Written on Sunday, April 27, 2008 @ 2:21 PM
back from uncle's hse . before that, went to harvey norman to buy a NEW olympus pink camera ! its so cute, its so light, its so yeah, i love it ! ahaas . what can i say, thank u, ibu . very much . they were having a promo so yeah, why not ?
at granny's hse, ayah & kakak watched soccer ( chelsea vs man utd ), ibu & me were too lazy & matiin was busy playing PSP . ibu's planning to buy a new flat screen LG tv . i hope it will be as planned . ahaas . okok, allow me to share with u my schedule today .
at first, when i woke up of course i went to shower at granny's(another) room . kakak was having tuition . but, what do i care ? her tutor's a lady . so i just went out of granny's room with my towel wrapped around my body . its not as if im naked right ? i bet she does the same thing . then i choose some clothes & done . with alittle of eyeliner & lip gloss, im all ready .
went to S11 to eat ! then, me & kakak went to library after eating . accidentally met nazrah, yanti, shaffy & noura . we made some noise . ahaas . kene marah seyy . i think thats just now .
urmm .. now, part of the family watching APM at Suria . I was so pissed off when i got to know, in M'sia, they cut off all the Singapore parts . i was like, WTF ? how i know ? i slept at my JB hse & watch from there . when i watch APM from here just now .. Sleeq, Taufik & Hady won ! i was like, ehh ? since when ? i thought they didn't win because m'sia never show . then, just now, to make sure my eyes wasn't playing tricks on me .. i watched most of the parts . and guess what ? they weren't . they cut off the Singapore parts . gaaa !~
thats all (:Labels: no labels .

Written on Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 3:51 PM
TAKE NOTE: The underlined and star* sentences would be clearly explained & told under "TRAGIC TRAGIC" .. so read -- if u wanna know !
yeah . after school .. i helped out the PSLs again . its fun its fun . & tomorrow, the school will be released at 1045 ! take note: 1045 ! yaaay (: so, theres only 3-4 subjects . i only rmbr 2 of them; PE & HOMEC ! my 2 favourites . after homec, maybe meeting aidil, boyfriend dearest, abang angkat dearest & amirul . well, they wanna reunite . but too bad, atiqa wants to be out* . then after that going back home for awhile to freshen up & stuffs . by 3, back to school to help mdm humaiya & cikgu alimah at the reception . yaay ! fun tau, serious . with smart, full school uniform: neck tie, not-so-short skirt (but still above my knee) -- a must !, not-so-short socks (but still below my ankle) -- also a must ! & no hair-touching eyebrows or shoulders -- bout that i dont give a damn (: oh yess, no necklaces, bracelets, ring, etc. etc.
i just finished one art assignment ! 2 more left & fri is due . which is, OMG -- TODAAAY ! motif is done . left signage & montage . yep . alaaa .. nehmyne, mr mazli would understand . & its kindda annoying when our class keeps on changing art teachers . & im not hoping for mr mazli to become our permanent teacher for art . because he can be both animal trainer & school teacher . which i've seen before . quite scary, i admit . but, he never nagged at me before . he's quite an insulting teacher . he would purposely say the wrong name . eg. "u indian right?" when actually hifzhan's a malay boy . he knows . we told him already . but he keeps on insulting . omg, teacher these days . hhes (: but he's still vair understanding .
aidil knows about the breakup now . he is in a very heartbreaking moment . omg, if it was me, i would have already .. ermm, idk what'll happen . on the other hand, i think nazrah's doing quite a great job . but also, a bad one . two reasons . good -- because she have decided not to have any boyfriends at the moment as exams are around the corner . bad -- because the reason is mainly not about what i've said earlier . but, its something else . omg, im being like a reporter nowadays, huh ? awwwh .. im gonna miss that couple . i hope things will get better tomorrow, when aidil come to plead nazrah, nazrah cry, feel touched & all those drama keleng stuffs . i hope nazrah will really change her mind . because aidil is hopelessly in love with nazrah . just like me in love with my boyfriend . & nazrah wants to be out . atiqa; haikal's ex also dont wanna have anything to do with them . thats oh-so sad . but its ok . she's still ok with being friends . which is good enough (:
PS: the reason why i wont reveal his -- my boyfriend -- name is because its not time yet . im afraid his ex will think negative like, "oh .. so he broke up with me for illa ?!!" kindda thing . we will go slowly . btw, his not new . he's just an ex which patched with me . ilovehiim(: alot . Labels: another adventure, another day, another memories, another second, another story

Written on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 9:31 PM
dearest boyfriend, have you read my email to u in friendster ? i hope u did . ily .
today, school was just another day . a dull & boring one . today, i was so engrossed with my art i didn't really paid much attention to the other subjects . in fact, i draw . its about culture . mine is about chinese & malay . not so much to the chinese, though . most of it, malay (: so far, no one criticised my drawing . thats good enough . one of the maths HOD, came up to me & asked me what was i doing in the library . so i replied that i was waiting for instructions from Mr Jailani, the other DM - Mr Jailani asked me, atiqa, fateha and myself to help decorate the school's notice board, which people will first see on speech day - he saw my drawing & said, " is this the one ? " i said, " no " . " ok, " he said, " then ? " i said it was my artwork . he said that it should be displayed in our school's notice board because its nice . i thanked him . hooray (:
we then planned on how to make it wonderful on adilah's birthday - me & atiqa . even though she was talking to me, i continued drawing . but still listening . hee . during english lesson, ms harveen shhowed us the continuation of a movie - salaam namaste - that's when i stop drawing . as it was my favorite show . touching, loving & sad . it has got all the features a good movie has . i simply love it .
enough said . i've got a lot more drawing to do . 70% done . yeah bebeh . byeee (: ily boyfriend (:
Labels: at last; i re-blogged(:

5:37 PM
Youre in all my thoughts And in my dreams at night I can feel your love for me Everytime you hold me tight
You make me feel so safe and I love you wiht all my heart I couldnt imagine a single day without you A day that were apart
We have something special Something that makes my heart melt Everything feels so different this time Like something Ive never felt
I only wanna be with you For some reason you think I dont You think that Ill cheat on you I promise, I wont
Youre everything Ive ever wanted Id be stupid to let you go I love you so much baby I just thought you should know.
i love you ♥Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 1:46 PM
i didn't update for a long time . & theres nothing special going on . school's just another day . another normal, boring one . i have nothing special to say . once again, goodbyee .. dearest ones (: exams around the corner =xLabels: oopsydaisy

1:10 PM
our song is our song no one else could have it my heart is my soul cause if theres no you, theres no meaning to it
it was just another heartbreak my heart was drained with tears to see you with a new girl the one, perhaps more beautiful
you asked me to cling to a new one but no, i didn't want to you asked me for the reason its because i love you. true.
i waited long enough just to be with you and now im lucky to get back to you
slept two, three in the morning talking to you all alone afraid of being caught so i whispered on the phone
months has gone by lucky to still be with you hoping our love would never end cause im hopelessly in love with you
i love you ♥ Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Sunday, April 27, 2008 @ 2:21 PM
back from uncle's hse . before that, went to harvey norman to buy a NEW olympus pink camera ! its so cute, its so light, its so yeah, i love it ! ahaas . what can i say, thank u, ibu . very much . they were having a promo so yeah, why not ?
at granny's hse, ayah & kakak watched soccer ( chelsea vs man utd ), ibu & me were too lazy & matiin was busy playing PSP . ibu's planning to buy a new flat screen LG tv . i hope it will be as planned . ahaas . okok, allow me to share with u my schedule today .
at first, when i woke up of course i went to shower at granny's(another) room . kakak was having tuition . but, what do i care ? her tutor's a lady . so i just went out of granny's room with my towel wrapped around my body . its not as if im naked right ? i bet she does the same thing . then i choose some clothes & done . with alittle of eyeliner & lip gloss, im all ready .
went to S11 to eat ! then, me & kakak went to library after eating . accidentally met nazrah, yanti, shaffy & noura . we made some noise . ahaas . kene marah seyy . i think thats just now .
urmm .. now, part of the family watching APM at Suria . I was so pissed off when i got to know, in M'sia, they cut off all the Singapore parts . i was like, WTF ? how i know ? i slept at my JB hse & watch from there . when i watch APM from here just now .. Sleeq, Taufik & Hady won ! i was like, ehh ? since when ? i thought they didn't win because m'sia never show . then, just now, to make sure my eyes wasn't playing tricks on me .. i watched most of the parts . and guess what ? they weren't . they cut off the Singapore parts . gaaa !~
thats all (:Labels: no labels .

Written on Friday, April 18, 2008 @ 3:51 PM
TAKE NOTE: The underlined and star* sentences would be clearly explained & told under "TRAGIC TRAGIC" .. so read -- if u wanna know !
yeah . after school .. i helped out the PSLs again . its fun its fun . & tomorrow, the school will be released at 1045 ! take note: 1045 ! yaaay (: so, theres only 3-4 subjects . i only rmbr 2 of them; PE & HOMEC ! my 2 favourites . after homec, maybe meeting aidil, boyfriend dearest, abang angkat dearest & amirul . well, they wanna reunite . but too bad, atiqa wants to be out* . then after that going back home for awhile to freshen up & stuffs . by 3, back to school to help mdm humaiya & cikgu alimah at the reception . yaay ! fun tau, serious . with smart, full school uniform: neck tie, not-so-short skirt (but still above my knee) -- a must !, not-so-short socks (but still below my ankle) -- also a must ! & no hair-touching eyebrows or shoulders -- bout that i dont give a damn (: oh yess, no necklaces, bracelets, ring, etc. etc.
i just finished one art assignment ! 2 more left & fri is due . which is, OMG -- TODAAAY ! motif is done . left signage & montage . yep . alaaa .. nehmyne, mr mazli would understand . & its kindda annoying when our class keeps on changing art teachers . & im not hoping for mr mazli to become our permanent teacher for art . because he can be both animal trainer & school teacher . which i've seen before . quite scary, i admit . but, he never nagged at me before . he's quite an insulting teacher . he would purposely say the wrong name . eg. "u indian right?" when actually hifzhan's a malay boy . he knows . we told him already . but he keeps on insulting . omg, teacher these days . hhes (: but he's still vair understanding .
aidil knows about the breakup now . he is in a very heartbreaking moment . omg, if it was me, i would have already .. ermm, idk what'll happen . on the other hand, i think nazrah's doing quite a great job . but also, a bad one . two reasons . good -- because she have decided not to have any boyfriends at the moment as exams are around the corner . bad -- because the reason is mainly not about what i've said earlier . but, its something else . omg, im being like a reporter nowadays, huh ? awwwh .. im gonna miss that couple . i hope things will get better tomorrow, when aidil come to plead nazrah, nazrah cry, feel touched & all those drama keleng stuffs . i hope nazrah will really change her mind . because aidil is hopelessly in love with nazrah . just like me in love with my boyfriend . & nazrah wants to be out . atiqa; haikal's ex also dont wanna have anything to do with them . thats oh-so sad . but its ok . she's still ok with being friends . which is good enough (:
PS: the reason why i wont reveal his -- my boyfriend -- name is because its not time yet . im afraid his ex will think negative like, "oh .. so he broke up with me for illa ?!!" kindda thing . we will go slowly . btw, his not new . he's just an ex which patched with me . ilovehiim(: alot . Labels: another adventure, another day, another memories, another second, another story

Written on Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 9:31 PM
dearest boyfriend, have you read my email to u in friendster ? i hope u did . ily .
today, school was just another day . a dull & boring one . today, i was so engrossed with my art i didn't really paid much attention to the other subjects . in fact, i draw . its about culture . mine is about chinese & malay . not so much to the chinese, though . most of it, malay (: so far, no one criticised my drawing . thats good enough . one of the maths HOD, came up to me & asked me what was i doing in the library . so i replied that i was waiting for instructions from Mr Jailani, the other DM - Mr Jailani asked me, atiqa, fateha and myself to help decorate the school's notice board, which people will first see on speech day - he saw my drawing & said, " is this the one ? " i said, " no " . " ok, " he said, " then ? " i said it was my artwork . he said that it should be displayed in our school's notice board because its nice . i thanked him . hooray (:
we then planned on how to make it wonderful on adilah's birthday - me & atiqa . even though she was talking to me, i continued drawing . but still listening . hee . during english lesson, ms harveen shhowed us the continuation of a movie - salaam namaste - that's when i stop drawing . as it was my favorite show . touching, loving & sad . it has got all the features a good movie has . i simply love it .
enough said . i've got a lot more drawing to do . 70% done . yeah bebeh . byeee (: ily boyfriend (:
Labels: at last; i re-blogged(:

5:37 PM
Youre in all my thoughts And in my dreams at night I can feel your love for me Everytime you hold me tight
You make me feel so safe and I love you wiht all my heart I couldnt imagine a single day without you A day that were apart
We have something special Something that makes my heart melt Everything feels so different this time Like something Ive never felt
I only wanna be with you For some reason you think I dont You think that Ill cheat on you I promise, I wont
Youre everything Ive ever wanted Id be stupid to let you go I love you so much baby I just thought you should know.
i love you ♥Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ 1:46 PM
i didn't update for a long time . & theres nothing special going on . school's just another day . another normal, boring one . i have nothing special to say . once again, goodbyee .. dearest ones (: exams around the corner =xLabels: oopsydaisy

1:10 PM
our song is our song no one else could have it my heart is my soul cause if theres no you, theres no meaning to it
it was just another heartbreak my heart was drained with tears to see you with a new girl the one, perhaps more beautiful
you asked me to cling to a new one but no, i didn't want to you asked me for the reason its because i love you. true.
i waited long enough just to be with you and now im lucky to get back to you
slept two, three in the morning talking to you all alone afraid of being caught so i whispered on the phone
months has gone by lucky to still be with you hoping our love would never end cause im hopelessly in love with you
i love you ♥ Labels: love; illa syakilah

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
November 2007
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