Written on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 2:46 AM
hello people, today's horrible. i got into a fight during recess. & almost everyone in the school hear me shout. even i am shocked. i didn't know i was shouting so loudly. everybody looked. but, i was to angry to even bother. boyfee was there to calm me down. gretchen too. thanks.
i appreciate those who support me. & i think they are the 2N1 chinese people. really. ain't joking around. i feel lazy to say whatever i did today. after school, went to macs to eat. then around 2.50pm, we went back to school for malay dance. finished at 5.30+pm. im sorry i didn't call you boyfee. i was having a heavy headache. the dance includes turning around like a spinning top (: but i liked the dance. it was a mixture of the different culture for national day. there was, indian, chinese & malay dance in it. but all performed by the malay dancers. yay us!
really, i've got nothing to say. reached home at 6. less than 5 mins, tutor came. so, theres no rest in between. after that, did homework & fell asleep. wanted to call boyfee but having headahe. as i have mentioned earlier. when i checked my phone, an unknown number called me 8 times, followed by ________. guess. i can't tell. because if i do, there will be misunderstandings.
ade ke u call me sombong? eh hello. u more sombong ok. ahaaa. sorry didnt pick up or reply. was sleeping uh. next time next time.
got four messages. 2 from boyfee. one from singtel. another one from _______. its the same person. i wont tell you the gender, i wont tell u the name. because its all not for you to know. hhes. ok, i think im done. but i have a message for adilah.
adilah, aku bukan nk besarbesarkan hal ni. but the way u react, it makes me fed up. da lame aku simpan & bersabar terhadap kau. tpi, kalau kau continue. i dont think i can stand it anymore. what the hell for? have i ever, in your life, in my life, maki kau? pernah? the most u can say is, stop. or maybe just make a small argument. tdi, aku memang tk berniat nk tengking kau. tapi, aku tanye kau skg. sape yg tinggitinggi kan badan? sape yg step big fcuk? kau kan? serious shit man. i was damn keeping it low, when u start to raise your voice little by little. so, i start the ball rolling uh. since u want it that way. kau ckp, kau tk goyang, tk gerak whatsoever shit laa ehh. abe aku ni takot uh kirekan? da uh. stop it uh. nk masok kan makbapak sume tk perlu uh. bukan aku takot uh. tapi, if u were to report about it, its all u fault. because i have never insulted u before. in fact, aku nk lebih rapat dengan kau so aku boleh tlg kau. think uh before kau marah. kau pikir time tu aku tk marah pe bile kau simbah air? aku marah siol. kau sabar je. aku tau kalau aku mrh, aku spoil the fun. aku play along sia. abe kau? ade? kau ckp je kau basahkan rambot aku je. aku tau laa mane kau simbah. badan aku pee. come on uh, kau da sec 2 siol. same same sec 2. umor same pee? nk step tuk pe kan? gado pon, nak complain. ape lagi? bile kau da besar, kau da kahwin, da ade anak. anak kau buat hal, kau complain mak bapak kau? lau laki kau tengking kau nk complain? irritating sia. ur parents cant be there for u 24/7. why can't u be independent & stand up for yourself? asal mesti, ade problem, cnfm mak bapak kau ade. kalau gitu, aku pon oleh. aku tkkn slow talk sia dgn kau lau memang aku nk pggl makbapak aku. aku tros pggl drg turon sia gitu. so, please ehh. nk marah marah. tpi, ingat. there's a limit to everything. & without u realising it, u have gone across mine.
salam sayang, illa ♥
Labels: another day

Written on Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
have not been updating for such awhile. & im sorry to make you read a dead blog. hhes. last 2 days, anyone rmbr what day it was? aha. my birthday! yeahh. so, i got a guitar, hair set, the teddy bear i showed you & some other stuffs im gonna get this coming friday. from fee & sister. hhes. idk where to start. tsk. ok, today, school was fine. almost every lesson i sat beside henry. he's a hand full, i tell ya. then, eqeen & fee had a small fight. & i have a message for eqeen.
eqeen, illa bukan nak kurang ajar. but, the truth is better than a lie. i know how you feel. but it was all a joke. a plain joke. no harms, no grudges, nothing. it was an unplanned prank. that name just came out of her mouth. & noura, me & fadhli don't know who's that guy. so, chill. & the sec 2s don't know. trust me. i wont ever betray you. unless you start the ball rolling uh. then, it would be war. hhes. so, this guy. back to him. nobody knows him. & there's a thousand other guys who have the same name as him. so just forget it & dont make the matter big. cause your just making us fed-up with you. on their behalf, i would like to apologise for pranking you. & frankly speaking, you should change that attitude you own. come on man, your a year older. byeee (:
today, sister's crazy. she did crazy laughs, crazy movements, crazy sounds, crazy talks. everything crazy. imagine, an O-level student stressed out. she's a mad monkey! ahaa. yeah sister, im talking. im currently eating an ice-cream. & i miss that chocolate ice-cream like wth? i wont feel like eating unless i get that chocolate ice-cream. weird uh? haha. i want that chocolate ice-cream!!!
i pity hakeem. like a lot. his hp slipped off his hand & the bus actually drove over it. how sad? he called sister & told her. haha. hard to believe aye? today's post, kindda short uh. i really have nothing to say. my minds empty. im out of words. & i miss my primary school bestie, FERRA FERDIANA BTE FERHAT. random uh. meet up soon, babe. love ya'll. & somehow, i feel like singing. nevermind. let me do the singing while the pictures do the talking? goood. & nadhir, specially for you. done ready uh! ahaa. if it rains, means the rain appreciates my voice. haha :DD
oh nevermind. i forgot that i actually haven't uploaded the pics. sorry yaw. im off to watching cinta fitri 2. & i miss MOMC & Shera. love ya'll.
salam sayang, illa ♥
Labels: no labels .

Written on Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 11:02 PM
Yosehyy people. School was a disaster today. I got a headache after recess, which is during history & accidentally slept. When I woke up, its already the next lesson. Which is SFL. Then, I slept again. Mdm Noreen talked about other teachers’ opinions towards our class while I slept. After which, we went to the lab, ITR2. Too much information huh? Ahaa. Continue reading.. then, we had to do this MOE survey about our school. After completing the survey, I went to youtube.com to watch the festari performance our school brought up. Ok laa. For me, not so bad uh. We still got the top 5. Amin. After school, met up with boyfee & kak fee along with her friends. Ashiqin tagged along. & surprisingly, a group of sec 1s gave me some advanced birthday kisses. Ahaa. When home with boyfee after sending ashiqin to bus stop. He sent me till my hse. Then gave me this cute thang, which I really really adore. Thanks by. [: Then, I got changed. I saw baby ‘Aliyah! Omg, I missed her. But she was sleeping. So, I didn’t disturb her. When she woke up, she ran to me with that baby accent. How cute. I love her like a lot. Then, I hugged her & kissed her many many times. She hugged me back & gave me a kiss. Awww. She saw the teddy bear boyfee gave & even she loves it. She wanted to bring it home. But, I loved that thing. Looking at her puppy sad eyes, I gave in & let her borrow it awhile. She actually played with it. She made my teddy into a baby (: cute.  I switched on the computer & signed in. Chatted with boyfee then along came my mr ex, hakeem. U remember him? I think you do. Tell you what, he’s still part of me. & im still part of him. In a friend-friend way, I guess. He asked me why I ignored him. & I told him everything. It was like a debate. But hejust kept quiet. He said I won. Haa. Then, we had this very small argument. & this is what he said. Music is like a world, almighty is the word. I hate to tell lies, but soul creates a life. Breathing pumps blood, energy moves like flood Heart consist of emotions & feelings are mainly affections. Illusion is only a lie, emotions is where love lies & here is where I place my feelings for you Now you know how empty my life would be without you, illa I have nothing else to say but please don’t ignore me If u still persist then idk what to do At least, a reply? I didn't reply but i hope he would read it here instead.
I cried for awhile then wept my tears. This is not what I expected. What should I do? Where should I go? Im confused & its driving me crazy. You are my past, maybe my last. But lets just see what fate brings us through. My heart belongs to someone & I shouldn’t play with it. Cause a heart, is not a toy. You should at least take care of it. Im sorry I had to ignore you. But I have my reasons too. Psst; birthday tmr. Whoo! My birthday. {: ahaa. im off to watching cinta fitri 2.
Salam Sayang, Illa ♥ Labels: done

Written on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 4:37 PM
hello. i came back home around 2.45 PM. & 3.59PM i decided to blog. hahs. k, lame. hello people. school was fine today. ashaari got his new shoes on tuesday just like i promised. hahs.
i found out the surprise amee wanted to give. it was a heart-shaped bracelet from nadhir. awwww. that was a sweet thang amee. but it was meant for you. right? not for me anymore. i love u laa oi! haha.
ystd, people thought i was crazy because i cried. like so suddenly. i was staring at the blank air. holding the heart-shaped bracelet in my hands. & without even realising, with that bracelet in my hand, i covered my whole face & cried. i gave u the clues. so, go figure the story yourself. omg, why is this happening?
last saturday was the big day. the fiestari. we won the 5th place. thats all. that day was really a competition. ami got sick, amy got rashes, kak ira got stomach ache. whoa. hah. but we still managed to get thru the whole thing.
& today itself, i found out ___________ liked me. & clever. he told ALL his friends. tmr's gonna be so havoc! haha. _________ admire illa - that would be kak mell. haishh. currently chatting with bradley, my Eurasian scandal. amcm? haha. sweet of him. & nadhir. yep.
psst; my birthday on the 25th! haha. illa illa. & to kakak, u know what i mean.
salam sayang, illa ♥Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

Written on Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 3:41 PM
yosehyy people. guess what? i got back home early today. & frankly speaking i miss him & nadhir. i know i know. seriously i miss them ok. although i have nothing to do with them anymore. how saaad. whatever, its still my fault. maybe. hah. amirah told me about nadhir. hope he's doing well uh. as for amirah, whats wrong with her? so happy suddenly. she said she's giving me a surprise tomorrow. & i am so curious + scared. what is it?
tomorrow's gonna be the last dance training for fiestari competition. & i am super scared. what if my mom still dont allow me to go? & what if i can go, but i make a mistake during the dance? i am so super scared. oh, btw, for those who wants to support me or east spring sec malay dancers, feel free to tag me or call me if u have my number. because i need to confirm who wants to go. and for shera, u can purchase the ticket(s) from me. just give me a call & tell me how many people. btw, its $5 per ticket. omg, now i realise that my hand is shaking like nobody's business. that's how nervous i am.
there's one day, when i was sleeping. i actually danced! omg, sleep dancing. scaryy. sister told me that. even my mom said it. that shows how semangat i am. or should i say, confident. but i am not! i think. tomorrow going uncle mike's place again. MOMC, here i come. heheh. ok laaa. i wanna do my history debate. so byee ehh. wish me leg.
love you people. salam sayang, illa ♥Labels: yeaa

Written on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 5:53 PM
chatted with noura. here's our convo.
NOURA says: u really think we aint cut out to be best friends anymore?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: im not sure. yourelf?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: yourself*
NOURA says: im nt sure too
NOURA says: look.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: yeah?
NOURA says: this aint working out.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i cn see that.
NOURA says: i cant tell u anything anymore
NOURA says: and u dnt seem like u can to me
NOURA says: its like, we dnt spend anytime with each other nymore
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i think its best if we mind our own business.
NOURA says: ok this sounds so mataer
NOURA says: but im serious
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: now, some people really think that i am a gangster. main baju. waliao.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i know, this is a relationship what! friend friend nye laa.
NOURA says: ya laa.
NOURA says: can we just be friens
NOURA says: ?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: like obviously sangat kan?
i'll miss you, bestfriend. those fun times & hard time, its unforgettable. we're just aint working out. sorry girl.Labels: yeaa

5:43 PM
 you know. people said, your true love will remain a secret. how long can it be kept? a thousand years? or when its about time? i think its none. have you ever heard of the song soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield? isn't it meaningful? i know, at this age its not really the time to think about love. but it always comes to my mind unconsciously. & in a blink, i would be wondering why i asked myself that. everytime someone will say, "do you know, whenever your thinking of someone, that someone thinks of you too?" & that makes me more curious. can i know my true love now? then, i am active in indonesian channels like SCTV. i love sinetrons. Cinta Fitri is one of them. & so, although its just episode by episode. it teaches me a lot about love. it makes a person think twice before scandaling. it is a very nice show. it teaches u to be faithful & strong. it shows u what a person will feel being one-sided. it teaches u that doesn't mean u are married to one, that is your true love. it might be your fate. it may turn the opposite & your true love can possibly be your own friend. or even someone u just met for a few days. see, impossible is nothing. nothing is impossible. everything is possible. so yeahh! even age dont matter. & you know what? i still love my ex. i feel awkward cause i suddenly talk about love. hah. random laaa. not because im in love or something. so yeah. hope you enjoy this boring talk of mine. hah.Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

5:02 PM
 yosehyyy. guess what? i buying for ari shoe. haha. no laaa. serious shit man, my mood all gone seyyy. this nenek uh, one day tk gado tk sah tau. tsk. i really geram gile siia. tk perlu main kepale pe siia. nk, ckp je uh. kepale sume tk perlu siia. aku fed up baru tau. kalau ikot kan hati da memang shoot je sume. thanks to ami laaa ehh. ily man. serious shit siia.
you seee. no more at least good english. all singlish. it means im super mad about this. tsk. actually wanted to blog bout fun stuffs. but someone just had to spoil my day. i mean, its my voice. whatever i wanna do with it, let it be laa sial. tk perlu tengking pe. so what if i dont want to sing my voice out? is there a law? no kan?
enough bout that. i think i'll just end it here. no mood to upload the pics. sorry people. my blog is where i get all fcuked up. so yeahh. dont ever think im venting it on you.
Labels: shithole

Written on Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 1:52 PM

Yosehyyy people. guess what? i went home at 3am yesterday. was at mayuni omar's music cafe, "jamming". Maklumlah, soon to be uncle mahh. Uncle Mike was super friendly. We sang and sang and sang. Dayang Nurfaizah came. It was a surprise advanced birthday party. Andandand! Naza, i love you. Hahah. My new boyfriend.
Me, Shahira & kakak, sang for her. Best kan? First public performance in front of paparazzi & celebs already. Hello, fyi, i never sing in public. As in, audience etc etc. Dayang is like a friend of ours, she laughs with us, talks to us & do what bestfriends do.
If this ceremony, i can already make friends with celebs, then how bout Uncle Mike & Cik Iba's wedding? Its gonna be super fun. U see, not all artists are impossible to befriend with. Revalina was there too. Haha. Not all celebs are arrogant. & i am so proud of mysel. I sang! Haha.
Hatiku Dihantui Bayanganmu
Sejak Kita Mula Bertemu ~
Shahira wants to do an album. She wants to make a group with me & kakak. Its like so easy for us to become one, Mayuni Omar's her abang ipar & our soon to be uncle. We can just ask him for a vocal training & poof, there goes an album. haha. bobal confident siak illa. Insya Allah. Kalau ade rezeki. Heheh. There goes my alim side.
The pictures will do the talking later laa kay?
Salam Sayang,
Illa ♥ Labels: Mike's

Written on Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 1:52 AM

Hello. Today's a busy day, i guess. Full of excitement. Wow, what a formal start. I really love today. Although its kindda exhausting. Well, i have not updated like for ages. I'm sorry. I have to ask permission from my mom. For project. There's a lot of project coming up. Yeah! I love projects man. Hahah.
Today, Fee called up for a last minute outing. She talked to my mom. My mom agreed. So did my dad. She got three extra tickets to NDP 08 Preview. So she brought me, Fika & sister. Her mom & her two little sisters tagged along. Her brother was performing so he didnt follow us. We walked from Raffles' to Singapore Flyer to get the extra three tickets from Cik Midah. Cik Midah bought Old Chang Kee for each of us. Yeah! Hahah.
Guess what? I love the silat performance. Like so much. Even though Shah's not my brother, i am really happy for him ok! We got this green bag, its effing cute. Me & Fee's planning to use it on Tuesday. Jiwer laa kan. Hahah. Out of the blue, i use malay. I have to start blogging in Malay. I am flopping in that subject. What a nuisance. Tsk.
After the preview, my dad fetched us from esplanade & off we went to Mayuni's cafe. You know, there's this guy, a guitarist there, I super love his voice. He is like so versatile. He can sing rock, acoustic, name it. He can even make rock into acoustic. Cool or what?
Tomorrow, me, sister & Shahirah's going to Mike's to help serve the celebs. OMG kan? Hahah. Mell's bringing us to ETP on Monday. I so cannot wait for that day. Heh. See, i am fully booked. Maklumlah, anak Anizah & Yazid yang jambu. Hahah.
I will try to blog often. But help me, ask my mom for me :DD
Salam Sayang, Illa ♥Labels: a very busy day

Written on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 2:46 AM
hello people, today's horrible. i got into a fight during recess. & almost everyone in the school hear me shout. even i am shocked. i didn't know i was shouting so loudly. everybody looked. but, i was to angry to even bother. boyfee was there to calm me down. gretchen too. thanks.
i appreciate those who support me. & i think they are the 2N1 chinese people. really. ain't joking around. i feel lazy to say whatever i did today. after school, went to macs to eat. then around 2.50pm, we went back to school for malay dance. finished at 5.30+pm. im sorry i didn't call you boyfee. i was having a heavy headache. the dance includes turning around like a spinning top (: but i liked the dance. it was a mixture of the different culture for national day. there was, indian, chinese & malay dance in it. but all performed by the malay dancers. yay us!
really, i've got nothing to say. reached home at 6. less than 5 mins, tutor came. so, theres no rest in between. after that, did homework & fell asleep. wanted to call boyfee but having headahe. as i have mentioned earlier. when i checked my phone, an unknown number called me 8 times, followed by ________. guess. i can't tell. because if i do, there will be misunderstandings.
ade ke u call me sombong? eh hello. u more sombong ok. ahaaa. sorry didnt pick up or reply. was sleeping uh. next time next time.
got four messages. 2 from boyfee. one from singtel. another one from _______. its the same person. i wont tell you the gender, i wont tell u the name. because its all not for you to know. hhes. ok, i think im done. but i have a message for adilah.
adilah, aku bukan nk besarbesarkan hal ni. but the way u react, it makes me fed up. da lame aku simpan & bersabar terhadap kau. tpi, kalau kau continue. i dont think i can stand it anymore. what the hell for? have i ever, in your life, in my life, maki kau? pernah? the most u can say is, stop. or maybe just make a small argument. tdi, aku memang tk berniat nk tengking kau. tapi, aku tanye kau skg. sape yg tinggitinggi kan badan? sape yg step big fcuk? kau kan? serious shit man. i was damn keeping it low, when u start to raise your voice little by little. so, i start the ball rolling uh. since u want it that way. kau ckp, kau tk goyang, tk gerak whatsoever shit laa ehh. abe aku ni takot uh kirekan? da uh. stop it uh. nk masok kan makbapak sume tk perlu uh. bukan aku takot uh. tapi, if u were to report about it, its all u fault. because i have never insulted u before. in fact, aku nk lebih rapat dengan kau so aku boleh tlg kau. think uh before kau marah. kau pikir time tu aku tk marah pe bile kau simbah air? aku marah siol. kau sabar je. aku tau kalau aku mrh, aku spoil the fun. aku play along sia. abe kau? ade? kau ckp je kau basahkan rambot aku je. aku tau laa mane kau simbah. badan aku pee. come on uh, kau da sec 2 siol. same same sec 2. umor same pee? nk step tuk pe kan? gado pon, nak complain. ape lagi? bile kau da besar, kau da kahwin, da ade anak. anak kau buat hal, kau complain mak bapak kau? lau laki kau tengking kau nk complain? irritating sia. ur parents cant be there for u 24/7. why can't u be independent & stand up for yourself? asal mesti, ade problem, cnfm mak bapak kau ade. kalau gitu, aku pon oleh. aku tkkn slow talk sia dgn kau lau memang aku nk pggl makbapak aku. aku tros pggl drg turon sia gitu. so, please ehh. nk marah marah. tpi, ingat. there's a limit to everything. & without u realising it, u have gone across mine.
salam sayang, illa ♥
Labels: another day

Written on Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 11:14 PM
have not been updating for such awhile. & im sorry to make you read a dead blog. hhes. last 2 days, anyone rmbr what day it was? aha. my birthday! yeahh. so, i got a guitar, hair set, the teddy bear i showed you & some other stuffs im gonna get this coming friday. from fee & sister. hhes. idk where to start. tsk. ok, today, school was fine. almost every lesson i sat beside henry. he's a hand full, i tell ya. then, eqeen & fee had a small fight. & i have a message for eqeen.
eqeen, illa bukan nak kurang ajar. but, the truth is better than a lie. i know how you feel. but it was all a joke. a plain joke. no harms, no grudges, nothing. it was an unplanned prank. that name just came out of her mouth. & noura, me & fadhli don't know who's that guy. so, chill. & the sec 2s don't know. trust me. i wont ever betray you. unless you start the ball rolling uh. then, it would be war. hhes. so, this guy. back to him. nobody knows him. & there's a thousand other guys who have the same name as him. so just forget it & dont make the matter big. cause your just making us fed-up with you. on their behalf, i would like to apologise for pranking you. & frankly speaking, you should change that attitude you own. come on man, your a year older. byeee (:
today, sister's crazy. she did crazy laughs, crazy movements, crazy sounds, crazy talks. everything crazy. imagine, an O-level student stressed out. she's a mad monkey! ahaa. yeah sister, im talking. im currently eating an ice-cream. & i miss that chocolate ice-cream like wth? i wont feel like eating unless i get that chocolate ice-cream. weird uh? haha. i want that chocolate ice-cream!!!
i pity hakeem. like a lot. his hp slipped off his hand & the bus actually drove over it. how sad? he called sister & told her. haha. hard to believe aye? today's post, kindda short uh. i really have nothing to say. my minds empty. im out of words. & i miss my primary school bestie, FERRA FERDIANA BTE FERHAT. random uh. meet up soon, babe. love ya'll. & somehow, i feel like singing. nevermind. let me do the singing while the pictures do the talking? goood. & nadhir, specially for you. done ready uh! ahaa. if it rains, means the rain appreciates my voice. haha :DD
oh nevermind. i forgot that i actually haven't uploaded the pics. sorry yaw. im off to watching cinta fitri 2. & i miss MOMC & Shera. love ya'll.
salam sayang, illa ♥
Labels: no labels .

Written on Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 11:02 PM
Yosehyy people. School was a disaster today. I got a headache after recess, which is during history & accidentally slept. When I woke up, its already the next lesson. Which is SFL. Then, I slept again. Mdm Noreen talked about other teachers’ opinions towards our class while I slept. After which, we went to the lab, ITR2. Too much information huh? Ahaa. Continue reading.. then, we had to do this MOE survey about our school. After completing the survey, I went to youtube.com to watch the festari performance our school brought up. Ok laa. For me, not so bad uh. We still got the top 5. Amin. After school, met up with boyfee & kak fee along with her friends. Ashiqin tagged along. & surprisingly, a group of sec 1s gave me some advanced birthday kisses. Ahaa. When home with boyfee after sending ashiqin to bus stop. He sent me till my hse. Then gave me this cute thang, which I really really adore. Thanks by. [: Then, I got changed. I saw baby ‘Aliyah! Omg, I missed her. But she was sleeping. So, I didn’t disturb her. When she woke up, she ran to me with that baby accent. How cute. I love her like a lot. Then, I hugged her & kissed her many many times. She hugged me back & gave me a kiss. Awww. She saw the teddy bear boyfee gave & even she loves it. She wanted to bring it home. But, I loved that thing. Looking at her puppy sad eyes, I gave in & let her borrow it awhile. She actually played with it. She made my teddy into a baby (: cute.  I switched on the computer & signed in. Chatted with boyfee then along came my mr ex, hakeem. U remember him? I think you do. Tell you what, he’s still part of me. & im still part of him. In a friend-friend way, I guess. He asked me why I ignored him. & I told him everything. It was like a debate. But hejust kept quiet. He said I won. Haa. Then, we had this very small argument. & this is what he said. Music is like a world, almighty is the word. I hate to tell lies, but soul creates a life. Breathing pumps blood, energy moves like flood Heart consist of emotions & feelings are mainly affections. Illusion is only a lie, emotions is where love lies & here is where I place my feelings for you Now you know how empty my life would be without you, illa I have nothing else to say but please don’t ignore me If u still persist then idk what to do At least, a reply? I didn't reply but i hope he would read it here instead.
I cried for awhile then wept my tears. This is not what I expected. What should I do? Where should I go? Im confused & its driving me crazy. You are my past, maybe my last. But lets just see what fate brings us through. My heart belongs to someone & I shouldn’t play with it. Cause a heart, is not a toy. You should at least take care of it. Im sorry I had to ignore you. But I have my reasons too. Psst; birthday tmr. Whoo! My birthday. {: ahaa. im off to watching cinta fitri 2.
Salam Sayang, Illa ♥ Labels: done

Written on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 4:37 PM
hello. i came back home around 2.45 PM. & 3.59PM i decided to blog. hahs. k, lame. hello people. school was fine today. ashaari got his new shoes on tuesday just like i promised. hahs.
i found out the surprise amee wanted to give. it was a heart-shaped bracelet from nadhir. awwww. that was a sweet thang amee. but it was meant for you. right? not for me anymore. i love u laa oi! haha.
ystd, people thought i was crazy because i cried. like so suddenly. i was staring at the blank air. holding the heart-shaped bracelet in my hands. & without even realising, with that bracelet in my hand, i covered my whole face & cried. i gave u the clues. so, go figure the story yourself. omg, why is this happening?
last saturday was the big day. the fiestari. we won the 5th place. thats all. that day was really a competition. ami got sick, amy got rashes, kak ira got stomach ache. whoa. hah. but we still managed to get thru the whole thing.
& today itself, i found out ___________ liked me. & clever. he told ALL his friends. tmr's gonna be so havoc! haha. _________ admire illa - that would be kak mell. haishh. currently chatting with bradley, my Eurasian scandal. amcm? haha. sweet of him. & nadhir. yep.
psst; my birthday on the 25th! haha. illa illa. & to kakak, u know what i mean.
salam sayang, illa ♥Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

Written on Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 3:41 PM
yosehyy people. guess what? i got back home early today. & frankly speaking i miss him & nadhir. i know i know. seriously i miss them ok. although i have nothing to do with them anymore. how saaad. whatever, its still my fault. maybe. hah. amirah told me about nadhir. hope he's doing well uh. as for amirah, whats wrong with her? so happy suddenly. she said she's giving me a surprise tomorrow. & i am so curious + scared. what is it?
tomorrow's gonna be the last dance training for fiestari competition. & i am super scared. what if my mom still dont allow me to go? & what if i can go, but i make a mistake during the dance? i am so super scared. oh, btw, for those who wants to support me or east spring sec malay dancers, feel free to tag me or call me if u have my number. because i need to confirm who wants to go. and for shera, u can purchase the ticket(s) from me. just give me a call & tell me how many people. btw, its $5 per ticket. omg, now i realise that my hand is shaking like nobody's business. that's how nervous i am.
there's one day, when i was sleeping. i actually danced! omg, sleep dancing. scaryy. sister told me that. even my mom said it. that shows how semangat i am. or should i say, confident. but i am not! i think. tomorrow going uncle mike's place again. MOMC, here i come. heheh. ok laaa. i wanna do my history debate. so byee ehh. wish me leg.
love you people. salam sayang, illa ♥Labels: yeaa

Written on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 5:53 PM
chatted with noura. here's our convo.
NOURA says: u really think we aint cut out to be best friends anymore?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: im not sure. yourelf?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: yourself*
NOURA says: im nt sure too
NOURA says: look.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: yeah?
NOURA says: this aint working out.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i cn see that.
NOURA says: i cant tell u anything anymore
NOURA says: and u dnt seem like u can to me
NOURA says: its like, we dnt spend anytime with each other nymore
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i think its best if we mind our own business.
NOURA says: ok this sounds so mataer
NOURA says: but im serious
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: now, some people really think that i am a gangster. main baju. waliao.
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: i know, this is a relationship what! friend friend nye laa.
NOURA says: ya laa.
NOURA says: can we just be friens
NOURA says: ?
ѓllα™ http://itends-withadot.blogspot.com says: like obviously sangat kan?
i'll miss you, bestfriend. those fun times & hard time, its unforgettable. we're just aint working out. sorry girl.Labels: yeaa

5:43 PM
 you know. people said, your true love will remain a secret. how long can it be kept? a thousand years? or when its about time? i think its none. have you ever heard of the song soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield? isn't it meaningful? i know, at this age its not really the time to think about love. but it always comes to my mind unconsciously. & in a blink, i would be wondering why i asked myself that. everytime someone will say, "do you know, whenever your thinking of someone, that someone thinks of you too?" & that makes me more curious. can i know my true love now? then, i am active in indonesian channels like SCTV. i love sinetrons. Cinta Fitri is one of them. & so, although its just episode by episode. it teaches me a lot about love. it makes a person think twice before scandaling. it is a very nice show. it teaches u to be faithful & strong. it shows u what a person will feel being one-sided. it teaches u that doesn't mean u are married to one, that is your true love. it might be your fate. it may turn the opposite & your true love can possibly be your own friend. or even someone u just met for a few days. see, impossible is nothing. nothing is impossible. everything is possible. so yeahh! even age dont matter. & you know what? i still love my ex. i feel awkward cause i suddenly talk about love. hah. random laaa. not because im in love or something. so yeah. hope you enjoy this boring talk of mine. hah.Labels: luuuurve is a many trousered thing

5:02 PM
 yosehyyy. guess what? i buying for ari shoe. haha. no laaa. serious shit man, my mood all gone seyyy. this nenek uh, one day tk gado tk sah tau. tsk. i really geram gile siia. tk perlu main kepale pe siia. nk, ckp je uh. kepale sume tk perlu siia. aku fed up baru tau. kalau ikot kan hati da memang shoot je sume. thanks to ami laaa ehh. ily man. serious shit siia.
you seee. no more at least good english. all singlish. it means im super mad about this. tsk. actually wanted to blog bout fun stuffs. but someone just had to spoil my day. i mean, its my voice. whatever i wanna do with it, let it be laa sial. tk perlu tengking pe. so what if i dont want to sing my voice out? is there a law? no kan?
enough bout that. i think i'll just end it here. no mood to upload the pics. sorry people. my blog is where i get all fcuked up. so yeahh. dont ever think im venting it on you.
Labels: shithole

Written on Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 1:52 PM

Yosehyyy people. guess what? i went home at 3am yesterday. was at mayuni omar's music cafe, "jamming". Maklumlah, soon to be uncle mahh. Uncle Mike was super friendly. We sang and sang and sang. Dayang Nurfaizah came. It was a surprise advanced birthday party. Andandand! Naza, i love you. Hahah. My new boyfriend.
Me, Shahira & kakak, sang for her. Best kan? First public performance in front of paparazzi & celebs already. Hello, fyi, i never sing in public. As in, audience etc etc. Dayang is like a friend of ours, she laughs with us, talks to us & do what bestfriends do.
If this ceremony, i can already make friends with celebs, then how bout Uncle Mike & Cik Iba's wedding? Its gonna be super fun. U see, not all artists are impossible to befriend with. Revalina was there too. Haha. Not all celebs are arrogant. & i am so proud of mysel. I sang! Haha.
Hatiku Dihantui Bayanganmu
Sejak Kita Mula Bertemu ~
Shahira wants to do an album. She wants to make a group with me & kakak. Its like so easy for us to become one, Mayuni Omar's her abang ipar & our soon to be uncle. We can just ask him for a vocal training & poof, there goes an album. haha. bobal confident siak illa. Insya Allah. Kalau ade rezeki. Heheh. There goes my alim side.
The pictures will do the talking later laa kay?
Salam Sayang,
Illa ♥ Labels: Mike's

Written on Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 1:52 AM

Hello. Today's a busy day, i guess. Full of excitement. Wow, what a formal start. I really love today. Although its kindda exhausting. Well, i have not updated like for ages. I'm sorry. I have to ask permission from my mom. For project. There's a lot of project coming up. Yeah! I love projects man. Hahah.
Today, Fee called up for a last minute outing. She talked to my mom. My mom agreed. So did my dad. She got three extra tickets to NDP 08 Preview. So she brought me, Fika & sister. Her mom & her two little sisters tagged along. Her brother was performing so he didnt follow us. We walked from Raffles' to Singapore Flyer to get the extra three tickets from Cik Midah. Cik Midah bought Old Chang Kee for each of us. Yeah! Hahah.
Guess what? I love the silat performance. Like so much. Even though Shah's not my brother, i am really happy for him ok! We got this green bag, its effing cute. Me & Fee's planning to use it on Tuesday. Jiwer laa kan. Hahah. Out of the blue, i use malay. I have to start blogging in Malay. I am flopping in that subject. What a nuisance. Tsk.
After the preview, my dad fetched us from esplanade & off we went to Mayuni's cafe. You know, there's this guy, a guitarist there, I super love his voice. He is like so versatile. He can sing rock, acoustic, name it. He can even make rock into acoustic. Cool or what?
Tomorrow, me, sister & Shahirah's going to Mike's to help serve the celebs. OMG kan? Hahah. Mell's bringing us to ETP on Monday. I so cannot wait for that day. Heh. See, i am fully booked. Maklumlah, anak Anizah & Yazid yang jambu. Hahah.
I will try to blog often. But help me, ask my mom for me :DD
Salam Sayang, Illa ♥Labels: a very busy day

In random order.
Hello human beings. My name is Illa Syakilah and I am not a terrorist.
Hehe. I can't seem to get over that quote since I watched the movie "My name is Khan."
I am coming sixteen this July 25 and I'm seriously not excited.
I'll be sitting for my GCE N Levels this year, and hopefully (very little chance, though) I'll qualify for Sec 5.
Maybe for now, you'll have fun teasing me but keep in mind that everyone has limits. And don't ever think of going over mine.
I am single and I don't wish to be unavailable because I believe that love comes naturally when it's the right time.
Honestly, since the last time I ever got into a relationship, I realised that I'm kinda lethargic when it comes to love but whatever.
The right one will fall not only for my perfection but also my flaws, right? Yeah :D
My interest lies in Performing Arts. I have been dancing for close to 10 years and damn it, I want to learn more!
When I'm feeling down or high, this is basically what I'd do. Just that when I'm down, I don't do it in public.
I dance for Purbanira Seni (my school Malay Dance troupe) and Sri Warisan Som Said Performing Arts Ltd.
I'm not a professional YET. But one day, I'll be an awesome one. Yes ah! I have yet to cover contemporary and such. Heh.
I get dance routines from boredom or imagination. I'd literally think of steps in my head and when I'm done, I'd work it out with my body.
Sometimes, I'd dance randomly and I'll get steps. Basically, I love everything that has got to do with Performing Arts.
I miss Indian dancing when I was in Kindergarten. Oh, that makes it 11 years of dancing! Hehe.

I'm not shy to say that my favorite place that has ever existed is.. my bed. I'm not the only one right?
I love to hang out but this year, I kinda find it hard to even make time for my friends! I love Glee. It's so cool.
My favorite boyfriend is Percy Jackson AKA Logan Lerman. Yes! I love him. Haha. Justin Bieber, his voice makes me melt.
Megan Fox, Beyonce, Kara Dioguardi, Kelly Clarkson, Nicole Scherzinger, Jojo, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Jessica Alba & more. These are the people who never fail to make me love them.
Thank you for bothering to read, if you actually did, that is.
Here I am
i promise.
I feel like our world's been infected.
Quick Update ♥
It was almost perfect ):
You still are. And I still am.
Let's just hope he'd read this.
Yes, that's true.
I am very exhausted
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