah. And so, I said, "I guess we're on the same chapter, same page, same paragraph, same line, same sentence."
See, this is the reason for mine & Hakeem's relationship. I guess out of all guys I know, he knows me best. Unfortunately, he's starting to think like the others. Who cares now. Tsk.
Kay, pressing on.
Yesterday we had late night practice. Me & sister thought we were late but when we reached, Kak Ayu wasn't there. There were only Saheera, Kak Su, Mizah, Faz, Azura, Ahtun. And the people there was staring at us as though we were prostitutes. And yeah, we were right. Kak Ayu and Abang Farid came with no keys. So we waited for Abang Murah Mansyah at the coffeshop opposite our dance studio. Some had their dinner, some just sat down and shared stories. Kay, Kak Su reached early, so she waited at the drugstore beside dance studio 1. Suddenly, she noticed this almost stroke guy following her. Then she waited for us at the MRT entrance which wasn't a wise option. Haa.
Then, Kak Ayu shared a story that happened to her when she was with her husband, Abang Rino and Abang Farid, if I'm not wrong. A man followed her everywhere she go. Then Abang Rino approached that man and said, "Eh your eyes uh!" and he replied, "Sorry uh sorry. I looking at my friend uh." Then Abang Rino said, "You watch out uh!"
Kay after we finished story telling session, Abang Murah still didn't turn up. Suddenly this man came from the dark and called one of us as though we were prostitutes. While calling one of us to come to him, he said, "How much? How much?" Then Abang Farid, being the 'bapak ayam', hehehe, I mean, the man, he took action. He said in a loud tone, "What? What you say?" Then the man realised that we weren't prostitutes. And the whole convo went like this:
Man: Sorry uh sorry. I asking only. Abang Farid: No, no what you say?! Man: How much? Nevermind nevermind. I asking only. Abang Farid: What what? How much!!? Man: No no, sorry uh. Sorry. *walked away quickly*
Frankly speaking, we didn't even look like prostitutes. We were wearing long-sleeves. Chatting like normal people while Kak Ayu and Abang Farid smoke. Then, we couldn't take it, Abang Farid & Kak Ayu break in. In a good intention. Because Abang Murah Mansyah wasn't there yet! So we practiced our pandangan, bentuk, rendah at some parts and positions. Yup.
I'm left with practice with my schoolmates on Friday to correct the front people steps and on the night of that Friday with SW ladies to practice our 5 basics. And then show and then Performing Arts School is closed for holidays till 9 January. Yayy! Then, work comes in (:
Tatatititutu. Love you ^^

Written on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 3:28 AM
Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd. Presents SEMARAK SENI
Venue: Taman Warisan, Malay Heritage Centre Date: 14 November 2009 Time: 10 AM to 12 PM*
Tickets selling at $6 each - selling at the entrance itself. *You may stay to see us dance all our full malay dance basics after the show. And a kuda kepang workshop will be held after the show too. Come and participate! See you there (:
Bring your cameras along if you want too! n_n

Written on Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 5:31 PM
You know, all my life, I have never been ashamed of being an Islam.In fact, I'm so proud of being one.
I know many would go, "What the hell is this girl doing? She doesn't know anything." Or maybe, "What the hell? Why is she being so random?"
So today, I spent my free time surfing the net. And I saw a video titled "Fuck Allah". And seriously, it pierced my ears every time he said that. Why do people go against Allah when we never had the intention to even talk bad about Jesus? Let's see, people say.. the poorest country in the world is Islamic. That's why they hate us. It's so similar to "Why didn't you do your homework?" and they answered, "I forgot." And maybe it could be about the Jemaah Islamiyah that is making them hate us. But have people ever thought? Why are they doing such things?
Okay maybe one, they might be too religious and they were taught wrongly about being an Islam. But the other reason is because people just can't stop hating the Islam and always aiming to decrease our popularity. Let me tell you, killing is a sin. And killing even in the name of Allah or Jesus, will never bring us to Heaven.
When he said "Fuck Allah" many many times, he also said, "Yeah, so what you gonna do to me now? I said it." and he repeat over & over again. Then I thought, "Is that all you can say about us? That we believe in Allah but each time we pray or do something bad, nothing happens?" Hey, it's not an Instant Noodle you're talking about here. That's why the word "patience" is invented. And I believe that most of us believe in karma. So whatever we do comes around - what goes around comes around. And for that Youtube-er, there is such thing called HELL. And you already purchased yourself a ticket there.
You can't hate us just because one of us did something wrong. Would you like it if you did something wrong and your parents are being blamed for it? I believe not. This is life, we gotta live in peace & harmony. If we don't, everyone will die with a grudge in their hearts. I don't hate Jesus, I just love Allah. I don't say I don't believe in Jesus, cause I respect your religion. And don't say you wipe your ass with Qur'an. Cause you won't like it if I said the otherwise.
I know that many would say it's useless if it's only a 15 year old saying it. But I'm just stating the fact here. We live to love & not to hate. And it all begins with you.

Written on Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 10:56 PM
Suddenly, I feel like I'm in the past.God, I need help. I mean, Allah. Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Wednesday, November 4, 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Just recovered from sore eyes. Still having stomach cramps though. I couldn't sleep still. My toe's numb. And painful. Fuck la.
I don't think I can laugh along. Because I'm not a fan of dating my best friend's so called ex. Sorry, not now.

Written on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
Today I didn't attend for LEAP because I'm sick. Yeah.
Yesterday was fine except for History. He's kindda boring. Btw, yesterday when I was walking towards the bus interchange, this chinese guy called out my name. It goes like this:
Him: Illa! Me: *turns back & smile* Hello. *walk away* Him: Oi! Illa action ready sia. Me: Huh? Oh haha. No la, where got? Him: Never hug me anymore uh? *open arms wide* Me: Haha. Ohh. *hugged him* Him: Eh u now live where, I never see you anymore. Me: Still the same place laa. Him: Really uh? Me: Yaaa? Haha, kay. Gtg. Him: So fast?? Where u going? Me: Home. Him: I thought ur new boyfriend. *cheeky smile* Me: Haha. No laa, I dont have boyfriend. Him: Wahh. So good uh. Me: Haha. K laa.
And we went our separate ways. Y'know, I'm still wondering who the hell is he. But he seems really familiar. I can't sleep well last night because I was wondering about him. Wtf. What's his name? I forgot! I just gave some ah beng a hug -.- Great.

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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