Written on Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 6:20 PM
What if I said, no? And what if I said, yes? No biggie, right? Either way, it won't affect even a dot of my life. Does it? Haha. You people make me laugh. As if you all cared if I am going away or not. Instead, I'm feeling as if deep inside all of you, you guys are saying, "Haha, okay good. The troupe looks more perfect without her." Come on, it's all over your face guys. Truth don't hide. I'm a human too. I know how humans feel.
Oh ya, which part of please state your name do you people not understand? I told you guys I despise anonymous, passerby, or weird names. Please be appreciative towards your parents. They gave you a name. What's so wrong about sharing your name? You won't die, will you? Man, you guys are real weird.
Leave that topic aside.
Yesterday, my little cousins sleptover my house. Little rascals. They made every single moment fun and exciting. I am so looking forward to another sleepover with them. Despite their stubbornness.
Honestly, I am out of words. I haven't upload the pictures to the laptops. Thousand apologies. I'll upload it as soon as possible. Till then, takecare angels (:

Written on Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 5:36 PM
Well too bad, I won't be coming. No matter how many times you call my house, chase after me or call my mom, we won't be bothered to entertain you. I was treated unfairly enough. I have never had the intention to do what I did but expect the unexpected. You should've understood. Family comes first. Your like 20 times older than me, I believe you can differentiate which one is more important. But no. Why? Because you always think negative of me.
Yes, I am friends with her. Close friends. But that does not mean that I am her. So don't ever compare me with anyone because nobody can be me except me. And one more thing, if you really thought she influenced me a lot, you got it all wrong. Because if I was, I would have raised my voice when you scolded me. But no, I still showed respect.
I might as well not come if you already said, "Ok, then you just be a normal member from now onwards. You don't want to put effort what." It's as good as saying, "Then just resign yourself, we don't need you anymore." After all, you've got them. Right? You even said, "These few days, I don't really like your attitude. So I would have to consider putting you inside." The way you phrase it sounds like as if I was damn rude towards you when whatever reasons I told you when I couldn't make it was true.
Now, I am hearing stuffs like, "Come back uh. Please! For us." from the girls. But I have made my decision. Dah ludah takkan nak jilat balik.
It's okay. You don't need to kick me out. I'll quit, but that does not mean I'm a quitter. And btw, thanks for all the treats. I appreciate it a lot.

Written on Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 11:23 PM
So, I am wondering. How the fuck am I suppose to wake up at 4:30 AM tomorrow when the oven is currently being used to do cream puffs and it takes about an hour? I did the nacho cheese already. I also did the bottom layer of the cheesecake and have already chilled it in the refrigerator. I am left with the top layer, which is the cheese and to bake it in the oven and I am done. I booked the oven just now when granny was using to bake some other cake. Then in an hour's time, I came back with full of excitement to bake my cheesecake only to see it being used to do cream puffs. -.- Ugh.
Azzi's waking up early tomorrow to do her spaghetti ^^ Bby and Fad is coming down to help me and Azzi out tomorrow at 6:30 AM. Then, grandad's going to send us to school. Heee. There'll be a buffet breakfast (:
Oh yes, not to forget. I have to fry my fries tomorrow morning too. After that, I have to recook my nacho cheese to make it hotter then put it over my fries and there you go, cheese fries and cheesecake. I also did ice jelly. My most favorite dessert. I know, I am the chef for the day. Heh.
Well, FYI, I am not the only one bringing loads of food tomorrow. Some guys are bringing ice cream. Some girls are bringing puddings. Some are bringing brownies and even sushi! Haha. Yayy! ;D And and.. 10 bottles of drinks!
There's too many food to list out. I'll be gaining weight tomorrow. Bby, say you still love me if I am fat. Say it! Heh -.-
P/S: Sister wants cheesecake too. So, we'll be making a small cheesecake just for her to munch on (:Labels: get my head in the game (:

Written on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 12:04 AM
click Pictures for 26th May to see pictures for the last week of Semester 1. Pictures will be frequently updated until last day of school. So keep seeing. (:
babes, dont worry.. i don't need presents to see if u guys really care about me. tk penting dalam hidup aku langsung. aku tknk korg merana psl aku. so tkpe.
Labels: no labels.

Written on Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Watching American Idol now. Haha. Kara's so cute (:
Life's been great for the past few days. I know I haven't updated for weeks. Thousand apologies. Heh. Okay. Like I said, life has been great for the past few days but something had to burn it. My results. For the first time, in my almost 15 years of living, I failed my Mother Tongue. What a shame. Maths and Combined Science, down the drain. If I failed my Biology Paper, what makes you people think I would pass my Food & Nutrition Paper? So, in terms of exam paper, I only passed Combined Humanities and English.
I was so proud that I passed English with not really flying colors. But still flying colors. 70 plus over 100. But I felt stupid when I failed my Malay Paper. What in the world did I miss out? I mean, I speak Malay more than English. So, it was really sad. I don't understand.
Let's not stress about exam marks. After all, what's done is done. Buck up, girl. EOY's next.
Slacked with Baby and friends a 'The Lounge', just around my block apartment. They were high, so we did nothing much. I just laughed at them like nobody's business. Around 3.25pm, I told Baby I had to go home to help out sister. Then, he sent me home. Halfway, he stopped in his tracks, shake his head, look at me and said, "What the hell am I doing here?" I giggled and hugged him and said, "Your sending me home." He gave me the look and followed me.
Came back, chatted in the room with sister. Nobody's home. Except for her. I fell asleep. Hehhhh.
This Saturday, Abang Aan and Cik Maya is getting married. And on that day itself sister and I have to wake up early to go Bugis, Taman Warisan to perform for Tunas Berseni. Anybody kind enough to come? Tickets are selling at $5 only. Ticket booth is at the place itself (Taman Warisan, Bugis). From 2-6pm. Thanks (: Labels: no labels.

Written on Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Happy Mothers Day !
Your worth my tears and smiles. I am sorry if I ever broke your heart. I am sorry if I ever let you down. I am sorry for telling you tons of lies. I am sorry if I wasn't your little princess. I am sorry for stealing your money last time. I am sorry I never listen to you. I am sorry for being rude to you. I am sorry for rejecting your calls when you kept calling me to check on me.
As you can see, I did a lot of mistakes. I realised, you made a lot of sacrifices for me, for us. But what you got in return was just plain mean.
You continued to be patient. Despite our bad attitude towards you. That's what I love about you; patience.
I hope to be a good mother like you. And you'd be so happy to see me being exactly like you. Because we have the same face. Coolness. Haha.
Ibu, I love you. Forever and ever.
Hugs and kisses Illa Syakilah, your second princess (:
Labels: ibu i love you

Written on Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I CINTA U (: today, tomorrow & forever
Labels: rainbow and sweet

12:14 AM
After confessing to each other last night, 6 May 2009 at 11:11PM, we felt totally relieved. At the same time, we were feeling fucking nervous. I was like, "Damn it, how am I gonna face him tomorrow?" And he was like, "Kay, honestly I don't know how to look at you tomorrow. I'll faint for sure. Damn."
He almost didn't come to school today because he don't want me to be shy. Haha. Stupid reason. When he came to school, I can feel the awkwardness. I swear man. My cheeks started to blush. My hands started to sweat like fuck. And I got butterflies in my stomach.
Kay, we didn't talk to each other like how we used to. Seriously. That's the sad part. But the good thing is that it is reasonable. I can't even talk to him! I don't know why. Haha. But I still got my pooh ^^ Thank you gemooookkkkkk !~
During break, Marissa and I stayed in class. Then suddenly, I felt the urge to flip through his foolscap. And I read. It was so sad I tell you. It makes me feel guilty for not talking to him. He thinks I hate him. He thinks he ruined my life. He thinks I'm sad about this. And he thinks I am not going out with him on his birthday. Marissa, always being the sweet one, told me to write him a letter. So, she assisted me when I wrote it. Heh. Illa, your so pathetic.
When he read the letter, I can see he felt even more shy. So, I felt twice as shy. Fool. Haha. Then, I received a text from him. He didn't admit it was him who wrote it. When he knows I recognised his handwriting & language so well. Don't lie to me. I know your face when you are about to lie. Okay? Good. (:
That's one advantage of falling in like with your bestfriend. You know too much about each other, you can't lie. Haha. Too bad.
Towards the end, we finally talked like normal bestfriends. Haha. And, I will go out with you for your birthday. But if I have a last minute cancellation, I promise, I'll make it up for you.
Chiows~ Xoxo.
Labels: another day

Written on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 8:10 PM
Time check: 7:52 PM.
Do you believe in the saying, "Sometimes your best guy friend is the guy you'll fall for, be with"?
Well, I'm happy that I am over with Arep. Seriously, it's like, when I think about it, I feel stupid. Why would I waste my time on someone who doesn't love me back? But I guess, I have a little problem that I can't say because he knows my blog link. Easy said, I don't understand myself.
Yes, of course. He's the one who lifts me up when I'm down, give me a listening ear when I have no one to turn to, advice me when I needed some, pampers me with his drawings, entertain me when I can't sleep, "wipe" my tears when I cry. That's what I love about him. He's someone I can trust. Someone who changed my whole life. I swear.
But the unexpected happened. I got to know some things and maybe he heard it too. Whenever I look at him, I don't feel like as if we were what we used to be; best of friends. I feel awkward when he's around. I feel so.. What the hell Illa? Out of all guys.. him?! Yes, that way.
Tell you guys what, I'll let this feeling stay whenever they want to. And I'll just wait to see if rumors sometimes do come true.
And, thanks a lot babe. THANKS A LOT. You actually destroyed half of his hopes. Now, I don't like you & your boyfriend. Since you don't like him. Learn to keep opinions to yourself and not be a bitch. You really have no heart. And this is not for Marissa.
Labels: tsk.

12:52 AM
Alhamdullilah. I managed to win Kak Ayu's heart by catching up with the steps. Now, I am one of my sister's species. Nyeahahah! What can I say? It runs in the blood ^^ Well, for me. For some of you, if you think I don't fit, then think again. Cause I won't be accepted if I hadn't danced well.
Supposedly, I had to go to speech day rehearsal today, 3 to 6. Unfortunately, on the Saturday, I had promised Kak Ayu to come for her practice from 4 to 6 at Little India, not knowing that there was going to be a rehearsal on Monday.
I was late. I reached the place at around 4.15. Much apologies. But I managed to catch up with the rest. & surprisingly, it took only 2 days for both me & sister to learn the steps. Of course, there were some bitches who wasn't happy about it. Duh. There's at least a bitch in everything u do. Agree? Yes.
Oh! And and, you know theres this fella.. Only my sister knows. A mixture of this and that = simple irresistable. Hehhhhh. Kan kakak kan? Blueks. ;D
Accompanied sister to her following practice at the same venue from 7 to 10+. Shahrul, sister and I waited for Shasha & gang at the Dhoby Ghaut MRT. Mcm princess nan prince uh dorg. Serious. Haha. We almost thought we were going to miss the last train because we missed 3-5 trains just to wait for them. Shahrul was already being a dramaqueen, like always, saying, "Habes. Kite smer ton. Besok g skola complain I missed the last train!" Haha. He sounds energetic even when he said he was tired.
Ayah fetched us from Tampines Interchange. Reached home less than 10 minutes. Change clothes, eat, laptooopppp! Haha.
Congratulations to EQ for getting through the Anugerah audition. All the best for the upcoming shows. GO EQ! Whooooo~Labels: a very busy day

Written on Sunday, May 31, 2009 @ 6:20 PM
What if I said, no? And what if I said, yes? No biggie, right? Either way, it won't affect even a dot of my life. Does it? Haha. You people make me laugh. As if you all cared if I am going away or not. Instead, I'm feeling as if deep inside all of you, you guys are saying, "Haha, okay good. The troupe looks more perfect without her." Come on, it's all over your face guys. Truth don't hide. I'm a human too. I know how humans feel.
Oh ya, which part of please state your name do you people not understand? I told you guys I despise anonymous, passerby, or weird names. Please be appreciative towards your parents. They gave you a name. What's so wrong about sharing your name? You won't die, will you? Man, you guys are real weird.
Leave that topic aside.
Yesterday, my little cousins sleptover my house. Little rascals. They made every single moment fun and exciting. I am so looking forward to another sleepover with them. Despite their stubbornness.
Honestly, I am out of words. I haven't upload the pictures to the laptops. Thousand apologies. I'll upload it as soon as possible. Till then, takecare angels (:

Written on Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 5:36 PM
Well too bad, I won't be coming. No matter how many times you call my house, chase after me or call my mom, we won't be bothered to entertain you. I was treated unfairly enough. I have never had the intention to do what I did but expect the unexpected. You should've understood. Family comes first. Your like 20 times older than me, I believe you can differentiate which one is more important. But no. Why? Because you always think negative of me.
Yes, I am friends with her. Close friends. But that does not mean that I am her. So don't ever compare me with anyone because nobody can be me except me. And one more thing, if you really thought she influenced me a lot, you got it all wrong. Because if I was, I would have raised my voice when you scolded me. But no, I still showed respect.
I might as well not come if you already said, "Ok, then you just be a normal member from now onwards. You don't want to put effort what." It's as good as saying, "Then just resign yourself, we don't need you anymore." After all, you've got them. Right? You even said, "These few days, I don't really like your attitude. So I would have to consider putting you inside." The way you phrase it sounds like as if I was damn rude towards you when whatever reasons I told you when I couldn't make it was true.
Now, I am hearing stuffs like, "Come back uh. Please! For us." from the girls. But I have made my decision. Dah ludah takkan nak jilat balik.
It's okay. You don't need to kick me out. I'll quit, but that does not mean I'm a quitter. And btw, thanks for all the treats. I appreciate it a lot.

Written on Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 11:23 PM
So, I am wondering. How the fuck am I suppose to wake up at 4:30 AM tomorrow when the oven is currently being used to do cream puffs and it takes about an hour? I did the nacho cheese already. I also did the bottom layer of the cheesecake and have already chilled it in the refrigerator. I am left with the top layer, which is the cheese and to bake it in the oven and I am done. I booked the oven just now when granny was using to bake some other cake. Then in an hour's time, I came back with full of excitement to bake my cheesecake only to see it being used to do cream puffs. -.- Ugh.
Azzi's waking up early tomorrow to do her spaghetti ^^ Bby and Fad is coming down to help me and Azzi out tomorrow at 6:30 AM. Then, grandad's going to send us to school. Heee. There'll be a buffet breakfast (:
Oh yes, not to forget. I have to fry my fries tomorrow morning too. After that, I have to recook my nacho cheese to make it hotter then put it over my fries and there you go, cheese fries and cheesecake. I also did ice jelly. My most favorite dessert. I know, I am the chef for the day. Heh.
Well, FYI, I am not the only one bringing loads of food tomorrow. Some guys are bringing ice cream. Some girls are bringing puddings. Some are bringing brownies and even sushi! Haha. Yayy! ;D And and.. 10 bottles of drinks!
There's too many food to list out. I'll be gaining weight tomorrow. Bby, say you still love me if I am fat. Say it! Heh -.-
P/S: Sister wants cheesecake too. So, we'll be making a small cheesecake just for her to munch on (:Labels: get my head in the game (:

Written on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 12:04 AM
click Pictures for 26th May to see pictures for the last week of Semester 1. Pictures will be frequently updated until last day of school. So keep seeing. (:
babes, dont worry.. i don't need presents to see if u guys really care about me. tk penting dalam hidup aku langsung. aku tknk korg merana psl aku. so tkpe.
Labels: no labels.

Written on Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 11:00 PM
Watching American Idol now. Haha. Kara's so cute (:
Life's been great for the past few days. I know I haven't updated for weeks. Thousand apologies. Heh. Okay. Like I said, life has been great for the past few days but something had to burn it. My results. For the first time, in my almost 15 years of living, I failed my Mother Tongue. What a shame. Maths and Combined Science, down the drain. If I failed my Biology Paper, what makes you people think I would pass my Food & Nutrition Paper? So, in terms of exam paper, I only passed Combined Humanities and English.
I was so proud that I passed English with not really flying colors. But still flying colors. 70 plus over 100. But I felt stupid when I failed my Malay Paper. What in the world did I miss out? I mean, I speak Malay more than English. So, it was really sad. I don't understand.
Let's not stress about exam marks. After all, what's done is done. Buck up, girl. EOY's next.
Slacked with Baby and friends a 'The Lounge', just around my block apartment. They were high, so we did nothing much. I just laughed at them like nobody's business. Around 3.25pm, I told Baby I had to go home to help out sister. Then, he sent me home. Halfway, he stopped in his tracks, shake his head, look at me and said, "What the hell am I doing here?" I giggled and hugged him and said, "Your sending me home." He gave me the look and followed me.
Came back, chatted in the room with sister. Nobody's home. Except for her. I fell asleep. Hehhhh.
This Saturday, Abang Aan and Cik Maya is getting married. And on that day itself sister and I have to wake up early to go Bugis, Taman Warisan to perform for Tunas Berseni. Anybody kind enough to come? Tickets are selling at $5 only. Ticket booth is at the place itself (Taman Warisan, Bugis). From 2-6pm. Thanks (: Labels: no labels.

Written on Sunday, May 10, 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Happy Mothers Day !
Your worth my tears and smiles. I am sorry if I ever broke your heart. I am sorry if I ever let you down. I am sorry for telling you tons of lies. I am sorry if I wasn't your little princess. I am sorry for stealing your money last time. I am sorry I never listen to you. I am sorry for being rude to you. I am sorry for rejecting your calls when you kept calling me to check on me.
As you can see, I did a lot of mistakes. I realised, you made a lot of sacrifices for me, for us. But what you got in return was just plain mean.
You continued to be patient. Despite our bad attitude towards you. That's what I love about you; patience.
I hope to be a good mother like you. And you'd be so happy to see me being exactly like you. Because we have the same face. Coolness. Haha.
Ibu, I love you. Forever and ever.
Hugs and kisses Illa Syakilah, your second princess (:
Labels: ibu i love you

Written on Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I CINTA U (: today, tomorrow & forever
Labels: rainbow and sweet

12:14 AM
After confessing to each other last night, 6 May 2009 at 11:11PM, we felt totally relieved. At the same time, we were feeling fucking nervous. I was like, "Damn it, how am I gonna face him tomorrow?" And he was like, "Kay, honestly I don't know how to look at you tomorrow. I'll faint for sure. Damn."
He almost didn't come to school today because he don't want me to be shy. Haha. Stupid reason. When he came to school, I can feel the awkwardness. I swear man. My cheeks started to blush. My hands started to sweat like fuck. And I got butterflies in my stomach.
Kay, we didn't talk to each other like how we used to. Seriously. That's the sad part. But the good thing is that it is reasonable. I can't even talk to him! I don't know why. Haha. But I still got my pooh ^^ Thank you gemooookkkkkk !~
During break, Marissa and I stayed in class. Then suddenly, I felt the urge to flip through his foolscap. And I read. It was so sad I tell you. It makes me feel guilty for not talking to him. He thinks I hate him. He thinks he ruined my life. He thinks I'm sad about this. And he thinks I am not going out with him on his birthday. Marissa, always being the sweet one, told me to write him a letter. So, she assisted me when I wrote it. Heh. Illa, your so pathetic.
When he read the letter, I can see he felt even more shy. So, I felt twice as shy. Fool. Haha. Then, I received a text from him. He didn't admit it was him who wrote it. When he knows I recognised his handwriting & language so well. Don't lie to me. I know your face when you are about to lie. Okay? Good. (:
That's one advantage of falling in like with your bestfriend. You know too much about each other, you can't lie. Haha. Too bad.
Towards the end, we finally talked like normal bestfriends. Haha. And, I will go out with you for your birthday. But if I have a last minute cancellation, I promise, I'll make it up for you.
Chiows~ Xoxo.
Labels: another day

Written on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 @ 8:10 PM
Time check: 7:52 PM.
Do you believe in the saying, "Sometimes your best guy friend is the guy you'll fall for, be with"?
Well, I'm happy that I am over with Arep. Seriously, it's like, when I think about it, I feel stupid. Why would I waste my time on someone who doesn't love me back? But I guess, I have a little problem that I can't say because he knows my blog link. Easy said, I don't understand myself.
Yes, of course. He's the one who lifts me up when I'm down, give me a listening ear when I have no one to turn to, advice me when I needed some, pampers me with his drawings, entertain me when I can't sleep, "wipe" my tears when I cry. That's what I love about him. He's someone I can trust. Someone who changed my whole life. I swear.
But the unexpected happened. I got to know some things and maybe he heard it too. Whenever I look at him, I don't feel like as if we were what we used to be; best of friends. I feel awkward when he's around. I feel so.. What the hell Illa? Out of all guys.. him?! Yes, that way.
Tell you guys what, I'll let this feeling stay whenever they want to. And I'll just wait to see if rumors sometimes do come true.
And, thanks a lot babe. THANKS A LOT. You actually destroyed half of his hopes. Now, I don't like you & your boyfriend. Since you don't like him. Learn to keep opinions to yourself and not be a bitch. You really have no heart. And this is not for Marissa.
Labels: tsk.

12:52 AM
Alhamdullilah. I managed to win Kak Ayu's heart by catching up with the steps. Now, I am one of my sister's species. Nyeahahah! What can I say? It runs in the blood ^^ Well, for me. For some of you, if you think I don't fit, then think again. Cause I won't be accepted if I hadn't danced well.
Supposedly, I had to go to speech day rehearsal today, 3 to 6. Unfortunately, on the Saturday, I had promised Kak Ayu to come for her practice from 4 to 6 at Little India, not knowing that there was going to be a rehearsal on Monday.
I was late. I reached the place at around 4.15. Much apologies. But I managed to catch up with the rest. & surprisingly, it took only 2 days for both me & sister to learn the steps. Of course, there were some bitches who wasn't happy about it. Duh. There's at least a bitch in everything u do. Agree? Yes.
Oh! And and, you know theres this fella.. Only my sister knows. A mixture of this and that = simple irresistable. Hehhhhh. Kan kakak kan? Blueks. ;D
Accompanied sister to her following practice at the same venue from 7 to 10+. Shahrul, sister and I waited for Shasha & gang at the Dhoby Ghaut MRT. Mcm princess nan prince uh dorg. Serious. Haha. We almost thought we were going to miss the last train because we missed 3-5 trains just to wait for them. Shahrul was already being a dramaqueen, like always, saying, "Habes. Kite smer ton. Besok g skola complain I missed the last train!" Haha. He sounds energetic even when he said he was tired.
Ayah fetched us from Tampines Interchange. Reached home less than 10 minutes. Change clothes, eat, laptooopppp! Haha.
Congratulations to EQ for getting through the Anugerah audition. All the best for the upcoming shows. GO EQ! Whooooo~Labels: a very busy day

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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