Written on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Beautiful, isn't it? Yesterday, school went as per normal. The first few periods, I spent time taking down emails & handphone numbers from my classmates. Mr Tan asked me to. Then, we decided to pay a tribute to our late classmate - Murni Melati Bte Abdullah. As Mr Tan dictated his speech with much sorrow and as the memories in my mind started to play like old films, I cried. Today, school was just another schooling day. Pfft. Mundane, like always. Sat beside baby for most of the lessons. He was making a fool out of himself. Him, like you don't know. Hah. I scribbled my notes. And next Wednesday, it's our 2 months. Yea? Haha. Ms Selena, the school counseller, made an appointment with me. Supposedly, I had to go for counselling either during break time or after school. But after school, she was counselling my classmate. So, she scheduled the appoinment to tomorrow during lessons. Hah! Short escape. Sweet momma ^^ The guy of my dreams. Is he right in front of me, in disguise? Or is he already mine? Md Akhbar Bin Safah, the nicest boyfriend I have ever had. Understanding, caring, lovable, hugable, kissable (huat-air-varrrr!), kind, loyal.. Just everything a girl needs, easy said. I thought that by telling him, it would turn into an argument. But he was so nice to let me say what I wanna say. Apart from that, he understood what I was going thru. I love you, dearest (: Labels: be happy yaw :D

Written on Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Omg. I am so sorry for not posting the other day. I've forgotten that I've got plans with my family.
I don't know why I am losing appetite day by day. I have to force myself to eat & in the end I feel like vomiting. It's so gross, the feeling. Erk. Then, I got a headache. I thought it was just a normal one. But it was so bad that I couldn't even sleep. Yea, the sleeping beauty couldn't sleep! That's so horrible. It's like, 3-4 scoops & done. I can't stuff myself with food anymore. What's wrong with me!? Am I dying? 0.0
Ok, I think I wanna start living my life to the fullest from now onwards. Hah. What the fuck, Illa. Nonsense.
Transformers 2 was off the hook! And did I tell you Hannah Montana The Movie was kindda nice? Hah. Yea. I'm not really a fan, but it was nice. Transformers 2 is a must see. Shia LeBouf is cute (: Sorry boyfriend, I couldn't resist him like how I couldn't resist you. Hehh. No worries, I still love you more than anything else because Shia Lebouf is a 0.001% chance. Haha. Again, nonsense.
Baby, it's 10 more days to 2 months. And guess what? I'm sure that I'll be loving you long time (:
My stomach's grumbling again D: I am not hungry, but I feel like puking now. Seriously. And fortunately/unfortunately, school's 7 hours away! I don't know how to react. I miss my friends, I don't miss school. But I miss school & at the same time, I wanna stay home. Get me? I know you don't.
Did I mention; my dad's getting me a MacBook. Obviously, I was kidding around. But he said, "Ok. I'll buy for you one. But after I get you one, you must promise me that you won't stick your eyes to the laptop 24/7." I just grinned like a clown. But mom's against dad. She said, "You wanna buy her one? Ha. Don't. She'll stick her ass on the bed with her laptop right in front off her eyes whenever she's home. Furthermore, if she owns one, it's hard for us to make her move cause I bet she won't listen." And dad said, "It's okay. I'd still buy her one." And mom gave me that face & said, "You know he can get you that in just a blink of an eye." I gave her the innocent face & said, "But I was just kidding! It wasn't my fault he took it seriously!" I feel like a spoilt brat, omg! But I'm thinking twice about it. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, yes. But I think I'd flop real bad if he buys me one.
And I cut my fringe because I was irritated. Suddenly, I feel like I'm just starting my Sec 1 life. Shy, nervous. Haha. Lame, I know.
I'm gonna get my ass off this chair for now. I'll update again when I'm surfing the net - which is like, almost everyday! ;D

Written on Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 3:02 AM
I am awake. Doing things that isn't really important to you guys. But to me, it is. Soon you'll know what I'm talking bout. Only Certain people knows.
I am suffering back & shoulder cramps! Baby just got to sleep. Baaah! Slacked with member lame laa kan. Haha. No. Just my abang tersayang lorrr (: Big brother eh? Heh.
Shan't elaborate any further. Will keep you guys updated tomorrow wokays? And I'm very sorry for not updating. I know, my blog have been catching up dust. I have to much too handle right now. Hopefully, when I am adapted to this new thing, I can balance my time well. Haha.
So yea. Till tomorrow! I think I need to sleep. Someone said my eyebags's are gaining weight. Asshole. Hahahah! Ok, night (:Labels: a very busy day

Written on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 5:38 PM
Its kindda eye-catching. So its kindda random (:
Sorry for the unusual late post. I mean, for the pass few days I have been updating early and today not that early, I guess. Heh.
Moving on!
Woke up at 11:15am and dolled myself up - just a simple one - to go to Tampines Mall and Tampines 1 with sister. We really needed new bags, pronto. Haha. Maid complained that we got lots of bag on top of our wardrobe and still, we keep on buying bags. It's just some kind of hobby, y'know?
Perhaps we were feeling a little down so we decide to cheer up by giving ourselves a treat. We wanted to buy some Diva stuffs but we were much more in love with the ones at Montip. Maybe next time aye? Not forgetting Mini Bits. We bought ourselves a necklace each.
Am I feeling a bit too frustrated about someone cuddling my baby pooh? I mean, if its sister, I'd allow. Because we both got the same body scent. But little brother ain't the suspect. The smell's way much smellier. And it smells like The Maid. What the fuck! How I know? Effah ever gave me a heart shaped pillow. And before The Maid came to work for us, the thing have been smelling so good, I tell you. Until the day when I found out she uses it to sleep. And I smelled that pillow just now to compare the smell that sticked on baby pooh's head. And its the same! Am I so frustrated or what!?
Pity baby pooh. I feel like crying ):Labels: hell NOO.

Written on Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 1:39 PM

Aren't they the cutest little thang? For now, I have nothing to say but to tell you guys that I spent 2 hours reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult and the other 2 hours playing with soft toy Baby Pooh - the one that baby gave. Yes, I did. I feel like a 2 year-old now. Heh. That makes it 4 hours of rotting at home!
I need kachings to go out. Help?
P/S; I may and may not be updating later _-_Labels: no labels

Written on Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 10:06 AM

To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. Ugh. I am still thinking of it! The memories are playing in my head like films. Honestly, I miss her. I can't accept the fact that she left us. She's gone to the other side of the world; Heaven. When I think of the days I talked about her behind her back, it makes me feel guilty. And that made me cry. Not so bad though. I cried bad enough yesterday as soon as I saw the corpse.
Ok, I'm not gonna think about it. Ok? Good.
The Hi Tea at Royal Plaza Hotel, Carousel, the other day was off the hook! I couldn't stop myself from gaining weight. Haha. I ate plates of food. And there was a chocolate fountain, the most favourite one. Haha. I want more of it. Hehs. Happy 4th Birthday Nurin 'Aliyah. Although you have been such an ass lately, I love you. May you grow up to be a very intelligent girl. Pictures will be updated in multiply soon. And picture of 'Aliyah will be posted soon (:
Did I mention; baby broke his nail while playing his guitar. Hahahah! Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 3:08 PM
[/edit]  Al-FatehaMurni Melati Bte Abdullah August 28 1993 - June 20 2009
I am so sad. I feel so bad. I feel so guilty. I guess it's too late for me to apologise. She's gone for good. Well, Allah wants her back in His arms. He doesn't want her to face so much problems. I am really sad for her. She's a strong girl though. She still stand up for herself when people look down on her. I'll always remember you. Rest in peace, dearest friend. We all love you.
I am sorry I wasn't the good friend you want me to be. I am sorry I acted rudely towards you despite your health. I am sorry I couldn't give you the listening ear when you were feeling the pain deep inside you.
Goodbye my dear friend, Murni Melati Bte Abdullah. Labels: this is for u

Written on Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 10:36 AM

See for yourself why. Isn't she drop dead gorgeous?
I so wanna be her. She seems so pretty with or without make-up. Omg, now I sound like a stalker or even a lesbian. Erk. No, never.
Ok, it's gonna be like this. When I get married, I wanna have 3 weddings. First, traditional malay wedding where all my old aunts and uncles gather together. Trust me, only my relatives can make up to a thousand people. Second, at the beach where my beloved, closest friend and only my family comes (small beach party), also very casual. Third, at Mariott Hotel where we get back to the 80's! This is when I am going to dress up like Audrey Hepburn. This is also where my business partners comes in.
Big dreams eh? Hahahahaha! Go ahead, laugh your ass off. Even I am laughing my ass off. But who knows, it may be true. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. Yea? Haha.
Ok, I'm gonna start dolling myself up now. I'm leaving at 1:30pm. Goodbye loves.(I think there'll be 3 posts for today. Hah!)
P/S: Why isn't baby replying to my messages? Is he still drooling like a pig or is he at work? Labels: what do you think ?

8:03 AM

I need new heels, pronto! I'm outta heels. Maybe one day, I should shop for shoes! Good idea eh? Heh. And again, I woke up early. I woke up at 5. This time it's because of little brother. He claims that a lizard crawled on his body. He's insane, I tell you. That's the first incident of a lizard in my room! He woke almost the whole house up, man. Yeah, he did. Obviously, sister and I woke up first because he jumped onto our bed and shrieked for help. What a girl he can be. *sighs* Today, family and I would be going for a High Tea to celebrate 'Aliyah's advance birthday. Oh yes. And did I tell you 'Aliyah actually tore one side of my Maxi Eyes contact lens into half? What a kid. She should be thankful she's just 4. A spoilt 4. Seriously, she's so high class. For a 4 years old, she prefers eating in high class restaurants. Really. And like every little girl, she wants to be a princess. An evil one perhaps. *groans* Not forgetting, she's a wild child. Trust me. Watch a movie with many french kissing scenes with the lights off, curtains closed and air conditioner on. After the movie end, she would pull you down and she'll start french kissing you. I believe that by the age of 10 she's gonna have a boyfriend already. Hah. You see, people blame us - sister and I - for teaching small kids these kindda things. It's television you guys! And small kids have brains too. 'Aliyah claims she has a boyfriend which is a 6-year-old ok. I swear. Everytime, she would pretend she's talking to him on the phone. Don't believe me? Ask Fadhli. Okay, why the hell am I making 'Aliyah a topic? Haha. Maybe because tomorrow's her birthday and I'm afraid she would be worse? Haha. Neah, I don't think so. I haven't pick an outfit to wear to later's High Tea. Help? Labels: another story

Written on Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 5:28 AM

A true love doesn't mean we share common things. It may also mean to overcome each others differences. At least, that's what I think. I need a hug. I don't know why. I'm just craving for it. Haha. By the way, the quote in italics above was done by me. I'm serious. I created it out of boredom. *smiles* Sister's getting happier day by day. Well, me too. I am happy for her. At least she moved on. Yea? And for Smoovie, do take good care of her. She has a very fragile heart. Make her cry, I'll make you suffer. I ain't afraid of no fighter. (: Haha. Whatever siak Illa. Kay, good luck in progressing aites you two. I need baby badly. I don't know why. I guess I'm also craving for him? Heh. I know, that's lame. But it's not wrong to miss your boyfriend, right Marissa? Even you miss your loverboy. 1 day is like 1 year in the girl's world, right Shaffy? You miss your bby because you haven't been meeting him for 2 days. Haha. I'm in love with my girlfriends. Oh-my-gawd, say that again! Yes, I love my girlfriends ;D Not in a stalkerish way okay. I feel like a loser. I mean, lately, I just rot at home and watch Vlogs from different channels. I guess that explains why I wanna Vlog so badly? Haha. It's 5:15 in the morning. Grandparents and little borther are up to have breakfast. They're fasting today (: 5 days down, 2 more to go! And I don't need to fast anymore till mid August, if I'm not mistaken. Hah! Oh yes. I would like to do some add ons. What the fuck? Haha. Ok. Erm, I heard the movie "My Sister's Keeper" is coming out. Aunt has bought the book. Sister and I will be reading it before school starts! 
The girl on the left is known as Anna. The girl on the right is known as Kate. It's a must read! :DDD I think I'm done with what I have to say here. Goodmorning loves, I'm not off to bed (:
Labels: im so excited

Written on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 4:36 PM
 When I saw you, I was afraid of meeting you. When I met you, I was afraid of kissing you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I'm afraid of losing you. This is rather random. Much apologies for not updating. Last Monday's pit turns out to be fun! Despite the fact that the Chinese didn't turn up because they didn't wanna chip in money for the pit. That was the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Thanks though. We still bonded well without you guys. I mean, we were there to partay! Oh yes we were. Pictures have been uploaded to my multiply. Just to let you guys know, I am missing baby like there's no tomorrow. At the same time, I feel so sad for his mummy. And also, Nana. Well, in my opinion, she's not really at fault. After all, she's just 11. And in addition, I would like to convey this message. I AM ROTTING AT HOME. I WANNA VLOG, BADLY!Yeah! That's me. Clever human beings. Any suggestions on what I should do to get rid of this boredom? Fee's beside me. Waiting for her turn to upload her pictures into her facebook. Wuahaha! Tell you what babe, wait. Heheh.
Not forgetting, thanks baby for that baby pooh you gave me. I am so sorry I left it at the barbecue pit. At least, I called you back immediately to ask you to keep it with you for the meantime. Heh. I was expecting you to get mad at me but you didn't. How understanding. And for that, I love you! And another thing, I realise I have been ordering you around. I feel so bad. You are the nicest human being that ever existed in my life. I am sorry if I treat you so unfairly. And for that, I love you more. Labels: i love bby~

Written on Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 3:42 AM
First of all, I never had the intention of ruining Purbanira Seni's name. I never go around telling people you guys are bunch of bitches or whatsoever you think I did. I can swear to Allah I didn't do any of it.
Second, when ever did I say I was the only one? And who said I was never appreciative about what malay dance had made me into? Damn it man, you guys don't know how much I always talked about Purbanira Seni with my family sampaikan dorang naik jelak. Also, I never said I was the one big thang. Because I know I wasn't.
Thirdly, call me whatever you want. All I know is that, I was planning to quit. I didn't quit. Then suddenly I heard that I'm not part of Purbanira Seni. So, I take it as you guys throw me out. At that time, I really didn't know if I should.
Lastly, kalaulah memang Illa muka tak tau malu, I wouldn't have said no to their invitation to Malay Dance's Pit.
I made a big fuss because I was freaking sad ok. I admit. I wanted to make myself forget bout ya'll. Don't believe me? Ask Amy Liyana. I kept on asking bout malay dance.
Demi Allah laa eh, I am stating the facts here. If you guys ever thought I was ruining your reputation..
From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry, I never meant to make you guys feel so insulted.Labels: no labels.

Written on Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 5:18 PM
What should I talk about today? As you can see, I have no topic. I am so sleepy. So Annah, what happened? Hehhh.
Few days back, I talked with Hakeem on the phone. Haha. I know, so expected. But this time, I didn't fall for him again! Instead, I love baby more and more. Heh. Kay Illa, macam paham. Sister's fasting next Monday. I wanna join but it's the 8TH! You guys know what happens on the 8th.
Oh yes, I suddenly got this feeling back. Some feeling no one knows but sister. I feel SIR-TOO-PIT. Not about malay dance eh. Please. Not even about Hakeem, no! About something else. Damn it. Why Illa? Why? Haha. Kaay. Whatever! I've got an announcement to make.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. I am in love with Lucas. Lucas who? Lucas Till. Who is he? My boyfriend.
Kk. Presenting.. Lucas Till I know, I know. He's hot and stuffs. Back off people, he's mine (: Nyeahahah! ;DDDD

Written on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Beautiful, isn't it? Yesterday, school went as per normal. The first few periods, I spent time taking down emails & handphone numbers from my classmates. Mr Tan asked me to. Then, we decided to pay a tribute to our late classmate - Murni Melati Bte Abdullah. As Mr Tan dictated his speech with much sorrow and as the memories in my mind started to play like old films, I cried. Today, school was just another schooling day. Pfft. Mundane, like always. Sat beside baby for most of the lessons. He was making a fool out of himself. Him, like you don't know. Hah. I scribbled my notes. And next Wednesday, it's our 2 months. Yea? Haha. Ms Selena, the school counseller, made an appointment with me. Supposedly, I had to go for counselling either during break time or after school. But after school, she was counselling my classmate. So, she scheduled the appoinment to tomorrow during lessons. Hah! Short escape. Sweet momma ^^ The guy of my dreams. Is he right in front of me, in disguise? Or is he already mine? Md Akhbar Bin Safah, the nicest boyfriend I have ever had. Understanding, caring, lovable, hugable, kissable (huat-air-varrrr!), kind, loyal.. Just everything a girl needs, easy said. I thought that by telling him, it would turn into an argument. But he was so nice to let me say what I wanna say. Apart from that, he understood what I was going thru. I love you, dearest (: Labels: be happy yaw :D

Written on Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Omg. I am so sorry for not posting the other day. I've forgotten that I've got plans with my family.
I don't know why I am losing appetite day by day. I have to force myself to eat & in the end I feel like vomiting. It's so gross, the feeling. Erk. Then, I got a headache. I thought it was just a normal one. But it was so bad that I couldn't even sleep. Yea, the sleeping beauty couldn't sleep! That's so horrible. It's like, 3-4 scoops & done. I can't stuff myself with food anymore. What's wrong with me!? Am I dying? 0.0
Ok, I think I wanna start living my life to the fullest from now onwards. Hah. What the fuck, Illa. Nonsense.
Transformers 2 was off the hook! And did I tell you Hannah Montana The Movie was kindda nice? Hah. Yea. I'm not really a fan, but it was nice. Transformers 2 is a must see. Shia LeBouf is cute (: Sorry boyfriend, I couldn't resist him like how I couldn't resist you. Hehh. No worries, I still love you more than anything else because Shia Lebouf is a 0.001% chance. Haha. Again, nonsense.
Baby, it's 10 more days to 2 months. And guess what? I'm sure that I'll be loving you long time (:
My stomach's grumbling again D: I am not hungry, but I feel like puking now. Seriously. And fortunately/unfortunately, school's 7 hours away! I don't know how to react. I miss my friends, I don't miss school. But I miss school & at the same time, I wanna stay home. Get me? I know you don't.
Did I mention; my dad's getting me a MacBook. Obviously, I was kidding around. But he said, "Ok. I'll buy for you one. But after I get you one, you must promise me that you won't stick your eyes to the laptop 24/7." I just grinned like a clown. But mom's against dad. She said, "You wanna buy her one? Ha. Don't. She'll stick her ass on the bed with her laptop right in front off her eyes whenever she's home. Furthermore, if she owns one, it's hard for us to make her move cause I bet she won't listen." And dad said, "It's okay. I'd still buy her one." And mom gave me that face & said, "You know he can get you that in just a blink of an eye." I gave her the innocent face & said, "But I was just kidding! It wasn't my fault he took it seriously!" I feel like a spoilt brat, omg! But I'm thinking twice about it. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, yes. But I think I'd flop real bad if he buys me one.
And I cut my fringe because I was irritated. Suddenly, I feel like I'm just starting my Sec 1 life. Shy, nervous. Haha. Lame, I know.
I'm gonna get my ass off this chair for now. I'll update again when I'm surfing the net - which is like, almost everyday! ;D

Written on Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 3:02 AM
I am awake. Doing things that isn't really important to you guys. But to me, it is. Soon you'll know what I'm talking bout. Only Certain people knows.
I am suffering back & shoulder cramps! Baby just got to sleep. Baaah! Slacked with member lame laa kan. Haha. No. Just my abang tersayang lorrr (: Big brother eh? Heh.
Shan't elaborate any further. Will keep you guys updated tomorrow wokays? And I'm very sorry for not updating. I know, my blog have been catching up dust. I have to much too handle right now. Hopefully, when I am adapted to this new thing, I can balance my time well. Haha.
So yea. Till tomorrow! I think I need to sleep. Someone said my eyebags's are gaining weight. Asshole. Hahahah! Ok, night (:Labels: a very busy day

Written on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 5:38 PM
Its kindda eye-catching. So its kindda random (:
Sorry for the unusual late post. I mean, for the pass few days I have been updating early and today not that early, I guess. Heh.
Moving on!
Woke up at 11:15am and dolled myself up - just a simple one - to go to Tampines Mall and Tampines 1 with sister. We really needed new bags, pronto. Haha. Maid complained that we got lots of bag on top of our wardrobe and still, we keep on buying bags. It's just some kind of hobby, y'know?
Perhaps we were feeling a little down so we decide to cheer up by giving ourselves a treat. We wanted to buy some Diva stuffs but we were much more in love with the ones at Montip. Maybe next time aye? Not forgetting Mini Bits. We bought ourselves a necklace each.
Am I feeling a bit too frustrated about someone cuddling my baby pooh? I mean, if its sister, I'd allow. Because we both got the same body scent. But little brother ain't the suspect. The smell's way much smellier. And it smells like The Maid. What the fuck! How I know? Effah ever gave me a heart shaped pillow. And before The Maid came to work for us, the thing have been smelling so good, I tell you. Until the day when I found out she uses it to sleep. And I smelled that pillow just now to compare the smell that sticked on baby pooh's head. And its the same! Am I so frustrated or what!?
Pity baby pooh. I feel like crying ):Labels: hell NOO.

Written on Monday, June 22, 2009 @ 1:39 PM

Aren't they the cutest little thang? For now, I have nothing to say but to tell you guys that I spent 2 hours reading Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult and the other 2 hours playing with soft toy Baby Pooh - the one that baby gave. Yes, I did. I feel like a 2 year-old now. Heh. That makes it 4 hours of rotting at home!
I need kachings to go out. Help?
P/S; I may and may not be updating later _-_Labels: no labels

Written on Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 10:06 AM

To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die. Ugh. I am still thinking of it! The memories are playing in my head like films. Honestly, I miss her. I can't accept the fact that she left us. She's gone to the other side of the world; Heaven. When I think of the days I talked about her behind her back, it makes me feel guilty. And that made me cry. Not so bad though. I cried bad enough yesterday as soon as I saw the corpse.
Ok, I'm not gonna think about it. Ok? Good.
The Hi Tea at Royal Plaza Hotel, Carousel, the other day was off the hook! I couldn't stop myself from gaining weight. Haha. I ate plates of food. And there was a chocolate fountain, the most favourite one. Haha. I want more of it. Hehs. Happy 4th Birthday Nurin 'Aliyah. Although you have been such an ass lately, I love you. May you grow up to be a very intelligent girl. Pictures will be updated in multiply soon. And picture of 'Aliyah will be posted soon (:
Did I mention; baby broke his nail while playing his guitar. Hahahah! Labels: love; illa syakilah

Written on Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 3:08 PM
[/edit]  Al-FatehaMurni Melati Bte Abdullah August 28 1993 - June 20 2009
I am so sad. I feel so bad. I feel so guilty. I guess it's too late for me to apologise. She's gone for good. Well, Allah wants her back in His arms. He doesn't want her to face so much problems. I am really sad for her. She's a strong girl though. She still stand up for herself when people look down on her. I'll always remember you. Rest in peace, dearest friend. We all love you.
I am sorry I wasn't the good friend you want me to be. I am sorry I acted rudely towards you despite your health. I am sorry I couldn't give you the listening ear when you were feeling the pain deep inside you.
Goodbye my dear friend, Murni Melati Bte Abdullah. Labels: this is for u

Written on Friday, June 19, 2009 @ 10:36 AM

See for yourself why. Isn't she drop dead gorgeous?
I so wanna be her. She seems so pretty with or without make-up. Omg, now I sound like a stalker or even a lesbian. Erk. No, never.
Ok, it's gonna be like this. When I get married, I wanna have 3 weddings. First, traditional malay wedding where all my old aunts and uncles gather together. Trust me, only my relatives can make up to a thousand people. Second, at the beach where my beloved, closest friend and only my family comes (small beach party), also very casual. Third, at Mariott Hotel where we get back to the 80's! This is when I am going to dress up like Audrey Hepburn. This is also where my business partners comes in.
Big dreams eh? Hahahahaha! Go ahead, laugh your ass off. Even I am laughing my ass off. But who knows, it may be true. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit. Yea? Haha.
Ok, I'm gonna start dolling myself up now. I'm leaving at 1:30pm. Goodbye loves.(I think there'll be 3 posts for today. Hah!)
P/S: Why isn't baby replying to my messages? Is he still drooling like a pig or is he at work? Labels: what do you think ?

8:03 AM

I need new heels, pronto! I'm outta heels. Maybe one day, I should shop for shoes! Good idea eh? Heh. And again, I woke up early. I woke up at 5. This time it's because of little brother. He claims that a lizard crawled on his body. He's insane, I tell you. That's the first incident of a lizard in my room! He woke almost the whole house up, man. Yeah, he did. Obviously, sister and I woke up first because he jumped onto our bed and shrieked for help. What a girl he can be. *sighs* Today, family and I would be going for a High Tea to celebrate 'Aliyah's advance birthday. Oh yes. And did I tell you 'Aliyah actually tore one side of my Maxi Eyes contact lens into half? What a kid. She should be thankful she's just 4. A spoilt 4. Seriously, she's so high class. For a 4 years old, she prefers eating in high class restaurants. Really. And like every little girl, she wants to be a princess. An evil one perhaps. *groans* Not forgetting, she's a wild child. Trust me. Watch a movie with many french kissing scenes with the lights off, curtains closed and air conditioner on. After the movie end, she would pull you down and she'll start french kissing you. I believe that by the age of 10 she's gonna have a boyfriend already. Hah. You see, people blame us - sister and I - for teaching small kids these kindda things. It's television you guys! And small kids have brains too. 'Aliyah claims she has a boyfriend which is a 6-year-old ok. I swear. Everytime, she would pretend she's talking to him on the phone. Don't believe me? Ask Fadhli. Okay, why the hell am I making 'Aliyah a topic? Haha. Maybe because tomorrow's her birthday and I'm afraid she would be worse? Haha. Neah, I don't think so. I haven't pick an outfit to wear to later's High Tea. Help? Labels: another story

Written on Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 5:28 AM

A true love doesn't mean we share common things. It may also mean to overcome each others differences. At least, that's what I think. I need a hug. I don't know why. I'm just craving for it. Haha. By the way, the quote in italics above was done by me. I'm serious. I created it out of boredom. *smiles* Sister's getting happier day by day. Well, me too. I am happy for her. At least she moved on. Yea? And for Smoovie, do take good care of her. She has a very fragile heart. Make her cry, I'll make you suffer. I ain't afraid of no fighter. (: Haha. Whatever siak Illa. Kay, good luck in progressing aites you two. I need baby badly. I don't know why. I guess I'm also craving for him? Heh. I know, that's lame. But it's not wrong to miss your boyfriend, right Marissa? Even you miss your loverboy. 1 day is like 1 year in the girl's world, right Shaffy? You miss your bby because you haven't been meeting him for 2 days. Haha. I'm in love with my girlfriends. Oh-my-gawd, say that again! Yes, I love my girlfriends ;D Not in a stalkerish way okay. I feel like a loser. I mean, lately, I just rot at home and watch Vlogs from different channels. I guess that explains why I wanna Vlog so badly? Haha. It's 5:15 in the morning. Grandparents and little borther are up to have breakfast. They're fasting today (: 5 days down, 2 more to go! And I don't need to fast anymore till mid August, if I'm not mistaken. Hah! Oh yes. I would like to do some add ons. What the fuck? Haha. Ok. Erm, I heard the movie "My Sister's Keeper" is coming out. Aunt has bought the book. Sister and I will be reading it before school starts! 
The girl on the left is known as Anna. The girl on the right is known as Kate. It's a must read! :DDD I think I'm done with what I have to say here. Goodmorning loves, I'm not off to bed (:
Labels: im so excited

Written on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 4:36 PM
 When I saw you, I was afraid of meeting you. When I met you, I was afraid of kissing you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I'm afraid of losing you. This is rather random. Much apologies for not updating. Last Monday's pit turns out to be fun! Despite the fact that the Chinese didn't turn up because they didn't wanna chip in money for the pit. That was the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Thanks though. We still bonded well without you guys. I mean, we were there to partay! Oh yes we were. Pictures have been uploaded to my multiply. Just to let you guys know, I am missing baby like there's no tomorrow. At the same time, I feel so sad for his mummy. And also, Nana. Well, in my opinion, she's not really at fault. After all, she's just 11. And in addition, I would like to convey this message. I AM ROTTING AT HOME. I WANNA VLOG, BADLY!Yeah! That's me. Clever human beings. Any suggestions on what I should do to get rid of this boredom? Fee's beside me. Waiting for her turn to upload her pictures into her facebook. Wuahaha! Tell you what babe, wait. Heheh.
Not forgetting, thanks baby for that baby pooh you gave me. I am so sorry I left it at the barbecue pit. At least, I called you back immediately to ask you to keep it with you for the meantime. Heh. I was expecting you to get mad at me but you didn't. How understanding. And for that, I love you! And another thing, I realise I have been ordering you around. I feel so bad. You are the nicest human being that ever existed in my life. I am sorry if I treat you so unfairly. And for that, I love you more. Labels: i love bby~

Written on Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 3:42 AM
First of all, I never had the intention of ruining Purbanira Seni's name. I never go around telling people you guys are bunch of bitches or whatsoever you think I did. I can swear to Allah I didn't do any of it.
Second, when ever did I say I was the only one? And who said I was never appreciative about what malay dance had made me into? Damn it man, you guys don't know how much I always talked about Purbanira Seni with my family sampaikan dorang naik jelak. Also, I never said I was the one big thang. Because I know I wasn't.
Thirdly, call me whatever you want. All I know is that, I was planning to quit. I didn't quit. Then suddenly I heard that I'm not part of Purbanira Seni. So, I take it as you guys throw me out. At that time, I really didn't know if I should.
Lastly, kalaulah memang Illa muka tak tau malu, I wouldn't have said no to their invitation to Malay Dance's Pit.
I made a big fuss because I was freaking sad ok. I admit. I wanted to make myself forget bout ya'll. Don't believe me? Ask Amy Liyana. I kept on asking bout malay dance.
Demi Allah laa eh, I am stating the facts here. If you guys ever thought I was ruining your reputation..
From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry, I never meant to make you guys feel so insulted.Labels: no labels.

Written on Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 5:18 PM
What should I talk about today? As you can see, I have no topic. I am so sleepy. So Annah, what happened? Hehhh.
Few days back, I talked with Hakeem on the phone. Haha. I know, so expected. But this time, I didn't fall for him again! Instead, I love baby more and more. Heh. Kay Illa, macam paham. Sister's fasting next Monday. I wanna join but it's the 8TH! You guys know what happens on the 8th.
Oh yes, I suddenly got this feeling back. Some feeling no one knows but sister. I feel SIR-TOO-PIT. Not about malay dance eh. Please. Not even about Hakeem, no! About something else. Damn it. Why Illa? Why? Haha. Kaay. Whatever! I've got an announcement to make.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. I am in love with Lucas. Lucas who? Lucas Till. Who is he? My boyfriend.
Kk. Presenting.. Lucas Till I know, I know. He's hot and stuffs. Back off people, he's mine (: Nyeahahah! ;DDDD

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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