Written on Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 1:51 PM
hellooooooo!! (: guess what? i have sore eyes, cool huh? NOT. sial uhh.. nk meet Nadhir seyy. abe sore eyes. gilee btol. pfft. now, i can't even go out of house! because granny don't allow me to go out in this condition. i feel like crying siol. idiot idiot & triple IDIOT. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~
im saving money for some stuffs. yeah! one of it, is for.. SOMETHING. hehs. ystd called Nadhir, he didn't pick up. katee nk overnight? pe jeeeee. so, i continued reading my book. until 3? i slept. hah! lame illa lame. tskk. i wanna watch movieeee!~ planned with kak ekah. she's ok with it, im ok with it. now, somemore problems are casing the plan to be cancelled! noooooooooooo. please don't.
oh yeah. guess what? i had a dream/nightmare. i really don't know if its a dream or a nightmare. there were some people in my dream. & its soo weird. they were.. ahha(camp instructor), mima, nuhh, nadhir, norizam, fadhli(not my schoolmate), salihan, hakeem(!), hariz, khairul, faris, nas, nash(!).. luckily shidiq wasn't in it. heh. idk why the hell mima was in it. but yeaaa, she was. & if you realise, all the names in red are my exes. siol uh! seram pee? except for nadhir uhh. i don't know whathappened then. i just remember they were in it. yeaa.
i got to know, my friend's pregnant. YES. pregnant at the age of 14. sial uhh. shocking news pee? listen, although im not close to you, i can feel what your feeling right now. just dont go for abortion. pity the baby, they have feelings too. just keep it. & makee it a lesson for you to learn, ok? seriously, i wouldn't wanna go for abortion if im you. good luck yeahh? takecare.Labels: hell NOO.

6:00 AM
Name 20 people you can think of right now . Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people . @ the end of this , choose 5 people to do it.
1- ♥Bby 2- Noura 3- Fee 4- Atycar 5- Adilah 6- Nazrah 7- Effah 8- Shaffy 9- Yanti 10- Amirah Cousin-in-law 11- Janiah 12- Ami Shirin 13- Fyqah 14- Fadhli 15- Hifzhan 16- Izwan 17- Jannah 18- Hazirah 2T 19- Aliah 2T 20- Iwan
How did you meet 14 (Fadhli) ? - Secondary School
What would you do if you never met 1 (♥Bby) ?- - Idk who I'll be with right now.
What if 9 (Yanti) & 20(Iwan) date ? - hah. shocking siol :D
Will 6 (Nazrah) & 17 (Jannah) date ? - Girl date? ok whaaaat. heh.
Describe 3 (Fee). - Everything that has got to do with funn (:
Is 8 (Shaffy) attractive ? - She's awesomely cuuute :D
Describe 7 (Effah) . - Boy Magnet, heh.
Do you know 12's (Ami Shirin) family members ? - Yea. Her brother =.-
What will you do if 18 (Hazirah) confesses to you that he likes you ? - ape lagyyk? scandal uh! haha.
What language does 15 (Hifzhan) speaks ? - English, Malay & some Indian. heh. sorry (:
Who is 9 (Yanti) going out w/ ? - no ideaa (:
How old is 16 (Izwan)? - 14
When is the last time you spoke to 13 (Fyqah) ? - Just now, in school during MD (:
Who is 2's (Noura) favourite band or singer ? - I've got a whole list of em. Not too sure which is the most favourite(:
Would you ever date 4 (Atiqa) ? - Single. Not available.
Would you ever date 1 (♥Bby) ? - Duh. Heh.
Is 19 (Aliah) single ? - Tahh. heh.
What is 10's (amirah) last name ? - Amirah Ayob(:
Will you ever be in a r/s w/ 11 (Janiah) ? - heh. NO.
Whats the school of 3 (Fee) ? - Mine (: East Spring Sec <3
Where does 16 (Izwan) lives ? - Dont know Dont care. HAH
Whats your favourite thing about 5 (Nifael) ? - straightforward.
Have you ever seen 2 (Fatin) naked ? - NOOO.Labels: survey.

5:11 AM
baaaaaaah!~ exhausted. tau! we have just finished 2minutes+ for the dance. 3minutes left. & i won't be coming for training on the last training, 5th June. Which means, we have to chop chop. 4th June, everything must be A OK or in other words, PERFECT.
just now, while dancing, i stepped on something sharp. & its oh so paiiinnn! but, i like the dance though. veryy cuuutteee (: we have to be flirty but still very elegant. hahs. idk how to do that. but, i just love the dance. hahs. starting of the lesson, kak tini asked me to lead them. i was like.. WHAAAAAAAT? i forgot (: heh =.- thanks to Kak Janiah, Kak Ira, Fyqah & Ami.. i managed to recall everything. THANK YOU!! =D
im sorry kak ekah, nadhir <3.> im serious. heh. JUST. 2PM. supposedly, it ends at 12. but, nehmyne. for malay dance's sake (:
ms azlina was soo nice & kind today. she bought us pizzas & some cheese bread. haha. but, we didn't finish it though. heh. but seriously, thanks. maybe i would have fainted. hah! mcm pahaaam. what else? i think that's itt.
nuff said. love ya'll. heees. =D takecare;Labels: exhausted

Written on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 8:21 AM
oh damn it! my body's aching siol. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~ & i miss camp hell lots. i miss jiahao, yuan shan, potato, ahha, ah whuuuat, clown, the events, the hut, the ghost scenarios, the campfire, the dance me & hazirah have choreographed. & we won. so damn happy. i miss partner too. but out of all i miss, i miss boyfy the most! :D
the ghost thingy was super scary. frankly speaking, the scariest i've been through. goshh, if u saw it, i tell you, you wont ever forget about it. scaryyy.
nadhir said his ibu viewed my blog. hahs. mamposs! his ibu sounds so nicee. (:
& the camp.. i love it yo! i love the dance especially. & i overcome 50% of my fear of heights. scaryy. hahs! omgg, i want to go back there):
noura's not here. she's somewhere in another country. in Laos. not on the same land. thats so.. sad. i miss her alot. have a great trip down there yeahh? miss me tau! :D i actually cried because i cannot send her off. pfft. she's like my sister. what'd you expect? i love her!
im boreeddd!~Labels: i miss nouraaaaa

Written on Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 8:01 PM
see? it's Friday 23rd. & im still not sleeping. its 4:34 AM. called nadhir around 12+, but nobody picked up. must be sleeping uhh, bby (:
ohh, guess what? i did chocolate chip cookies for mdm chai, mdm noreen & ms azlina. started at 9pm(?). kak ekah & kak janiah came down to my hse to help me out with the cookies. sweet, aren't they? thanks alot. they stayed until 12.30 am. yes, AM. midnight. they are so so nice. the whole thing turned out to be fun, but only if there's ait of camwhorings, its gonna be superfun! but too bad. didn't thought of it.
kak janiah & kak ekah brought home some of the cookies. they said it was nice. tgk laa sape bikin.. kak janiah, kak ekah, illa! heh :D
waited for the cookies like for more than 2-3 hrs? hah! then, waited for it to harden abit. i was sleepy already but, just stayed strong. cheyyy. haha! then, got more bored than ever. so, i decided to do the icing.
just doing the icing took me 30 mins. heheh. then, separate it into two diff bowls. & add colours to the icing, pink & green. lawa kann? haha. im having hand cramps due to the stirring of the icing sugar mixture. haha. seriously, its so aching bodoh! after that, i arranged the cookies nicely on to a big tray. then, ibu came out & decided to give me a helping hand.
we both decorated the cookies using the icing sugar mixture. hah. i tell you, it was funn! & i got all bored right after completing my task. i actually put on green icing sugar "lipstick" on my mouth! haha. so niice. & started camwhoring. now, its 5. im going out of hse soon.
it means, i didn't even rest my eyes. not even a minute. oh please, make me survive through the day. gaaaaa! (x goodbye.
& the pictures (:
i'll upload my images AFTER the camp. imy boyfy(:

Labels: and i already miss everyone, especially bby ):

8:09 AM
have not been updating quite awhile ehh? even nadhir asked. hah! nii untok dher ok? haha.
blimey. tomorrow's the biiig day! & im super nervous about it. not about the camp. but the dance which we're gonna put up for the class. seraaaaaaaaaaaaam.
i haven't pack for the camp yet seyy. today's gonna be so exhausting. i have to do alot of things. now, even before starting anything, i am having leg cramps & stomach cramps. wthhhh! why must it all start today? & i wonder whose gonna be my teammates for the camp. i want cousin-in-law! amirahhhhhhh (: pleasepleaseplease :D at least someone im close to. enough already about the camp.
just now, went to class to rearrange the tables for the big surprise party we're putting up for the mdm chai. ok, english aku suck. shit. hehs (: though, i find mdm chai irritating, she can be very understanding & yes.. she's a cutecute teacher.
mdm chai was left alone to takecare of the class, which is a handful, from Jan-March(?). now, when she already have a partner, mdm noreen, she have to migrate to Australia. awww.. farewell teacher. iloveyou. come back & visit ):
for SFL today, a speech & drama workshop was conducted. borrriiiinnnngggggg. we were treated like kindergartens. we have to pronouns fished, cooked, restaurant, etc. etc. ew. i felt soo.. immature =.- & the coach has an anger management problem. the chinese boys fooled aound, & guess what she shouted?
"can you stop playing with the FCUKING balloons!?" blimey. very scaryy indeed. have never heard anyone who teaches teenagers to shout vulgars. hah!
since the odd numbers have no coach for the workshop due to the missing in action scenario, the even numbers's coach combined us. so, she kindda take the whole class. padan mukeeee!~ shout somemore uh! nnti suare hilang baru tau (: haha. & the workshop will be continued in term 3. blahhhs! i hate it oh so much.(noura's accent)
im done talking, aye?
& nadhir oh nadhir. when im not around, JGN FLIRT TAU! i smack your pantat. haha! kidding kidding. tpi, flirt tuu serious. hehs. ily ♥
byeeee, manusiaaa (:Labels: lom pape dah penat, tsk.

Written on Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 3:00 PM
heyy. met, boyfy just now. reached home at 3.30+ pm(?).i got my results today. & i am so shocked. my malay actually flopped hell lots! what happen to me?
green means pass. red means fail.
English - 75/100
Maths - 40/100 (dont talk about it. paper 2 was hell hard. im dead serious. paper 1, passed)
History - 31/65 (which is 1.5m more to just passing! asshole. i studied this like theres no tmr!)
Geography - 64/100 (which i didn't even study & was damn weak at it. but, miracles :D)
Science - 51/100 (bad or what? i studied science like hell!)
MT - 49/100 (don't talk about it. i, myself, am freaked out!)
Home Econs - not yet
Art - 56/100 (:D)
oh, im so sick. i don't know how to lie to myself. i can't keep this feeling inside. but, i am also afraid to break it out. so how? for the pass few days. or maybe weeks. i have been thinking of stuffs. right here, im making a decision. but, i dont know if that person would face the fact.
its just not right. someday, somehow i gotta tell this to em. i certainly don't hate em. he/she is a nice person. & im not making a fool out of em. i swear, i am not that type. ok, i have to tell it to em. i know. but, for sure, not straight to the face cause its gonna break his/her heart, i guess. its like one-sided love. i don't know what to do.
do you really wanna know why i was in a bad mood?
seriously, its not because i was neglecting or avoiding you. man, i was really in a bad mood.
firstly when i got home, brother actually pissed me off. & for some reason, i went ballistic. what a nuisance. & for that, i got permission from ibu. but, brother was too spoiled by grandparents, they actually accused me of stuffs & called me a bad bad girl. which i don't accept. hey hello. everyone has their good & bad attitudes. you have no right to actually say im bad. because, you are equally the same! mind me. i am like that.
after that, something came up to my mind. then, i got so restless. so so restless, i cried. well, now i realised that my heart is not strong enough to love someone. i get easily in love & dumped. oh, how sad. how so sad. so lethargic, right? i know, this is me when it comes to love. so back to the crying part. i was sitting in front of the computer, thinking of a solution to this problem. but seriously, my mind went blank. it have been blank for the pass 2 days, i guess. & its so dump of me. then, kak ekah came into the picture & asked me to hang out with her a while. well, i got a bit delighted but i just wanna be alone. i just forced myself out the door & dragged my legs to her house. well, at least she cheered me up.
i came back home around 4.30 pm after that. then, my mind went blank again. & all i have to think of was a solution. damn it. i got back home & had a small argument with sister. at that moment, i just feel like throwing all the anger inside me to someone. just someone. i really dont know whats up with me these days. each time i got home, this is the only thing i have to think of. sooner or later, i would be a dumbass in school thinking of a solution because today, i just did became one. ugh. whatever it is, i just hope for the best.
PS: ashidiq, if you have anything to say, please please please, through msn. thanks. :S
oh btw, happy 11th birthday beloved brother. be happy always & go on diet. go go matiin! you can do it. :D
Labels: happy birthday (:

Written on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 3:08 AM
maybe at twelve leaving hse to go lepak with kak ekah! hahs. yeahh. & amalina & maybe asha'ari. asha'ari oi! call kak ekah laa. shes figuring out how to call you. pity her. hmmm..
you know, after reading noura's tagboard. i feel like, "woah, why the hell is this person using my fcuking name?!" mind my language. i always use it if im angry. sorry (:
lemme tell u what happened.
i was doing bloghopping the other day. then i suddenly feel the urge to view noura's. when i got into her blog, first thing i do, was to read her tagboard. two person, or posibly only one, insulted noura. somehow, i felt so pissed off i used my name as unknown. i covered noura up. so did maknusiie. i know who is she. but, she dont wanna reveal herself so i wont. humphhs. after few days, today, noura asked me if i was somebody. i told her i was unknown. then, she asked me to read her tagboard. this somebody, actually used my name! waliao. i for some reason, immediately replied. man, i was fcuking irritated. no life siia you all!
somebody would lose if they know im unknown. thanks ehh, for using my name at the wrong time. now, u got 4 people against u. hows that? huh! nk step illa. nii btol tk original siol. ehh! illa tk tuu mcm ehh. cb.Labels: bitching

Written on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 9:22 AM
hey, guess what? i went for bloghopping & found this website. it tells you about yourself behind your name. and amazingly, it actually really is 99.9% correct. cool huh?
What Illa Syakilah Means |  You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. |
Labels: cool or what?

8:07 AM
today is the last day for the mid year paper. ART. ok, damn. i didn't get to finish it. idiot. pfft. pissed off man.
then, after school my FRIENDS dumped me. ohh, hell them. pfft. life can't be worser, can they? gaa. thank god theres the beloved ones(: without them, idk where i'll be standing.
today, i did something super funny to bf. hahah. to me it is funny. to him its hell! haha. i pretended asing him for a break up. his mood suddenly change! nyahaas. cute oii! haha. ehh, seriously. as time passes by, i dont know what to post about. my mind's blank! haha.
oh yess, hakeem. i know your reading. but now, i already have my own. i still will entertain you because you are not a disturbance in my relationship. i hope im not when you were with nabihah. i heard the story. & im really dissapointed with her. maybe u should just move on with life. i cannot love you like how i used to. now, its not more than a boyfriend or less than a friend. either a good friend or and abang(?). haha. weird, tau. k, good luck in everything you do. (:Labels: no labels .

Written on Saturday, May 10, 2008 @ 8:44 AM
today came back at 3pm. went to lepak with kak ekah, naz, yanti, noura, ashwin, lau tak dgn asha'ari, kak ekah peh matae, but he went. sad. yeah, around 12, naz, yan & noura left. ashwin too. sry if wrong spelling(:
ashwin's dog is so cuuuuuute! but i didn't touch. neither did kak ekah. in fact, we were scared to go near it.
sooooon, kak ekah & me took bus 28 to her hse. lepak there. funnn! although only 2 people (: we chatted then we dance. no one's looking. so it didn't matter. dance our legs off! then, smpi memorize steps lagi ade! haha. gerek siols!
according to aidil, keem wanted to patch up with me. well, sorry. tooo late. i have got ashidiq(: & aidil, aku tk mcm2. pfft.
ashidiq is like super sweeet. he puts my pic as a dp in his msn and stuffs. hes so nice! nyahaas. matae sape jugak kan? haha!Labels: exhausted

Written on Friday, May 9, 2008 @ 9:15 AM
hellohello! just chat with jannah, adah, angeleene, adilah, noura, nazrah, marco(not so). we are so kecoh laa seyy. we gossiped. jannah paling bnyk gossip! jannah naughty! nyahahas. then we chatted. for idk how long. then, one by one started to leave. then, left me, nazrah, noura. then, i left. ahaas. dont know what happened in the convo after that.kak ekah, asked me for the pictures. but the USB! problem uh. siak betol. tsk. sorry, kak ekah. hahs. then, i editted pictures. & then left ashidiq to chat with. (:chat for more than 3 hours. then.. kite "played games". i editted photos right? he asked me to display it so he can guess which ones me. obviously he knows! sume btol. cooooooooool. then, the most sweetest sweetest part, he confessed. omg, so sweet. but, he said it was too fast because he would never get me. but in the end, we end up being together.the unbelievable part is that, we got together on the 8th. 8 hello. its on hakeem's bday but only in may. gilaaaa~ haahs.i know kakak would so get pissed off if she knows i stead with her junior. ashidiq. oh yess, east viewans yg tgh view tuu, or bloghoppers, low profile. not the right time to spread. hahs! gaaaa.. tkle pecaye gitu kan? haha.SHIRIL ASHIDIQ & ILLA SYAKILAH 4:47PM 8 May 2008
   .JPG) .JPG)   Labels: another story

Written on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 @ 6:33 AM
oooh! got home, damn exhausted ok. exhausted from repeating dance and choreographing a dance too. gaaaa, penat sungguh sih! went to pasir ris to dance, low. yeahh. i gotta admit its so damn freaking sexy! wakakaka. how to say how to say!? so funn laaa. hahah. ok, then we practiced at the hall. & whho~ people looked & i got so malu i forgot the steps. but its just a rehearsal. so, i dont give a damn. yeaa.
went back by taking bus 3 to esso. omg, i saw this guy with sucha gorgeous personality. he's hot! but, nevermind. im not into all these yet at the moment. hees. i have been prssurized & im stress bout it. i wont tell people. not even the closest ones. haish. now, chatting with shidiq, from east view. Sec 2. anyone knows? hahs. ok byebye love.Labels: exhausted

Written on Saturday, May 3, 2008 @ 12:43 PM
oh god. help me. i feel so.. bad. how do i tell him, i hate him? i dont want to be his girlfriend. but he's so extremely nice towards me. well, i dont hate him. each & everyday, since he knew me, he kept on saying, i love you, when i ask why, he will just say, feelings just come & it is still getting heavier. i dont hate him, i just dont have feelings for him. he just cant understand. or perhaps im too young for a serious relationship. everyday, he waited for me to tell him something he wanted to hear. but, i ditched him away. im really truly sorry. but, i dont wanna lose our friendship.
i can't keep this feeling no more. sooner or later; i gotta tell him bout this. im just nervous about how it will turn out. did i make a wise decision? come on illa. you got to gather all your guts & tell him. you can't hide this feeling anymore. let it break free. i gotta do this. no matter what happens. good or bad; this is the only solution. im sorry.Labels: another day

Written on Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 1:51 PM
hellooooooo!! (: guess what? i have sore eyes, cool huh? NOT. sial uhh.. nk meet Nadhir seyy. abe sore eyes. gilee btol. pfft. now, i can't even go out of house! because granny don't allow me to go out in this condition. i feel like crying siol. idiot idiot & triple IDIOT. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~
im saving money for some stuffs. yeah! one of it, is for.. SOMETHING. hehs. ystd called Nadhir, he didn't pick up. katee nk overnight? pe jeeeee. so, i continued reading my book. until 3? i slept. hah! lame illa lame. tskk. i wanna watch movieeee!~ planned with kak ekah. she's ok with it, im ok with it. now, somemore problems are casing the plan to be cancelled! noooooooooooo. please don't.
oh yeah. guess what? i had a dream/nightmare. i really don't know if its a dream or a nightmare. there were some people in my dream. & its soo weird. they were.. ahha(camp instructor), mima, nuhh, nadhir, norizam, fadhli(not my schoolmate), salihan, hakeem(!), hariz, khairul, faris, nas, nash(!).. luckily shidiq wasn't in it. heh. idk why the hell mima was in it. but yeaaa, she was. & if you realise, all the names in red are my exes. siol uh! seram pee? except for nadhir uhh. i don't know whathappened then. i just remember they were in it. yeaa.
i got to know, my friend's pregnant. YES. pregnant at the age of 14. sial uhh. shocking news pee? listen, although im not close to you, i can feel what your feeling right now. just dont go for abortion. pity the baby, they have feelings too. just keep it. & makee it a lesson for you to learn, ok? seriously, i wouldn't wanna go for abortion if im you. good luck yeahh? takecare.Labels: hell NOO.

6:00 AM
Name 20 people you can think of right now . Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people . @ the end of this , choose 5 people to do it.
1- ♥Bby 2- Noura 3- Fee 4- Atycar 5- Adilah 6- Nazrah 7- Effah 8- Shaffy 9- Yanti 10- Amirah Cousin-in-law 11- Janiah 12- Ami Shirin 13- Fyqah 14- Fadhli 15- Hifzhan 16- Izwan 17- Jannah 18- Hazirah 2T 19- Aliah 2T 20- Iwan
How did you meet 14 (Fadhli) ? - Secondary School
What would you do if you never met 1 (♥Bby) ?- - Idk who I'll be with right now.
What if 9 (Yanti) & 20(Iwan) date ? - hah. shocking siol :D
Will 6 (Nazrah) & 17 (Jannah) date ? - Girl date? ok whaaaat. heh.
Describe 3 (Fee). - Everything that has got to do with funn (:
Is 8 (Shaffy) attractive ? - She's awesomely cuuute :D
Describe 7 (Effah) . - Boy Magnet, heh.
Do you know 12's (Ami Shirin) family members ? - Yea. Her brother =.-
What will you do if 18 (Hazirah) confesses to you that he likes you ? - ape lagyyk? scandal uh! haha.
What language does 15 (Hifzhan) speaks ? - English, Malay & some Indian. heh. sorry (:
Who is 9 (Yanti) going out w/ ? - no ideaa (:
How old is 16 (Izwan)? - 14
When is the last time you spoke to 13 (Fyqah) ? - Just now, in school during MD (:
Who is 2's (Noura) favourite band or singer ? - I've got a whole list of em. Not too sure which is the most favourite(:
Would you ever date 4 (Atiqa) ? - Single. Not available.
Would you ever date 1 (♥Bby) ? - Duh. Heh.
Is 19 (Aliah) single ? - Tahh. heh.
What is 10's (amirah) last name ? - Amirah Ayob(:
Will you ever be in a r/s w/ 11 (Janiah) ? - heh. NO.
Whats the school of 3 (Fee) ? - Mine (: East Spring Sec <3
Where does 16 (Izwan) lives ? - Dont know Dont care. HAH
Whats your favourite thing about 5 (Nifael) ? - straightforward.
Have you ever seen 2 (Fatin) naked ? - NOOO.Labels: survey.

5:11 AM
baaaaaaah!~ exhausted. tau! we have just finished 2minutes+ for the dance. 3minutes left. & i won't be coming for training on the last training, 5th June. Which means, we have to chop chop. 4th June, everything must be A OK or in other words, PERFECT.
just now, while dancing, i stepped on something sharp. & its oh so paiiinnn! but, i like the dance though. veryy cuuutteee (: we have to be flirty but still very elegant. hahs. idk how to do that. but, i just love the dance. hahs. starting of the lesson, kak tini asked me to lead them. i was like.. WHAAAAAAAT? i forgot (: heh =.- thanks to Kak Janiah, Kak Ira, Fyqah & Ami.. i managed to recall everything. THANK YOU!! =D
im sorry kak ekah, nadhir <3.> im serious. heh. JUST. 2PM. supposedly, it ends at 12. but, nehmyne. for malay dance's sake (:
ms azlina was soo nice & kind today. she bought us pizzas & some cheese bread. haha. but, we didn't finish it though. heh. but seriously, thanks. maybe i would have fainted. hah! mcm pahaaam. what else? i think that's itt.
nuff said. love ya'll. heees. =D takecare;Labels: exhausted

Written on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 8:21 AM
oh damn it! my body's aching siol. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~ & i miss camp hell lots. i miss jiahao, yuan shan, potato, ahha, ah whuuuat, clown, the events, the hut, the ghost scenarios, the campfire, the dance me & hazirah have choreographed. & we won. so damn happy. i miss partner too. but out of all i miss, i miss boyfy the most! :D
the ghost thingy was super scary. frankly speaking, the scariest i've been through. goshh, if u saw it, i tell you, you wont ever forget about it. scaryyy.
nadhir said his ibu viewed my blog. hahs. mamposs! his ibu sounds so nicee. (:
& the camp.. i love it yo! i love the dance especially. & i overcome 50% of my fear of heights. scaryy. hahs! omgg, i want to go back there):
noura's not here. she's somewhere in another country. in Laos. not on the same land. thats so.. sad. i miss her alot. have a great trip down there yeahh? miss me tau! :D i actually cried because i cannot send her off. pfft. she's like my sister. what'd you expect? i love her!
im boreeddd!~Labels: i miss nouraaaaa

Written on Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 8:01 PM
see? it's Friday 23rd. & im still not sleeping. its 4:34 AM. called nadhir around 12+, but nobody picked up. must be sleeping uhh, bby (:
ohh, guess what? i did chocolate chip cookies for mdm chai, mdm noreen & ms azlina. started at 9pm(?). kak ekah & kak janiah came down to my hse to help me out with the cookies. sweet, aren't they? thanks alot. they stayed until 12.30 am. yes, AM. midnight. they are so so nice. the whole thing turned out to be fun, but only if there's ait of camwhorings, its gonna be superfun! but too bad. didn't thought of it.
kak janiah & kak ekah brought home some of the cookies. they said it was nice. tgk laa sape bikin.. kak janiah, kak ekah, illa! heh :D
waited for the cookies like for more than 2-3 hrs? hah! then, waited for it to harden abit. i was sleepy already but, just stayed strong. cheyyy. haha! then, got more bored than ever. so, i decided to do the icing.
just doing the icing took me 30 mins. heheh. then, separate it into two diff bowls. & add colours to the icing, pink & green. lawa kann? haha. im having hand cramps due to the stirring of the icing sugar mixture. haha. seriously, its so aching bodoh! after that, i arranged the cookies nicely on to a big tray. then, ibu came out & decided to give me a helping hand.
we both decorated the cookies using the icing sugar mixture. hah. i tell you, it was funn! & i got all bored right after completing my task. i actually put on green icing sugar "lipstick" on my mouth! haha. so niice. & started camwhoring. now, its 5. im going out of hse soon.
it means, i didn't even rest my eyes. not even a minute. oh please, make me survive through the day. gaaaaa! (x goodbye.
& the pictures (:
i'll upload my images AFTER the camp. imy boyfy(:

Labels: and i already miss everyone, especially bby ):

8:09 AM
have not been updating quite awhile ehh? even nadhir asked. hah! nii untok dher ok? haha.
blimey. tomorrow's the biiig day! & im super nervous about it. not about the camp. but the dance which we're gonna put up for the class. seraaaaaaaaaaaaam.
i haven't pack for the camp yet seyy. today's gonna be so exhausting. i have to do alot of things. now, even before starting anything, i am having leg cramps & stomach cramps. wthhhh! why must it all start today? & i wonder whose gonna be my teammates for the camp. i want cousin-in-law! amirahhhhhhh (: pleasepleaseplease :D at least someone im close to. enough already about the camp.
just now, went to class to rearrange the tables for the big surprise party we're putting up for the mdm chai. ok, english aku suck. shit. hehs (: though, i find mdm chai irritating, she can be very understanding & yes.. she's a cutecute teacher.
mdm chai was left alone to takecare of the class, which is a handful, from Jan-March(?). now, when she already have a partner, mdm noreen, she have to migrate to Australia. awww.. farewell teacher. iloveyou. come back & visit ):
for SFL today, a speech & drama workshop was conducted. borrriiiinnnngggggg. we were treated like kindergartens. we have to pronouns fished, cooked, restaurant, etc. etc. ew. i felt soo.. immature =.- & the coach has an anger management problem. the chinese boys fooled aound, & guess what she shouted?
"can you stop playing with the FCUKING balloons!?" blimey. very scaryy indeed. have never heard anyone who teaches teenagers to shout vulgars. hah!
since the odd numbers have no coach for the workshop due to the missing in action scenario, the even numbers's coach combined us. so, she kindda take the whole class. padan mukeeee!~ shout somemore uh! nnti suare hilang baru tau (: haha. & the workshop will be continued in term 3. blahhhs! i hate it oh so much.(noura's accent)
im done talking, aye?
& nadhir oh nadhir. when im not around, JGN FLIRT TAU! i smack your pantat. haha! kidding kidding. tpi, flirt tuu serious. hehs. ily ♥
byeeee, manusiaaa (:Labels: lom pape dah penat, tsk.

Written on Thursday, May 15, 2008 @ 3:00 PM
heyy. met, boyfy just now. reached home at 3.30+ pm(?).i got my results today. & i am so shocked. my malay actually flopped hell lots! what happen to me?
green means pass. red means fail.
English - 75/100
Maths - 40/100 (dont talk about it. paper 2 was hell hard. im dead serious. paper 1, passed)
History - 31/65 (which is 1.5m more to just passing! asshole. i studied this like theres no tmr!)
Geography - 64/100 (which i didn't even study & was damn weak at it. but, miracles :D)
Science - 51/100 (bad or what? i studied science like hell!)
MT - 49/100 (don't talk about it. i, myself, am freaked out!)
Home Econs - not yet
Art - 56/100 (:D)
oh, im so sick. i don't know how to lie to myself. i can't keep this feeling inside. but, i am also afraid to break it out. so how? for the pass few days. or maybe weeks. i have been thinking of stuffs. right here, im making a decision. but, i dont know if that person would face the fact.
its just not right. someday, somehow i gotta tell this to em. i certainly don't hate em. he/she is a nice person. & im not making a fool out of em. i swear, i am not that type. ok, i have to tell it to em. i know. but, for sure, not straight to the face cause its gonna break his/her heart, i guess. its like one-sided love. i don't know what to do.
do you really wanna know why i was in a bad mood?
seriously, its not because i was neglecting or avoiding you. man, i was really in a bad mood.
firstly when i got home, brother actually pissed me off. & for some reason, i went ballistic. what a nuisance. & for that, i got permission from ibu. but, brother was too spoiled by grandparents, they actually accused me of stuffs & called me a bad bad girl. which i don't accept. hey hello. everyone has their good & bad attitudes. you have no right to actually say im bad. because, you are equally the same! mind me. i am like that.
after that, something came up to my mind. then, i got so restless. so so restless, i cried. well, now i realised that my heart is not strong enough to love someone. i get easily in love & dumped. oh, how sad. how so sad. so lethargic, right? i know, this is me when it comes to love. so back to the crying part. i was sitting in front of the computer, thinking of a solution to this problem. but seriously, my mind went blank. it have been blank for the pass 2 days, i guess. & its so dump of me. then, kak ekah came into the picture & asked me to hang out with her a while. well, i got a bit delighted but i just wanna be alone. i just forced myself out the door & dragged my legs to her house. well, at least she cheered me up.
i came back home around 4.30 pm after that. then, my mind went blank again. & all i have to think of was a solution. damn it. i got back home & had a small argument with sister. at that moment, i just feel like throwing all the anger inside me to someone. just someone. i really dont know whats up with me these days. each time i got home, this is the only thing i have to think of. sooner or later, i would be a dumbass in school thinking of a solution because today, i just did became one. ugh. whatever it is, i just hope for the best.
PS: ashidiq, if you have anything to say, please please please, through msn. thanks. :S
oh btw, happy 11th birthday beloved brother. be happy always & go on diet. go go matiin! you can do it. :D
Labels: happy birthday (:

Written on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 @ 3:08 AM
maybe at twelve leaving hse to go lepak with kak ekah! hahs. yeahh. & amalina & maybe asha'ari. asha'ari oi! call kak ekah laa. shes figuring out how to call you. pity her. hmmm..
you know, after reading noura's tagboard. i feel like, "woah, why the hell is this person using my fcuking name?!" mind my language. i always use it if im angry. sorry (:
lemme tell u what happened.
i was doing bloghopping the other day. then i suddenly feel the urge to view noura's. when i got into her blog, first thing i do, was to read her tagboard. two person, or posibly only one, insulted noura. somehow, i felt so pissed off i used my name as unknown. i covered noura up. so did maknusiie. i know who is she. but, she dont wanna reveal herself so i wont. humphhs. after few days, today, noura asked me if i was somebody. i told her i was unknown. then, she asked me to read her tagboard. this somebody, actually used my name! waliao. i for some reason, immediately replied. man, i was fcuking irritated. no life siia you all!
somebody would lose if they know im unknown. thanks ehh, for using my name at the wrong time. now, u got 4 people against u. hows that? huh! nk step illa. nii btol tk original siol. ehh! illa tk tuu mcm ehh. cb.Labels: bitching

Written on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 9:22 AM
hey, guess what? i went for bloghopping & found this website. it tells you about yourself behind your name. and amazingly, it actually really is 99.9% correct. cool huh?
What Illa Syakilah Means |  You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. |
Labels: cool or what?

8:07 AM
today is the last day for the mid year paper. ART. ok, damn. i didn't get to finish it. idiot. pfft. pissed off man.
then, after school my FRIENDS dumped me. ohh, hell them. pfft. life can't be worser, can they? gaa. thank god theres the beloved ones(: without them, idk where i'll be standing.
today, i did something super funny to bf. hahah. to me it is funny. to him its hell! haha. i pretended asing him for a break up. his mood suddenly change! nyahaas. cute oii! haha. ehh, seriously. as time passes by, i dont know what to post about. my mind's blank! haha.
oh yess, hakeem. i know your reading. but now, i already have my own. i still will entertain you because you are not a disturbance in my relationship. i hope im not when you were with nabihah. i heard the story. & im really dissapointed with her. maybe u should just move on with life. i cannot love you like how i used to. now, its not more than a boyfriend or less than a friend. either a good friend or and abang(?). haha. weird, tau. k, good luck in everything you do. (:Labels: no labels .

Written on Saturday, May 10, 2008 @ 8:44 AM
today came back at 3pm. went to lepak with kak ekah, naz, yanti, noura, ashwin, lau tak dgn asha'ari, kak ekah peh matae, but he went. sad. yeah, around 12, naz, yan & noura left. ashwin too. sry if wrong spelling(:
ashwin's dog is so cuuuuuute! but i didn't touch. neither did kak ekah. in fact, we were scared to go near it.
sooooon, kak ekah & me took bus 28 to her hse. lepak there. funnn! although only 2 people (: we chatted then we dance. no one's looking. so it didn't matter. dance our legs off! then, smpi memorize steps lagi ade! haha. gerek siols!
according to aidil, keem wanted to patch up with me. well, sorry. tooo late. i have got ashidiq(: & aidil, aku tk mcm2. pfft.
ashidiq is like super sweeet. he puts my pic as a dp in his msn and stuffs. hes so nice! nyahaas. matae sape jugak kan? haha!Labels: exhausted

Written on Friday, May 9, 2008 @ 9:15 AM
hellohello! just chat with jannah, adah, angeleene, adilah, noura, nazrah, marco(not so). we are so kecoh laa seyy. we gossiped. jannah paling bnyk gossip! jannah naughty! nyahahas. then we chatted. for idk how long. then, one by one started to leave. then, left me, nazrah, noura. then, i left. ahaas. dont know what happened in the convo after that.kak ekah, asked me for the pictures. but the USB! problem uh. siak betol. tsk. sorry, kak ekah. hahs. then, i editted pictures. & then left ashidiq to chat with. (:chat for more than 3 hours. then.. kite "played games". i editted photos right? he asked me to display it so he can guess which ones me. obviously he knows! sume btol. cooooooooool. then, the most sweetest sweetest part, he confessed. omg, so sweet. but, he said it was too fast because he would never get me. but in the end, we end up being together.the unbelievable part is that, we got together on the 8th. 8 hello. its on hakeem's bday but only in may. gilaaaa~ haahs.i know kakak would so get pissed off if she knows i stead with her junior. ashidiq. oh yess, east viewans yg tgh view tuu, or bloghoppers, low profile. not the right time to spread. hahs! gaaaa.. tkle pecaye gitu kan? haha.SHIRIL ASHIDIQ & ILLA SYAKILAH 4:47PM 8 May 2008
   .JPG) .JPG)   Labels: another story

Written on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 @ 6:33 AM
oooh! got home, damn exhausted ok. exhausted from repeating dance and choreographing a dance too. gaaaa, penat sungguh sih! went to pasir ris to dance, low. yeahh. i gotta admit its so damn freaking sexy! wakakaka. how to say how to say!? so funn laaa. hahah. ok, then we practiced at the hall. & whho~ people looked & i got so malu i forgot the steps. but its just a rehearsal. so, i dont give a damn. yeaa.
went back by taking bus 3 to esso. omg, i saw this guy with sucha gorgeous personality. he's hot! but, nevermind. im not into all these yet at the moment. hees. i have been prssurized & im stress bout it. i wont tell people. not even the closest ones. haish. now, chatting with shidiq, from east view. Sec 2. anyone knows? hahs. ok byebye love.Labels: exhausted

Written on Saturday, May 3, 2008 @ 12:43 PM
oh god. help me. i feel so.. bad. how do i tell him, i hate him? i dont want to be his girlfriend. but he's so extremely nice towards me. well, i dont hate him. each & everyday, since he knew me, he kept on saying, i love you, when i ask why, he will just say, feelings just come & it is still getting heavier. i dont hate him, i just dont have feelings for him. he just cant understand. or perhaps im too young for a serious relationship. everyday, he waited for me to tell him something he wanted to hear. but, i ditched him away. im really truly sorry. but, i dont wanna lose our friendship.
i can't keep this feeling no more. sooner or later; i gotta tell him bout this. im just nervous about how it will turn out. did i make a wise decision? come on illa. you got to gather all your guts & tell him. you can't hide this feeling anymore. let it break free. i gotta do this. no matter what happens. good or bad; this is the only solution. im sorry.Labels: another day

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
November 2007
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